God of Destruction

Chapter 4362: The power of extinction

Chapter 4368

Compared with the delusion of the God-Eater Mother Emperor, the Ending King's heart is very heavy, and his eyes are full of faint uneasiness, because he feels the existence of danger! Yes, it is dangerous. Under the madness of the Chaos Sea Will, the King of End feels that his life is threatened. If there is an accident, perhaps he may die.

"Is the decisive battle coming? Doesn't it mean that the time gods don't need to take action, just use the power of Chaos Sea Will to destroy these ancient giants in front of them, and achieve their goals, if this situation is really dangerous, leave it to me Time is running out, maybe there will be a death crisis in the next moment, and the whole world will be destroyed, what should I do?” The King of End was muttering in his heart, thinking about countermeasures. This is not a trivial matter. , This is related to the life and death of oneself and the deity. It is not a big deal to die. After all, this is as expected, but the deity can't make any mistakes.

It is not that the King of End is too cautious, but that the current situation is so dangerous. When many ancient giants have sacrificed their original treasures, it means the arrival of cruel wars and the arrival of the ultimate battle. This battle is not an enemy. Death means their death. There is no other possibility. Every ancient giant is desperate, and the enemy of Chaos Sea Will is also desperate. Both sides are desperate, and it will cause devastation to the entire world around the island of Gods. This is where the danger lies. Under the terrifying shock wave, the King of End dare not guarantee his own safety.

"Unfortunately, what I control is the power to end the road. The power of the end is incomparable for offense, but it has huge shortcomings in defense. Do I really have to work hard and put my life on Above external force? No, I can’t accept such a result. I can’t trust my life and death on others. I have to persist and survive this duel. Now I am in the body of the Chaos Giant. The giant beast is a natural defense, able to share part of the impact for me, and in its body, I can use the body of the chaotic giant beast as a barrier to deploy heavy defenses to weaken the shock wave that is about to explode, in this terrible crisis Escaped this crazy killing and robbery!"

Yes, in the eyes of the King of End, this is a killing, a crazy killing, whether it is the ancient giants or the will of the Chaos Sea, they are all calculating the creatures in this world, more To be precise, they are calculating the human giants and the God-Eater Mother Queen. They want to use this confrontation to sweep them away with that terrible shock wave, so they have no restraint of their power, and both intentionally or unintentionally. Spread out and complete the clearing!

The King of the End has seen this problem clearly, but it is useless to see clearly. The power does not allow the King of the End to jump out and make a big move at this time. He knows that there is danger, so he can only continue to hide and use the Chaos Behemoth to avoid In this cleanup, the situation of the God Devouring Mother Queen and the Human Race Giants is much better. Without taking care of them, these **** can lay down numerous restrictions and make complete defense preparations to resist the impending shock wave. !

"With hands, we can no longer allow Chaos Sea Will to continue to condense the power of the origin. If this continues, we are likely to be unable to resist the power of the origin of the era of the end of the law, and cannot survive the eradication of the origin of the law. The longer the time is. The more the Chaos Sea Will is more advantageous, we must seize the opportunity and kill!” With the sound of this voice, the ancient giant immediately released his original treasure, turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the Chaos Sea Will, followed by others. The ancient giants all shot with all their strength, one by one, the Primordial Treasure killed the will of the Chaos Sea like a meteor, and the sky was torn apart by the terrifying origin aura!

"Huh! Ignorant ants, do you think this can be an enemy of the deity? Let you see what the master of the world is, and let you know how powerful the master is, the origin of the world is moving, the power of the world suppresses the great thousand, and the time and space are imprisoned!" With a deep cry of the will of the Chaos Sea, a terrifying world origin surging wildly, the time and space origins of the entire Chaos Sea world are condensed into powerful magical powers, confining this world, and wanting the origins of those ancient giants The treasure is imprisoned!

"Ant, we are not as simple as you think. If you think of us as ants, you also have to have that power, explode to me, the origin is shattered, the power of extinction is gathered, and the world is destroyed!" He was scolded by Chaos Sea Will. For the ants, this made many harmless giants very annoyed and unacceptable. Under their anger, they exploded 200% of their combat power, and each piece of the original treasure blew itself into a terrible power of destruction. , Madly destroying everything in front, tearing all barriers.

Yes, it is the power to destroy the world! I have to say that these ancient giants are indeed crazy and terrible. They have not gained nothing in the endless years. They have all evolved the power of their original rules to the extreme, and they have all evolved their world origins to extinction. The degree of self-detonation is guided by the most terrifying world-destroying power in the world, so as to complete the final killing and fight against the enemy. No matter how strong the enemy is, it will destroy the world. They all have the ability to fight!

"Damn, this is the power of destroying the world. These **** have mastered the power of destroying the world in secret. They are planning all this, one by one, they have evolved their own origin avenue to such a crazy degree. These **** have been guarding me for a long time, guarding against the final catastrophe!" When seeing the power of destruction after the original treasures exploded, endless anger was born in the will of Chaos Sea. This is a challenge. Your own bottom line is also breaking the world's origin.

"Trouble, cause and effect, destiny, we are in big trouble this time, we still underestimated this group of ants, maybe we were wrong at the beginning, should not leave them, should not give them endless years of time to practice, so The emergence of this series of accidents and the emergence of the power of destroying the world is devastating damage to the entire Chaos Sea, and it also affects our plan. Let's do it, don't let them continue, or the Chaos Sea world will be destroyed in advance. , We won’t have time to wait until the most critical opportunity arrives, this time we’ve all miscalculated!” Faced with such a shocking change, the Time God and Demon had to warn the Karma and Destiny God and Demon and had to let them participate. In this showdown!

auzw.com"Yeah, we were really wrong. The endless years have really wiped out so many things for us and made us lose our vigilance, so that the situation has changed again and again, and the situation has changed again and again. And the three places are beyond our grasp. Is this the **** of the heaven and the earth to us? Is this the test we have to face, or is this our tribulation?" In response to such an accident, the Destiny God and Demon couldn't help but sigh. I am faintly unwilling in my heart. After all, this time to shoot means that the pressure on the gods and demons will be greater in the next time, and it will be more difficult to complete the previous plan, and perhaps eventually will have to give up some of the benefits!

Can the situation be restored? This is naturally impossible. Even if the Karma and Destiny are attacking with all their strength, they cannot be restored unless time goes back. Of course, for the Time God and Demon, if the power of the original treasure'Time Clock' is used for strong action, and then cooperated with the Chaos Sea The power of the rules of the world can go back in time, but doing so will inevitably awaken one's own gods and demons. At that time, earth-shattering power will burst out, which will make the outside world aware of their existence, which will attract more The catastrophe, even his previous plan was completely shattered, such a consequence is beyond the tolerance of the time gods and demons.

"Whether this is the Dao Tribulation or not, we must all face it. Perhaps this is the tunnel oppressing us, the power of destiny is condensed, the destiny goes out, the world is judged, and the scale of destiny is out!" , The power of fate of the entire world is in his hands, the avenue of fate emerges in the void, and the treasure of fate appears in his hands!

"The avenue of cause and effect is condensed, the cause and effect are linked, and the karma fire is red lotus!" The karma **** and devil also burst out of their own power frantically. In the middle, being dragged by the karma red lotus, exuding terrible murderous intent, as if the karma red lotus will cause the whole world to be judged by cause and effect!

"Hehe, it is true, the red lotus of karma, the balance of destiny, these two old immortals have finally taken action, they are finally going to fight us to the death, thinking that they can control our destiny, control our life and death, it is extremely ridiculous and volitional. Sacrifice, the sword of wisdom kills cause and effect, destroys the destiny, and cuts it for me!” An ancient giant seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and he knew that such a situation would happen, one by one, he cut off with the sword of wisdom under a wild roar. All the connections between oneself and the world of Chaos Sea!

Originally thought that the crazy actions of the ancient giants were their ultimate killer, and they had exhausted all their hole cards, but now when these ancient giants cut the connection with the world one by one with the sword of wisdom, the Time God and Magic Cube only realized Coming over, I miscalculated again, the enemy is more terrifying than I thought, and the power they hide is even more terrifying!

"Damn, these **** ants are so prepared, with such strength, if they hadn't laid a trap when they created the world, I'm afraid they would have really let these **** break free from the shackles of the world. If there is no such huge cause and effect, This time I really want to let this group of ants come back! It seems that the last bit of power has to be given up. This **** group of ants has broken my big things and my calculations again and again!" Endless anger! Ma is condensed in the heart of the time **** and demon, although she is unwilling and unwilling, but at this moment, no matter how unwilling it is, she has to do it.

What kind of killer does the Time God and Demon have? Naturally, it is the most primitive power in the lives of these ancient giants, and it is also the trace of causal karma when their lives are created. As the creator of the world, Time God and Demon have mastered this Power, originally only wanted to restrict these ancient giants at the most critical moment, and launch a fatal blow to the tunnel, but now it has to be used to deal with these ancient giants, take the killer blow, and cut them in one fell swoop. kill!

"The ants also want to shake the sky. Originally, they wanted to give you a ray of life, but you have to kill yourself. Let me die. Karma blessing, kill! Kill! Kill!" With the time the **** and demon roared, that one The karma hidden in the origin of the ancient giant’s life was mobilized, and at the moment when the cause and effect was mobilized, the balance of fate in the hands of the destiny **** and demon moved, the karma red lotus in the hands of the karma **** and demon moved, and the will of Chaos Sea Fully broke out his last strength!

Although the power of destroying the world is terrible, the force of destroying the world did not obliterate the will of Chaos Sea at the first time of the outbreak, did not kill the Karma and Destiny Gods and Demons, and did not kill the Time Gods and Demons. It can wipe out everything, but now the Karma God and Demon and Destiny God and Demon directly make the final judgment on their soul!

"No, this is a causal judgment, it is the causal power of our life origin, hurry! Guardian Yuanshen!" An ancient giant roared frantically, his roar was full of endless fear, none of them expected At this time, under this situation, the time gods and demons still have the power to reverse the situation. All of them did not realize that there was such a terrible assassin hidden in the source of their lives, a hidden danger that threatened their own life and death!

For these ancient giants, although they are all incarnations of the origin of the world and rulers, none of them have the ability to perceive the hidden dangers of their own life origin, and this hidden danger is stimulated and they are instantly plunged into desperation. In, let them bear the verdict of death, the gods of cause and effect and the gods of destiny start from their life sources, and they must directly strangle their lives, and their souls will destroy them directly in this world!

Dumbfounded. At this moment, the human giants were dumbfounded, and the God Devouring Mother Queen was dumbfounded. They never expected such an astonishing reversal. Karma and Destiny can judge the life and death of these ancient giants, and naturally they can judge. There is still such a hidden danger in their life and death, the life of ancient giants, will they not have it?

"Damn it, how could this be? Our life origin has been subjected to such terrible calculations. The cause and effect gods and demons, the destiny gods and demons, and the time, don't the gods and demon want to leave us a way to survive at the beginning, but want us to To death, all the creatures of heaven and earth are just lambs raised by them. How dare they do this? They are not afraid of the backlash of heaven and earth, and the backlash of the world!"

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