God of Destruction

Chapter 4364: Destructive breath

The fourth thousand three hundred and seventy chapters of destruction

When hearing the words of the God-Eater Mother Queen, all the clan giants were silent. They were all thinking about whether they should do this. Even the virtual master dare not make a decision at this time, although to a certain extent he can represent Everyone, but he can’t make such a decision at this time. This requires all the giants to express their opinions. After all, this is related to everyone’s survival. No one can reluctantly. If there is a little dissatisfaction in the heart, it is likely to cause greater sadness. The game will put everyone in desperation!

Time went by little by little. Although the human giants did not express their views, he did not care about the god-eater mother emperor. He also knew in his heart that such a matter was impatient and needed all the giants to consider carefully. , Even if there is not enough time, but on this issue, the God Eater Mother Queen still has to be cautious and dare not be the slightest carelessness, so as not to do bad things with good intentions, make the situation out of control and let them internally If there is a split, then there is really no chance to stand up again, it really will be dead, and everyone will be in desperation!

After everyone thought about it for a while, the virtual master just said: "Dear friends, what do you think, should we listen to the insect emperor's words, try our best, and use our own power to kill in this crazy decisive battle? It’s not a trivial matter to find a way out and take the initiative in our own hands. It is related to everyone’s life and death, and I need everyone’s ideas!"

"War, now we have no retreat. As the insect emperor said, we are already in desperate situation. Waiting for the opportunity to appear will only waste everyone's precious time instead of waiting a little bit. To do our best, it’s better to give it a go, perhaps we can smash a **** path in this desperate situation, and be able to find a chance!"

"Yeah, we have no choice at this time. We can't find a helper at all. All we can do is fight hard. Now the decisive battle between the two **** is not over. We still have the opportunity to make a choice. If we wait for this to end , I’m afraid that we don’t even have the opportunity to choose, and we will be directly in desperate situation. Under such circumstances, what else can we hesitate about!"

Under the tremendous pressure from the outside world, the Terran giants quickly unified their opinions and chose to give it a go. Fantasy does not exist. It is impossible to wait for the enemy to lose both. Now the two **** are deliberately guiding the shock wave to them. When attacking, you can imagine how crazy the thoughts in the opponent's heart are. Instead of passively accepting death, it is better to give up your life!

"Well, since everyone has decided to give their lives a fight, we set it this way. Now we have to consider the second point, whether we are on the side of the will of the Chaos Sea, or the side of the ancient giants, or we are alone. , Confronting these two bastards, this is also no small matter, it also determines everyone's life and death, and everyone needs to make a decision!"

The three choices are also three directions for the human giants and the god-eater mother emperor, but each direction is huge for them. It is not so easy to succeed, and everyone needs to pay a heavy price for it. , And now it's time for them to consider the choice of direction, they need giants to make the decision!

"Haha, this is really a helpless choice. The chaotic sea will has been planning and calculating all the creatures since the beginning of this world. For them, they have a plan. Cooperating with them is undoubtedly a tiger for skin, and the ancient giants also They are not good birds. They also don’t take us seriously. They always regard us as ants. To them, betrayal is as simple as drinking water. They are also not worthy of our trust. For us, there is only this last. Although this is also a huge danger, it may even be strangled by both sides, but no matter how we choose, we must eventually face them. Instead of doing that hypocritical cooperation with them, it is better to confront them at the beginning , This is my choice!" At this point, the god-eater mother empress exudes a strong war spirit, which makes the whole person look very crazy!

This is indeed a crazy decision. Facing two enemies at the same time and fighting against two powerful enemies at the same time, and each side is not what they can defeat, such a choice is really unacceptable. After all, this is too crazy. If there is a mistake, everyone will die instantly, lose their sacrifices, and completely dissipate between the world!

"Crazy, this is crazy. How can our little power be able to do this and confront the enemies on both sides? This is not a consequence that we can bear. I think we need to think carefully about this point, and can't take it on impulse. Make a decision, so as not to kill everyone directly and die under the joint strangulation of those bastards. To these two bastards, we are not worth mentioning, as long as we behave a little bit. Rebelling, it is possible to suffer a devastating blow, which will make everything we pay into nothingness and let us die on the spot!"

"Yes, this is indeed not a trivial matter and requires careful consideration, but don’t forget, we don’t have so much time to waste, nor so much time to prepare. The enemy will not give us such an opportunity. Fang **** are consciously guiding the shockwave to strike us devastatingly. It can be seen that in their hearts, we have no vitality. In this case, no matter how much we endure, it is useless. We must live and die with them!"

Listening to the thoughts of many companions, the virtual lord sighed and said: "Insect Sovereign, what do you think we should? Under such circumstances, what should we do to survive this life and death crisis, and to protect ourselves? Can you save yourself as much as possible in this battle and survive this life and death duel?"

God Eater Mother Queen took a deep breath, her expression condensed, and said in a deep voice: "You fellow Taoists may think too much, but in fact, for us, the situation does not necessarily mean there is no vitality. As long as we are willing If we give up our lives, the situation will be completely different. We don’t need to confront the two **** right away. We can use the power of the ancient giants to attack the Chaos Sea Will and the Time Gods and Demon **** and let them eliminate us. If these **** don’t want to see us join forces with the ancient giants, they will definitely agree to our request. Without this hidden danger, we will be able to resolve the current crisis and have a little freedom in this decisive battle. Of course, the biggest possibility is to attract the enemy's crazy counterattack!"

auzw.com When the human giants discussed with the God-eater Mother Queen how to face this crisis, the expression of the End King became extremely solemn. For my own reasons, I did not feel the change from the void, but the King of End as a bystander was different. When the two sides decided to start, a mysterious force was spreading in the Chaos Sea world, one by one. It is eroding the rules of the Chaos Sea, as if to master the rules of the Chaos Sea. This is the power of the world's origin, this is the power of the Age of Doom, in this mysterious power, the King of End feels the terrible aura of destruction!

Yes, it is the aura of destruction. The King of End will not be wrong at this point. The Chaos Sea world is heading towards destruction bit by bit. This change makes the King of End feel heavier, time is running out, and again. , After repeated changes, let the king of the end deeply understand that the origin of the world of Chaos Sea is undergoing drastic changes. The will of Chaos Sea as the world's master is going to death step by step. He is suffering from the backlash from the world of dooms and the world. Backlash of the original rules!

Although the King of End does not understand why this is, the appearance of the aura of destruction means that the situation will change more wildly, and the world will even accelerate its destruction. Perhaps the emergence of the Age of Doom is to bring the world to destruction, and all this is just the beginning.

"I don’t know how the deity is going, nor what changes have taken place in the place where the deity sleeps. If you can know the situation there, you may be able to understand why the aura of destruction appears, understand the evolution of this world, and understand the time gods and demons. It’s a pity that now there is only patience and only patience!” When thinking of this, the King of End sighed involuntarily, and a faint unwillingness appeared in his eyes. This change seemed to him to be an opportunity, just because of the reason. Unknown dare not act rashly.

Time can't be lost, and lost won't come again! Once such an opportunity is missed, it will not reappear, especially in the current situation. Once you give up, all opportunities will be missed by yourself, and you cannot open up the world's authority based on this!

At this moment, the time gods and demons, the ancient giants, are holding on frantically, their origins are consuming frantically, and the aura of the will of the chaotic sea is constantly weakening. If it is not supported by the power of authority, I am afraid that at this time the will of the Chaos Sea has been destroyed by the backlash of the world's original rules, and has died out, but now he is still holding on!

Faced with such a crazy situation, each of the ancient giants is extremely heavy. The longer the time is, the greater the pressure will be for them. The pressure they have to bear is much more terrifying than imagined. When the hidden dangers of's were induced, the endless causal power was eroding themselves crazily, making them deeply feel the breath of death!

"My fellow daoists, we can no longer waste time like this, and we can no longer continue to fight with time gods and demon **** like this endlessly. For us, time is life. If we delay it, it will be more dangerous to us. We must break this bondage, we must break free from the power of cause and effect, and break this **** situation!"

"It's easy to say, don't we want to do this, are we willing to endure such a danger? We also want to break free from all shackles, but we can't do it. The hidden dangers of the source of life directly cut off our power!"

"No, we have a chance to do it, but everyone is willing or not to do it. Since the origin of life has seriously affected our life and death, then we will directly abandon him, abandon the true body of this **** and demon, and give up the physical body directly as the soul To survive, I believe that everyone has their own preparations, they all have treasures that carry their own souls, and there are rewards. If we continue to persist, we will only be obliterated by the chaos sea will with the world's origin bit by bit! "

"This is indeed the solution to the problem. It's just that the abandonment of the true body of the gods and demons has a lot of influence on us. You also know how we can protect ourselves from the chaos of the time gods and demons when we abandon the real bodies. Without the protection of the flesh, the Far God is extremely fragile, and if we are not careful, we will directly fall into desperation!"

"There is no way, and I have no way to make a guarantee. For us, if we don’t do this, we will only be dragged to death by the enemy bit by bit. Although there is a danger of life, there is a silver lining. The decisive battle has already arrived. At this level, can we have any other way? Time is not waiting for people, we are running out of time, and the world is heading towards destruction step by step!"

Yes, the world is going to destruction step by step under their confrontation. If they can’t break free quickly, they will only fall into the destruction of the world, and they will only die with the world, and the time gods and demons, causal gods and demons in front of them There are also destiny gods and demons that don't necessarily die, they may survive and win the final victory.

"Perhaps we should cooperate with the ants of the God-Eating Insect Mother Queen and use their power to give the Chaos Sea Will a fatal blow. If we can let the Chaos Sea Will dominate the world to death, perhaps the situation will be reversed. They will be in desperation, and we will be able to rush into the islands of the gods, rush into the land of origin, and get everything we want!

At this time, someone finally thought of the God-Eating Mother Queen and the Human Giants, but in his heart he still did not put the God-Eating Mother Queen and the Human Giants in an equal position, or he could only use the other party’s ideas without any sincerity. , Perhaps in his heart he is not willing to treat the God-Eating Insect Mother Emperor and the Human Race as the same thing. From his mother to the end, he only regards them as ants that can be used and sacrificed. Their lives and deaths are not worth mentioning. .

"It's ridiculous, do you think they are fools? You have seen their choices before. There is no possibility that we will be related to them. Even if we are willing to put down and discuss with them, there will still be no results. They will not believe We, especially at this time, are not as good as relying on ourselves. If we want to win in this battle, we can only rely on our own strength. Only in this way can we break a blood path from this despair. Get out of the road that belongs to us!"

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