God of Destruction

Chapter 4363: Dilemma

Chapter 4369: A Dilemma

"Backlash, what's to be afraid of? This group of **** don't care about the backlash of the world at all. In their eyes, there are only benefits, and some are only greedy. Everything is in their calculations from beginning to end, and they are ready for everything. No matter how much we resist, it’s hard to get rid of their calculations! The cause and effect in the origin of life is something we can’t resist, unless we give up our life origin at the beginning and reshape ourselves. As long as we don’t do this, we will stay with them. In my grasp!"

Compared with the fear of the human giants, the God-Eater Mother Queen quickly awoke from shock and fear, and saw everything, but he was also unable to break free from this shackle, nor was he able to face the chaotic sea will, time gods and old guys. Calculation. In fact, the cause and effect are very clear. As long as you give up your life origin, you can break free. But giving up the life origin is tantamount to giving up your own life. Giving up your life at this time is equivalent to self-destruction.

"In fact, we are not without the opportunity to break free. We must know that the time gods and demon, the cause and effect gods and demon, the destiny gods and demon, and the chaos sea will all put their energy on the ancient giants, and relax our vigilance against us. If we wait for them At the end of the decisive battle, these **** of Chaos Sea Will were backlashed by the origin of the world. At that time, we may be able to cut off this cause and effect, but we also have to pay a heavy price!" When this was said, the Virtual Lord couldn't help but sigh lightly. Tone, there is a hint of unwillingness in my heart, after all, the price is too high, even if it succeeds, it will inevitably suffer severe damage and lose the opportunity for detachment!

Yes, at this time, the heart of the virtual master still has not forgotten his dream of detachment, and still longs for himself to get out of this world catastrophe, but the reality has given him a heavy blow for him to see There is not a little hope, especially this scene in front of me, this terrible causal hidden danger in the source of my life!

Upon hearing the words of the Virtual Lord, the Mother God Devourer sighed disapprovingly: "Haha! This is indeed possible, but this so-called opportunity is pinned on the Chaos Sea Will and they are backlashed by the origin of the world. Moreover, the will of the Chaos Sea as the ruler of the world must die. The Karma and Destiny must be severely injured, otherwise we still can’t break free of this bondage. After all, the **** in the origin of life is too insidious, a little bit worse, we You have to pay the price of your life. Not everyone has the ability to cut everything. The consequences of failure are terrible!"

God Devouring Mother Queen admitted that she had fear and fear in her heart. After all, it was related to her own life and death. He couldn't help but not fear. No one was willing to face death. If it was not a last resort, he would not accept such a choice. He doesn't want to risk his life, even if he wants to take risks, he hopes that he will be the last one, not the first!

Although the creatures in the entire Chaos Sea world suffered heavy casualties after being hit by the Chaos Giant Beast, there are still some creatures in the entire Chaos Sea world. If these people can see all this, they can choose to take the initiative to attack. A counterattack will inevitably make the destiny gods and demons, causal gods and demons, and time for the gods and demons to bear greater impact, and the last person to break free may face less danger and have greater opportunities, but in his heart Although he understood all of this, it was for his own benefit and because of selfishness, the Empress God Devourer Mother did not say all this.

In fact, for the human giants and the god-eater mother emperor, the result they most look forward to is that the two **** can die together, can lose both sides, lose the ability to fight, they can take advantage of the fisherman’s profit and accept everything, but they I understand that this is impossible, no matter how cruel the battle is, it is impossible to have a lose-lose ending, because from the beginning to the end, the gang of chaotic sea will have the advantage, the initiative, and the upper hand!

"Perhaps we should help those damned ancient giants, and then join forces to give the Chaos Sea a fatal blow!" In an instant, such a crazy idea suddenly appeared in the heart of the God Eater Mother Queen, and she said without knowing it. Come out!

"What? Are you crazy? King Chong, do you know what you are talking about? Help those **** ancient giants, you want to die, we don't want to be with you, these **** have no integrity at all, helping them in the end we still I don’t get anything, I just sacrifice my life for nothing. In contrast, I would rather believe in the will of Chaos Sea and the **** of the time gods and demons. I don’t believe them. If you want to do this, please do it yourself. , Don't pull us together!" Faced with the suggestion of the God-Eater Mother, the Virtual Lord relentlessly rejected and expressed his decisive attitude!

This is not just the idea of ​​the virtual lord himself, but also the idea of ​​the entire human giants. They have all experienced betrayals between them, and they all have strong dissatisfaction with the group of ancient giants in their hearts. I hope they can help again. This is one A joke, a big joke, they would rather face death than help these **** ancient giants.

When I heard the words of the virtual lord full of resentment, the mother of God Devourer was shocked, her expression changed drastically, and her heart secretly said: "Damn, how come I suddenly have such thoughts, what is it? Is it really the true thoughts in my heart? Or is it that I was secretly calculated without knowing it, maybe there are hidden dangers in my body, hidden dangers that I don’t know, at this critical moment Did it affect my behavior?"

When thinking of this, the mother-emperor of God Devouring Insects feels heavier, the more the situation develops, the more terrifying the crisis of his own need and land, if all this is really someone trying to calculate himself, perhaps he is unknowingly It was calculated!


"No, no one can do this. No matter how careless I am, it is impossible to be calculated unknowingly. This is not something a creature can do. If you have to find a possibility, it is the origin of the world and the end. The power of the times is that it is affecting me. It wants me to help those **** ancient giants, and wants me to kill myself to change the trend! Asshole, why I was tricked by it unknowingly, Could it be that it was losing control over and over again!" The more you think, the heavier the mother-eating god-eater's mood becomes, and the more you feel inadequate for your own safety!

This is the final battle of the final battle. All power will appear little by little, and will counterattack. All black hands and all resistance will be revealed one by one in this life and death duel. In the end, all causes and effects will be revealed. It will end in this life and death contest, and all creatures will face this crazy life and death test!

After taking a deep breath, the God Eater Mother Queen said in a deep voice, "Dear fellow Taoists, do you think this is my normal behavior? Under normal circumstances, would I say such ignorant words? Did you do such a stupid thing?"

In an instant, the expressions of the human giants changed drastically. They thought of what they feared the most, and the virtual lord said in a deep voice: "Insect King, have you lost control of yourself again, and your mind is affected by external forces? What power can affect you, this time it is absolutely impossible for Chaos Sea Will, he cannot do such a stupid thing!"

God Devouring Mother Queen nodded and said: "Yes, it is indeed not Chaos Sea Will. He has no such time and no such reason. Although the ancient giants are powerful, it is impossible for me to secretly count on me. , There is only one existence that can do all of this, that is the origin of the world, the power of the Age of Doom, he can do all of this, but I don’t understand why he chose me instead of other people. What is the hidden danger in me? ?"

Hearing the words of the God Eater Mother Queen, everyone couldn't help but sighed. They also wanted to know what hidden dangers the God Eater Mother Queen had. They were secretly calculated again and again, and they lost their right. The control of oneself, if not everyone knows this, no one would believe that the words before the Empress God Eater were not his own voice.

The Virtual Lord sighed: "Yes, we also want to know this. We also want to clarify this problem. The other party can count against the Insect Emperor silently and has the ability to count against us. No one wants to be controlled. No Willing to lose ourselves, but now we don’t have the time or energy to look for the problem carefully, because time doesn’t allow us to do this, and the worm emperor also understands that time is pressing, and no one knows what will happen next moment. When this crazy duel will end, we dare not be distracted at all, otherwise it will be our weak beings that will ultimately suffer!"

"Perhaps we should contact the remaining creatures in the Chaos Sea world, cooperate with them, and unite everyone's strength to protect themselves. After all, under the current situation, no one has the confidence to protect themselves in this catastrophe. Those who betray us The **** is even more so, I'm afraid that now they are all regretful, if we are willing to give them a hand, maybe there will be different results!"

"Stupid, can those **** **** believe it? They betrayed us before, which proves that they have never regarded us as the same thing in their hearts. There is no basis for cooperation. Cooperating with them, I am afraid that they will be the first It is them who betray us. If we can sell our interests in exchange for their survival, these **** will never be soft. Don't have any hope for the group of **** who have no integrity. That will only plunge us into a greater crisis. "As the leader of the human race, the virtual master relentlessly rejected the suggestion of this ridiculous remark.

At this moment, the God Eater Mother Queen also nodded and said: "Yes, we can't trust them anymore. Just as we worried before, at this time, in this situation, what we have to do is not fire. Take millet in the middle, but to protect yourself. Early birds will only be killed directly by people. Don’t underestimate the power of Chaos Sea Will and Time Gods and Demons. Every time we think they are exhausted, these **** are all To turn around in an instant and to despise them is to be able to be irresponsible of ourselves, that is, to put ourselves in a desperate situation, we have no strength to fight against it!"

"Could it be that we just keep waiting like this, do nothing, resign everything to fate, accept everything so passively, and pin our lives and deaths on the enemy's body. If this is the case, we are afraid that we will not die in the end. Obviously, God of Time This group of **** calculated all the creatures in the entire Chaos Sea world, and put all our creatures to death. It was a little funny to say. Before, I thought the lunatic Xingtian was a bit unreasonable, but now I think about it, I find that this lunatic is the most. Normally, I'm afraid he will be so crazy after discovering all this. It is precisely because he understands that we are simply unreliable and cannot be believed, so he will attack the time gods and demons alone and attack the place of origin. Everything is because of us. Would not agree with this crazy move!"

When these words fell, everyone was silent. They knew in their hearts that it was right. If Xingtian really had to consult with them before, no one would believe it, and no one would agree, even if it was right, they too I won’t do this, because they all have selfish motives, they are not willing to be the first bird, they want to reap the benefits of the fisherman, they want to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and they want to sit on the other side and they will lose. Whatever appears, everyone will wait for death in the end!

"It’s funny to say that Xingtian’s death is the best mockery for us. From the very beginning, he has been reminding us, but we have never made the right choice. We have always made the wrong decision. In the end, step by step, we came to this desperate situation, clearly seeing through the danger of the situation, and also clearly understanding the madness of the time **** and demon and the will of Chaos Sea, but we couldn’t find a solution to the problem, we could only look foolishly. Watching everything happen, watching myself go to destruction step by step, watching my vitality being wiped out bit by bit, watching hope shattered before my eyes!"

For a moment, the Mother Emperor God Devourer sighed: "Let's give it a go. Don't hold fantasies like this anymore, don't want to take advantage of the fisherman's profit, and wait for the end of everything. We have no strength and no Ability, there will be no chance to wait until the enemy loses and loses. We want to survive, but we have to give up our lives and use our own strength to smash a blood path from this desperate situation. This is our most correct choice and also our most What we should do, life is only in our own hands!"

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