God of Destruction

Chapter 4375: Re-pregnancy

Chapter 4381 Reborn

Fallen, the Supreme Emperor of the Yama is perfected in the tunnels, and perishes when the Netherworld is perfected. This result has brought a huge impact to the prehistoric world. The improvement of the Netherworld has broken the illusions of many people and destroyed their Calculating, it's just that everything is not over, because when the tunnel is perfected and the nether world is perfect, the power of heaven has not retreated, Hongjun Taozu has not retreated, the power of heaven and Hongjun Taozu still envelopes the nether world, what are they doing?

"What's the matter, why didn't the teacher stop? Could it be that the teacher wants to confront the tunnel head-on, and when the tunnel is perfect, he still has to fight the tunnel? Isn't it a bit crazy!" Seeing Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao When his power did not recede, the old master Taishang, who was a big brother, couldn't help being shocked, which he didn't expect.

Yuanshi Tianzun nodded and said self-righteously: "Perhaps the teacher has this intention. The original local Tao should not be perfected. Even if it is to be perfected, it should not be done by the **** ant. His appearance has disrupted the balance of the prehistoric world. The balance between the world and the earth is stable again, and the teacher is right to take action. After all, the way of heaven does not allow the eruption of the earth, and the way of heaven is everything!"

In Yuanshi Tianzun’s eyes, heaven is the orthodoxy of the prehistoric world. Tunnels are nothing at all, let alone humanity. The saint’s lofty mentality is completely revealed in him. He doesn’t want the tunnels to be perfect, let alone anyone. Proving Dao sanctification by the origin of the tunnel, especially the Houtu ancestor witch of the Witch tribe. If the Houtu ancestor witch is allowed to prove the Dao sanctification, this is the result that Yuanshi Tianzun cannot accept, because it weakens his own air luck and will fight for Pangu with them in Sanqing Luck!

"No, I don't think that's the case. The teacher can't do such a thing, nor will the heavens do it. If heaven and earth are opposed, the entire prehistoric world will undergo earth-shattering drastic changes. At that time, heaven and earth are likely to be destroyed. The duel is not as simple as measuring the calamity. I am afraid that it will lead to the destruction of the prehistoric world. After all, this is the power confrontation of the Dao. It is far from what we can imagine. As long as there is a slight difference in promethium, the consequences will be unwilling to imagine. , This kind of cause and effect is something that no one can recite. Perhaps there are still existences in the tunnel that the teacher pays attention to!" Compared with Yuanshi Tianzun’s self-righteousness, Tongtian Guru sees things clearly, because he looks at things in a different direction and gets The conclusion is naturally different!

When he heard these words, Yuanshi Tianzun said disapprovingly: "The tunnels have been perfected, and the world of the netherworld is perfected. There is nothing more worthy of the teacher's attention. This is impossible. You think too much! Heaven is the orthodox. Orthodoxy is right and correct to do anything. Orthodoxy should not be broken. This is an unacceptable result!"

For Yuanshi Tianzun, authentic perfection is unacceptable, but it is different for those careerists. Those keen-sighted careerists are looking forward to such a result. Because the authenticity and the perfection of the nether world mean new The opportunity means that there is a saint’s Tao fruit, there is a supreme Tao fruit, especially the fall of the Supreme Emperor Hades has stimulated them, if it is not for the existence of powerful defenses in the tunnel and the nether world, I am afraid that many people will Assault the nether world, want to enter the nether world to find the supreme power left by the supreme Emperor Yama, and to seize this supreme fruit position!

Why Hongjun Daozu did not leave is actually very simple, because he sensed that the soul of Emperor Yan Huang was not completely destroyed, he felt the change in that moment, felt the origin of Mo Sheng’s world, and the way of heaven was the same, precisely because Feeling such changes, Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao did not rush to leave, but continued to observe the changes in the tunnels and the netherworld, waiting for new changes to appear, and waiting for the rebirth of the Supreme Emperor of Hades.

From Hongjun Daozu's point of view, even the Houtu ancestor witches can resurrect with the help of the power of the tunnel, and at the same time sacrifice themselves. The Supreme Lord of Yama should also have this ability. The tunnel cannot give up the Supreme Lord of the Yamas, and the Netherworld cannot give up. , If you can do a little bit of hands and feet when the Emperor of Hell respects his life, maybe there is a chance to get involved in the tunnel and the world of the underworld!

Although everyone does not know what Hongjun Daozu is doing, those strong men who can be ambitious are not fools. Naturally, they will not give up their attention to the tunnels and the Netherworld, so all those people stare at the Netherworld. , Staring at the tunnel, and want to know what will happen, which will make Hongjun Daozu pay attention to it!

At this time, the ancestral witch of Houtu was deeply sighed. Others did not know what was going on, but she knew very well in her heart that as the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, although she was rejected by the tunnel because of her previous behavior, she was not liked by the tunnel. Not to be liked by the Netherworld, but Houtu Ancestral Witch can still feel the changes at that moment. He can feel that Emperor Yan Huangzhi has not completely fallen, and he still has a trace of remnant soul remaining, although Houtu Ancestral Witch has not I don't know that the power that appeared at that moment is the back hand of the Emperor Yan Huang, but in her opinion it is a shot from the tunnel and the nether world, and is using the power of the world to resurrect the Emperor Yan.

At this moment, does Hou Tu Zuwu regret in his heart? No, she does not regret her previous choice. Although the result is not so good, she still does not regret it. She has to bear the consequences if she makes a choice, since she has no choice and authenticity at the critical moment, standing with the ghost world At the same time, it is natural to accept the consequence and bear the cause and effect!

Although because of my wrong choice, I lost the connection with the Netherworld and the tunnels, but I was still the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and could still be blessed by the power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Influence and control, lost the origin of the tunnel, and also lost the opportunity to use the tunnel to prove the Avenue of Saints!

auzw.com Under the attention of everyone, the origin of the authentic world is surging, and the origin of the nether world is surging. Amidst the roars, the origin of the authentic world and the origin of the nether world are constantly flowing. The earth poured into the Primordial Supreme'Time Clock', nourishing the remnant soul of Emperor Yan Huang, repairing the remnant soul, and adding to the resurrection of Emperor Yan Huang.

However, at this time, the supreme authority is no longer in the supreme king of Yama, and there is no power of authority in the origins given by the tunnels and the nether world. What these two sources are doing is to re-bred the supreme king of the Yamas, and bred a new one. New innate gods and demons.

"It's the origin of the tunnel and the origin of the Netherworld that are changing. They seem to be gestating new creatures. What are they going to do? Could it be that they want to resurrect the Emperor Yan, like the ancestor witch before the resurrection, but this seems to have A big difference!" Looking at the changes in the Netherworld, the Saint Zhunti couldn't help muttering to himself, with endless doubts in his eyes!

The leading saint nodded and said, "Yes, this is indeed a bit abnormal. If the tunnels and the world of the underworld want to resurrect the Hades, they should not do this. With their power, they can do everything in an instant, without such a big expense. Zhou Zhang, what is going on? Could it be said that Yan Huang Zhizun suffered more damage than the Houtu Ancestral Witch, so that both the tunnels and the nether world had to breed him again, but the innate gods and demons bred like this were still Yan Huang Zhizun? ?"

Sage Zhunti shook his head slightly and said, "If the soul of Emperor Yan Huang is too severely damaged, even the original memory will disappear after the re-incubation, and the reborn innate gods and demons will no longer be Emperor Yan. It's a new life, but I don't know if this new born innate **** and demon will also hold the supreme status, and will inherit everything from the supreme Emperor Hades?"

Inheriting the supreme status, no. Now, under the nurturing of the origin of the tunnel and the origin of the nether world, all the status of the supreme of Yama has been washed out. Now he is a real rebirth, a real new life, the name of the supreme Yama will not Re-existence, and what supports everything is not the origin of the tunnel or the origin of the nether world, but the origin of time seized by the previous king of the end, the heart of the world condensed by the time gods and demons, everything is based on the heart of the world, Give birth to life again.

"This is the breath of time, the breath of the time **** and demon. It seems that I and Heavenly Dao have underestimated Yan Huang Zhizun, and also underestimated the supreme fruit status. He is using the power of the chaos **** and demon to regenerate vitality. , With the origin of the Chaos God and Demon, combined with the origin of the tunnel and the Netherworld, he will have the essence of the Chaos God and Demon once he was born, and it is the essence recognized by the heavens and the earth, such a powerful calculation, such a powerful calculation, but even No matter how good his calculations are, what he gets is only the Supreme Attainment Status, and he can't get the Holy Position. Although the tunnel is perfect, the Netherworld is perfect, but he still can't breed the Holy Position. Originally, if the Netherworld and tunnels swallowed the time gods and demons. There is a chance to nurture a new holy throne because of his birth. It takes endless years to nurture the holy throne again!" In an instant, Hongjun Daozu used the power of heaven to see through. The nature of the tunnels can see through the changes in the Netherworld, and also see through the gestating Hades!

"Hehe, no matter how perfect the tunnel is, no matter how perfect the Netherworld is, even if their power can stop the erosion of the heavens, but their origin is still not enough to fight against the heavens, and their innate deficiencies, they want to fight against the heavens or can't. When they arrive, they can only protect themselves. There is no authentic saint, no holy position, and only relying on the supreme status, but also self-protection!" After seeing everything, Hongjun Daozu felt that he was unnecessary. I wasted time and energy here. As long as the newly born innate gods and demons are not born for a day, the defense of the Nether World will not disappear. This is not only the protection of the tunnels and the Nether World, but also the shelter of the great road. In front of the avenue, Hongjun Daozu didn't think he could fight it, nor did he think he had the ability to destroy the shelter of the avenue!

Is authenticity a threat to yourself? Yes, Dao Ancestor Hongjun knows this, but the threat is not as great as imagined. Although the eighteen layers of hells are perfected, the tunnels are perfected, and the nether world is perfected, the lack of innate origin restricts the development of tunnels and the nether world. To be equal to the way of heaven, it takes endless time to accumulate! After occupying all the advantages, he is still not able to win, and he has no confidence in what kind of Taoism he has, and Hongjun Daozu is not worthy of his current position!

After thinking about everything and seeing everything thoroughly, Daozu Hongjun no longer paid attention to the changes in the Netherworld and the tunnel, nor did he care about his own disciples. Although each of those disciples had great ambitions, in front of the tunnel, In front of the Netherworld, in front of the Great Dao, this is not worth mentioning, and it can't shake the general trend at all!

Yes, it is the general trend. In the eyes of Dao Ancestor Hongjun, the tunnel and the nether world re-bred new innate gods and demons, and bred new supreme. This is the general trend of heaven and earth. No one can stop it. Heaven can't stop it. He can't stop it. Other creatures can Even without the ability to dare to confront the general trend of the world, it will only be backlashed by the great road.

With a heart move, the origin of the heavens and Hongjun Daozu disappeared together, and the pressure of the entire world dissipated instantly, but the tunnel and the nether world were still closed because they were re-bred to the supreme. In the entire nether world, except for the Houtu ancestor witch, There are no other creatures, and the Houtu Ancestral Witch is also confined within the scope of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, unable to walk freely in the Netherworld. She is suppressed by the tunnel and the Netherworld. This is the consequence of her previous mistakes. .

When Hongjun Daozu left, the entire primordial powerhouse was dumbfounded. They never thought that things would be so anticlimactic. They originally thought that they could see Daozu Hongjun and Heavenly Dao join forces to make a big shot at the Netherworld and the tunnel, and could tear the defense of the tunnel. The defense of the Netherworld can bring new opportunities to everyone, but now everything is empty.

Although everyone was extremely annoyed in their hearts, no one dared to say anything. They could not bear the serious consequences, even the saints, no matter how unwilling they were in their hearts, they did not dare to speak, even if they complained about the tunnel and the netherworld. The world, they didn’t dare, before they dared to believe in talking nonsense, it was because of the shelter of Hongjun Daozu and Heaven’s Dao, all information was shielded, the tunnel and the nether world could not be detected at all, but now Hongjun Daozu is gone, the power of heaven It has also disappeared, and if you dare to open the river, you will be noticed by the tunnel, and by the Netherworld, it will bring you huge cause and effect.

The saints may not be afraid of karma, but the saints have disciples and sects, they can ignore the cause and effect, but the sects will be entangled by the cause and effect, and the cause and effect of the tunnel and the nether world are entangled, and no sect is willing to accept it. The consequences are too serious and will cause huge trouble!

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