God of Destruction

Chapter 4359: Scavenge

The fourth thousand three hundred and sixty-fifth chapter

"No, you can't let these **** ruin my big plan by any means. No matter how big the price is, these **** must be kept out of the island of the gods, even if it is exposing all the secrets, no matter how big the price is. The failure of no plan is too great, how the land of origin is broken, all previous plans will be abandoned, and the layout of endless years will also be empty. Perhaps the endless years have made me arrogant. First, I underestimated the lunatic Xingtian. I have been hit hard, and now I despise these bastards, making the situation out of control. Perhaps the lunatic Xingtian has seen through the secrets of the place of origin and has to destroy it at all costs, but now these **** may also feel it, I Really too arrogant, too self-righteous!" At this time, the time **** and demon finally realized that he had made a big mistake, but it was too late. Under the current situation, it is no longer possible to redeem it. Perhaps, at this time, if you want to ensure that your plan will not fail, you can only pay some price.

What is the secret of the place of origin? Why does the time **** and devil care so much? Only he knows this secret. Others may have insights and guesses, but few people really understand. Now the time gods and demons need to make sure that the place of origin is not lost, and that the islands of the gods are not lost. Only then can there be a future!

"Come back, fully mobilize the power of the Primordial Sea World of Chaos, mobilize the power of the rules of heaven and earth, even if you pay the price of your life, you must also kill these **** bastards, and let them die outside the island of the gods!" The time **** demon is giving orders to Chaos Sea Will to strangle these damned ancient giants at all costs. Although this will disrupt their own plans, it is better to disrupt your plan than to fail. Once you start chaos with all your strength The power of the rules of the sea would do much damage to the will of the chaotic sea. This time the **** and demon knew very well, but now he had no choice.

As the master of the Chaos Sea world, I naturally understand what kind of backlash will be caused by mobilizing the entire Chaos Sea rule force in the Age of Doom. It is necessary to know that the Chaos Sea will and the Chaos Sea world are closely linked, and the origin of the Chaos Sea is damaged. For the Chaos Sea Will, this is the greatest harm. The Chaos Sea will be destroyed, and the Chaos Sea Will will undoubtedly die. Therefore, when opening the world, the time gods and demon will divide the power of the Primordial God to take over the power of the Chaos Sea, without having its own. Come to master the power of the world, because he has been prepared long ago, ready to sacrifice the Chaos Sea world, and now everything is ahead!

When he heard the call of the time **** and demon, Chaos Sea was a little unwilling. He was about to kill these **** ants soon, and he was about to swallow their origins and strengthen himself, just like this. He was unwilling to give up, even though he knew he was planning. There is no doubt that he must die, but for Chaos Sea Will, I still want to struggle, I want to use my own strength to resist the backlash of the world's origin, and be able to preserve my soul after the entire world collapses. Said that he did not completely sacrifice his determination!

gap! This is the gap between the will of Chaos Sea and the clones of Xingtian, and it is also the shortcoming of the Time God and Demon, because from the beginning to the end, the Chaos Sea Will is not a clone of the Time God and Demon, but a puppet. You must know that the clone will have the deity. Connection, there will be cause and effect, but the puppet does not have this trouble, and it is the same. Chaos Sea Will has a strong desire to survive and hope, but it cannot resist the time **** and demon, and it cannot fight against the time **** and demon. The life and death of God is in the hands of the Time God and Demon. As long as the Time God and Demon can destroy the will of Chaos Sea with a single thought, they can control the overall situation!

"Haha! It seems that the time **** is in a hurry, and the current situation makes him eager to regain control of the overall situation. If I can seize this opportunity, can I get rid of the crisis of death, can I break free of this shackle?" In an instant, the mind of Chaos Sea Will was born with the idea of ​​rebellion, but soon this idea had to give up, because it understood that this was just an illusion of its own, and it was impossible to achieve it. Time God and Demon would not give itself this opportunity, even if it was. When an accident occurs, it is impossible for oneself to break free of this bondage. What I have to face is not only the time **** and demon, but also the existence of cause and effect **** and destiny and destiny **** and devil. With them, no matter how hard you struggle, it is useless. Also unable to get rid of this shackle!

"Death comes early. It seems that this time my destiny is destined to be destroyed. Once I use the power of the Primordial Rules of the Chaos Sea World to cause backlash in the Age of Domination, my soul will definitely be wiped out by the origin of the world. The situation has really gotten out of control, not to mention endless years have passed. This is the moment that the time **** and demon waited. I hope he will not regret it. Without my puppet, the whole world will It will completely go to the unknown!” Although I was unwilling to die in my heart, the trace of the time **** and demon still played a role. At this critical moment, he did not make the choice to betray, but determined to obey the arrangement of the time **** and demon. To complete this mortal task.

If it can swallow the origin of all the creatures in the world, the Chaos Sea Will may have a ray of life. After all, everything has a ray of life. As the World Will is no exception, even if it is the destruction of the Chaos Sea world, as long as it can condense a strong enough origin. The power can offset the original backlash, and there will be a ray of life, but now everything has exploded in advance, letting the calculations of the will of Chaos Sea fail, and he has to face death in advance, facing the desperate situation of ten deaths and no life!

Death is coming, this time it is Chaos Sea Will to bear the power of death, and it is also the power to bring death to those ancient giants. It is just whether Chaos Sea Will can succeed or not. Chaos Sea Will itself does not have full confidence, because of the current Chaos Sea world. He was not completely in his own control, he did not master all the power of the source, after all, he completely mastered everything, and the cause and effect to face was too great, even the time **** and demon would not dare to bear this responsibility.

Everything and everything has a ray of life, in fact, the same is true for the world. The Chaos Sea world also has a ray of life in this catastrophe, but for the world, everything is not in its own control. After all, the world cannot respond. This time the accident may be the first line of life in the world, but this line of life seems to be difficult to achieve, because the time gods are crazy, and they have to kill those ancient giants at all costs to destroy the threat to themselves.

If it is normal, even if Chaos Sea Will wants to master the power of the rules of the world, it will take time to prepare to activate the power of the rules, but when it makes the decision to sacrifice itself, all these worries will not exist, a person who does not care about life and death. What is there to worry about? When my mind moves, the origin of the entire Chaos Sea world is controlled by the Chaos Sea Will. With a single thought, the power of the space origin erupts, and the Chaos Sea Will instantly appears outside the island of the gods, facing The turbulent attack drew a ray of light, and the power of the world's origin exploded, crushing the ancient giants fiercely!


There are no earth-shattering explosions and storms, there are just power suppression, power crushing, in front of the world's original power, although these ancient giants have mastered the original power of the rules, they are still controlled by the world's original power. Crushing, this is a qualitative gap, this is the crushing of rules, and the ancient giants are directly at a disadvantage!

"Damn it, this is the power of the origin of the world. Chaos Sea's will is crazy, and it has made such a crazy move for the **** of the time **** and demon. Is it necessary to sacrifice itself to save the time **** and demon? There must be such a good relationship between them. The relationship between these two bastards, or does it mean that these two **** have secrets that we don’t know?” At this moment, someone was yelling frantically. Such a shock was beyond their imagination, although they had thought that the battle would not go smoothly. They will suffer all kinds of accidents, but they never thought that this accident would be so amazing, making them unbelievable, this one cannot accept it!

"Wrong, we still did it wrong. We underestimated the madman Time God and Demon, and also underestimated the will of Chaos Sea. There are secrets between them that we can't imagine. Even they are a whole, not just them. The Karma and Destiny Gods and Demons are afraid to be one with them. We have been confused and deceived by these **** from beginning to end!"

"Yeah, we were really wrong, and it was a big mistake. If it weren't for the crazy attack of the will of Chaos Sea, I'm afraid we won't know this secret in the end. If we can think carefully about every catastrophe of heaven and earth, Maybe we should have known this secret a long time ago. In every great catastrophe, there has never been a time **** or demon, destiny **** or demon, or cause and effect **** or devil. They are all dead, so even endless years have passed. , The giants who have never had time, fate, or cause and effect survive, there are only these three old guys, maybe they are the masters of the world, they are the black hands of everything!"

"That's right, it is indeed possible. Otherwise, when the Time God and Demon are in desperation, Chaos Sea Will will make such a crazy move, and will sacrifice himself to save the Time God and Demon. All of this speaks of time. Gods and demons are the masters of this world, and Chaos Sea Will may just exist like a puppet, but what is all this for? Why do Time Gods and Demons, Causal Gods and Demons, and Destiny Gods and Demons want to do this? What kind of secret?"

The secret is not something they can know. This secret has never been touched by them. Now although they feel a little secret from the actions of the will of Chaos Sea, they have seen a little secret, but they really want to know the secret. It's far from enough, and the time gods and demons won't give them this opportunity. Since Chaos Sea will make a move, they must do everything they can to kill these ancient giants. Only in this way can his plan not fail!

"Enough, what is the use of saying these now? The most important thing for us now is to resist the attack of the Chaos Sea Will, as long as we can withstand its attacks, wait for the power of the Age of Doom to burst, and wait for the backlash of the world origin, the Chaos Sea Will There is only a dead end. At that time, our crisis will be overcome. We will be able to fight life and death against the gods of time, the gods of cause and effect, and the gods of destiny. We can seize the opportunity of detachment. This is our focus! "

Transcendence, this is indeed the pursuit of all ancient giants. This time is indeed not the time to talk about the secrets of the time gods and demon and the will of the Chaos Sea. The situation has developed to this point, and there is no need to care about the secrets behind it, because this battle has passed. After that, the will of Chaos Sea is bound to die without life, there is no need for everyone to explore the secrets of the other party!

Life is hope. If you can’t resist the crushing of the will of Chaos Sea, even if you know the secret of the time gods and demon and the will of Chaos Sea, it is useless at all, because in the end you are dead, and living is the root of everything. At this time, everyone needs to be united and must work together to resist the killing of the will of Chaos Sea.

At this moment, it is not just these ancient giants who are in crisis. The King of End is also shocked by everything in front of him. He did not expect that the time gods and demons would make such crazy choices, sacrifice the will of Chaos Sea, and burst into chaos. The power of the origin of the world directly crushes these ancient giants with this transcendent power. In order to be able to eliminate these enemies, at the expense of mastery of the chaotic world, if the will of Chaos Sea dies, the chaotic giants controlled by it will also get rid of its control.

"Hehe, I didn't expect the situation to become so crazy. If the will of Chaos Sea dies, perhaps the opportunity for the human giants and the God-Eater Mother Queen will appear. As long as they can persist, they may be able to seize a ray of life in this desperate situation. , May be able to change his own destiny, be able to escape from this mortal situation!" In just a moment, the King of End saw the crux of the problem and saw the last hope of all beings in this world.

If Chaos Sea will die, the entire Chaos Sea world will undergo uncontrollable changes. At that time, the power of the Age of Domination will cover the entire world. Perhaps this is the vitality of all beings in the world. As long as they can keep the world from being destroyed, they will If you have the opportunity to live, you can survive in this age of doom and wait for the next chance of detachment.

Of course, the prerequisite of all this is that the world of Chaos Sea will not be destroyed, and no one knows what kind of harm the death of Chaos Sea will cause to the entire world, what kind of disasters it will bring, and in what direction the situation will end. The king does not know, the creatures of the world do not know, perhaps the only thing that knows is the time **** and demon, the most hidden black hand!

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