God of Destruction

Chapter 4371: Eighteen layers of hell

Chapter 4377: Eighteen Hells

At this time, everyone understands what the Emperor Yan is going to do, how important the establishment of the eighteenth **** is, and also understands what the outcome will be once success, no one wants to see the establishment of the eighteenth hell. No one wants to see the perfection of the tunnel, and no one wants to see the perfection of the Netherworld. Heaven is angry, Hongjun Daozu is angry, all saints are angry, and Yaozu is angry. At this moment, they cannot bear the anger in their hearts. , They all have the idea of ​​destroying the supreme Emperor Yama, but they can’t do it now. The power of the great avenue is shrouded in the supreme Emperor Yama, although it is burning the original source madly, even the supreme fruit status, but it has not caused The Great Dao is backlashed, and the Supreme Lord of Yama is still standing in the nether world, still guiding the origin of the tunnel, is still constantly improving the tunnel and the nether world, and strengthening the origin of the world, the origin of the tunnel!

Although the eighteenth level of **** appears in the world of the underworld, the eighteenth level of **** is not perfect and has no real responsibilities. This requires the supreme power of the Emperor Yan Huang, the power of the world, and the power of authenticity to give it. For Huang Zhizun, it will be a huge pressure and a huge impact, because this is the last step in the perfection of the tunnel. This is the last step in the perfection of the Netherworld. Once the punishment is established, the entire tunnel will be completed and the entire Netherworld will be completed. Perfect, at that time, although the origin of the authenticity is not as good as the heavenly way, it also has the power to protect itself, not being affected by the heavenly way, and the supreme Hell also has the ability to protect itself!

With the supreme authority to give the eighteen layers of **** responsibilities, each layer of **** will be a huge burden, and will bring a huge impact to the king of hell, but now he has to send an arrow on the string, even if he pays a high price, It is also necessary to ensure success, even at this moment the Emperor Hades gave birth to the innate gods and demons who gave up his own body, even if the true body is destroyed, as long as the tunnel can be successfully perfected, the price of perfecting the nether world is worth it!

Time does not wait for others. If you delay one more minute, you will have more pressure and burden. If you don’t work hard to improve, you will really have no chance. After all, what you have to face is the way of heaven. The tunnels cannot withstand the erosion of the heavens. When the forces of the heavens suppress the tunnels, they will inevitably suffer a devastating blow. The reason why those powerhouses outside the Netherworld do not take action is because they are protected by the tunnels. The tunnel’s protection against the Netherworld cannot be eliminated, and he dare not easily set foot in the Netherworld, lest he lose his face or even his life when suppressed by the tunnel.

"Anyone who is alive will provoke discord, slander, slur, arguing, lie and deceive. After death, he will be thrown into the tongue-plugging hell! The origin blessing, the tongue-plugging hell!" With this voice falling, The power of the original rules gushes out of the tunnel in an instant, and quickly merges into the eighteen layers of **** that is forming, and the construction of the first layer of **** is completed in an instant. At this moment, the aura of Yan Huang Zhizun is weak. One point, oneself bears the impact brought by the perfection of the tongue hell!

"Damn, what a terrible impact, it is really the power of heaven blocking it. It doesn't want to see me perfect the tunnel, perfect the nether world, perfect the eighteenth **** at this time, but I have no choice, no matter how difficult it is, I have to face up to the difficulties, I have to face all of this, even if I give my own life, I will not hesitate!" Yan Huang Zhizun muttered to himself, although his voice was very low, but let The Houtu Zuwu heard clearly.

The power of heaven is eroding the tunnel, preventing the Emperor Yan Huang Zhizun from perfecting the tunnel and perfecting the Netherworld, because if the Emperor Yan Huang is completed, there will be nothing else to do, so what kind of power will heaven use to continue Eroding the tunnels, to disperse the authority of the tunnels, and suppress the development of the tunnels, so this is the supreme calamity. The power of the supreme Emperor of the Hades is not so easy to obtain, and how much power is obtained requires a great price.

Regarding the calculations of the heavens and the suppression of the tunnels by the heavens, how could Houtu Zuwu as the master of the six reincarnations be unclear, but the Houtu Zuwu did not dare to confront the heavens because there was a witch clan behind her, she did not dare Taking the Wu Clan’s life and death adventures, once she angered Heavenly Dao and angered Dao Ancestor Hongjun because of her own impulse, it would be a disaster for the Wu Clan. After all, she had seen the power of Dao Ancestor Hongjun before, so she was in the Dao Dao. When she needed her help the most, when she was most needed to take action, the Ancestral Witch Hou Tu shrank and did not stand up against the Tao of Heaven for the first time, even if she felt the erosion from the Tao of Heaven, but the Ancestral Witch Hou Tu turned a blind eye. She was just trying to preserve her power of the six reincarnations, and she didn't care about the nether world, she didn't care about the damage of the tunnel, and her choice was naturally abandoned by the tunnel. It is precisely because of this that the Houtu ancestor witch was not recognized by the tunnel and did not get the Netherworld. The supreme authority, because she did not want to take on this responsibility!

Now Yan Huang Zhizun has stepped up to bear the responsibilities that should have been borne by two people. One person bears the original cause and effect of two people, the original responsibilities. This is a heavy pressure for the Yan Huang Zhi as a big Luo Jinxian, but The Houtu ancestor witch can retreat, but Yan Huangzhi can't do it. He doesn't have the kind of support of the Houtu ancestor witch, and he doesn't have the six ways of reincarnation.

If the Houtu Ancestral Witch can stand up and share a little pressure for the Emperor Yan Huang, the improvement of the eighteen layers of **** will not be too difficult, but the retreat of the Houtu Ancestral Witch directly puts the Yan Huangzhi under tremendous pressure. Facing a terrible shock!

When perfecting the first layer of tongue-out hell, but still did not see the Hou Tu Zuwu stand up to take the responsibility that should have been assumed, Yan Huang Zhizun couldn't help but sighed in his heart, knowing that he still thinks too much, or watch Everything was wrong, the Wu clan was very important to the Houtu Ancestral Witch, and could not be abandoned, so she chose to abandon the tunnel, and the tunnel.

"Hehe, this is the cause and effect, maybe this is the cause and effect of the King of Ending to get that share of Pangu's power, this is the responsibility that he has to bear, but this time the Houtu Zuwu retreats, it is equivalent to giving up the tunnel, even if It was she who opened the six reincarnations by herself and integrated the six reincarnations by herself, but she could not get the help of the authenticity, and also missed the chance of the authenticity. If she was willing to help the authenticity with all her strength, perhaps she would have the same opportunity as Hongjun Daozu. The origin of the'Six Paths of Reincarnation' fits and is authentic, and is in charge of the authentic authority!" When he thought of this, the Emperor Yan could not help but sighed, and a faint loss flashed in his eyes.


Relying on people is worse than relying on yourself. Originally, in the calculations of Emperor Yan Huang, when he stood up and faced the way of heaven directly, and faced danger, the Houtu ancestor witch, the lord of the six reincarnations, would help him bear some of the pressure, but now he He didn’t wait for the other party’s help. Instead, he had to take on the responsibility that originally belonged to the Houtu ancestor witch. This is even more stressful for him, and his situation is even more dangerous. If he misses a little, he will Death and death.

"It seems that the supreme authority really cannot be kept. Maybe I should be completely crazy. I really should have a crazy counterattack at all costs. The body of the innate **** and demon can be discarded, the supreme authority can be given up. Go, but after success, the identity of the Lord of the Nether will not be lost. As long as the Nether world is perfected, everything lost in the perfection of the tunnel will come back!"

Although facing such a dangerous situation, Yan Huang Zhizun did not give up, nor did he go to see the Hou Tu Zu Wu, go to attack the Hou Tu Zu Wu, and force the Hou Tu Zu Wu to stand up and take on her responsibility, because there is no time. It is necessary. When the Houtu Zuwu made a choice, everything has become a foregone conclusion. No matter how she persuades her, it is impossible to change her mind. Instead of wasting time and energy on the Houtu Zuwu, pin her hopes on the Houtu Zuzu Witch, it's better to give up his life!

"Huh, what about the way of heaven, I will not be afraid, let alone give up, I am me, I am the Lord of the Nether, I am the Supreme Emperor of the Hades! Even if I die, I will die on the road of charging, in the perfect tunnel, Perfect the path of the Netherworld without begging for mercy from the enemy! The origin is condensed, the scissors **** appears, condense me!"

Soon the Supreme Lord Yama once again gave the power of authority over the eighteen layers of hell, and the second layer of Hell Scissor Hell opened, and when the second layer of Hell Scissors was perfected, a terrible pressure instantly fell on the heart of the Supreme Hell. Above, this is the power of heaven, the power of Hongjun Taoist ancestors. Through the defense of the tunnel, they directly impacted the heart of Emperor Yan Huang, and wanted to directly subdue the Emperor Yan Huang from above, or even directly obliterate it. Hades Supreme!

"Haha! It's useless, the tunnels are not destroyed, the Netherworld is not destroyed, as long as the shelter is still there, and the authority is still there, I will not compromise, and I will not be overwhelmed by you! As the supreme, I am fearless! Flesh and flesh, instigate father and son, brothers, sisters and husbands who are not in harmony, and go to the iron tree **** after death! If you commit a crime in the Yang world, even if you don’t tell the truth, or go through the door, even if you escape punishment, There are also criminals who have committed crimes, and there will be a day of death in their entire life, right? Report to the underworld and enter the **** of evil mirror! There is a kind of people who are short in the family on weekdays. Hell! Intentionally arson or destroy evidence, revenge, arson, and kill people who are killed in the copper pillar hell..."

Under tremendous pressure, the Emperor Yama not only did not retreat, but perfected the iron tree hell, the evil mirror hell, the steamer hell, the copper pillar hell, the knife mountain hell, the ice mountain hell, the oil pot hell, the cattle pit hell, and the stone hell. The ten major hells of **** and mortar **** have directly perfected most of the eighteen layers of hell, strengthened the tunnels, stabilized the nether world, and suffered a huge impact on the Emperor Yan himself, his own innate gods and demons. The real body is full of cracks, drops of blood are constantly seeping onto the ground of the Netherworld, and the ground under his feet is stained with blood!

"Crazy, this Emperor Hades is really crazy. He dared to be so crazy, perfecting the twelve hells in one breath, bearing the impact of heaven and double the impact. It seems that he really wants to do it at all costs. Perfect the tunnels and perfect the Netherworld!" At this moment, there are endless waves in the heart of the Houtu Ancestor Witch. Such a situation is something she has not expected. Facing such a pressure and facing such a terrible crisis, Yan Huangzhi is Complete the twelve hells without flinching.

"Am I wrong? I shouldn't shrink back, shouldn't give up my responsibilities, shouldn't I ignore the safety of the tunnel and the Netherworld?" For a while, the soul of the Houtu ancestor witch was greatly impacted. This did not come from Tiandao, but from her own, from the crazy choice of Hades, such a crazy performance!

Regardless of right or wrong, the Houtu ancestor witch does not regret at this time, and it is useless to regret at this time. Everything has become a reality. Regret can not change the general trend, nor can it prevent everything from happening, although the Yan Huangzhi is crazy. The tone has perfected the twelve hells, but the Houtu ancestor witch is still not optimistic about him. If he is not optimistic, he can improve the eighteen layers of hells. You must know that the current Emperor Hades has reached the limit of mountains and rivers, and the source is exhausted. The hell!

"Haha, are you going to fail? This innate **** and demon body can no longer withstand the impact of external forces, and there is no original power to mobilize. Unexpectedly, at this time, the Houtu ancestor witch still did not make a move. She really gave up the tunnel, gave up the Netherworld, and gave up her responsibilities, but that's good, her giving up also directly canceled the cause and effect between me and the Witch Clan, Pangu, and her own. When I work hard, even though this body can no longer bear it, I still have the soul and will, as long as my will is not destroyed, I will not give up!"

When Yan Huang Zhizun stopped, when he saw his dilapidated body, the demon emperor who had been watching the Netherworld, Jun couldn't help but shouted: "Okay, this **** ant finally can't hold on, this time It’s time for him to pay the price. As long as he stops and cannot perfect the eighteen layers of hell, the Wu Clan’s luck will end here, and this ant has to pay for his actions. No one can be with me. It is a dead end for those who dare to be enemies with the Yaozu!"

At this moment, Demon Emperor Jun's face was full of murderous intent! Yes, he has endless killing intent towards the Emperor Yama, and this is not only because the Emperor of the Emperor has perfected the tunnels, and the perfect world of the Nether world has helped the witches, and the luck of the witches has greatly increased, and more importantly, the Emperor of the Yamas Identity, the identity of the Lord of the Netherworld, the supreme fruit position, he doesn't want anyone to get such power, he doesn't want someone to threaten his life, the life and death of the monster race!

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