God of Destruction

Chapter 4373: Saving calculation

The fourth thousand three hundred and seventy-ninth chapter calculation

For every saint, he has his own ideas. He has calculations for the Netherworld and the Supreme Attainment. It’s just that under this crazy confrontation, whether their calculations can be realized is a big question. No one can have full confidence. Even the Hongjun Daozu who fits the heavenly way does not have complete certainty that he can take down the Supreme Emperor of Hades. He is not sure that he can cut through the defenses of the tunnel, can erode the origin of the tunnel in one fell swoop, and let the heavenly way control the authority of the tunnel. , Because he didn’t count the madness of the Emperor Hades. He didn’t count that the other party could sacrifice his own life at all costs. It is unimaginable for a madman who can ignore his own life and death to get crazy. !

Now Yan Huang Zhizun has been desperately burning everything about himself, even if he can abandon the supreme status he holds. Such a crazy move made Hongjun Daozu a little shocked and shocked. If Yan Huang Zhizun really had to do this, he might have a chance to perfect the tunnel and perfect the Netherworld. Even if he had previously threatened the Houtu Ancestral Witch, he couldn't change all of this, and he could not stop the perfection of the tunnel and the Netherworld.

"Is it worth it? Is it worth it for you to sacrifice your life for the sake of authenticity? Is it really worth it?" Suddenly, a voice appeared in the ears of Emperor Yan Huang. It was the voice of Dao Zu Hongjun, and The voice of heaven.

"There is nothing worth it. I was born in the real world, and I was born in the Netherworld. Everything I have is given by the Netherworld. I can't betray it. Even if I sacrifice my life, I can't betray it. This is my belief. No matter how great the danger is, I will never back down no matter what I will face. I am me, I am the Supreme Emperor, and I have to bear my responsibility!"

Responsibility, this is such a heavy topic, at least for the tunnels and underworlds today, it is indeed a very heavy topic, knowing how terrible the dangers I have to face and how terrifying the pressure I face, but The Supreme Emperor Hades still did this, or bravely faced it all, without any intention of shrinking!

Hearing the resolute answer from Yan Huang Zhizun, Dao Zu Hongjun couldn't help but sighed slightly. Although this result was in his expectation, he really had to hear it with his own ears. He still felt something, not everyone can. With this kind of belief, not everyone can face the oppression of heaven and still insist on their own opinions. Although I am a little touched by Emperor Yan Huang, such a touch is not enough to let Hongjun Daozu let go. Heaven does not allow the perfection of the authentic, at least not now. Once the authenticity is perfect, the Netherworld is perfect, breaking his own calculations. The world is'balanced'.

The so-called balance is just the balance of the Dao of Heaven, it is the balance of the Hong Jinjun Dao ancestor, not the balance of the prehistoric world. What they lose in their hearts is to break the'balance' of heaven and earth. The real balance is that everything is in their own hands. In mastering, there can be no mistakes above the general trend of the world, and everything that goes against the general trend of the world is wrong!

At this time, although Daozu Hongjun also had some irritation in his heart, he did not make a big move because of Yan Huang Zhizun’s answer. Although Yan Huang Zhizun was the protagonist in this battle, it was not him that really decided everything, but the authenticity. It is the origin of the nether world. Let’s see if the origin of the world can support the perfection of the eighteen layers of hell. Only the origin of the nether world can support the perfection of the world. Only the supreme Emperor Yan can complete the tunnel and perfect the nether world. No matter how hard he works, he will only waste his time and energy and his life!

In the endless years, in the long time of suppression of the gods and demons, the tunnel consumes too much origin, the Nether world consumes too much origin, whether it is Heaven or Hongjun Daozu, both believe that the tunnel is the same as the Netherworld. Unable to support the perfection of the eighteen layers of hell, after all, the previous confrontation also consumed the origin of the tunnel, the origin of the nether world.

Is there really no chance? No, the matter has not reached that point. If everything is really doomed, the Emperor Hades does not have to resist. He only accepts the result silently. In fact, when the King of Ending uses all his power to end the Time God and Demon, the so-called His destiny has been broken, all calculations have been broken, the Netherworld, and the tunnels are full of vitality, even if the situation in front of you is no matter how dangerous it is, it is not hopeless.

Why do Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu want to fight, in fact, basically want to consume the origin of the tunnel, consume the origin of the Netherworld, threaten the Houtu Ancestor Witch to let go, and also weaken the power of the tunnel and the Netherworld, so that Heaven can have Opportunity erodes the origin of the tunnel, and the Netherworld and tunnel can be eroded without assistance!

"It's time to fight for life and death, it's time to complete the final blow. I hope everything won't let me down, I hope my guess is correct, and I hope the previous layout can be successful!" He muttered to himself in his heart. The supreme body began to become illusory, and the burning blood flames were strengthening. It was obvious that this was exhausting all of his own heritage, and he had to give it a go!

"Here, the final moment is finally coming. It's just that Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu did not take action. What is going on?" When seeing this situation, Demon Emperor Jun's heart was angry. It was not himself. The desired result, what I want to see is that Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu can break the Netherworld’s defenses, and create opportunities for myself and the Yaozu, instead of watching Yan Huang Zhizun, the'ant in my own eyes. 'Continue crazy!


Compared with Demon Emperor Jun’s anger and unwillingness, the hearts of all the saints are nervous, and they are all preparing for the upcoming ending. They are not Demon Emperor Jun, they are not lost to me by everything in front of me, they understand all this very well. What is it? If the Supreme Lord of the Yamas fails, there is no need for Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu to take action, whether it is the tunnel or the Netherworld, their origins will be severely damaged. At that time, the so-called defense naturally disappears without taking action.

For all the saints, they are guarding carefully, ready to attack at any time, as long as the Emperor Hades fails, they will rush into the Nether World as soon as possible, and seize the power of the Nether World as soon as possible. , To seize the remaining supreme power, even if there is only a trace, it is of great benefit to mastering the world of the underworld and the authority of the tunnels. They don't believe that a big Luo Jinxian can burn the supreme fruit position with the Supreme King of the Hades!

"Anyone who doesn't respect others, doesn't respect their parents, is dishonest, or is a crooked way, will be thrown into the blood pool **** after death, and the blood pool **** will be opened! It is not easy to come into this world as a person. It is an opportunity given to you by heaven and earth. If you don’t cherish it, commit suicide, such as death by cutting the veins, death by poisoning, hanging, etc., after death, you will be thrown into the **** of death, and the **** will be opened! Those who dig graves will be thrown into the **** of punishment after death, and the **** of punishment will be opened. People who harm public and private, give bribes, steal chickens and dogs, rob money, and set fires will be thrown into volcanic **** after death, and volcanic **** will open!” Soon, Emperor Yan Huang opened and perfected the four hells, making the eighteen hells more perfect. To make the Netherworld more perfect, and to make the tunnel more perfect, but he himself is also enduring great suffering!

"Damn, there are only two layers of **** left, and the eighteen layers of **** must be perfected. Once the eighteen layers of **** are perfected, the entire tunnel and the entire nether world will be perfected. At that time, no force can shake the tunnel or the nether world. Dao Ancestor Hongjun hasn't taken action yet, how long will they have to wait!" At this moment, Demon Emperor Jun is already a little unbearable and wants to act alone, but he has no ability to break through the defenses of the Netherworld, even the entire Demon Race Can't do it with a shot.

"Big brother, wake up!" Suddenly a heavy drink sounded in his ears, and Demon Emperor Jun was awakened from the anger by this heavy drink. The moment he woke up, Demon Emperor Jun's eyes flashed with endless anger. And unwilling! Yes, he understands his previous abnormal behavior, understands the reason of his previous anger and unwillingness, it is a calculation, he was in the calculation, and was calculated silently, all promises are false , Are all illusory.

"Damn it, it's all saints, they are calculating my demon race, they are calculating me, they use the power of this heavenly change to deliberately guide me, wanting to use me as cannon fodder, using the demon clan as cannon fodder, to attack Nether The world, to contain the Houtu ancestor witch and those **** witch races, so that these **** can take the opportunity to seize the benefits of the nether world!" After thinking about everything, the demon emperor Jun gritted his teeth against the saints, but no matter how much he hated It’s useless. He can’t threaten all the saints at all. Even as long as he dares to counterattack a little bit and give all the saints an excuse, his life will be threatened. The most important thing is that he can wake up early, thanks to the demon. Clan saint Nuwa Empress, if there is no Nuwa Empress to help, I am afraid that now he has already fallen into desperation, Yaozu will be in desperation, and he will become the sinner of Yaozu.

In the face of absolute interests, the so-called power is just a joke. What really determines everything is personal power. If the demon king himself cannot resist the calculations of the saints, no matter how strong the demon clan is, it will not escape destruction. In desperate situation, ethnic luck is important, but ethnic luck is not invincible, at least in the presence of saints.

A strong racial luck may be able to protect itself and allow the demon emperor to receive the blessing of his position, but as long as the demon clan does not become the protagonist of heaven and earth one day, he will not be able to confront all the saints directly, and cannot use the golden dragon of luck to resist them. The more this is the calculation, the more the Demon Emperor Jun’s heart is eager to complete the strangulation of the Wu Clan, to be able to unify the predecessors, let the Demon Clan become the protagonist of the sky, allow himself to be recognized by the sky and the earth, and obtain the supreme status, which can be ignored The threat of all saints!

"It seems that we still missed our hand. Demon Emperor Jun actually woke up at this critical moment. We still underestimated the will of Demon Emperor Jun and the power of Junior Sister Nuwa. This time we missed our hand and missed the opportunity for nothing. The entire monster race can launch an attack on the Netherworld at this time and can attract the Witch Clan to attack. Maybe we have a chance to enter the Netherworld!" When he said this, Yuanshi Tianzun could not help but sighed, his eyes full of loss.

It’s not just Yuanshi Tianzun, but the Zhunti saints among the two sages in the West are also sighing. They are unwilling to achieve this result, but now they are unable to influence all these changes. In contrast, the Lord Tongtian and the Supreme Lord In addition, the introduction of the saints is more calm. They don’t care about the gains and losses this time. Although they have failed, they are not without gain. At least everyone understands that in the affairs of the demon race, the Nuwa Empress cannot be underestimated, otherwise they will. Broke your own big thing!

"Brother, do you think he can succeed, can he perfect the eighteen layers of hell?" Seeing the changes in the Netherworld, the Lord Tongtian sighed and asked the Supreme Lord, there was a faint war intent in his eyes The Yan Huang Zhizun’s behavior was recognized by him, and it also aroused the fighting spirit in his heart. It is unimaginable that a big Luo Jinxian brought the situation to such a realm. If it were himself, the Lord Tongtian would not have Confidence can do this and do better!

"Hmph, ignorance, how could an ant complete the eighteenth hell? Now he has reached the limit of the mountains and rivers and has consumed all his strength. What qualifications does he have and what ability does he have to perfect the eighteenth hell, soon he You will face death, and soon the entire Netherworld and the tunnels will be backlashed!" Before the Taishang Laojun answered, Yuanshi Tianzun was the first to shout, very dissatisfied with the words of the Master Tongtian, and also vented. That anger in my heart!

Master Tongtian said disapprovingly: "That's not necessarily true. Although he is just a big Luo Jinxian, he is crazy enough, daring to work hard, and possesses the supreme power. Perhaps at the expense of himself, he can really perfect the tunnels. The perfection of the world can completely perfect the eighteen layers of **** and achieve what we want!"

"No, this is impossible!" Yuan Shi Tianzun was very annoyed by the remarks made by the leader of Tongtian. He believed that the leader of Tongtian was deliberately provoking himself, and felt that the leader of Tongtian was disrespectful to him. There is no such idea. The main reason why they said those words is that their two ways are different, so their own ideas are also different. In Yuanshi Tianzun’s view, this is undoubtedly mortal, but in the eyes of the Lord Tongtian, there is a ray of life. I really feel that Emperor Hades has the opportunity to do everything, because the other party is ruthless, not only ruthless to the enemy, but also ruthless to himself, a ruthless person can do anything, no matter how crazy a ruthless person can be Everything is done!

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