God of Destruction

Chapter 4358: Natural disasters come

Chapter 4364: Natural Disasters Coming

"To stop these **** ants, you can't wake them up to the time gods and demons, or else it will be unimaginable!" An ancient gods and demons saw the crisis clearly and yelled frantically, wanting to join the gods and demons to stop them and not let the time gods and demons Was awakened, but it was too late. When that blow was blasted out, the entire world was in turmoil. Although the Time God and Demon was protected by a large array of restrictions on the islands of the gods, they would still be affected by shocks. , Not to mention that he himself was severely injured by the previous world clone, and his soul has been damaged. At this time, he will be awakened by the power of this blow!

"It's too late, it's too late. The group of ants has already calculated everything. They have planned everything a long time ago. We were all deceived by this group of **** ants. Damn ants treated it as one thing, but when they became cruel, they gave us a fatal blow, directly hitting our weakness!"

As the ancient gods and demons, they are naturally not stupid. When they wake up, they can see everything in front of them, and they can understand that the momentary negligence of these people has given the human giant beasts and the god-eater mother a chance, so that they can directly fight. Caught off guard.

"Be prepared for the worst. We were all wrong before, and it was a big mistake. The Will of Chaos Sea is not our greatest enemy. Our greatest enemy is the **** group of ants. It's a pity that we don't have them now. The way, we need to face the gods of time, the gods of destiny, and the joint strangulation of the gods of cause and effect. If one step is wrong, the step is wrong. If we miss the first opportunity, we can only fight hard, and only pay with all our strength, otherwise Only destruction awaits us!"

"No, it's impossible. You're exaggerating. Although we missed the opportunity for a while, but the matter is not so serious, we still have a chance and can regain it. As long as we are willing to make a little sacrifice, everything is It can be restored!" There are some ancient gods and demons who are still unwilling to fail, but still want to struggle, not willing to accept failure like this!

"What's impossible, defeat is defeated. We must have the courage to face it. If we don’t even have the courage to face failure, we really have no chance. Put away your ridiculous face and don’t play with anything. Means, no fools can stand here, they can see everything clearly, don't engage in those tricks, we will not be teased by you!"

Calculate, some of these ancient gods and demons deliberately wanted to take this opportunity to calculate other people, and wanted to take the knife to kill people, but it was a pity that his plan was directly dismantled by others before it was carried out. This is the human heart and this is greedy. Power, although these ancient gods and demons seem to have a very good relationship with each other, in fact they all have their own calculations, plans and conspiracies. It can be said that they are just a mess, at least still like this.

"Yes, defeat is defeat. There is nothing unacceptable or unacceptable. Failure is not a big deal. We have not reached the end of the mountains and rivers, nor the moment of despair. We need to do this ridiculous struggle! "

"Anyway, we misunderstood this time. We were too self-righteous and too arrogant, so that there was such a change that made things beyond our grasp, and this failure is also a good thing for us, at least let We wake up and no longer be arrogant. Now it’s time for us to fight to the death with the gods of time, the gods of destiny, the gods of cause and effect, and the will of Chaos Sea, and seize the last chance, no matter how much the calculations of those ants have on us. In the end, we all have to face this life-and-death duel. Since everything is advanced, we have nothing to fear, war!"

"War! At this point, we have no choice. Even the ants know that the opportunity lies in the island of the gods. In the land of origin, we have no reason to shrink. Before, we wanted to use those ignorant and stupid ants to clear the way for us. , Consuming the origin of the will of the Chaos Sea, now is the time for us to do it ourselves. Everyone will use the most powerful force to take this opportunity to tear apart the defenses of the islands of the gods, enter the place of origin, and fight the time gods and demons. , To solve this catastrophe with the most overbearing method!"

Crazy, this suggestion is really crazy. It directly tore through the defenses of the islands of the gods and went directly to the place of origin. The idea is good, but it is not an easy thing to do. They have to face more than just There are defensive restrictions outside the island of the gods, as well as giant chaotic beasts, karma and destiny. If you want to rush into the land of origin, you must first solve these forces!

"Well, since we have already smashed the grass and startled the snake, everything has been out of control. It is better to win in the chaos and kill the other side by surprise. It is all of us. No one, no force can stop us from moving forward. Time waits for no one, leaving us. Time is running out, everyone will either work together to enter the land of origin, or fight separately, and finally face death and face failure!"

"Hmph, why should I hesitate at this time? Let's do our best to rush into the land of origin. Only by rushing into the land of origin can we have the hope of victory and the hope of detachment. If we even enter the land of origin, No, the so-called detachment is just a joke. At this time, we can only hope for success if we work together!"

auzw.com An ancient giant is expressing his position. Among these ancient giants, they all have their own calculations. Faced with the current bad situation, they have to unite. They all understand this time. If you can't be arrogant, and want to fight for the first line of life to seize the opportunity of detachment, you can only unite and enter the land of origin. If you can't even enter the land of origin, what detachment can be talked about!

"Well, we work together to enter the place of origin, enter the place of origin, each seize the opportunity by luck, kill!" Soon, these ancient giants reached an agreement, at this time no one will do tricks, no one Dare to do tricks, this is a life-and-death battle. The heartstrings of all giants are tight. If someone dares to play tricks, they will only die faster and will only be strangled by everyone. No ancient giant wants to see anyone here. Trick in the battle.

There is nothing wrong with conspiracies, no thoughts, but you can only keep it in your heart, and you can’t express it. If anyone dares to play tricks at this time, there is only a dead end. All ancient giants understand this, and no one wants to be the target of public criticism. , No one wants to bear the anger of all ancient giants and challenge everyone's bottom line.

Action. In an instant, these ancient giants started to take action. Under the temptation of interest, under the threat of death, everyone was doing their best to pay. They did not wait for the reaction of the gods of cause and effect and the gods of destiny. The ancient giants abandoned them and rushed to the islands of the gods one by one, launching an impact at all costs.

The Karma and Destiny also saw the joint blow of the human giants and the God-Eating Mother Queen, and saw their crazy actions, although their hearts were also shocked by the actions of the human giants and the God-Eating Mother Queen. , But they never thought that these ancient giants in front of them would make such a crazy move in a short time, and even abandoned them to attack the island of the gods, wanting to enter the land of origin, want to seize the land of origin In the opportunity.

"Damn bastards, how dare they do this? These **** are also crazy. Damn ants, it doesn't matter if they die. They have affected these ancient giants. This is a big trouble! Quickly, notify Chaos Sea Will and let him stop with all his strength. All this, in any case, can't let these lunatics tear the defense of the island of the gods, let them rush into the place of origin, can't let them affect the time gods and demons, destroy our major events, or the consequences will be unimaginable!" The demon seemed to have seen the disaster coming, screaming at the karma **** and demon frantically, asking him to use the power of karma to redeem everything.

To save it? No, this is impossible. Just like the madness of the ancient giants facing the human giants and the God-Eater Mother Queen, everything has already happened. It is impossible to stop them. At this time, let alone them, even if it is Powerful people can't do it, even if the time gods and demons wake up and regain control of the mighty power of the time avenue, with the help of the time clock, the original treasure, they can't stop everything from happening, because the situation is out of control and they have overestimated themselves. The power of others, underestimate the power of others!

The trouble is big, for everyone, for all living beings, when the human giant and the god-eating mother emperor make crazy attacks, everything is out of control, and the disaster is coming early and disrupting everyone. The plan made the whole situation out of control, and no one can control the general situation anymore. Time gods and demons can't do it, ancient giants can't do it, human giants and the god-eater mother emperor can't do it!

Seeing such a chaotic situation, the King of End was also a little dumbfounded at this time. Although he could vaguely know that the situation was completely out of control this time, he did not expect that the ancient giants would be so crazy, able to do so in such a short time. Crazy decision, even abandoning cause and effect gods and destinies to attack the islands of the gods, and want to enter the land of origin, even if it is possible to do the same in the face of front and back flanking, such crazy actions really make It's incredible.

This is not a trivial matter. If Chaos Sea will mobilize the origin of the world, mobilize the power of the rules, and join forces with the time gods and demons at this time, it may really be able to strike back and forth to these ancient giants a fatal blow, causing them to fall into a place where they are beyond repair The question is that the Chaos Sea Will can do it, and the Time God and Demon can do it all.

The natural disaster has come. With the madness of the ancient giants, the king of the end can clearly feel that the atmosphere of the disaster between the world and the earth has become more terrifying, more terrifying, the natural disasters have advanced, and everything is beyond the imagination of the king of the end, this change Once it comes out, it may affect your own plans and changes in the outside world. It will make the deity’s calculations unexpected, but the King of End has nothing to do. This is the general trend. Under the general trend, no one can stop it, and he cannot do it. , No one can do it.

"Haha! Maybe this is the result that the human giants and the God-Eater Mother Queen want, chaos together, they are invincible in a short time, no one will care about them, whether it is Chaos Sea Will or Time God Demon, Karma and Destiny, will focus their energy on these **** ancient giants. Such drastic changes forced these ancient giants to work hard and have to face this natural disaster and face such a causal duel! That’s good, at least I will be safer and be able to hide for a longer time without being noticed by others. Moreover, if such a problem occurs, Chaos Sea Will has no time to care about the battlefield situation. This is a good thing for me. It’s just that I don’t know what choice the human giant and the God-Eater Mother will make?” The King of End sighed in secret, thinking about the changes brought about by this upheaval and how it would affect him. !

The natural disaster, the final battle together, is the natural disaster. When the ancient giants hit the islands of the gods, the sleeping time **** was finally awakened and opened his eyes, although he has not recovered at this moment, even half of his power There is no recovery, but for the time gods and demon, there is no time to care about their own situation. The enemy must be prevented from invading, these **** ancient giants must be blocked from the islands of the gods, and time must be bought to wake up the time Zhong', the original power of the most precious treasure, the power that awakens the place of origin, only in this way can the deterioration of the situation be prevented.

"Damn bastards, I knew this group of **** would be so crazy. I shouldn't have dealt with that ant in Xingtian before. I shouldn't let myself fall into such a crisis carelessly. Now I have to face all this and have to face it. Crisis, cause and effect, destiny, destiny, you guys, stop these **** and give me some time!" The time **** and demon cried frantically in his heart, time is very urgent for him, if not in this urgent time After completing the activation of the'Time Clock', the consequences will be unimaginable. Perhaps you will really face failure, face the collapse of your plan, and let everything lose control!

I was careless. I made the situation out of control for a moment. If I made a mistake, I would have to pay a heavy price for my previous mistakes. This is something that Time God and Demon didn’t expect, and it’s not in my control. If everything really goes out of control, the consequences will be unthinkable. If the place of origin is broken, your plan will become a joke. These **** **** will eventually become dead, but The layout of his endless years will also end in failure, and all the costs paid before will be turned into nothingness, and such a result is beyond the time God and Demon can bear, and he is unwilling to bear it and cannot face it.

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