God of Destruction

Chapter 4356: Betrayal

Chapter 4362 Betrayal

This is a life and death duel, which is true for anyone. No matter how many calculations and arrangements there are, the nature of the life and death battle cannot be changed in the end. Whether the ancient giants or the time gods and demons move, they will eventually have to go. In a life-and-death duel, no matter how these ancient giants hide their strength, they will eventually face the time gods and demons. They must face the battle of life and death. At this time, they ignore the life and death of other people. After those people die, they will also Losing the room for reversal, it is difficult for them to determine whether they are right or wrong to preserve their strength. After all, the environment they are in is a battle of life and death!

To seize opportunities from the time gods and demons, the idea is very good, and it may not be realized. This is a big problem. For such calculations, the King of End is not optimistic. In the eyes of the King of End, there is a qualitative gap between them. The irreparable gap, even everything in the plan of the ancient giants may be in the calculations of the time gods and devils, and they are all part of the time gods and devil plans!

This battle is not something that the King of End can influence, nor can it be manipulated. For him, he can only hide quietly in the dark, and only quietly hide in the body of the Chaos Behemoth. It’s the best choice. When the two sides decide to be born and die, and when the final moment comes, everything will be known. No matter what the enemy’s thoughts or conspiracies have, they have to be revealed, as long as these people still have that in their hearts. Crazy greed will inevitably expose everything.

Of course, the King of the End is not absolutely safe. After all, he does not fully understand the time gods and demons, the will of the Chaos Sea, and the King of the End, and does not know what decisions the other party will make. What kind of calculation, if the Chaos Sea will kill the Chaos Giants before the arrival of the final chronicle, and swallow the origins of all fallen creatures in the battlefield, even the flesh and blood, the King of End will inevitably expose his own To exist, it must face the strangulation of the will of Chaos Sea, the hatred of those ancient giants, and even the joint strangulation of both of them.

Although the ancient giants and the time gods and demons are mortal enemies, but in the face of interests, mortal enemies will also cooperate, especially the existence of the King of End, that is they must be more cautious, and jointly strangulate the King of End to complete the clearing. It's not difficult or impossible. As long as it benefits both of them, they will do it all!

This battle of life and death, the more cruel and fierce it is at the end, because for all the strong people who survive, they have a thought in their hearts that is detachment, that is, survival, and the life and death of other people. I don’t care. Even the ancient giants who have been hiding their power are the same. Don’t look at them on the surface and work together, but in fact they all have their own minds and calculations. The life and death of other people is not worth it to them. Mention.

These ancient giants really don't know how much benefit they will bring to themselves if they save the strong of this era, will make their situation change, and even be able to take a little advantage in this life and death duel? No, they know, they understand, whether they just know or understand, they can’t resist the temptation of interest. No one is willing to make wedding dresses for others. No one is willing to sacrifice their own interests to perfect others. They all want to be Occupying the upper hand in this life-and-death duel, taking the initiative, so naturally there are different ideas and calculations, and there is an ending like this.

Even if it’s not good for you, it’s not good for everyone at the same time. Everyone is still on the same starting line, and they all have to bear the same pressure, although this may give the time gods a chance to strengthen themselves and let themselves The situation has become more dangerous, but compared to having to make sacrifices by yourself and let others get cheaper, this is the best result. This is human nature, this is the human heart, and this is everyone’s selfishness. Thoughts.

People are not for themselves, the heavens are destroyed! In the face of absolute interests, no one can resist, and no one can withstand the temptation of such interests. Just like this, these ancient giants directly ignored the lives and deaths of other people and allowed them to be commanded by the Chaos Sea Will. The Chaos Giants army was wiped out little by little, and crushed to death little by little.

Although under the desperate impact of the human giants and the god-eater mother emperor, everyone joined together, but although they joined, the danger was not relieved. On the contrary, the danger of everyone became greater and the pressure that everyone had to face was also greater. Even worse, after the confluence of these people, the will of Chaos Sea was strangling with all strength. The giants before had room for maneuver and room for dodge, but now they have lost all of this, they are suffering a more terrible impact. And pressure.

Selfishness, in the final analysis, is still selfishness, even if the human giants and the god-eater mother are willing to sincerely help these giants and are willing to cooperate with them, but these giants cannot sincerely cooperate with the human giants and the god-eater mother , They just wanted to use the help of the human giants and the God Eater Mother Queen to get themselves out of this crisis. They never thought of joining forces with the human race giants and the God Eater Mother Queen to strangle these chaotic giants, and Make this final battle!

Yes, these people flinched and feared. They left a terrible shadow in their hearts, which made them selfish and made them more cruel and sinister like those ancient giants. They tried to use the human giants and devourers. The power of the **** insect mother emperor made herself retreat from this desperate situation and freed herself from the immediate crisis. As for what other people would end up with, what dangers would be, this was not in their consideration, as long as they were It's enough to live by yourself!

auzw.com The war has never been without sacrifice, and for those who have already lost their courage in the confrontation with the Chaos Giants, seeing the human giants and the god-eater mother emperor station When they came out to help, they instinctively wanted to let the clan giants and the God-Eater Mother Empress protect themselves from the disaster, so that they could escape from this terrible war. As for whether this was too selfish and insidious, it was not at all. In their consideration, as long as they are alive, it is enough for them!

Working together, uniting and cooperating, this is just a joke. In the world of practice, this does not exist at all. The giants of the human race cooperate with the God-Eater Mother Queen because they have had contact with each other and have understood each other. And in this dangerous environment, they had to cooperate to protect themselves, but for other giants, when the original mortal heart was broken, they had not only resentment, but also terrible selfishness and madness. Life-saving idea.

Fleeing, fleeing from this decisive battle, this is the thoughts in the minds of those giants, this is their thoughts. When the human giants and the god-eater mother emperor arrive, they see hope and opportunities. Thinking of not cooperating, but fleeing, using people like the human giants and the god-eater mother emperor to protect themselves from disasters!

It’s a pity that the human giants and the god-eater mother emperor did not think of this, nor did they think that the companions they faced had already scared their courage. They were no longer the fearless death giants before, and their courage was already in the chaos. The giant beast's confrontation was wiped out bit by bit. At this time, all they had in their hearts was fear, only the thought of running away.

When the human giants and the God Eater Mother Emperor worked together to block the impact of the Chaos Giants for these people, and gave them a chance to breathe, they were not thanked, but betrayed, and did not wait for the human giants and the God Eater The mother emperor reacted, and did not wait for these giants to regain their strength in the first battle. They took advantage of the negligence of the human giants and the god-eater mother emperor. These already scared giants instantly rushed out of the chaos behemoth. Surrounded and rushed into the distance.

"Damn, these **** betrayed us, they dare to use us as the dead ghosts, let us protect them from disaster!" As the scared giants ran away, the God Eater Mother couldn’t help the anger in her heart roaring loudly. So, if the sound can kill people, these frightening giants have been destroyed by the killing intent in the heart of the God Eater Mother!

"Oh, we were careless, we were too self-righteous. We all ferry people on our own, forgetting that this is a time of life and death, forgetting our own choices before, and being negligently calculated by these bastards. , It's ridiculous!" Seeing such a dangerous situation right now, the Virtual Lord couldn't help but sighed slightly, his eyes revealed a trace of loss! It feels uncomfortable to be betrayed, especially under the current situation, the impact on the virtual master is even greater. It's just that, in this situation, the virtual master can't be too excited and can't make people upset. If their people's heart is upset because of these people's betrayal, there is really no life at all.

After venting a little bit of dissatisfaction in his heart, he took a deep breath in the virtual to calm himself down, and then said in a deep voice: "Well, don't care about the choices of these ignorant people, although they betrayed us, Use us as a shield to withstand the impact of the Chaos Behemoth and escape by themselves, but they will only make themselves die faster. Why did we choose to cooperate with these **** before, not just for self-protection, or because Have we been targeted by the will of Chaos Sea? It is no longer us but the ignorant **** who are being targeted. They think they are plotting against us and use us as a shield, but they don’t know that this ignorant act is not only harmless Instead of giving us relief."

When they heard the words of the Virtual Lord, everyone was startled, and then all their faces showed a hint of surprise. Yes, when they felt it carefully, they found that their pressure was indeed much less. The pressure of Chaos Sea Will's attention dissipated, and the betrayal of those **** did not increase their pressure.

For a moment, the God-Eater Mother Queen nodded and smiled: "Hahaha! It's really interesting, those **** never thought that their calculations not only failed to get out of the crisis, but instead plunged themselves into a greater crisis. With them to help us attract the attention of Chaos Sea Will, perhaps we can persist until the end. No matter what conspiracy and tricks the ancient giants have, they must face Chaos Sea Will and this life-and-death duel, as long as the time gods and demons wake up. At times, they will inevitably have to bear greater pressure, and at that time they can’t help but feel so relaxed. They will suffer the greatest crisis!

"Yeah, as long as we persevere, there will be hope. Those betrayed **** are looking for death on their own. As the former fellow Xingtian Taoist said, escape cannot escape. This is a life and death we have to face. In the decisive battle, although I don’t know why Daoist Xingtian suddenly went mad and wanted to destroy himself, I believe he must have his own reasons for doing so. Perhaps he really has to see through the secrets of the island of the gods and see the secrets of the origin. That's why he will attack at all costs, but unfortunately he still failed, but even though he failed, he has dealt a fatal blow to the time **** and demon, and caused the time **** and demon to be hit hard. Maybe this is our opportunity, if those **** ancient giants Being able to attract all the power, we may be able to attack the islands of the gods, the land of origin, be able to seize the gleam of vitality, and be able to achieve our wishes while striving to survive!"

When talking about this, the virtual lord could not help but sighed again. Strength, for them, they urgently need strength. Their current strength is not enough. They had long known that Xingtian could give the time **** and demon a fatal blow. You should not give up, you should join forces with Xing Tian. Perhaps the power of everyone can seize that gleam of life, but now that Xing Tian is dead, this opportunity has been missed. This makes the virtual master's heart extremely lost, but there is no way. .

It sounds good to live from the dead, but it is very difficult to do so. Xingtian can easily hit the islands of the gods. It is because of the contempt of the time gods, but they are somewhat powerless to hit the islands of the gods, at least for now The virtual lord has no such confidence unless there is a chance, and this opportunity is not controlled by these people, but depends on those **** ancient giants, those cold-blooded bastards, but whether there will be results, this is still Is unknown.

This is the result of lack of strength. This is the result of not seizing the opportunity. Although there is endless regret in his heart, the virtual master dare not show it. That will only affect everyone's mood and make the situation change. Out of control will only make everyone fall into a greater crisis, into a more terrible despair! If the desperate thoughts intensify, it must be the end of collapse for them!

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