God of Destruction

Chapter 4366: Festival world shattered

Chapter 4372: The World Is Shattered

Originally everything was in my own control, and so was the Age of Doom, but now everything is out of control, which is a huge threat to the time gods and demons, but now everything cannot be controlled by myself. Under such circumstances, Chaos Sea The will can only give up, and his fall aggravated everything, but it also gave the time **** and demon a chance to breathe a sigh of relief, so that the situation can temporarily ease, but the Age of Doom will be even more crazy, because the destruction of the world will follow With the death of the will of Chaos Sea, it descends madly, causing the entire Chaos Sea world to be destroyed, and let the power of the Age of Doom to destroy everything.

For just a short time, with the fall of the will of Chaos Sea, the terrifying power of annihilation is madly destroying everything. Those creatures in the chaotic world are destroying those creatures in the chaotic world. Starting from the weak creatures, the whole world is entering death. Flowers and trees reached the end of their lives in a short period of time and were destroyed by the power of the Age of Doom. With the destruction of these ordinary flowers, trees, and trees, the entire world of heaven and earth began to collapse, and those intelligent creatures began to fear.

If you say who is the most unlucky person in this world, it is naturally the betrayers, those **** who have betrayed the human giants and the god-eating mother emperor, they are now suffering from the disaster, because they have been destroyed by the Chaos Sea before. The will is focused. Because of the changes in the general situation and the madness of the ancient giants, Chaos Sea Will has to give up chasing them, but now it is different. When Chaos Sea Will falls, the obsession in his heart melts into In the world, these **** were naturally strangled from the world, and were stared at by the power of the Age of Doom. The result was naturally horrible!

With a scream, these betrayers were eroded by the power of the Age of Doom, and their bodies and souls were destroyed little by little under the erosion of the Doomsday World. In the face of such natural disasters, they resisted a little. There was no strength, because before they had no time to make any preparations, when the disaster hit, they immediately fell into this despair!

Of course, not only these betrayers faced this terrible disaster, but also the **** group of ancient giants. They also received a devastating blow, and they were also crazy to kill them in the obsession of the will of Chaos Sea. They are naturally faced with terrible crises, and they have to endure the destruction from the Age of Domination, but their power is much stronger than those who betrayed. They can also withstand this corrosive force for the time being, and they can also protect themselves. Their lives are just being consumed frantically by their origins. If a solution cannot be found quickly, it will not take long for them to be destroyed by the power of the Age of Doom!

What is the situation of the human giants and the god-eating mother emperor at this moment? Although their situation is also very dangerous, they are much easier than others, because they did not exist in the strangulation of the origin of the Age of Doom, although they are also the world The creatures, but the Age of Doom did not want to strangle them in the first place, so although they also felt the fear of the world and the terrible natural disasters, they were not impacted by the terrifying natural disasters and were not harmed.

After the shock of the natural disaster broke out, these human giants and the God-Eater Mother Queen soon calmed down. Although each of them still had shock in their eyes, they had no fear and anxiety. They all understood that they were safe for the time being. Will be threatened with death!

In the same way, the King of the End was shocked and restored to peace, but he thought more about the King of the End than the giants of the human race and the Mother Queen of the God-Eater. After all, the King of the End also understood this natural disaster. More than them, when he calmed down, there was a trace of madness in the eyes of the King of End. The natural disaster has come, and the opportunity he has to wait for is also coming. The world is entering destruction. It will not take long for the gods and demons to Erupting with full force, no matter how many calculations he has, it will be fully exposed at that time, and how many killers the karma and destiny masters will be fully exposed!

After taking a deep breath, the King of End turned his attention to the destructive power guided by the origin of the Age of Doom. He carefully felt this power that made him familiar, but he was the King of End, no matter how careful Taste, no matter how hard you search, you can't find out where your familiar feeling comes from, but this feeling can't be wrong.

"Damn, what have I forgotten, obviously I can feel the familiarity in this destructive aura, but I can't find the reason for this, can it be said that this is the power of natural disasters, this is the means of the time gods and demons? , Can shield everyone from the natural disaster, so that everyone can not find the root of the natural disaster?"

For a moment, the King of End shook his head and muttered to himself: "No, it's wrong, things shouldn't be like this. No matter how many methods the time gods and demon have, they won't do this, and won't waste their precious power. At this point, if he has such energy, and has such spare time and power, he will not fall to where he is now, and will not be forced to this level by those ancient giants, and eventually he has to sacrifice the will of Chaos Sea. It must be my own problem to give up the authority to control the world of Chaos. It is because I have forgotten some of the key points. It was only a moment and a half that I couldn't figure it out!"

The King of the End will not shirk responsibility in this situation, and there is no need to shirk responsibility. After all, everything is for him to face. To shirk responsibility will only deceive himself and others, and will only plunge himself into a greater crisis. There is no need for me to do this. Only by facing my own mistakes can I get that glimmer of life in the next crisis.

"Don't worry, I have to stay steady. I can't lose my calm because of this little accident, and I can't make impulsive actions because of this little mistake. The more at this time, the more I have to be cautious. Only in this way can I be Only by finding the place of vitality in this crisis can I make a **** path for the deity. No matter what the final outcome, no matter what the time gods and demons have, they will be exposed bit by bit. Now all I need to do is Be calm and wait quietly!"


It's easy to say, but difficult to do. Under such terrible natural disasters, I want to calmly face everything, wait quietly for the results, wait for the time gods and demons to take action, and find the problem from the opponent's every move. What you want, this is not something that ordinary people can bear. Under such natural disasters, every minute and every second of time will bring huge impact and pressure to yourself, and there is a little lack of mood and will. Whenever, you will plunge yourself into madness, let your mind lose control, and plunge yourself into this crazy natural disaster unknowingly!

Waiting and waiting, the preparation that should be done The King of End cannot be sloppy. The more terrifying the natural disasters, the more the King of End must do his best to make the final preparations, prepare for the worst, and wait for the arrival of the final crisis. For a moment, waiting for the action of the gods and demons of time, waiting for the action of the gods and demons of cause and effect and destiny, as long as they make a move, everything will become clear!

"Causality, destiny, we can't wait any longer. The time left for us is running out. Let's do it, strangling this **** group of ants, tearing apart the void with their origin, opening up the connection with the wild world, and letting the deity break free. The **** of the authentic, I need your sacrifices, and you need to sacrifice yourself to awaken the original soul!" Suddenly, the time gods and demon opened their mouths to the karma gods and destinies, and his voice was full of crazy killing intent. , It was against the ancient giants in front of them, it was they who destroyed everything, their resistance broke their calculations, and also the calculations of the original soul.

"Well, as long as the deity can get out of trouble, our sacrifice is nothing, and it is not only us that will sacrifice, but also you. I hope that our sacrifice will not be wasted. I hope that the deity can break free from the shackles of the authenticity quickly. The Tuzu witch has appeared in the sea of ​​blood, and there is not much time left for us, and not much time for the deity. I hope everything goes well!"

When talking about this, the Karma God and Demon looked at each other, and they saw a trace of madness in each other's eyes. They must work hard, only in this way can they complete the previous plan and be able to guide the Chaos Sea. The power of the world completes the impact on the prehistoric world, cuts off all the shackles, so that the deity can break free of shackles!

"The power of causality is present, the cause and effect are disillusioned, extinction! Extinction! Extinction!" At this moment, as the voice of the cause and effect gods and demon fell, the power of the causal avenue exploded frantically, and the cause and effect gods and demon not only used all of their origin Power is to burn all of your own power, and use your sacrifice in exchange for stronger power, use this ultimate power to strangle all living beings, all lives that have causality with the Chaos Sea world, use the power of causality from the root. Destroy everything.

The Karma God and Demon have acted, and the Destiny God and Demon dare not have any reservations. The time is limited and the opportunities are limited. He only listens to the Destiny God and Demon shouting: "Destiny is shattered, the road of fate is destroyed, the world is in sorrow, the world is shattered!"

Yes, at this moment, the Destiny God and Demon directly shattered its own Destiny Avenue, destroying the Destiny Avenue of the Chaos Sea World, the world is in the same sorrow, and the origin of the world is shattered. The destruction of this Destiny Avenue directly accelerates the destruction of the world and accelerates all living creatures. If it is said that the action of the Karma God and Demon directly strangles those enemies targeted by the will of the Chaos Sea, while the action of the Destiny God and Demon directly strangles all the creatures in the entire Chaos Sea world, and does not give the opponent a chance to breathe. .

The human giants who had just breathed a sigh of relief and the God-Eater Mother Queen had not had time to be happy, and when they had time to make preparations, the power of fate began to do their final destruction, and the power of destruction crazily entangled them. , Wrapped around their souls, madly obliterating their origin and soul.

Of course, it’s not just these human giants and the god-eaters who are dangerous now. When the Karma and Destiny’s moves, the look of the King of End changes drastically, with a trace of madness and brutality in his eyes, because He felt the lingering palpitations of his soul, which were the feelings from his soul. When this palpitation appeared, the King of End understood that his subordinates, his Taoist companions were completely destroyed at this moment, and were caused by the gods and demons of cause and effect. Strangled with the destiny gods and demons, he has no connection with the Chaos Sea World anymore. The destruction of these creatures is not ordinary destruction, but is basically obliterated.

Pain, incomparable heartache, although I am only a clone, I still feel the pain from my soul, but I can’t do anything, and I don’t dare to act rashly. The more at this time, the more I have to be cautious, and the more I have to Calm down, can't reveal your existence, can't attract the attention of time gods and demon!

When the destiny and the cause and effect were also eaten to death by the source, the time **** became extremely hideous, and roared: "The **** of the **** world, this is the result you want, you are destroying everything, you Do you think that you can break free? Do you think that you can get rid of the shackles of fate in this way, dream, go to me to die, the power of time is set for me, time and space open, burst, release your power, open the sky Earth, the axe cracks the void!"

With the roar of the time **** and demon, the power of time erupted, the power of the treasure of time "time clock" exploded, and the damaged body of the time **** and demon was collapsing, the power of the world avenue fixed everything, and the power of the Age of Doom Staying still, a terrible force burst out from the Chaos Sea world, that is the force of destruction, that is the power of the end, that is the power of Pangu Axe, is the power of Pangu Kaitian, under the bloom of this power , The origin of the Age of Domination was directly destroyed, and the Pangu Axe phantom, which was condensed by these many forces, fell directly into the void, on the body of the deity, on the shackles, and the time gods and demons sacrificed all of their own. In exchange for the deity the opportunity to break free!

When this blow broke out, the look of the King of End changed drastically. The terrifying power made him feel the breath of death, and made him feel the strong malice from the world itself. Of course, the King of End finally understood at this moment. What is the familiar feeling before me? It is the power to end the origin, the breath of Pangu, the breath of my own deity cutting off the origin of life. The familiar feeling is precisely because my deity has obtained the origin of the Witch clan and gained Pangu. The essence of the blood, so that when the destruction aura appeared before, I gave myself that familiar feeling, but I could not find the source of this power, now everything is clear, but this result is not what I want Yes, but I don't have any ability to resist, I can only face all these explosions, and can only passively accept all the impacts. This is the opportunity I am waiting for.

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