God of Destruction

Chapter 4370: Festival desperately

Chapter 4376 Desperately

"Friends, let go, don't continue to fight against the heavens, you alone can't fight against the heavens, even with the help of the underground, you still can't compete with them, this is a qualitative gap!" As the Supreme continued to insist, Houtu Zuwu couldn't help but persuade. No one knows how weak the authentic power is than she. In the endless years of suppression and confrontation against the time gods and demons, the authenticity has consumed most of it. Afraid of the birth of Emperor Hades, there is no way to restore the trend!

Yes, in the eyes of the Houtu Ancestral Witch, the arrival of the supreme position will not be able to restore the general situation. The tunnel cannot fight against the heavens, and continue to confront the next. The ultimate loser must be the Emperor Yan, and the Houtu Ancestral Witch is not optimistic about a big one. Luo Jinxian can perfect the tunnel and the Netherworld. In her opinion, this supreme position is just a bait.

"Let go, it’s impossible. The Houtu ancestor witch should understand the madness and dominance of heaven. At this time, if I let go, there is only a dead end waiting for me. It will not give me life, and I am different from the ancestor witch. You evolve into the six reincarnations in your body, and are in harmony with the six reincarnations. No one dares to destroy the six reincarnations. Even the heavens would not dare to do so. The cause and effect are too great, but I am different. Although I got the supreme position, I am the supreme position. It’s all imaginary, and I don’t fit into the Netherworld. Unless I can improve it and make the Netherworld complete, or else I’m in an embarrassing situation!” Facing the persuasion of the Houtu ancestor witch, Emperor Yan Huang did not hesitate The ground refused. Although this battle was very dangerous and terrifying, he really had no way out. He had to persist to the end, and he had to fight against Heaven to the end. Only when he persisted would he have the vitality.

"Houtu ancestor witch, you should be careful of those **** of the demon race. The opening of the six reincarnations and the emergence of the nether world make those demon races feel threatened. They will not let the witch race's luck grow. They will definitely Even the saints will make a big move to fight back, seizing the benefits of the Nether Underworld and stealing the benefits of the tunnels!" Anyway, there is still a good relationship between Yan Huangzhi and the Wu Clan, and he does not want to see the Wu Clan go to extinction. At that moment, he began to remind the Houtu Ancestor Witch!

Time is limited, and the time left for himself is getting shorter and shorter. The Emperor Yan Huang has no mind to care what the Houtu ancestor witch thinks. The most important thing for him now is to continue to perfect the tunnel and perfect the Netherworld. This is his most important thing. Thing!

"Nevertheless bridge, Wangxiangtai, Sanshengshixian, the Houtu ancestor witch has not returned to his position!" Without waiting for the Houtu ancestor witch to answer, Yan Huangzhi continued his madness, continued to perfect the tunnel, and perfected the nether world. And when this roar sounded, the mind of the Houtu Ancestor Witch was trembling, and the opportunity surged in his heart, and he understood the meaning of the words of Emperor Yan Huang Zhizun.

Meng Po, there should be Meng Po beside Wangxiang Station. There is Meng Po soup for washing the soul. This is also a great merit, great good fortune, and great cause. Although Meng Po is not the supreme position, it is very important to the entire Netherworld. This is exactly what Yan Huang Zhizun reminded himself of his kindness, let himself seize this opportunity, and be able to add another piece of merit and luck!

"No, this **** ant is actually reminding the Houtu Ancestor Witch that he is borrowing the power of the Houtu Ancestor Witch to perfect the nether world, and is giving the Houtu Ancestor Witch a great fortune, great merit, great good fortune! Stop her, no matter what How can't he let his conspiracy succeed!" At this moment, the demon emperor Jun finally couldn't bear it, and shouted out of his voice, trying to prevent this from happening, but unfortunately now he can't do it at all. No one can threaten under the authentic shelter. To the safety of the Emperor Yan, no one can stop the Houtu Ancestral Witch!

"No, no one can stop all of this. We can't do it. No matter how angry we are, we can't change the situation. We are just ants in front of the situation. This is the position of heaven and earth, and we can’t help but interfere. To gain, on the contrary, we will carry huge karma and prevent such karma from coming. We may not care about the **** of the tunnel, but the whole demon clan will not do it. Once we let The whole monster race was really disgusted, and the situation of the monster race was really dangerous at that time, and there was no chance of turning over again!"

Although there was a hint of luck in his heart, Taiyi let go of his greedy thoughts, and did not fight against the general situation at this time. No matter how strong the demon clan’s background, he still can’t shake the general trend of the world and fight against the general trend of the world. It will make the Yaozu die very quickly and plunge the Yaozu into a desperate situation. After all, the Netherworld is not in their control!

"Damn, if we wait like this, the Wu Clan's luck will skyrocket due to the perfection of the tunnels and the consummation of the Netherworld. This will be a devastating blow to our entire Monster Clan, if it weren't for the Twelve Ancestor Witches. Because of the sacrifice of the Houtu ancestor witches, their assassins were shattered. I am afraid that our situation will be even more dangerous. We can't wait any longer!" The demon emperor Jun was roaring, but unfortunately he was not recognized by Taiyi, even though they The friendship between them is limitless, but at this time everything can only be borne by oneself, if you resist at this time, it is not a good thing for the monster race!

"There is nothing so uncomfortable. This is our destiny. If we want to achieve great deeds, we must make choices. This is our test. We cannot give up everything and our own practice because of our own changes. I believe that as long as we can persevere, we will certainly have the last laugh and will definitely be able to get the greatest benefit!"

This sounds very good, but it is not a good thing to take it seriously. In this situation, every decision will bring a huge threat to oneself, and even put oneself in a very dangerous situation. You must know that the emergence of authenticity is The interests of all parties are actually touched, not everyone can bear it!

Persevere, this is easier said than done. Who knows the amount of pressure on Demon Emperor Jun at this moment, even if Taiyi doesn’t know, after all, Taiyi has not really shouldered the pressure of the entire monster clan, and this payment The burden still fell on Demon Emperor Jun. Every growth of the Wu Clan was a huge impact for him. With the improvement of the Netherworld, his mentality was gradually affected. This is the influence of Qi Luck. The strong luck of the Wu Clan means that the Yao Clan will be affected by it!


At this moment, the two sages of the West are also impatient. Originally, in their opinion, the threat of the witch race came out. As a giant of the monster race, the demon emperor Jun couldn’t ignore all of this. He must stand up and make a decision. The clan still has no intention of making a move, and has no intention of blocking the Wu clan, which makes the Western Second Saints worry even more!

"Brother, do we really have to wait forever like this? That ant really did it. He perfected the Netherworld and the tunnel with the body of Da Luo Jinxian. Although his power was almost exhausted, he did it. The reason for Wu Clan’s luck His appearance is because the authentic perfection is constantly increasing, which is very unfavorable to us. The authentic perfection is an impact on us!"

Zhunti saint’s heart at this time is already a little unbearable with such a result, he can’t wait any longer. In his opinion, if he waits endlessly, it will only let the Supreme Lord of the Hades sit firmly in the position of supreme. Perfect the tunnel, perfect the nether world, when Po Meng returns, the whole tunnel, the whole nether world is cheering, and the nether world is changing!

Yes, it is a metamorphosis, it is a qualitative metamorphosis. The Netherworld is constantly growing. The power of Heaven is cut off by the atmosphere of the Great Dao caused by this transformation of the tunnel. Unbearable, Dadao would not allow him to destroy the transformation of the tunnel, the transformation of the Netherworld.

"Maybe we have all miscalculated. The other party is not an ant, but a giant dragon. Although he has just been born, he has mastered the supreme power, but now it is too late. It is impossible to stop him. Heaven does it. No, we can’t do it. The avenue does not allow any power to prevent the perfection of the Netherworld, the perfection of the tunnels. Perhaps this Emperor Hades can really perfect the whole Netherworld under the eyes of everyone, complete the tunnels, and bring amazing things to the land change!"

At this time, the sage who received the introduction had to sigh extremely, and had to be shocked by the madness of the Emperor Yan Huang. This series of changes and a series of guidance was a great pressure for a big Luo Jinxian, but the Emperor Yan Huang insisted. Coming down, although a little embarrassed, it succeeded, and this success brought them huge troubles.

Almost everyone was shocked by all this, but even though the tunnels are changing and the Netherworld is evolving, the Supreme Emperor Hades still hasn't really perfected the tunnels and the entire Netherworld. There are still shortcomings in this Netherworld, but now The Supreme Emperor Hades is already powerless, and his own origin can't support it to continue!

"Damn it, the origin is exhausted. Do I really have to give up this great opportunity? I really have to lose this great opportunity for nothing. Once I give up this time, I want to perfect the tunnel and perfect the world of the underworld. You will be controlled by the way of heaven, and you will inevitably be suppressed by the way of heaven. No matter how hard you have a chance to move forward!" Feeling his own heavy pressure, the Emperor Yan sighed in his heart, thinking, and making the final accumulation. Ready to do the last fight!

"There is something to offer, maybe I really need to make a crazier choice, to use this position of supremacy in exchange for greater benefits for myself, in exchange for that ray of life, the power of supreme burns, and the power of supreme authority is gathered. Layers of hell!” When the words of the Emperor Yan Huang, the supreme power began to burn, and the supreme fruit position was burning. He was using the supreme power and the supreme karma to exchange for strong power and strength. In exchange for the mastery of the Netherworld.

"Crazy, this ant is crazy. He is actually burning his supreme power and burning supreme karma. It seems that he was forced to the top of the road and had to give it a go. But this time, once he failed, he was bound to suffer. He is dead by the backlash of the Netherworld. A small big Luo Jinxian can't carry the power of the Netherworld at all. The more power he exchanges for, the more he must die. He doesn't understand the power of the world. It’s terrible, let alone Da Luo Jinxian, even a saint has to pay a certain price to be able to bear the power of this authority!" At this moment, Empress Nuwa, who is a demon saint, could not help but let out a low muttering to herself, she no longer I am optimistic about the Emperor Yan Huangzhi, and believe that this time the Emperor Yan Huangzhi will inevitably die!

"Enough, fellow Daoist, don’t continue. You can’t bear the power of the Netherworld’s authority. Once you have perfected the eighteen hells, you will inevitably be impacted by the origin of the world. You, a great Luo Jinxian, cannot bear this power. It is the power of the supreme. Without the supreme position, you will die forever, and your soul will be scattered!" At this time, the ancestor witch of the Houtu wanted to stop the supreme Emperor Yan, not let him go crazy like this, and not let him take his life. Come and fight, because in her opinion this is a way of no return!

Hearing the words of the Hou Tu Zu Wu, Yan Huang Zhizun showed a faint smile on his face, and there was an unacceptable coldness in that smile: "Hehe! I understand, I understand from the beginning All this, I have no choice. This is my mission and my cause and effect. I originally thought that I would cut off all cause and effect and eliminate all karma, but I didn’t expect that it would still be just a joke in the end. I still have to face it all. , Maybe I haven't broken free from the shackles of fate from beginning to end!"

The Houtu Zuwu didn’t know everything about these words, but she understood that Yan Huangzhi was desperately using her life as a bet to break free from her own destiny. Normally speaking, Da Luo Jinxian has broken free of her destiny. He has mastered freedom, but it is obvious that the Emperor Yan Huang is not like this. Perhaps he is really an exception, an anomaly!

Causality, when oneself takes over the position of the supreme, when one fully explodes the power of the supreme and burns the position of the supreme karma, all the cause and effect appear in my heart. The cause and effect that I thought had already dissipated still exist. It was his biggest test and his own calamity. Perhaps this was also the calculation of the time gods and demon. No matter what the King of End paid such a high price, he still has not completely broken free from the shackles of fate and gained freedom.

"Come on, let me see how much cause and effect I still need to end, let me see how sinister the disaster is coming from the tunnel, no matter how dangerous the front is, no matter how big the test, and the dangers I have to face, I cannot let it I retreat and cannot let me give up. Even if I die, I will never compromise, never give up, I am me, and I will be in charge of my own destiny, not at the mercy of anyone or any force!" At this moment, The Emperor Hades roared out of his own heart!

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