God of Destruction

Chapter 4372: Festival opportunity

Chapter 4378: Opportunity

The race war is cruel and merciless. Although the Emperor Hades did not actively join the Lich War, his appearance really affected the Lich War and brought huge benefits to the Wu Clan, which made the Monster Clan naturally unable to Accepting, there is also a reason for the Demon Emperor Jun to hate the Emperor Yan, even if it is just an excuse, it is also a reason for him to make a big move!

"Everyone, get ready. If the power of the heavens blasts through the defenses of the Netherworld, we will enter the Netherworld for the first time, and kill this **** ant at the first time, so that the predecessors know that they dare to stand with the Witch Clan. What's the end of being together!" As soon as Demon Emperor Jun's words fell, the entire Demon Race was shocked. This decision was too unexpected for them!

"Big Brother, are we too eager to do this? The Witch Clan will not let us succeed so easily. Once we make a move, it can very well cause the Witch Clan to make a move. After all, the Netherworld was opened by the Houtu Ancestral Witch. , Will only make the situation uncontrollable and will only trigger a new round of Lich Wars, and now we are not ready for a decisive battle, not to mention that once a decisive battle in the Netherworld is very unfavorable for us, we will If you lose the advantage of the home court, you will be suppressed by the Netherworld. After all, we are facing the power of the supreme. Even the weakest supreme, he is the supreme!" Other strong monsters did not dare to persuade, but Taiyi had to Stand up, after all, this is related to the life and death of the Yaozu!

"I know, I know all of what you said. The Witches don’t need us to care about them. Naturally, someone will help us to block them. You think Sanqing is good or the Western Second Sage is willing to watch the Netherworld fall into the world. In the hands of an ant, does it fall into the hands of the Witch Clan? Don’t you think everything in front of you is a bit weird? Although I don’t know what happened in the Netherworld, the performance of the Houtu ancestor witch is very different. The eighth-layer **** is the power to perfect the tunnels and perfect the nether world, but she did not participate, let alone fulfill her responsibilities, all the pressure fell on that ant, if it were not the case, you feel that you have the supreme power, Will having the true body of the innate gods and demons fall to this point?"

"Hey!" When he heard these words, all the strong monsters gasped involuntarily, and everyone was shocked by it. This is really terrifying, if everything is as they thought. In that way, this is really too sinister and vicious, this is simply to exterminate the vitality of that innate **** and demon. Before destroying everything about him, it is no wonder that his performance was so crazy before!

Seeing everyone's thoughtful appearance, the Demon Emperor Jun said in a deep voice: "I have thought of it all, don't say it when you think of it, just keep it in your own heart, so as not to be contaminated with unnecessary cause and effect. It's not something we can bear, you just need to know a little bit, knowing that we don't need to care about the Wu Clan's blocking!"

"If there is no barrier from the Witch Clan, we can indeed enter the Netherworld, and we will not only kill the **** ant, but also seize the power of the Netherworld, and seize the dominance of the Netherworld before the saints can take action. If our demon race can obtain the authority of the Netherworld, the mere witch race is not worth mentioning!" At this time, the demon master Kun Kunpeng also stood up and said what was in his heart, and his heart also rose about this battle. Endless ambition, a new born innate **** and demon can master the supreme power, how can not master the supreme power as a demon master!

"The demon master thinks too much. The power of the Netherworld is not something we can seize right now. It doesn't matter if Heaven will give us this opportunity, even those saints will not give us this opportunity. We will take action against that ant. The Tuzu witches have nothing to do, they don’t care, but if we want to seize the power of the Netherworld, seize the power of the real, this is something they cannot tolerate, then our situation is very dangerous, don’t do this crazy Nian think, that is not a consequence we can bear, at least we cannot bear it right now, as long as the Wu Clan is still there, we must be careful!"

"Yeah, as long as the Wu Clan is still there, we must treat it with care, not to mention that the defenses of the Nether World are still there. It is too early for us to lose sight of these. It is just that the current situation is very unfavorable for us. We don’t know how powerful the supreme power is. We don’t know how great power this supreme power will explode in the nether world. If we act boldly, we are afraid that we will make wedding dresses for others and waste our energy. Nothing has been gained, but the big cause and effect of that day must be carried back!"

At this moment, Tai Yi, who is also the emperor of the demon clan, shook his head slightly, and was not optimistic about his brother's statement. They could not participate in the struggle between heaven and earth. If they forcefully participate in such a great way, right It’s not a good thing for their demons. Looking at the choice of the Houtu ancestor witch, we can understand that even she has shrunk as the master of the six reincarnations. The demons really have to take this, and it is necessary to be an enemy of the tunnel. Will the demon clan be protected by this action?

There are thousands of words in his heart, but too many words are beyond Tai Yi's words. He can't bear the serious consequences, and the monster clan can't bear the big cause and effect of that day. He can only take this opportunity to remind the demon emperor Jun, don't be too careless. , Don't pull the entire monster race into a situation where it is impossible to recover because of a momentary impulse, so that the vitality of the monster race will be cut off.

Unfortunately, at this time, the demon emperor Jun couldn’t listen to these words at all, and didn’t take Taiyi’s reminder seriously. His mind was already entangled by greed. For him, he only saw the benefits of victory, but he didn’t. To the terrible danger hidden behind the victory, now he wholeheartedly thinks about how to seize the supreme mighty power from the hands of the supreme Emperor Hades, master the nether world, seize the huge air luck of the tunnels, and if the air is added, he may be able to attack the saints. territory!

auzw.comYes, greed made Demon Emperor Jun lose his mind. Under the temptation of Saint Human Daoguo, he was already desperate. If it were not for the defense of the Netherworld, I’m afraid he would have already rushed in. In the nether world, in his eyes, he thinks that everything in front of him is his greatest opportunity. As long as he seizes this opportunity, he can sit on an equal footing with the saints and attain the status of saints!

The Supreme Emperor Hades was not in the eyes of the Demon Emperor Jun at all. It was not before, and there will not be any now. A disabled Supreme is just an ant that he can kill at his fingertips. The ant is not worthy of his care and distraction. .

After waiting, after completing the twelve hells in one breath, Yan Huang Zhizun is waiting, waiting for the decision of the Hou Tu Zu Wu, because Yan Huang Zhi still wants to give the Hou Tu Zu Wu a chance, a chance to redeem the previous behavior, Although the cause and effect between himself and the Houtu Ancestral Witch and the Witch Clan has ended, but Yan Huangzhi still wants to give the Houtu Ancestral Witch a chance and a chance for the Witch Clan. If the Houtu Ancestral Witch can wake up, he can stand up again. Facing everything, it is good for oneself, good for the tunnel, good for the Netherworld, and also good for the witch clan, but everything is up to the Houtu ancestor witch to make the decision!

Time passed bit by bit, and the Emperor Yan Huang was still motionless, as if he was in silence, but all the strong who watched the battle knew that this was not the case. The Emperor Yan Huang did not fall into silence, but Waiting, waiting for something, or restoring one's own consumption, the body is in harmony with the world of Netherworld while being together!

With the passage of time, the perseverance in Yan Huang Zhizun's heart is also being wiped out bit by bit, and the feeling of helping the Houtu ancestor witch is constantly weakening. The opportunity is given by himself, and it is in this way. Under the general environment, the Houtu ancestor witch still did not seize this opportunity. Perhaps in her heart the witch clan is more than everything. The opportunity she gave was not taken in her heart at all, and her heart was not truly in harmony with the authenticity from beginning to end. , Did not fit in with the Netherworld, even if her reminder allowed her to complete the establishment of witch humanity, but her heart still has not been with the tunnel!

"It's a pity, I finally understand why in the future, in the future, the Houtu ancestor witch will be confined to the underworld, why there is no proof, it is not that this wild world deceived her, but because of her own abandonment, originally opened the tunnel , Perfect the six reincarnations, and become the master of the six reincarnations. As long as you truly integrate with the six reincarnations and the tunnels, you can be protected by the tunnels and recognized by the tunnels. However, the Houtu ancestor witch has retreated and did not stand at the critical moment. On the side of the tunnel, stand on the side of the Netherworld. As a member of the tunnel, as a member of the Netherworld, he betrayed the tunnel and the Netherworld at a critical moment. No matter how generous the tunnel is, the Netherworld is also generous. She will not shelter her. Although she cares about the Witch Clan and puts the Witch Clan in the first place, she has lost everything and the authentic shelter because of the Witch Clan. All this is not caused by the prehistoric world, but by herself. !" When thinking of this, the Emperor Yan Huang sighed uncontrollably. The opportunity is not to be lost, and the loss will never come. He has done his best to do his best. It is not that he did not give the Houtu Zu witch a chance or the Witch tribe. If they give up, they will have to deal with whatever cause and effect they have to bear in the future.

After sighing softly, Yan Huang Zhizun sighed in his heart: "Forget it, this is the will of God, and then the Tuzu Wu insists on his choice, I have nothing to care about, everything is his own choice. , She has to bear any consequences. The cause and effect of betraying the authenticity and the Netherworld is not so easy to memorize!"

"Burn it, burn the true body of the innate gods and demons in my name, burn the supreme authority in my name, and the rules of the earth are obvious. I will be the supreme being in the hands of the heaven and the earth!" With the supreme Yan Huang shouted, on his body A faint blood-colored flame began to emerge. It was the burning of the true body of the innate gods and demons. It was the burning of the supreme authority. The Emperor Hades was doing the last fight!

Looking at the crazy Hades Supreme, the Lord Tongtian couldn’t help sighing: “Good guy, it’s crazy to the extreme. He has already overdrawn everything about himself before, and now he doesn’t even want to take his own innate gods and demons at all costs. Abandon, even his supreme authority is willing to abandon, it seems that this madman is really determined to stand with the tunnel, to stand with the underworld, willing to use his life as the tunnel for the underworld in exchange for that ray of life , In exchange for the chance of freedom, even if you die or die, you won't hesitate to die, warrior, this is a warrior, a true warrior, who has achieved fearlessness, this kind of spirit is extremely admirable!"

Yes, this is indeed crazy and brave. If the Lord Tongtian is changed to this position, he will not be able to do this, nor will he take his life so risky, willing to abandon everything in exchange for the tunnel and the underworld. Perfect, this kind of fearless spirit is something that many people can’t do. At this point, Emperor Yan Huang is not inferior to the previous Houtu Zu witches, even before. After all, the Hou Tu Zu witches evolved into the six reincarnations. There is no oppression from the heavens, and the Emperor Yan Huang is now suffering from the oppression from the heavens, and has to withstand double the impact. It is conceivable that the pressure is heavy, but he did not give up.

Compared with the approval of the Master Tongtian, Yuanshi Tianzun, one of the three Qings, snorted disdainfully and said: "Junior, don’t talk nonsense. What is worthy of your admiration for an ant in this area? He is not a warrior, but ignorance. , Ignorance to the extreme, the death of such an ant is his best destination. If he does not die, it will be a hidden danger to the entire prehistoric world!"

Yuanshi Tianzun always puts the way of heaven as the most important thing, and the establishment of religion is also to conform to the way of heaven. Therefore, in his eyes, the madness of Emperor Yan Huang is an act of ignorance and an act against the sky. It should not exist. Death is his greatest A good destination, only these **** heaven-defying people will die and die, will the prehistoric world be stable and united, and there will be peace in the world!

Of course, Yuanshi Tianzun also has his own selfishness. If the Emperor Hades is immortal and the supreme authority does not fall, how can he, the leader of the interpreter, intervene in the nether world, if he can intervene in the six reincarnations, how can he lay out in the nether world, so Nether There can be no supreme in the world, and the existence of supreme threatens its own layout.

Compared with the contradiction between Yuanshi Tianzun and the leader of Tongtian, the conflict of doctrine, as the head of the Sanqing Dynasty, the old man Taishang did not say anything, but looked at everything in the nether world, as if he was in Besides, he didn't care about the development of the Netherworld at all, and didn't care about the luck of the Netherworld at all, everything was so indifferent. Is Taishang Laojun really so plain, not caring about the luck of the Netherworld like his face, or has calculations and layouts in his heart, only he knows this, others do not understand, after all, no one can see through The heart of the saint, the meaning of the saint!

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