God of Destruction

Chapter 4360: Festival crisis

Chapter 4366 Crisis

Did the human giants and the God-Eater Mother Empress who were in the game see all this, do they see this glimmer of hope? No, they didn’t see it. Although they also had doubts about Time Gods and Demons and Chaos Sea Will, it’s impossible for them to gamble with their lives at this time. They couldn’t do it. The most important thing was them. The current crisis seems to have gone away, there is no need to take the big risk that day and expose yourself to unnecessary danger!

Yes, when the Sea of ​​Chaos Will madly erupted, the giant chaotic beasts that were frantically besieging the giants of the human race and the mother-emperor of the god-eating insects have retreated, attacking the group of ancient giants, launching life attacks, and using their Strangling ancient giants at the expense of life, wanting to pile up enemies with the power of this beast to achieve the goal!

Although the beast tide is powerful, especially in today's environment, the power of the beast tide is very powerful, but no matter how powerful the beast tide is, it cannot shake the lives of these ancient giants. Every ancient giant has a terrible killer and has a terrifying background. , It is unrealistic to want to kill them with the tide of beasts, at most it will only consume a little bit of their power!

"Damn the will of Chaos Sea, it really wants to kill us, and now even these ant-like Chaos behemoths are sent out. It seems that this **** is immortal to us. If you don't want to die, take out everything. The power of Chaos Hai will teach him a profound lesson, let him know that we are not easy to provoke, everyone first took action to destroy these **** behemoths!"

Under pressure, many ancient giants did not hesitate, and did not want to preserve their strength. At this time, if they preserve their strength, they are definitely killing themselves. Facing the double strangulation of the beast tide and the will of the chaotic sea, for them The pressure is huge, not to mention that there are time gods and demons, causal gods and demons and destiny gods and demons not far away!

No one thought that the situation would change when it changed. There was no time to prepare, and everything would have undergone such earth-shattering changes, and that he would fall into such a terrible crisis. How long does it take for me to fall into an unforgettable place, there will be worries about death and soul, and the enemy will not have the heart to pass on himself!

For many ancient giants, the chaotic giant beasts in front of them are just like ants, but ants also have times when they are against the sky, and sometimes when they make them jealous. If the previous wave of beasts had a cruel impact on the world, and this A beast wave was a devastating strangulation of the ancient giants. They were using their own lives as the price to launch suicide attacks frantically, using their lives to wipe out the ancient giants in front of them bit by bit and consume their lives. Origin, once someone is stared at by too many chaotic giants, there is only a dead end waiting for him, and they will be destroyed by the suicide attacks of these ancient giants in an instant!

"You guys, we can't go on like this anymore. If we let some **** **** continue to be so arrogant, it won't take long before our army will be wiped out and we will die. Now we must fight back at all costs. Fight back, kill the enemy by surprise, redeem the previous loss, and strengthen your own origin!"

Facing the tremendous pressure and impact, some ancient giants still couldn't hold on, and said the way to retreat, and he also had the intention of retreating in his heart. After all, the impact of this battle on them was too great. Make them unbearable!

"Recovering the loss, killing the other party by surprise, this is easy to say, but very difficult to do. I don't have the confidence to fight against the **** chaotic giants in front of me. I wonder if I have no power to change the situation!"

When an ancient giant stood up to oppose it, other ancient giants also sighed secretly in their hearts, and they did not approve of such a ridiculous suggestion, let alone loss, even if they could save their lives, it was very rare for them! Desperate does not exist, especially in such a big environment, it does not exist even more. If you work hard, you can guarantee that other people are also working hard. Will you be a fool to make others wedding clothes for nothing!

Everyone has selfishness. For these ancient giants, selfishness is more important. It is really a big joke to expect them to unite and cooperate. There is no cooperation between them. Some are just intrigues, some are just calculating each other, even if they have mentioned before. The cooperating ancient giant, I am afraid that he does not have such an idea in his heart, but wants to calculate other people.

"Enough, don't make any noise, when is this, you still calculate each other like this, now we need to strangle these ant-like chaotic giants first, and clear these hidden dangers. Although they are not powerful, they form a tide of beasts. Then, with this crazy suicide attack, the threat to us will be great. Once we are besieged by too many chaotic giants, our lives will definitely be in danger. I think no one wants to face such a situation, no one. Willing to accept death!"

Yes, no one is willing to accept death. Under the threat of death, those ancient giants with ideas and calculations, no matter how crazy they are, dare not make fun of their lives at this time. Isolated, it is very likely that they will be besieged by those **** chaotic giants, so the attitude of these ancient giants changed in an instant, and they all gathered their spirits to strangle these chaotic giants that threatened them before the battle of life and death. Wash them off!

auzw.com "Haha! It's really interesting, this world is big, the changes in this world are really mysterious, just a short moment, such a change happened, it was originally the chaos that threatened the whole world. The giant beast fell into a desperate situation and was strangled by these ancient giants. The human giants and the god-eating mother emperor, as well as the previous betrayal bastards, were a lot safer at once. If they can persist to the end, they might really have it. A ray of life!" Looking at the ancient giants who frantically strangling the Chaos Giant Beast, the King of End could not help but sigh softly. Such a change made the heart of the King of End a little uneasy!

Yes, at this time, the King of End is a little disturbed. It seems that the situation is developing to his advantage, but is it really so? The King of the End does not want to believe that what he sees is not necessarily true. This may still be a game. Perhaps the seemingly advantageous development hides a greater crisis and a more terrible disaster!

At this time, the King of End was a little uneasy, but he was ecstatic for the human giants and the God-Eater Mother Queen. This change made them happy in their hearts, thinking that the disaster has finally passed, and he finally After getting rid of the crisis, a faint smile appeared on each of their faces, as if everything was under their control!

I have to say that these people were happy a bit early. The situation today is not as good as they thought. They do not have a crisis now, but the crisis has not really disappeared, and it has not really been separated from them. There is no end, these people are still in danger, and there will still be life concerns. Chaos behemoths and Chaos Sea Will are only their superficial enemies. Their real enemy is the time gods and demons. It is the collapse and destruction of the world. It is the great cause and effect in them. Any crisis is fatal to them. s damage!

"Hmph, I want to join hands to strangle the giant chaotic beasts and clean the tide of beasts. I am really ignorant. As the master of the world, the origin of the whole world is in my grasp. Even if these giant chaotic beasts die in front of me, as long as the world is dead If the source is still there, there will be an endless stream of Chaos Giants. You want to end the war with this, it's just a joke!" Looking at the crazy actions of the ancient giants, Chaos Sea Will sneered again and again, and didn't care about these. The death of the Chaos Giants allows the ancient giants to join forces to strangle the Chaos Giants, without any obstacles or counterattacks, everything is up to the opponent!

"It's not right, there is something wrong with this situation, don't you think that the reaction of Chaos Sea Will is a bit too weird? In such a big battle, its attack has slowed down and weakened, as if it was let us kill These giant chaotic beasts seem to really want to use these giant chaotic beasts to consume our original power. If this is really only its true purpose, our trouble will be big. The giant chaotic beast is just a chess piece, a chess piece to lure us into! "

How to do? Do you give up this duel? No, no one will accept such a result. No one is willing to give up this duel. Even if they know that they may have been calculated by the will of the Chaos Sea, for these ancient giants, they must grit their teeth and persevere. Must continue to work hard, they believe that there will be a moment of success!

"The situation is indeed a bit weird, but we don't have too much time to waste now. The longer the time is, the more disadvantaged it is for us. Once the time gods and demons recover, it is a joke that we want to seize the secrets and opportunities of the Origin. Now, Chaos Sea will stop us from advancing at the expense of his own life. This is enough to show that the time **** and devil are in a dangerous situation. We cannot give up such an opportunity. Once we give up, we will never have this great opportunity again!"

In the face of the temptation of interest, everyone is unwilling to give up, even if they know that there will be danger, they still have to persist and continue. The temptation of interest makes them lose their calm mind and make them unable to look at everything with a normal mind. They are afraid of failure and are unwilling to accept failure. Unconsciously, their minds have problems!

"War! Make a quick battle! Don't waste time and energy anymore. Join forces to strangle the will of Chaos Sea. Only by destroying it can we regain the initiative. If this **** continues to mobilize the power of the world's original rules, we might really pay. At a heavy price, no one wants to face death, and no one wants to die. We have only one way to do it, which is to kill the will of Chaos Sea, break the current crisis, break the calculations of the time gods and demons, and break all deadlocks!"

A quick fight is easy to say, but it is still difficult to do. No matter how they choose, these ancient giants must face the tide of beasts and the suicide attacks of the chaotic giant beasts. This is a disaster they cannot escape. The biggest test they have to face, if they can't even pass this level, they can talk about a quick fight!

"It seems that the situation will soon undergo a earth-shattering change. Whether it is the will of Chaos Sea or these ancient giants, they have no time and must do their best. The time for their real decisive battle has arrived, but they just don’t know. In the end, which one of them can have the last laugh and win, I don’t know what choice the Karma and Destiny will make, what is the **** of Time, and how to lead this earth-shattering upheaval!" The king of the end sees the situation very clearly, but what will end in the end is a big problem.

Powerful enemy? No, the situation today is not the case between the ancient giants and the will of Chaos Sea. There is a huge gap between them. Generally speaking, the will of Chaos Sea takes the initiative and masters the initiative. After all, it is the master of the world and the power of the world. , And these ancient giants are still in a passive position, it is difficult to come back!

"Could it be said that the time gods and demons really have to wait for the time to come, waiting for the Houtu ancestor witch to reincarnate, even if the situation has reached such a dangerous moment, he still persists and is unwilling to make changes. If he is willing to sacrifice, It is completely capable of sweeping these ancient giants in one swoop. The world's original rules are in hand, and they can crush everything and destroy everything. No matter how many backers these ancient giants have, they can hardly escape the crush of the world's original rules!" The more he gets, the more the King of End understands the power of the Chaos Sea Will, the more he understands the power and fear of the Chaos Sea Will, and the sinister and cunning of the Time God and Demon!

Use the suicide attack of the Chaos Giant Beast to consume the origins of the ancient giants and consume their power. Although the cost may be a bit high, it may even make other creatures escape, so that they have no chance to clear the field, but such an attack is exchanged. The time comes, in exchange for a chance to recover, and a chance to condense a fatal blow. This is enough for Chaos Sea Will. In his opinion, as long as he can condense a lore, no matter how big the price is. It is worth it!

No one can survive the lore of the origin of the world. These ancient giants are no exception. Not only they can’t, but others can’t. This lore is not aimed at a certain creature or a certain force. It is the creatures of the entire Chaos Sea world. With a single blow, the Chaos Sea world will face destruction. All living creatures will be destroyed with this lore, turning into the nutrients of the world and the nutrients of the time gods and demons. Let the time **** and demon recover from his injury!

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