God of Destruction

Chapter 4369: Festival crisis

Chapter 4375 Crisis

The reason why the Primordial Saints are so concerned about the changes in the Nether World and the changes in the Six Paths of Reincarnation is actually the most important thing, because with this kind of change, their previous calculations have failed, and they have to look at the Nether World again, and The occurrence of such an abnormality means that there has been an accident in the entire prehistoric world. Of course, it also gave them crazier ideas, making them all want to take this opportunity to gain a foothold in the nether world and fight against the nether world. authority!

Not to mention that Emperor Yan Huang is just a small big Luo Jinxian, even a saint can’t make Heaven’s Dao retreat in a word, nor can it stop Heaven’s Dao and Hongjun Daozu’s calculations. His words did not play a role at all. , The power of the Dao is still rolling down to the Dao, because the Dao of Heaven is the first to take shape in the prehistoric world, so the power of the Dao cannot fight the Dao!

Feeling the changes in the world and the oppression of the heavens, the Emperor Yan sighed in his heart: "Damn, I know the situation in the tunnel is very dangerous, maybe this is the disaster in the tunnel, if you can't survive this catastrophe , I'm afraid that all previous calculations will be in vain, the tunnel will still fall under the control of the heavenly way, and oneself will definitely be rejected by the heavenly way and controlled by the heavenly way!"

In the midst of the robbery, this is the current crisis of the Supreme Emperor. The position of the Supreme is not so easy to sit firmly. If you want to dominate the Netherworld, you must face this crisis. If you can't even pass this level, there is no way to talk. To rise to the position of supreme, this is something that the King of End did not expect at the beginning. It is precisely because of this that at this moment, the supreme Emperor of Yama is in crisis!

"I can't wait and die. If I don't resist, there is only one dead end. Only by speeding up the mastery of the Netherworld can I be able to protect myself. This requires perfecting the Netherworld. It seems that I must take a risk and let go. No matter success or failure, I must face all of this, this is the cause and effect that I am carrying!"

Yes, this is the cause and effect that the Supreme Lord of Yama must bear. When he uses the source of the tunnel to complete his own reshaping, he has already formed a big cause and effect with the tunnel. Even if he paid some strength for the tunnel before, he still formed a relationship with the tunnel. After all, this is the position of the supreme. The position of the supreme is not so easy to accept, and it must be tested.

"Hmph, I will not be overwhelmed. The power of the source will open to me, the authority of the nether will appear, the ghost door will be closed, and the road of the yellow spring will appear!" With the voice of Yan Luo Supreme, the authority of the nether world burst out with powerful power, in the nether world A huge ghost gate appeared at the entrance of the Netherworld. This is the concentration of the source of the Netherworld, which carries the rules of the Netherworld. Then Huangquan Road was formed in the Netherworld, and it was also condensed by the essence of the Netherworld, and its appearance made the original in the heavens. The trembling Netherworld under oppression stabilizes, and the authentic power of rules is shielding the oppression of the heavens and the impact of the heavens!

At this time, the Emperor Yan Huang took a deep breath and sighed helplessly: "Not enough, this point of perfection is far from enough, but opening the ghost gate and the Huangquan Road consumes a lot of my origin. After all, I am just a one. Da Luo Jinxian, even if he has the authority of the Netherworld, the source that can be manipulated is limited, but I have no choice. Only by perfecting the Netherworld can I have a ray of life, be able to sit firmly in the supreme position, and be able to protect myself. Power!"

Regarding the layout of the Netherworld, the Supreme Lord of Yama is naturally clear, but knowing is one thing, and achieving it is another thing. To complete all of this layout, you need a huge source and your own powerful strength. To support, but now my own power is far from enough to support the perfection of the Nether World, after all, the power I control is limited!

No matter how weak one's own strength is, no matter how heavy the pressure he has to face, the Emperor Hades must persevere, because this is his only life. If you give up by yourself, it is equal to giving up the position of supreme, and it is equal to giving up before. All of his efforts are equivalent to giving up his own life. The enemy will not allow the existence of rebellious people like himself, or allow himself, the innate gods and demons, who have the authority and power of the Netherworld, to exist. Their own existence is for them. Threat.

"The flowers on the other side bloom, forget the rivers, give me condensate!" After a short breath, Yan Huang Zhizun wielded the power of his hand again, and continued to lead the source of the Netherworld, guiding the rules of the tunnel to condense. Bi'an flower, let Bi'an flower grow on Huangquan Road. At the end of Huangquan Road, Wangchuan River emerges. Their aggregation, their appearance has once again perfected the Netherworld. Every time a rule is completed, the origin of the tunnel will be strengthened. Strengthening the power of the tunnel will also consume the source of the Supreme Emperor of Hades, and make it bear greater pressure. This is the power of authority, and this is the test of the tunnel!

Seeing that the tunnel and the nether world were perfected again, the angered Zhunti saint in his heart could not help but said: "Damn, you can't let this ant continue anymore. If he is perfected like this, it won't take long. The Netherworld will be perfected by him. At that time, the complete Netherworld and the perfect tunnel will block our entry and become a resistance in our plan. In any case, we can't give this ant a chance!"

Hearing Zhunti's words, the lead saint shook his head and said: "Junior Brother, your heart is disturbed. Although the changes in the Netherworld have affected our Western plans, it is not us that is most anxious, but those in the East. , They are more anxious than us, especially the monster race, they will not watch the Netherworld complete, and will not let the witch race get this luck. We watch it turn into an upper hand, there is no need to make a big move at this time to make wedding clothes for others , Even if you want to make a move, the Four Sages of the East cannot bear it!

As soon as auzw.com’s introduction to the saint fell, Zhun said the saint’s expression was overjoyed, nodded and said: “Brother, wise, I am impatient, and forget that the most anxious is the Yaozu It’s Taishang, Yuanshi, Tongtian, and Nuwa. They are the most anxious. Our calculations are not worth mentioning to them. We don’t need to take millet for them, and there is no need at this time. Confronting the tunnels and the Nether Supreme, the power of the Supreme is not easy to suppress."

The quoter nodded and said: "Yes, that is a supreme power, that is the power of the world supreme. Now the newly born innate gods and demons are only self-proclaimed with the supreme Hades, not the name of the nether supreme. He is cautious, but this is only the beginning. If he is allowed to completely perfect the tunnel and perfect the nether world, then he will be the true congenital supreme, the true nether supreme, and master the authority of the nether world, even the Houtu ancestor witch It can’t compete with it either. Although the Six Paths of Samsara are very powerful, they are still in the Nether World, and the power of the Nether World is not entirely Samsara!

At this time, the Saint Zhunti also understood everything. They don’t know how powerful the real supremacy is, because since the beginning of the prehistoric world, there has been no real supreme, no one has mastered the supreme authority and the power of the supreme, and now The Netherworld is gathering the supreme person, the supreme authority, and the supreme power!

The sage Zhunti sighed and said, "Brother, I think that ant is a bit arrogant. Although he is also born as a **** and demon, he was born too late. Although he was born as a big Luo Jinxian, he is no longer a beast. The era is not the era of tribal hegemony. The mere Jinxian of Daluo is not worth mentioning. It is impossible to perfect the tunnel and the world of the Nether in the body of the Jinxian of Daluo. Even if he bears this responsibility, he cannot do it. Everything, at least right now, can’t be done. He shouldn’t fight against the Dao of Heaven. He should not fight against Daozu Hongjun. He has completely cut off his vitality. The power of the tunnel cannot protect his safety. Do you think we can help him? With one hand, is it possible to pull him into our West!"

Crazy, Zhunti’s idea is really crazy. He wants to draw the Emperor Yan to the West, strengthen the power of the West, and control the entire Netherworld in the hands of the West. I have to say that he is also a lunatic, a crazy to the extreme. Bastard!

I saw that the leading saint shook his head and said: "Impossible, we can't do it, and Heaven will not allow us to do so. Once we do it, the first one will face the suppression of Heaven and Hongjun. Dao ancestor’s suppression, do you think that with our power, we can fight against Heaven’s Dao, Hongjun Dao ancestor, and face the attacks of the Four Sages of the East? Don’t think like this, we don’t have the power to master the Netherworld. It will bring great danger and disaster to itself!"

Yes, for the Western Two Sages, they really don’t have such strength. Not only they can’t do it, but the Eastern Four Sages can’t do it either. No one can master the Netherworld under this situation, no one can. Dominating the Netherworld is not allowed by the Dao of Heaven, and Dao Ancestor Hongjun does not allow it. The appearance of supreme power is a threat to the Dao of Heaven.

Just as the sage said, at this moment the monster race in the wild is in anger, facing the sudden appearance of the tunnel, the sudden appearance of the nether world, and this supreme position, they cannot accept it. If you let Nether There is a supreme presence in the world, which is a huge threat to their monster race, they can't let such a situation happen. It's just that now even the power of Heavenly Dao can't break the defenses of the tunnel, cannot descend into the tunnel and destroy that damn'ant', no matter how unwilling to be, the monster race can't fight back, can't stop all of this, they can only hope for God's way Can prevent this from happening!

Facing the sudden change, Demon Emperor Taiyi sighed deeply and said: "Big Brother, we can't wait forever like this. If the Netherworld is perfected, it will definitely increase the Witch Clan’s luck. The power of the witch clan has increased greatly. This is a huge threat to our monster clan. What's more, the six reincarnations are already in the hands of the Houtu ancestor witch. If even the power of Nether falls in the hands of her related innate gods and demons, it will be a great threat to us. This will be the greatest threat to the monster race, and the life and death of our monster race will fall into the hands of the enemy. This is a result we cannot accept!"

The Demon Emperor Jun sighed softly: "I understand, I know, but we have no ability to stop all of this. This is the general trend, the general trend of the tunnel, and it is not something we can stop. Unless the power of heaven can tear the defense of the tunnel, it can To prevent the authentic consummation, otherwise we will be powerless, and reluctantly shot will only become a joke, there will be no results!"

"Could it be that we have been waiting like this, doing nothing, and watching the power of the **** of the Witch race increase, letting the authentic completion and the perfection of the nether world allow an ant to master the supreme power!" At this time, the voice of Demon Emperor Taiyi was endlessly unwilling, with endless hatred, that was hatred for the authentic, hatred for the Witch Clan!

"The more this time, the more we have to be cautious. The most urgent thing is that our monsters are not fake, but it doesn't mean that others are not in a hurry. You think that God will allow such changes to exist, and you think Hongjun Daozu will allow it. All this has become a fact. Do you think that the Six Saints are willing to see the authentic authority in the hands of the ants? Do you think the Six Saints have no ambitions for the Netherworld? They haven't done anything yet. Why should we rush to do it? Wait, we can Keep waiting!" When he said this, Demon Emperor Jun's eyes flashed with a terrible light, that was an expression of ambition, that was an expression of madness!

Yes, at this moment, Demon Emperor Jun was also irritated by everything that happened in front of him, and he was also a little crazy, but he was able to remain calm, he was not lost by what happened before him, and he did not lose his mind because of hatred!

Of course, in the heart of Demon Emperor Jun, he does not think that the little big Luo Jinxian, Emperor Yan Huang, can perfect the tunnel and perfect the Nether World. He does not have such strength, and the perfection of the Nether World is not a small one. Da Luo Jinxian can do it, if he has to do it forcibly, in his opinion, there is only a dead end, and he will only be swallowed by the tunnel in his body!

Of course, everything will have accidents, but the probability of such accidents is too small. A small big Luo Jinxian, even if he can see through the evolution of the tunnels and the perfection of the Netherworld, he does not have such strength. To perfect the world requires his own possession. A powerful force, otherwise it will only be eaten back by the ground, and it will only die. It’s just that there is no need to say such words. If the tunnel has no reality and the authority of the tunnel does not appear, it will not be a problem to say such words, but now the real reality, if you say this, it will have cause and effect with the tunnel. This is anyone Even the supreme Six Saints are unwilling to face it, unwilling to bear this cause and effect, nor dare to bear this cause and effect!

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