God of Destruction

Chapter 4361: Desperate Battle

Chapter 4367 Desperate Battle

Timing. Timing is more important to the time **** and demon. Even if the sacrifice is great, it will not come with a missed opportunity. Although the current situation is very unfavorable to him, he still persists, even willing to sacrifice himself. The will of Chaos Sea loses control of the Chaos Sea world in order to ensure that the timing is not affected.

"Ants, these **** ants want to jump out of my layout, wanting to get out of the chessboard, it's ridiculous, because these ants dare to be so arrogant, before they can break the tunnel with their origins. The power of, can severely damage the tunnels, it seems that we can no longer do such thoughts, we must kill them in advance, swallow their origins, and completely perfect their own world avenue, so as not to lose the will of the chaos sea, the entire chaos The collapse of the sea world, without the world origin of the Chaos Sea, has a huge impact on me. In any case, I can't let this happen. Kill!"

Faced with the counterattack of many ancient giants, the time gods and demons have endless killing intent. Not killing is not enough to calm the anger in their heart, not killing is not enough to perfect their own world avenue, if there is no Chaos Sea World, you will It is very difficult to master the origin of the world. Without the origin of the world, what power can you use to fight against the tunnel, what to use to break free from the shackles of the tunnel, what to use to improve your own way, surpass yourself, and go further on top of practice!

If it's just a small trouble, Time God and Demon won't care, but now he has to face not a small trouble, but a big and earth-shattering trouble. He underestimated Xingtian, and underestimated the god-eater mother and the human race. The giants underestimated the giants of this era, and even underestimated the giants that survived the ancient times, and this series of mistakes greatly affected the time **** and demon, causing huge loopholes in his plan. Under such circumstances, the time **** and demon had to make choices and sacrifices. Only in this way could he ensure that the general situation was not affected and that his plan could continue.

In the previous plan of the Time Gods and Demons, all the creatures in the entire Chaos Sea world will die and become their own nutrients, nourish their bodies and souls, and be able to condense the power of the complete world. Those ancient giants can The critical moment is used to inflict heavy damage on the tunnel, to clear the way for oneself, and to refine the tunnel, but now an accident has occurred. These ancient giants have exploded with power that is unimaginable for the time **** and demon, making the time **** and demon feel threatened and have to make a decision. select.

"If you blame it, blame you for being too arrogant. If you blame it, blame you for jumping out too early. You shouldn't jump out to find death at this time. You want to ruin my plan. I can only send you souls scattered in advance, and the origin of the world gives me. Out, the power of rules suppresses Daqian, town! Town! Town!" When the word "town" falls three times in a row, endless power falls from the void. This is the original power of the Chaos Sea world. This is the power of the avenue, chaos. Hai Will finally couldn't bear it, and finally made this killer blow. For Chaos Hai Will, he couldn't just watch these **** ancient giants break out of the game and break free from his restraint.

"No, it's the power of the world's original rules. Chaos Sea will be crazy. This is going to fight us hard. Everyone will attack with all their strength. If anyone wants to preserve their strength, they are ruining themselves and cannot stop the power of the world's original rules." , We only have a dead end!" Facing the crazy blow of Chaos Sea Will, those giants who are proficient in space power immediately noticed, shouted frantically, and warned other ancient giants. There can be no mistakes in the battle of life and death!

"Damn, it's really the power of the world's original rules coming, and the will of the sea of ​​chaos is really going to fight us hard, for the time **** and demon, is it worth the sacrifice, even if he has a good connection with the time **** and demon, even if he is time The clone of the gods and demons should not make such crazy actions. You must know that after this blow, he will never retreat. After this battle is over, he will be backlashed by the world and will die. No doubt, how could he be so stupid, so fool!"

Someone was yelling unwillingly. In his opinion, Chaos Sea's will is too stupid. The previous outbreak has already caused it to be backlashed by the world's origin, but there is still life, and now there is no retreat after this blow, everything is alive They are completely severed, and how much power of the world’s original rules is used, and how much power is to be endured. Such a powerful force will inevitably suffer a destructive backlash, ten deaths and no life, this is the inevitable result, there is no vitality at all.

"Yeah, it's crazy. It's incredible. As the master of the world, he took the initiative to choose a path of death. This is unacceptable. Since he has the idea of ​​death, why should he bring in the era of the end of the law? Coming, what secrets are hidden behind this? What secrets are worthy of the Chaos Sea Will to make such a big sacrifice, and what secrets can enable the time gods, causal gods, and destiny gods to make such a sinister calculation?"

At this moment, the clever ancient giants thought of the key to the problem. They just thought of it and it didn’t help that everything had happened. The Chaos Sea Will erupted out of this most terrifying blow. Under this blow, it was not just the original rules of the world. The power of, and the power of the Age of Doom, the power of the Age of Doom is enough to suppress everything, enough to give them a fatal blow!

"This is the power of the rules of the world, and it is also the power of the Age of Domination. When the Domination comes, we have been completely focused on. The origin of the Domination is endless. We cannot get out. Now we have no choice but only one way to go. That is the source of self-explosion. With the power of the original rules of all of us, self-explosion will break the will of the sea of ​​chaos. This is a killer blow. Only in this way can we have a ray of life. Let's make a choice quickly. There is not much time left for us. Once the origin of the Age of Doom falls on us, we will no longer have the chance to turn around. We will be wiped out by the power of the Age of Doom. We will be obliterated by the power of the Age of Doom. Dead and no life!"

auzw.com "Asshole, why should I hesitate at this time? Naturally, it is a desperate battle. We thought of the beginning but did not think of the end. We underestimated the power of the will of Chaos Sea. I underestimated his madness, and even underestimated the prohibition and defense of the time gods and demons on the island of the gods. In a short time, we cannot break the prohibition and rush into the island of the gods and enter the land of origin. If we still want to survive , Only to deal with the immediate crisis first, to break the secret killing blow of the will of Chaos Sea, this lunatic completely wants to die with us, wants to drag us to his funeral, not to die, only desperately!"

Yes, at this time, if these ancient giants do not want to die, they have to work hard, only to self-destruct the original rules, and only the power of the original rules can break through the chaotic sea will, this must kill, and then they can repel the original power of the Age of Doom , So that you can protect yourself from the era of the end of the law, and not be strangled by the power of the end.

"Regardless of the conspiracy and calculations of the time gods and demons, we only have to sacrifice our lives. I say again, everyone must work hard and must use their own original rules to fight the end of the law. Whoever wants to preserve their strength? It is everyone’s public enemy, immortal, cursed by everyone, and surrounded by endless grievances!"

Ruthless, these ancient giants are indeed very vicious and vicious. For them, the so-called companions are not worthy of their trust. Only with such crazy power can they force everyone to do their best and make everyone feel at ease. It is possible to ensure that everyone will do their best without making any reservations, no one can be an enemy of everyone, and no one can resist the curse of everyone, and can be entangled in endless grievances, so they must work hard!

"Asshole, this **** asshole, you just want to work hard, why do you have to force me to do it, I am not reconciled!" Some ancient giants were screaming and cursing frantically, but their faces But there is no change, because they dare not do this. They are afraid that if they show a little unwilling look, they will immediately invite everyone to besiege. They would rather kill mistakes than let go. For all ancient giants, there was never kindness in their hearts. , They don't care about starting with their companions!

Under heavy pressure and under terrible threats, these ancient giants reluctantly united and counterattacked the will of Chaos Sea. The power of the original rules was raised by them, and the original treasures bloomed on their heads. Terrible light, everyone who wants to desperately sacrifice their own destiny and carry the destiny of their own avenues. Only by abandoning their destiny and destiny can they explode with unparalleled power and compete with the avenue. Fight the will of Chaos Sea!

Looking at the ancient giants under the full outbreak, the eyes of the God Devouring Insect Mother Empress flashed with light, and his heart was shocked. All this made him hard to accept. One person muttered to himself: "Crazy, he The mother is crazy, the will of Chaos Sea is crazy, she will strangle the ancient giants at all costs, and now the ancient giants are also crazy, they have triggered their own natal treasures, and they will use their natal treasures to explode to a fatal blow to the will of Chaos Seas They are all trying to pull the enemy to death. These lunatics are really terrifying. They don't care about their own safety, they are all working hard!"

Upon hearing the self-talk of the God Devourer Mother Queen, the human giant virtual lord said in a deep voice: "No, the insect king is wrong. Although this group of people behaved crazy, they are not crazy. If you don’t do this, if you can’t suppress these ancient giants for the will of Chaos Sea, you will inevitably be madly attacked by the ancient giants, and you will surely be seized of power. Instead of being seized of power and falling into the hands of those ancient giants, it’s better Give up their lives, these ancient giants are the same. For them, they have no choice at all. It is God's will that forced them to do this life-and-death duel. God's will is forcing them to fight. This may be our vitality, this may be God's will. We are the shelter of the weak, God does not want to see us die, God is on us!"

It’s ridiculous. The words of the virtual lord of the human giants are really ridiculous. God’s will is on him. Only he himself believes this and can say it. If these words are heard by the ancient giants and Chaos Sea Will, I'm afraid that I will sneer again and again. What kind of providence is to me is just a joke. Their life-and-death duel exists from the beginning. It is not a providential at all. It can only be said that they found it by themselves. For them, only life and death is right Your most advantageous choice.

Hearing the objection of the virtual lord, the mother of God Devouring Insect Empress woke up from her absence, and said in a deep voice, "No, fellow Taoist is wrong. There has never been providence, there is no providence. , At least for us, providence does not exist. The so-called providence is just a joke to me, a big joke. If you put all your hopes on this ridiculous providence, I advise you to give up early, or else There is no doubt that you will die, the will of heaven does not exist, only power is eternal!"

God Devouring Mother Queen’s words are reasonable. God’s will does not exist. Only power is eternal, and powerful power can dominate everything. Without powerful power, how can God’s will come to me? This is really ridiculous. These ants, What kind of providence is there in these ants who barely escaped a catastrophe? There really is a providence, and it really belongs to me. How can the human race be destroyed? How can they fall into such a passive situation step by step and end up like this. A tragic end.

Relying on people is worse than relying on yourself. I am only deceiving the will of God. For them, such a false lie has no effect. Instead of focusing on this ridiculous lie, it’s better to speed up and recover yourself. The fastest way to recover from his own damage, in order to be able to fight for that ray of life in this crazy duel.

For human giants and god-eating insect mother emperors, these weak ants, no matter what the outcome of this battle is, no matter who will have the last laugh and who can win the battle between Chaos Sea Will and the ancient giants, they People are bound to be subjected to a huge impact, and they have to face the terrible crush. For them, the aftermath of the war will bring death threats to themselves and endanger their lives. At this time Even if they wanted to escape, it was too late. The power of the Primordial Rules of the Sea of ​​Chaos had already banned this space, and it was too late for them to escape.

Yes, now the entire world around the island of the gods is forbidden, and all creatures cannot escape from this world. If you want to escape, you must first face the crushing force of the original rules of the Chaos Sea world, and you must endure the end of the law. The origin of the era is obliterated, and these creatures have no confidence and ability to fight against the origin of the era of the end of the law!

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