God of Destruction

Chapter 4368: Festival

Chapter 4374: Emperor Hades

Discuss, this is really ridiculous! If the king of the end can't see through this conspiracy, and can't see through the calculations of the time gods and demons, he may be tempted, and now the king of the end doesn't care about this ridiculous statement at all, and he hasn't given any reply, because there is no need. When making a decision, the King of End is determined to complete his plan. No amount of changes can stop his determination, he cannot stop himself, the opportunity is not lost, and the loss never comes. The opportunity is not to be missed!

"Asshole, this ant dare to ignore my kindness. If it weren't for me, if it weren't for my inability to withdraw, I would have beaten this **** ant to death!" Facing the ignorance of the King of End, the time **** demon's heart Endless resentment broke out, but resentment can't solve the problem. Now he is in a very dangerous situation, and if there is a slight difference, he will die!

Time waits for no one. Time for the King of End is running out. The Houtu Ancestral Witch has already begun to evolve the six cycles of reincarnation. If you don’t want to kill the time **** and demon, the soul, don’t hurry up The chaos sea swallows, everything is too late. In the heart of the King of End, he not only wants to kill the opponent, but also wants to seize the original treasure of the'Time Clock', which can make the deity have the treasure of self-defense after getting out of trouble. Protect yourself.

The Primordial Land is not a safe place. The evolution of the Six Paths of Reincarnation and the opening of the tunnels will attract endless eyes and endless greed. If there is no strong strength, even if you can break free from the shackles of the Chaos Sea, you can be reborn Heaven and earth will inevitably be besieged by prehistoric creatures, and there will also be life and death in danger.

"Destroy it. No one can save you. To blame, you are too greedy and fail to give life to the heaven and earth sentient beings. You are doing things too terribly. Now is when you pay the price. No one comes. Save you, accept the verdict of fate, accept the coming of death, give me an end, the end comes, the life is extinct!" With the end of the king's cry, the last point of the end of the king's body was also burned, ending the road. The power broke through the defense of the time **** and demon, and entered the original treasure of the'time clock'. The mighty power of the road to the end directly strangled the soul of the time **** and demon!

Speaking of the King of Ending being able to kill the soul of the Time God and Demon so smoothly, it was because Time God and Demon himself made a big mistake. He was too confident that there were no creatures in the entire Chaos Sea world and no one could threaten him. To himself, and Qiaqia’s self-confidence made him fall into desperation. It made him trapped in the original treasure of'Time Clock'. He was killed off guard by the King of End, and directly ruined his life. I ruined all my plans!

When the King of the End completed this final blow, his soul was divided into two, and a soul light pierced through the void and went to the long river of time and space, to reconcile with the original soul, and to integrate all his memories completely. Among the primordial gods of the deity, another soul light directly replaced the primordial spirit of the time **** and demon, and directly mastered the original treasure of the'time clock'!

To seize the treasure, use your own soul to replace the soul of the time **** and demon to capture this original treasure, so that the original soul can directly grasp this original treasure when it is out of trouble, in order to eliminate all hidden dangers, in order to be able to quickly refine This original treasure, the King of End has completely integrated half of his soul into the "time clock" this original treasure, and has his own brand deeply burned into the core of this original treasure, using the most domineering and most domineering Crazy means completed this refining!

The King of Ending fell, the soul dissipated, and when he fell, his physical body also collapsed directly, directly turning into the origin of the Ending Avenue, guiding the Ending Avenue to come to the Chaos Sea World, directly attacking the Chaos Sea World, complete The task that the time gods and demons did not complete, and the power of the end road is to destroy the world, not to swallow the world. Under the power of the end road, the chaotic sea world quickly collapsed. At the end of the world’s collapse, the origin of the whole world became one. The heart of the world, this is the last treasure of the Chaos Sea world, and it is also the last power after the destruction of one world, because this time the destruction of the world is under the action of the Great Way of Ending, and all the origins and all the imprints in the world have been Destroyed by the Great Road of End, this world heart has no hidden dangers, and no breath, this is the purest world heart!

When the heart of the world is condensed and formed, the original treasure of the'time clock' turns into a stream of light, directly collects it, and then tears the void to the long river of time and space. It feels the revival of the original soul and feels that it comes from time The anger of the gods and demons, when the soul of the time gods and demons was destroyed, the time gods and demons who had been sleeping in the real body of the gods and demons were immediately awakened!

"Damn ants, you dare to destroy the plan of the deity, you **** it!" When the word of death fell, a powerful force of time fell into the long river of time and space. This is the strangulation of the time **** and demon, the first after awakening Time to strangle the ants in your body, the enemies in your body, and eliminate your own hidden dangers fundamentally!

"Hmph, you are too self-righteous. If you are in your heyday, I am really vulnerable. Unfortunately, you just wake up and you have lost several avatars. It is ridiculous that your broken body dares to fight with me. Let me die, time-space ruling, end explosion, extinction! Extinction! Extinction!" When this voice fell, the condensed origin authority in the long river of time and space, and the origin of the end road left by the king of the end rushed together. After the soul of the time **** and demon, it exploded directly.

In an instant, a terrifying storm exploded in the real body of the Time God and Demon, and the terrifying storm strangled directly to the newly awakened soul of the Time God and Demon. The mighty power of time and space, the power to end the avenue, are like two The dragon wants to destroy the newly revived soul of the time **** and demon, destroy his primordial spirit, and strangle the time **** and demon from the root!

"No!" When he saw the sudden explosion of the counterattack, the Time God and Demon cried out in horror. Unfortunately, his voice couldn't stop the explosion. At this moment, he fell into a desperate situation and was beaten. By surprise, if the time **** and demon are not so arrogant in the face of this panic, they are not eager to find the king of the end when they wake up, no, it should be said that they are looking for the king of the end to revenge the original god, and they will not fall into desperation. If he made a defense in the first place, as long as he delayed a little bit, everything would be completely different, but he made the wrong choice!

This fatal blow broke out, everything in the real body of the time **** and demon became violent, and the king of the end, the original soul, was also in crisis after this blow. You must know this explosion. Next, the power accumulated by the original soul is exhausted. If you can't get out of this small world that is about to turn into chaos, you will be waiting for death!


Just as the soul of the deity was lost, a powerful suction came from the void. Before the king of the end, the deity of the deity could react, it was instantly sucked away by that suction and thrown out of the time. The real body descended directly into the prehistoric world, no, more accurately, descended into the tunnel world, and at this moment I saw that the Houtu Ancestral Witch had begun to evolve into the six reincarnations, her body really dissipated, and she was merging into the tunnel. Conjunct the six realms!

At this time, a voice rang from the original deity of the King of End: "Heaven and Humanity, Humanity, Ashura:: Hungry ghosts, animals!" This is the voice of the Houtu ancestor witch, this is Her last voice!

Just when the Houtu ancestor witch was about to speak the way of hell, the king of the end sent a reminder. This was a reminder from his own soul, and this power did not come from his own soul, but from the integration into The heart of the world in one's own soul!

"Don't establish the **** road, establish the witch humanity, this is the vitality of the witch race!" When this idea was passed to the Houtu ancestor witch, a terrible force came from the void, as if to destroy everything. The original **** of the end king who has broken free from the **** of time gods and demons, wants to destroy him, and also suppresses the Houtu ancestor witch, forcing the Houtu ancestor witch to give up the humanity of witchcraft!

Unfortunately, the coming of this power did not pose a threat to anyone in the tunnel. Just when the power was about to fall, the origin of the tunnel was shocked and directly resisted the impact. At this moment, after The earth ancestor witch's voice fell: "The witch man is standing!" With this sound, the six reincarnations fully emerged, and the earth ancestor witch's body completely disappeared, merged into the six reincarnations, and the whole six reincarnations instantly started to operate. stand up.

The sky was angry. When the six realms of reincarnation were in motion, a shocking thunder fell from the void, as if to tear open the tunnel, directly change the nature of the six realms of reincarnation, destroy the wizarding way, and re-establish the six realms of reincarnation. The power is fully open, without the restraint of time gods and demons, the authentic power no longer needs to be dispersed.

Just as the tunnel confronted the thundering thunder, a golden light came from the void and fell to the six reincarnations. It was the light of merit, the light of merit from the avenue, and when the light of merit of the avenue fell, the original sacrifice of life The remnants of the earth ancestor witch are condensing, condensed by the light of merit, and when the primordial spirit of the Hou earth ancestor witch is condensed, another light falls. That is the fruit, the gift from the heaven, and the gift from the heaven. The reward of the ancestral witch of Houtu!

"Don't accept it, this is the fruit position of the heavenly way, you are an authentic inheritor!" Upon seeing such a panic, the primordial soul of the king of the end once again issued a spiritual warning, warning the Houtu ancestor witch, also Destroy the calculation of heaven!

"Damn the ants!" A heavy drink sounded from the void, and the terrifying Purple Heaven God Thunder fell from the void again.

When he shouted, the original **** of the end king knew that he would be targeted by the heavens, and if he wanted to break out of the situation, he had to make a choice, he had to complete his own transformation, and let himself into the tunnel. Rely on the power of the authenticity to resist this crisis, protect yourself, and make it impossible for the power of the heaven to hurt yourself.

"Dao Xian, I am the lord of the underworld, the supreme Emperor of Hades, holds the authority of the underground, dominates the nether world, the sun appears, the moon appears, the stars appear! Life and death are thin, and the judge returns quickly!" With this voice falling , The authentic origin surging frantically, blending into the soul of the king of the end, a moment, a powerful body condensed and formed, this is the real body of the Emperor Yan, this is the body of the gods and demons, because in this body The heart of the world of the Chaos Sea world condensed by the time gods and demons is also integrated with the power of Pangu. When the Yan Huang's real body appears, the entire Nether World is trembling and cheering. This is an endorsement of the Yan Huang Supreme.

Emperor Yan, this is the pursuit of the King of End, and this is his calculation. He not only wants to destroy the time gods and demons, but also seize the authority of the tunnels and seize the source of the Emperor Yan to dominate the nether world. And he did it. There is no more at this moment. After the King of the End, there is no longer all the previous cause and effect, and there is only an authentic ruler, Hell.

"Heaven retreats fast. This is an authentic world. The three ways of heaven, earth and man are equal. You have no right to interfere in the reincarnation of the tunnel or the operation of the tunnel!" The emperor's body is condensed, life and death are thin, and the judge's pen falls in the hands of the emperor, and takes the power of the world of the underworld. , At this moment, the authentic mighty strength is added, no matter how strong the Purple Cloud Divine Thunder is, it cannot break the tunnel defense, nor can it interfere with the tunnel operation!

When Yan Huangzhi roared this voice, the entire prehistoric world was shocked. Whether it was the aloof saint or other creatures in the prehistoric world, they were all shocked by this voice. They did not expect that a deity was just born. Da Luo Jinxian dared to fight against the Heavenly Dao and the power of the Heavenly Dao, which they could not accept.

"How the **** is this? A big Luo Jinxian's ant dared to fight against the heavens. What does he want to do, what does the Houtu ancestor witch want?" The saints were angry, because such a panic broke their calculations, such a panic It made them unacceptable, the changes of the six reincarnations changed the Wu clan's luck, and the changes in the tunnels changed the entire prehistoric world, and these changes were unwilling to see or accept!

Emperor Yan Huang didn’t care about other people’s opinions. Today’s tunnels have not been completely perfected just after they were born. If you want to fight against heaven’s way, you have to hurry to perfect the tunnels. Only if the tunnels are perfect can you have a stronger one. The power of authority can ignore the threat of heaven and the malice of those saints! To know the real world, the evolution of the six reincarnations, that is a huge temptation for all saints. They all desperately want to master the tunnel, master the six reincarnations, and seize the authentic luck and opportunities. Now the changes in the tunnel are harmonious. Give them such an excuse!

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