God of Destruction

Chapter 4367: Festival time is coming

Chapter 4373: The Time Comes

"Damn, I finally understand the calculations of the Time God and Demon, and finally understand why he wants to lead the entire Chaos Sea World to the Age of Domination, because he is using the power of the Age of Domination to nourish the power of the Pangu Axe that was originally left in the body of the God and Demon. , The mighty power of Pangu Great God, he will use this Pangu axe and the mighty power of Pangu Great God to condense this mortal blow, and use the power of this axe to destroy the shackles entwined with the real body of the **** and demon, if I am not wrong If this is not the case, the original plan is not like this. This power should be used to target the tunnels, or even the heavens or Hongjun Daozu, just because of his own participation, because of his own guidance and the madness of those ancient giants, so that his plan appears. An accident forced him to give up his previous plan and have to make such a choice!” At this time, the King of End finally saw the calculations of the time **** and demon, and understood the other party’s thoughts on the layout from the beginning of the world. All are so crazy, everything is so insidious, if the situation is not changed, I am afraid that the whole world will be destroyed by him, and they will become his nourishment and become his chess pieces.

"Don't worry, this is just the beginning. I need to endure a little bit more time before I take the shot, and wait for the time **** and demon to reveal his shortcomings before I can give him a fatal blow!" Although the current situation makes The king of the end saw everything clearly, but he was not in a hurry to do it. At this time, he may be able to severely damage the time **** and demon and break a little plan of the other party, but it will never cause fatal damage to the time **** and demon, but will only let the other party. If you are aware of your own existence, even if you are aware of the existence of the deity's soul, you must not make a move, and you must achieve the goal when you make a move!

After taking a deep breath, the King of End pressed the crazy thought in his heart, continued to endure, and continued to wait. Although the Time God and Demon sacrificed himself, he did not really die. All he paid was his own God and Demon. The real body, and his soul still exists in the Chaos Sea World, and the entire Chaos Sea World has not completely collapsed, completely destroyed, even if the world's destruction has become a foregone conclusion, it will take time for the entire world to collapse.

The primordial spirit of the time **** and demon is now attached to the original treasure'time clock', and is driving this original treasure, motivating the power of time in the entire world, to make a fatal counterattack against the suppression of the tunnel. With this blow condensed by Pangu’s divine power, the void was torn open, and the shackles on the real body of the time **** and demon were cut off. Powerful chaotic auras radiated from the real body of the time **** and devil. The real body of the demon, and the soul hidden in the real body began to recover!

Yes, at this moment, the time **** and demon are returning. The time **** and demon instinctively begins to swallow all power and return from the chaotic river. His return makes the whole tunnel open mother shake, and at this time, he understands his own responsibility. The Tuzu witch has also started his own actions, preparing to open the six reincarnations, opening the tunnel at his own expense, suppressing the time **** and demon, and sealing it in the tunnel again, preventing the time **** and demon from breaking free from the suppression of the tunnel. come out!

Why did Houtu Ancestor Witch not think about killing the time **** and demon, and directly destroying the time **** and demon's true body and the remaining primordial spirit, removing this big threat from the root, so that the authentic power can be fully revealed ? It's not that she doesn't want to do this, but she can't, because the time gods and demon are not weak, even after the endless years of suppression and obliteration, the origin of the time gods and demon is still not obliterated, as long as the origin of the time gods and demon is still Existence, you can return from the chaos, you can return to the peak, you can fight against the tunnels, and even against the heavens, and against the wild world.

At this time, the Houtu ancestor witch needs to be cautious and has to pay a huge price, and the king of the end must also be cautious. There is only one chance, and he has only the ability to strike. If he can’t succeed with one strike, he will definitely be physically challenged. Dead soul disappears, own death is nothing, but you can't let the deity's plan fail, and you can't let the deity's soul be destroyed in this catastrophe!

The power of Pangu cut off most of the shackles of the tunnel. The Time God and Demon are slowly opening their eyes. Yes, the Time God and Demon are returning, and the primordial spirit that controls the original treasure'Time Clock' is also going crazy. To complete the destruction of the entire Chaos Sea world at all costs, it is necessary to completely swallow the power of the entire Chaos Sea and accelerate the recovery of the deity. After all, time is limited. If the deity cannot be recovered in this limited time, let the deity seize the authentic origin, The previous plan will fail completely.

At this time, the Time God and Demon had already let go of all vigilance. In his opinion, the creatures in the entire Chaos Sea world were dead and souls. There was nothing in the entire Chaos Sea world that could threaten their own safety. There was no need to waste energy to be vigilant. What I have to do is to complete the swallowing of the Chaos Sea as quickly as possible. This is the most important thing.

You must know that because of the fall of the will of the Chaos Sea, the authority of the entire world is no longer controlled by the time gods and demons. Although I have paid a huge price and destroyed the creatures of the entire world, I still have not regained the authority of the world. I want to speed up The power of authority is the most important for the revival of the deity, and at this time, he has to deal with the reaction of the outside world. This is a huge restraint for the time **** and demon. Under distraction, the time **** and devil can no longer be vigilant. And this Qiaqia is the opportunity of the King of End, a great opportunity for the King of End to kill the time gods and demons, and it is also the time for the original soul to get out of trouble!

Of course, although the opportunity has appeared, the power of the time **** and demon has not been completely consumed. At this time, there may be accidents. For the King of End, accidents are the most tolerant. Accidents mean the possibility of failure. This is The consequences that the king of the end cannot bear, nor can he accept, either do not do it, and it must succeed as soon as the move is made.

In the past, the king of the end was just striving for a ray of life for the original soul, able to free the original soul from the shackles of the sea of ​​chaos, and be able to integrate into the prehistoric world, but now this one and three changes, The mind of the King of End has also changed, and he has a greater pursuit. Before, the King of End only wanted to severely damage the time **** and demon, and suppress it again with the power of the tunnel, so that it cannot escape from the chaos. Return, unable to recover.

Now it’s different, the environment has changed, and the final idea of ​​the King of End has also changed. When he saw the weak nature of the Time God and Demon, the King of End had a crazier idea and wanted to pay the price to kill time. The gods and demons have taken the origin of the time gods and demons, fundamentally destroyed the time gods and demons, completely eliminated the great threat of themselves, and cleared the way for the deity.

auzw.com is crazy, this is indeed crazy. It directly destroys a chaos **** and demon, even if it is a suppressed chaos **** and demon, it is very dangerous to the king of the end, and there is a slight mistake. What is waiting for him must be death, destruction, and even the deity will die under the counterattack of the time **** and demon. You must know that he is facing a real chaos **** and demon, the chaos **** and demon who has mastered the avenue of time. Power is not what the King of End can bear today.

Not to be missed! There is only one chance. If this time I give up because of the fear in my heart, because of temporary caution, I will never have such a good opportunity in the future. For a chaos **** and demon, as long as he does not die, he can recover through time. This will inevitably become the most worried enemy of the King of End!

My own power may not be able to kill the time **** and demon from the root, but with the power of the tunnel, it is completely different. If it can give it a fatal blow when the tunnel erupts and when the time is weakest, There is a chance to directly suppress the time **** and demon with the help of the authentic origin, directly obliterate it from the root cause, and let the time **** and demon completely die!

Under the madness of the time gods and demons, the chaotic sea world is rapidly disintegrating and destroying, and the pressure that the king of the end has to bear is increasing. The accelerated collapse of the boiling chaotic sea world has huge pressure and impact on him. If it weren’t for the King of End to be prepared, if it’s not for his firm will, under such an impact, it would be easy to be destroyed by that terrifying negative force, turning into the origin of the Chaos Sea world, and becoming the nourishment of the time **** and demon. The faster the Chaos Sea world collapses, the greater the pressure on the King of End, and the more terrifying and terrifying the impact he has to bear!

"Quickly, it's time for me to take action right away. I have to bear with it a little bit more and persevere, waiting for the time when the source of the gods and demons is exhausted, waiting for the authentic counterattack, as long as the Houtu Ancestral Witch makes a move, once the authentic power is activated , That will be the time for me to fight back!" The King of End kept muttering to himself, and he was constantly cheering himself up, strengthening his belief, facing such terrible disasters and pressure, if the King of Ending did not In doing so, I'm afraid I can't hold on for a long time, and be destroyed by that terrible impact!

Persistence is victory. As long as one can persist in this wave after wave of shocks, and persist until the Houtu ancestor witch takes action and evolves the six reincarnations, it will be the final victory and the outbreak of one's own lore. At that time, the King of End had already made all preparations, and his origins were dignified in his body, and he was already ready to sacrifice.

Yes, it is sacrifice. If you want to succeed in fulfilling your wish and completely destroy the time gods and demons, even if there is a great opportunity, the King of End must also sacrifice at the expense of himself, using all his own origins and all strengths to explode the deadly With one blow, all power was used to tear the defense of the time **** and demon, behead the soul of the time **** and demon, and break the power defense of the time clock.

Time is passing bit by bit. For the King of End now, every second is as long as a year. His mind is under unimaginable pressure, and his soul and will are bearing it. A terrible test, his mind is accelerating, and all this is a heavy pressure for the King of End.

"Roar!" Suddenly, a huge roar sounded from the void. At that time, the roar of the time **** and demon finally began to recover, and at this time, the original treasure of the'time clock' exudes a powerful force. Power and time origin crazily swept across the entire Chaos Sea world, devouring everything frantically. Under such crazy destruction, the Chaos Sea world instantly collapsed, leaving only less than a quarter of the space, endless aura of destruction. Condensed in the world of Chaos Sea, the terrifying killing power is impacting the authentic suppression and the origin of the wild world.

When the real body of the time **** and demon recovered, the Houtu ancestor witch also began to evolve the six cycles of reincarnation under the guidance of the source of the wild world, and the tunnel began to recover. The source of the tunnel rose from the land of the wild world, and the entire wild world was trembling!

Opportunity, this is the opportunity that the King of End is waiting for. When this opportunity appears, a terrible killing intent erupts in the eyes of the King of End. The origin of the endless Road of End is madly condensing, and everything in itself begins to burn, in order to be able to strike. Successfully, it can give a fatal blow to the time gods and demons with one blow, can break all the constraints, and fight for the opportunity for the original soul. The King of End must sacrifice everything of himself and use all of his own to complete this fight!

When the breath of the King of End broke out, the time **** and demon's soul, the soul that controls the'time clock', the most precious soul, was angry and frightened, and the crisis broke out, causing his heart to emerge instantly A feeling of anxiety!

"Damn, how can there be life and flexibility in this world, how can there be such a terrible source of existence, this is the power of ending the road, in my impression, no one has this power, the power of ending The creatures have long since died, so why is there such a panic, is this a backlash from the origin of the world, or is the enemy already conspiring?

At this moment, the Time God and Demon is frantically thinking about ways to resolve it, but it’s a pity that he can’t even think of it now, and it’s his weakest and most dangerous time, not only because his own source has been exhausted, but more importantly. It is he who has no defense at all, and will directly bear the fatal blow of the enemy. This is the most dangerous and the most terrifying!

"Stop it, your bastard, stop it, we can discuss what is going on, the whole world is left with only two of us, I am willing to share the world with you, and I am willing to reshape a new world with you!" At this time, time gods The only thing that comes to mind is deception. Use this deception method to resolve your own crisis, so that you can have a ray of life, can buy enough time for the recovery of the real body of the time **** and demon, and have the opportunity to crush the **** king of the end Ants, eliminate this hidden danger!

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