God of Destruction

Chapter 4374: Dzogchen eighteen layers of hell

The 4380th chapter eighteen layers of **** Dzogchen

Facing Yuanshi Tianzun’s anger, Master Tongtian sighed lightly and said nothing more. He understood that it was useless to say anything at this time. In Yuanshi Tianzun’s eyes, he had never faced the Emperor Hades squarely. Think of it as a ant, but the ant is not something they can give, but is determined by strength. The other party is indeed just a big Luo Jinxian, but it is not an ordinary big Luo Jinxian, but a big Luo Jinxian who has mastered the supreme power. It is also a big Luo Jinxian who can be crazy enough to ignore his own life and death. Such a madman cannot be treated with common sense!

Just as the Lord Tongtian sighed, Laojun Taishang suddenly said: "This matter may indeed have a turning point. For a crazy person who ignores his own life and death, there is nothing that can't be done, and there is nothing to do. It’s what he didn’t dare to do. As long as he dares to work hard, there may be a real chance of success, even if this chance is small, but it does exist! Brother, you can’t use your own preferences to affect your own judgment. Not a good thing!"

With the words of Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun’s expression changed again and again. Although he had the intention to refute, he couldn't say anything. After all, Taishang Laojun’s words were not unreasonable, and he was indeed wrong. , You should not judge by your own preferences, even if you are a saint, you can't do this, after all, saints are not invincible, nor omnipotent! Making a wrong judgment at this time would be a heavy blow to oneself, knowing that the world of the underworld is extraordinary.

The saint is powerful, it is true, but this is only for ordinary people, for the nether world, and for the tunnel, the saint is not strong, even if the tunnel is not perfect, the nether world is not perfect, but it is not difficult to suppress a saint. After the tunnel has suppressed the time gods and demon endless years, it can be seen that if you make a mistake in your judgment, you can well follow the time gods and demon's footsteps!

When I think of this, Yuanshi Tianzun’s heart is very heavy, he is still too arrogant, and a little arrogant after becoming a holy, what he is facing is not the "ant" of Yan Huangzhi, but the authentic, the nether world. Although he recognized Taishang Laojun's remarks, Yuanshi Tianzun has not changed his view of Yan Huangzhi, and still regards it as an'ant'! Under the saints are all ants, this sentence is deeply imprinted on Yuanshi Tianzun's mind, this is difficult to change!

When Yuanshi Tianzun was silent, the changes in the Netherworld did not stop. With the continuous improvement of the eighteen layers of hell, the roots of the tunnels were strengthened, the Netherworld was expanding, and the sea of ​​blood outside the Netherworld also occurred. With changes, the origin is constantly being swallowed by the Netherworld, which makes the master of the sea of ​​blood, Styx, very annoyed, and can't help but remember the Houtu Ancestral Witch and the Supreme Lord of the Hades. If it weren't for the Houtu Ancestral Witch to open the six ways Reincarnation, opened the Netherworld, and he would not fall into such an embarrassing state. There is no way to deal with the Netherworld. If it weren’t for the Shura Dao in the six reincarnations, Styx would have dealt with the Houtu Ancestral Sorcerer and the Supreme Emperor Yan. To start, for others, it will be suppressed by the tunnel and restricted by the Netherworld, but Styx will not, because the birth of the tunnel has the power of the sea of ​​blood and the contribution of Styx!

It’s not that Styx has never thought about seizing the power of the tunnel and the power of the Netherworld, but in the end he gave up. Excessive greed will only make himself into a desperate situation. Styx does not want to let himself be stared at by the heavens and be targeted by Hongjun. Dao Ancestor stared at him, he did not think he had the ability to seize the authority of the Netherworld, seize the authority of the tunnel, and could use the origin of the tunnel and the Netherworld to attack the realm of saints, proclaim the way to sanctification, and sit on an equal footing with all the saints. The Tuzu witches were not sanctified, he didn't think he could get the chance to be sanctified, and he wouldn't do it without sufficient benefits.

In contrast, Demon Emperor Jun is much worse. If it weren’t for Taiyi’s help and demon clan’s fortune, I’m afraid he would have attacked the tunnels, the world of the underworld, and fell into a state of immortality from above the state of mind. He is stronger than Emperor Jun, but Styx knows how to advance and retreat, while Demon Emperor Jun is caught in a racial decisive battle like Lich Battle!

At this moment, the two sages of the West are also sighing that the improvement of the eighteen layers of **** is not a trivial matter. It is related to the development of the prehistoric world and the trend of the prehistoric world. The Supreme Emperor Hades perfected several layers of **** in one breath. The impact of this on the two sages of the West is also not small, and their hearts are also looking forward to the emergence of opportunities, that they can seize benefits in the tunnel and the ghost world!

"Brother, do you say that Teacher Hongjun will take action? He will give a deadly blow to the tunnel, the Netherworld at this critical moment, and let the **** ant fail in the perfection of the eighteenth hell?" Facing such a dramatic change Zhunti saint still couldn't help the expectation in his heart, and asked the leading saint. For him, this was an unbearable event!

The leading saint sighed softly: "I don’t know, no one can guess the teacher’s heart. I don’t know what the teacher will do. Even if the teacher is willing to take action, it depends on the reaction of heaven. After all, this is not a trivial matter. The duel may cause a break in the entire prehistoric world, and it will bring great disasters to the prehistoric world. There may be opportunities for us, but it is difficult to say how big this opportunity is. After all, we have to face more than just authentic , Netherworld, Sanqing, Monster Race and Witch Race, they won't let us get what we want, won't let us easily succeed!"

When talking about this, the leading saint sighed again and shook his head slightly and said: "Keep waiting. For us, we can only wait. No matter what happens, we can't be the first bird. Now The situation is a bit abnormal!"

auzw.com Yes, the situation today is indeed very abnormal. This is not only the introduction of the saints to see, many strong men have seen it, they are all waiting, waiting for the final result, waiting Whether the Supreme Lord of the Hades can persist to the end, can he perfect the tunnels, perfect the nether world, and whether he can truly perfect the eighteen layers of hell.

In the hearts of many powerful people, they don’t think that the Emperor of Yama will really have to sacrifice everything. In their opinion, sacrificing himself for the sake of authenticity and for the world of the underworld is too stupid, too stupid. People with a little bit of reason will not. In their opinion, all innate gods and demons should be selfish and will not sacrifice themselves to make wedding dresses for others. Unfortunately, they think wrong. They look at things from a normal perspective, and they face the Supreme Lord He is a madman. For a madman, nothing is impossible, and there is nothing that cannot be done. Moreover, the Emperor Hades has been forced to a desperate situation. What can't be done, what else can't be done, as long as there is a glimmer of life, the Emperor Yan Huang will let go, even if the final result is still death, he will not regret it, and will not shrink back!

"Hehe, I have finally come to this point, no matter, since there is no retreat, then give up your life, burn, my origin, burn my soul, use everything I have in exchange for the ultimate power, the power of rules comes, I dominate the world, I am the Lord of the Nether, I am the Supreme Emperor of the Hades, and the tunnel rules are controlled by me, and the tunnels descend!" With this deep cry of the Supreme Lord of the Hades, the entire Netherworld is trembling, and the entire tunnel is trembling! No, to be more precise, it should be cheering. The sacrifice of the Emperor Hades made the world scream, and the tunnels screamed. They were all responding to the call of the Supreme Hades.

"Damn, how is this possible, this ant is really crazy, and he wants to sacrifice himself and make wedding dresses for others!" In an instant, those strong men who disagree were dumbfounded, and they were shocked by everything in front of them. I didn't expect that an innate **** and demon who was just born would sacrifice himself for the sake of the tunnel and the nether world. Such a spirit is terrible, and the result is amazing!

The tunnel descends, the origin of the Netherworld descends. When the rules of these two powers descend on Hades Supreme, the prehistoric world is trembling, and all creatures are trembling. They can feel the trembling from the predominant world, and they can feel it. To the cheers of the world, they can also feel the majestic power from the nether world and from the underground. This is the pressure that the eighteenth **** is about to be perfected on the world and the sentient beings. If the eighteenth **** is perfect, those who don’t The life that has broken free of fate will be frightened by the origin of the tunnel, will be controlled by the tunnel, and the world of the underworld.

"A madman, this is really a madman. It is so crazy to dare to make such a crazy move in such a situation. Even if he sacrifices himself, is the tunnel really so easy to perfect? ​​It's so easy in the Netherworld. Is it perfect? ​​Is the eighteenth **** really easy to consummate? He has overestimated his abilities, the power of the tunnel and the nether world!" Facing such a shocking change, Yuan Shi Tianzun shouted in an angry voice. Now, this is an unacceptable result for him!

Unfortunately, at this time, Emperor Yan Huang couldn’t hear Yuanshi Tianzun’s words. If he heard these words, he would refute it. When the rules of the local road and the nether world came, when the huge power filled his body, With a bang, the fragile innate **** and demon body of the Emperor Yan Huang directly exploded, and the flesh completely collapsed, and the original power that exploded wandered in a weird way in the weakening soul of the Emperor Yan. Outside, responding to it!

At this moment, I only heard the sound of a soul resounding through the world and through the land: "Trash the grain, the thieves, the corrupt officials, and the people who oppress the people will be thrown into the stone hell, stone hell! Cut corners, Those who deceive the top and the bottom, and those who are unfairly traded, will be thrown into the **** of the sword and saw after death, and the **** of the sword and saw! Eighteen layers of hells are combined, and the underground is formed, and the nether world is formed!"

With the sound of this soul, a **** world shining with endless black light rose from the depths of the nether world. It was the power of the rules of the world condensed by the origin of the nether world. The harmony of layers of hell, this is the fusion of the origin, the fusion of the rules, and the perfection of the underground, the perfection of the nether world. Its cohesion represents the punishment of the nether world and the authentic punishment. When this world appears, Everyone was horrified, and all creatures felt terrible threats, threats from the depths of their souls. This is the authentic divine power, the divine power of the nether world!

"It's done, the eighteen layers of **** really have to be condensed by the ants, the tunnel is perfect, the world of the netherworld is perfect, this world really has a madman who has given up his life!" Countless creatures are muttering to all of this The arrival is incredible, but this is the fact, the fact that cannot be changed, the perfection of the eighteen layers of hell, completes the entire nether world, completes the tunnel, and at the same time, the soul of the Supreme Emperor of the Hades also burned to the end, and the fire of the soul was extinguished. .

When the fire of Hades Supreme’s soul was extinguished, the treasure of time, the source of time, which had always been hidden deep in his soul, instantly merged with it, and at the same time, the heart of the world that had been imprisoned merged into it. In the last light of the soul of Emperor Yan Huang, the last breath of Emperor Yan Huang dissipated in the nether world and in the tunnel.

With a loud bang, the entire Netherworld is screaming, and the tunnel is screaming. This is for the fall of the Emperor Hades. All beings in the world feel the sorrow from the soul. This is the tunnel. This is the Netherworld for them. Impact.

A newly born innate **** and demon fell like this, for the sake of authentic perfection, for the perfection of the nether world, self-sacrifice, this kind of sacrifice made the world scream for it, and let the common people feel the sadness. The whole world has different creatures. Thoughts, there are also different reactions to all this happening, and many people are mourning the fall of Emperor Yan Huang. Of course, some people were angry and cursed for it, because the madness of the Emperor Hades spoiled their good deeds.

For ordinary creatures, it is natural to cherish the fall of the Emperor Yan, but for those who are strong, it is angry, because the perfection of the tunnel has deterred some of their souls. If they cannot condense the Da Luo Jinxian Dao fruit, In the end, they will inevitably die, will be frightened by the Netherworld, will be restricted by the Netherworld, and for the monster giants, it will be hate, endless hatred, the perfection of the eighteen layers of hell, let their expectations fall, let The power of the two groups of Lich has changed, the luck of the Wu clan is strengthening, and the luck of the monster clan is restrained. This is the result that they cannot accept, so they have endless hatred, which is also hatred for all saints. Endless, because of the perfection of the tunnel and the perfection of the Netherworld, they have lost their involvement in the tunnel, and the calculations in their hearts cannot succeed. How can they not hate it!

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