God of Destruction

Chapter 4357: Death comes

Chapter 4363: Death is Coming

Power is eternal and the root of everything. It’s just that the human giants or the God-Eater Mother Queen do not have this power. All they can do is wait. Waiting is their only choice, but they believe in those betrayals. They will pay a heavy price for their ignorance. The price is their lives. For Chaos Sea Will, whoever wants to escape will be the first to be cleansed. The God-Eater Mother Empress, and now replaced by these stupid and ignorant betrayers, waiting for them will be death, death and soul dispersal!

"Look, it won’t be long before the stupid and ignorant **** will know how stupid they are, and the **** ancient giants will understand how ignorant their decisions are. They will all pay for their actions. No one can escape. !" The Mother Emperor God Devourer said fiercely, with endless killing intent and madness in his eyes. If the current situation is not very dangerous, he has the heart to do it himself and teach those **** **** a deep lesson. Of course, this is just thinking. Just thinking, let him do this, he is afraid that he does not have the courage, and the power, he is not stupid enough to kill himself!

"Time, time is the biggest problem for us. If we have enough time, we may be able to persist until the crisis breaks out, and we can wait until the decisive battle arrives. As long as the decisive battle begins, we have the opportunity to get out, even There is a chance to seize the last vitality, for us now the most lacking is time!"

"Maybe we should find a way to help the time **** and demon, so that this **** can wake up quickly, as long as he wakes up, those **** ancient giants will not be so leisurely, we don't have to bear such a lot of pressure, then chaos Even if Sea Will cleans the group of betrayers, he will no longer look at us, but on the **** group of ancient giants. In comparison, they are much more dangerous than us, and we still can’t threaten them. The safety of Chaos Sea!"

When the words of the Mother Devourer Mother Queen fell, everyone was shocked by this crazy idea. It was so crazy, so crazy that everyone could not believe it, but Mother Mother Devourer Mother Queen said it. , And you have to take action, but this idea is indeed valuable and worth trying. Even if it fails, it’s not a big deal. At most, it just wastes a little time and energy, and wastes a little bit of strength. It won’t do anything to yourself. Harm, as to whether it will attract the hostility of those **** ancient giants, this is not in everyone's consideration, because those **** are not worthy of everyone's attention!

"Okay, let's do this. If we want to make the Time God and Demon wake up quickly, we have only one way, which is to wake him up with external forces. Now the defenses of the Gods Island are fully opened. That is the instinctive self-defense reaction of Time God and Demon. If we A vigorous attack on the islands of the gods will surely make the time gods and demons wake up from their deep sleep, and will surely allow him to see the dangers of the current situation, and will make him focus on the **** ancient giants, as long as he wakes up, even There is no need to react, the ancient giants will instinctively fight back, after all, the sobriety of the time gods and demons is a huge threat to them!"

Although the idea of ​​the God Eater Mother Queen is crazy, the virtual lord, the human giant leader, accepted this crazy suggestion and made a good arrangement. As long as you do this, I believe that there will be good results. People like myself must be able to temporarily escape from this crisis and temporarily avoid this terrible danger!

action! Time waits for no one. In this catastrophe, in this crazy life-and-death duel, they don’t have much time to waste. If they don’t hurry to complete everything, they will inevitably have a dead end. A little bit intensifies the battle between the time gods and demons and the ancient giants, and you will be more safe. In the face of life and death, no one is willing to waste their precious time and energy, and no one is willing to face death with their own lives.

Soon, under the temptation and threat of interest and death, the human giants and the god-eater mother emperor moved quickly. They were divided into two waves of people, and one wave of people went all out to resist the chaos behemoth's hedge, and strive for enough for everyone. Time, and another wave of people went all out to attack the defenses of the islands of the gods, shocking the time gods and demons from their deep sleep, and let everything erupt!

Just when the human giants and the god-eater mother emperor were madmen making a decision, the ancient giants instantly felt threatened in their souls, and their hearts were warning them frantically, making these ancient giants change their faces one by one. Looking at each other, in their hearts they thought that some of their companions wanted to calculate themselves, but when they saw the vigilant gaze in the eyes of other people, these ancient giants instantly understood that the spiritual warning was not for their companions, but Another source!

"Damn it, how could this happen? Could it be that there are external forces calculating us, but in this situation, what kind of force will dare to calculate us? That group of stupid ants have fallen into desperation, and the time gods and demons have been The lunatic of was beaten into a deep sleep. The only thing that can threaten us is the will of Chaos Sea, but it has gone to hunt down those ignorant betrayers, and there is no power to threaten our safety!"

"No, maybe we are thinking wrong. The spiritual warning is not just superficial. Don’t forget that it’s the moment of life and death. We are delaying time. Who knows that the will of Chaos Sea is not delaying time. If it really has to Clearing the field, do you think that group of stupid and ignorant ants will persist until now? Maybe we are wrong. The power of the will of Chaos Sea is not as simple as imagined. We must be careful to guard against its sneak attacks and be caught off guard!"

"You mean everything before is just the deceit of the will of Chaos Sea, it is its conspiracy, just to lower our attention, so that we only think it is going to hunt down those stupid betrayers, those ignorant ants, And its real calculation is a sneak attack on us, using sneak attacks to strangle us people?"


"Yes, that's the case, and only this one explanation can make sense why it takes so much time to hunt down a group of ignorant ants with the strength of Chaos Sea Will, so that the group of ants will escape from its hands, because everything They are all just to calculate us, in order to successfully attack us, we are the goal of the will of Chaos Sea, and this can indirectly explain why the Karma and Destiny have not come up with their own assassins now, and they are not fighting with us!"

"It makes sense, it does make sense. If all of this is true, if we are not prepared, someone who is accidentally really killed by the will of Chaos Sea will be caught off guard, and will fall into a crisis of death, but now we know all this. , The result is different. We can conversely calculate the Will of Chaos Sea and let it know how powerful we are. The madman before can severely injure the Will of Time. We also have the ability to severely injure the Will of Chaos. This is a life and death duel. If you want to attack with all your strength, you must succeed with a single blow. This time, no one should save their strength. They must teach Chaos Sea Will a profound lesson!

A group of ancient giants think they are smart and they see everything, but they don’t know that they think too much, and they think wrong. The real threat is not the will of Chaos Sea, but the ants they look down on. The time gods and demons in the islands of the gods, in such a big battle, a wrong decision will bring them devastating disasters!

For a while, these ancient giants frantically blessed themselves with all kinds of power, prepared all kinds of defenses and preparations, and their assassins were quickly condensing in secret, waiting for the arrival of the last moment, waiting for the will of Chaos Sea to sneak attack. A fatal blow to the will of Chaos Sea. They believe that if they can combine the power of everyone, they may be able to really kill the Will of Chaos Sea. If they can kill the Will of Chaos Sea, perhaps these ancient giants can seize the master of the world of Chaos Sea. Position, able to master the power of the origin of the entire Chaos Sea world, and able to break this terrible crisis right now.

The idea is good, but the reality is cruel and merciless. They don’t know that the choice they made is wrong. The crisis does not come from the will of Chaos Sea, but from the islands of the gods, more precisely from the time gods and demons. The preparations and calculations of the mad people like the human giants and the god-eater mother emperor are just a joke, a ridiculous joke.

"Are you ready to act? Are you ready? This is not a trivial matter. Once we make a move, there is only one opportunity. If we miss it, there will be no more. And once we fail, we will inevitably endure the anger from all parties. Ten deaths and no life!" When he was ready, the God Devouring Mother Queen asked the giants of the human race. In this matter, he had to be cautious and had to make all preparations for fear of a little bit. Mistakes will make you into a desperate situation!

"Don't worry, we are not fools. We understand the importance of this matter. We will never take action without absolute certainty. Wait a while. For such an important matter, at least be careful and then careful. You cannot check it once. Check it at least three times. You and I can act without error. You and I know the importance of this action, and we can’t make any mistakes!” At this moment, the Virtual Lord said to the God-Eating Mother Empress solemnly, his eyes flashing calm and crazy. look.

Yes, this is really not a trivial matter. No matter how careful you are, you can’t think that one or two inspections are not enough, but three times are enough. If you can, the virtual master hopes to do ten inspections, but unfortunately they don’t have so many. The time can be wasted. If the delay is too long, things may happen unexpectedly, new changes will appear, and previous calculations will be lost. Under such pressure, the virtual master has to do only three inspections. Three times is the lowest standard, and no lower standard will work.

Hearing these words from the Virtual Lord, the Mother God Devouring Insect Empress lightly nodded, and then heaved a sigh of relief, but the look on her face was still solemn. This was indeed not a trivial matter. He could understand the choice of the Virtual Lord. I also understand the main pressure on the virtual world. You must know that the key to this action is the giants of the human race. They are the protagonists of this action. If the giants of the human race have problems, the consequences will be unimaginable. I can only endure any thoughts in my heart. The dominant power is not in my own body, but in the virtual master, in the giants of the human race.

I saw that the Mother God Devouring Insect Mother sighed softly: "I hope everything goes well and everything can be a complete success. As long as we successfully awaken the Time God and Demon, everything is possible. If we fail, we will inevitably endure a terrible backlash. It must be a dead end! No one wants to accept such a result, so I hope everyone can be cautious and cautious!"

Time passed in a blink of an eye. After the human giants checked three times to make sure they were correct, they all nodded to the virtual master and said that they could act. At this moment, the virtual master and the god-eating worm mother also made a comprehensive Prepare. For this battle, everyone has made all the preparations. The Terran giants are divided into two groups, each of which is gathering the strength of the battle formation, making the final preparations, accumulating strength, and a terrible killing intent is crazy on them. The ground is condensed, under the heavy pressure, everyone's expressions are extremely solemn, they are all under great spiritual pressure, and are under pressure from the outside world.

"Take action, all ten directions will be annihilated, and the world will be condensed, and time and space will be strangled!" With a deep cry from the Virtual Lord, the group of human giants who were attacking took action and launched under the guidance of the Virtual Lord With a full blow to the Gods Island, under the origin of the world condensed by everyone, this attack instantly tore the void and directly fell heavily on the defenses of the Gods Island. That terrible attack made the entire gods The island is trembling, and the terrible attack makes the world of Chaos Sea tremble!

"Damn, those **** ants dare to attack the island of the gods, what do they want to do?" When they saw the human giant and saw the deadly blow from the Ten Fang Ji Annihil, the ancient giant who was preparing was instantly dumbfounded Everyone was shocked, and apart from the shock, they were endless anger, because this blow broke their plan, this blow made them see the threat of death, and made them instantly understand the previous What's your spiritual warning.

"Assholes, this group of ignorant and stupid **** dare to hit the island of the gods, don't they know what the consequences will be and what kind of disaster it will cause? This will make death come early!" In the hearts of the ancient giants, they just thought that the human giants and the God-Eater Mother Queen wanted to seize the secrets in the island of the gods, and there was no other conspiracy!

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