God of Destruction

Chapter 4365: Ending the World

Chapter 4371: Annihilation

When the battle arrives at this point, it is irresponsible for oneself to place one's life on outsiders, which is unacceptable for many ancient giants, especially if the target is still the human giant and the god-eater mother emperor. It's even more unacceptable, because they don't know if these people will take the opportunity to plot against themselves. After all, the two sides have forged a huge cause and effect before. If the human giant and the god-eater mother take this opportunity to retaliate, this is not impossible. thing!

"Everyone, I think you should understand how dangerous the situation is today, and pin your life and death on the enemy. Do you feel safe? Don't think that the other party can easily let go of the previous things. Don't think that we have a common enemy. They can let go of their vigilance against Chaos Sea Will and Time Gods and Demons. If you hold this kind of phase, I can only say that you are too stupid and you are killing yourself, no matter what you think, but I want to say But this is something I cannot accept!"

Soon a tycoon stood up against it, and the dangerous situation made them more vigilant, making them even less dare to pin their lives and deaths on others. In their opinion, doing so was self-destruction. They would rather fight with Chaos. Will, desperately fighting the time gods and demons, and they are unwilling to cooperate with the god-eater mother emperor and human giants.

"Persevere, as long as we persist until the end of the Chaos Sea will fall, we will be able to win. Now we need to sacrifice a little price. I believe everyone can accept this price. After all, sacrifice a little price is better than your own. The death soul is gone well, now the will of Chaos Sea obviously can’t last long. As long as we can endure more time, we can achieve the final victory and achieve our aspirations. Don’t hesitate, let alone shake your beliefs. It will turn everything we did before into nothingness, and will only lose our chance of victory in vain!"

These words sound very reasonable and correct, but in fact they are not. The Chaos Sea Will is indeed a bit unable to hold on, but even if the Chaos Sea Will falls, they can really get what they want and they can really defeat the God of Time. The devil, you must know that the Chaos Sea Will is not irreplaceable, and the Time God Demon is not the worst preparation for Tuangan.

"Persevere, everyone, hold on and clean up the hidden dangers first. Only by doing this first can we get what we want. I don't want to know how you choose. I won't risk my life. One more point is more dangerous for us, after all, none of us knows what will happen next!"

Soon some ancient giants began to act, they began to give up their own gods and demons, abandon the origin of life, and fundamentally remove their own hidden dangers. Although this will bring huge danger to themselves, this is a must, as long as Without the real body of one's own **** and demon, it will be difficult to get rid of the enemy's calculations, and it will be difficult to break free from this shackle!

When an ancient giant did this, soon other ancient giants couldn't hold on. Although they had all kinds of unwillingness and resentment in their hearts, they could only do this in the face of life and death. Only by doing so can they get rid of the crisis!

"No, that **** group of ants actually gave up the origin of life and escaped from the soul. There is a big loophole in our plan. This group of **** are going to fight with us!" When someone among the ancient giants gave up the gods When the demon body, the look of the **** and demon of cause and effect changed drastically. As he was in charge of the road of cause and effect, he immediately felt a trace of cause and effect disappear. This is the situation he least wants to see and the situation he least wants to face. , Once the enemy abandons the origin of life, huge loopholes will appear in the previous plan, which will make everything previously done accurately become nothingness, and let his plan fail!

"To stop them, we can't let this group of ants do this. Once they have given up the true form of the gods and demons, we want to use their power to achieve our dreams and become a dream. All plans will fail. This is our Unbearable consequences!"

The time **** and demon sighed softly: "Stop them? What do we use to stop them? The decision is not in our hands. We are powerless now, unless we are willing to pay a higher price and are willing to detonate everything in advance, just like that. Can we bear the consequences? Now we can only hope that the origin of this group of ants will not last long, and over time will directly drag them down and let them destroy themselves directly, instead of us destroying them!"

There is a dilemma. This is the real situation of time gods and demons, causal gods and demons, and destiny gods and devils. As long as they are unwilling to make the last fight and explode everything in advance, it will be difficult to change the situation, but once they do, everything will happen. Greater changes will make the situation even more uncontrollable, and even greater disasters will come!

"We have no choice. Time is not good for those ants, and even worse for us. They can't hold on, and we can't hold on either. Backlash is intensifying. I can't bear too much impact. If you don’t make it quickly Decided, it won’t take long before I will be destroyed by the source backlash. At that time, the power of the entire Chaos Sea world will no longer be able to suppress!” At this time, Chaos Sea Will speaks his own voice and also said that he faces Difficulties.

Hearing this, the Time God and Demon couldn't help but sighed: "Has the situation deteriorated to such a degree? I didn't expect it, just not long after the decisive battle started. The first thing that could not be afforded was us. Such a big price, so many arrangements, but this is the result. We really overestimated our own strength and underestimated the enemy’s counterattack. Well, since we can’t hold on, let’s give it a go and give up. Master the world, let the world go to destruction, use the destruction of the world to clean up all hidden dangers, sweep away this group of **** bastards, so that we can have time to recover!"

When seeing everything going in an uncontrollable direction, the time **** and demon had to make the worst decision, and had to use this crazy method to cleanse all creatures in the world, cleanse all resistance, and return the situation to its own control. , It’s just that the price is too great, so big that it hurts the time gods and monsters, and makes time gods and monsters unbearable!

"Did the situation really get this step? Do we really have no other choice? You should understand that once we do this, we will never have a chance to look back. All plans will be affected and even fail!" Some are not reconciled, after all, the plan of endless years will eventually come to this point, making him heartache.


"Let go, if we don't let go, the power of the Age of Doom will completely swallow us and destroy everything!" Facing the unwillingness of the Destiny God and Demon, the Time God Demon sighed lightly and still insisted on his decision.

When the time, destiny, and causal gods and demon made a decision, the King of End hiding in the body of the chaos beast was palpitating again, and his mind once again warned himself, and this time it was even more fierce. The changes have revealed a faint worry in the eyes of the King of End. The situation is accelerating and deteriorating, and everything is heading for destruction!

"Is the time here? It's still that the time gods and demons can't hold on, have to make the worst decision, have to give up the suppression of the world, let the world go to destruction, and let the power of the Age of Doom to destroy everything in the whole world , Use this crazy method to cleanse all resistance, and use this most overbearing method to eliminate all resistance!" The King of End is thinking in his heart, looking for a way to resolve his own crisis, and doing the worst. Preparation!

Yes, when the spiritual warning appeared at this moment, the King of End no longer had any illusions. The final decisive battle has arrived. The world is accelerating toward destruction, and everything is developing in the worst direction. All of this comes more than I thought. It's much faster, and it's more brutal. Once the time gods and demons have to fight with all their strength, all the secrets will be revealed, and the whole world will die!

The King of End is accelerating the cohesion of his own origin and is making the final preparations. Once the time comes, once the world is shattered, and when the time gods and demon want to break free from their own shackles, the final battle will start, and he will do the last. With one stroke, you can cut a **** path for the deity, cut off the calculations of the time gods and demons, and let this original dead end appear a ray of life!

Not only did the King of End feel the crisis, all the creatures in the entire Chaos Sea world felt the threat of death and felt the warning of the soul. The power of the Age of Doom is also expanding frantically, and the trace of destruction is also expanding frantically. !

Back? No, all the creatures in the entire Chaos Sea world have no retreat. When the time gods and demons make a decision, their final retreat is also cut off. They must face this devastating blow, they must face the Chaos Sea. The world's disillusionment, because everything has already begun, the will of Chaos Sea is letting go of everything, detonating the origin of the world.

The destruction of the world has come. I cannot help everyone not face it, and they cannot accept it. This is the general trend. When the will of Chaos Sea puts down the confrontation with the origin of the world, the whole world will be destroyed, and the atmosphere of destruction is madly eroding the world. According to the liver creatures, while destroying everything in the world, and destroying everything, a more terrifying force condenses in the dark.

"Accept the advent of death. Since you have to do things absolutely and have to be greedy, accept the advent of death and pay a heavy price for your ignorance and stupidity. The world is shattered!" When the words fell, his body that was already unable to hold on collapsed directly. A terrifying force filled the entire Chaos Sea world. The emergence of this force was madly destroying everything in the world and pulling the entire Chaos Sea world. Into destruction!

"No!" When seeing the chaos sea will give up everything, when the chaos sea will shattered, and the entire chaos sea world is going to be destroyed, the ancient giants are dumbfounded one by one, and the changes they least want to see appear. The thing they fear most has happened, no matter they were unwilling to accept it, they must face all this, this is a natural disaster!

Yes, the natural disaster has come, and the extinction of the natural disaster has begun. All the creatures in the Chaos Sea world will face this terrible natural disaster destruction, and they must face the most terrible decisive battle, and the most terrifying decisive battle is coming.

Just counting the breath of time, the originally powerful will of Chaos Sea disappeared and went to death, countless creatures also fell in this crazy change, and other creatures are facing the destruction of the world and have to face it. This is the most terrifying life-and-death battle, and when the war starts, everyone will no longer regret it. No matter what ideas they have in their hearts, they must concentrate all their strength to fight the time gods and demons and prevent the expansion of time gods and gods!

"What a terrifying aura, how come I have a familiar feeling in this destructive aura, what is going on, what the time gods and demons are calculating, why these three **** persist in this way, do they really have to find it? The way to solve the problem is to really grasp the whole situation and be able to reveal the shortcomings alone?” As the situation changes, the King of End finally feels the changes from the world, but now the King of End cannot stop it.

Of course, the final thing is that the King of End cannot stop it. The destruction of the world cannot be prevented by an ant like him, not to mention that he does not have such power. Even if he has such power, he cannot use it, let alone dare to use it. After all, the current situation is too bad, and the danger that everyone has to face will be terrifying and astonishing!

"Is this the hidden power in the Age of Doom? Why is the existence of this force not suppressed by the time gods and demons? Why is it not cleared by the time gods and demons with the help of the world origin in those endless years? What, what is his final layout? He paid such a big price to open the Age of Doom. Is it just to destroy the world and clean up all living creatures in the world? This is not worth the gain!"

At this time, not only the King of End is threatened, not only is he alone to face the arrival of this disaster, the creatures of the entire world will face it, those ancient giants will also face it, and even the impact they will bear. It is bigger than the King of the End, and the pressure is even more terrifying, but everything has begun, they are unable to prevent this from happening, everything is completely out of control, everything is completely out of control, and the worst has happened!

The destruction of the world, the destruction of the world has begun, the world is collapsing, and everything is developing in the worst direction. As soon as the disaster of the destruction of the world comes, the crazy ancient giants have suffered a greater impact, and at this moment their enemy Chaohai Will Has been destroyed, the authority of the entire Chaos Sea world has fallen, everything has become so crazy, so terrible!

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