God of Destruction

Chapter 4376: Supreme Power

Chapter 4382: Supreme Power

Causality, the cause and effect of a world is not something that everyone can bear. Even the saints dare not act rashly and dare not let themselves carry such a heavy burden. It is precisely such a large cause and effect that directly cuts off everyone’s greed. At least until the shelter of the great road is eliminated, no one dared to act rashly, even the monster race did not dare to make a big fight or start a light war.

Regarding everything in the outside world, the Emperor Yan Huang who has fallen into a deep sleep and is in the rebirth of life does not know it. For him, he is fully merging with the heart of the world at this moment, and is merging with all the resources left by the King of End , When making a crazy decision, the King of End had already prepared for the worst for the deity, backing up all the information in the heart of the world left by him, and all the information left, so that one day When the deity is facing desperation, there is still a chance to comeback.

I have to say that the King of the End is right to pay. It is precisely because of his preparation and such an arrangement that the Emperor Hades was able to make such a crazy choice at all costs and fearing all dangers. It was even crazier than the Houtu Ancestral Witch, and all of this was because of the back hand left by the King of End.

With a steady stream of unwillingness to help, the new innate gods and demons are reuniting and their vitality is growing rapidly. In this process, the origin has changed, and the essence has also changed. Although it is also the body of the innate gods and demon, and also has the supreme fruit status, but he does not have the companion supreme treasure. The life and death book and the judge's pen in his possession are not the companion supreme treasure, but the supreme fruit status blessing must have the authority supreme treasure. , But now it’s different. Under the action of the heart of the world, the time’s treasure “Time Clock” is completely integrated into this continuous vitality under the action of the tunnel and the nether world, and is completely refined by the vitality to become this Respect the companion treasure of the newborn innate gods and demons.

With the'Time Clock', the original treasure as the companion treasure, when the new gods and demons are successfully condensed, and when the will returns, they will grasp the time avenue for the first time and master the power of the original rules of time in the prehistoric world. This is not only the blessing of the tunnels and the nether world, but also the original blessings of the original chaotic gods and demons. It can be said that the newly born gods and demons have merged all their own powers, as well as the power of the tunnels and the nether world, and time. The power of gods and demons!

With the complete refining of the'Time Clock', it has completely turned into a companion treasure, the origin of the authentic and the netherworld began to gather new power in this newly born innate **** and demon body, but this is not ordinary Power, but the power of the supreme, yes, the tunnel and the nether world began to gather the supreme fruit position for it, this time the supreme fruit position is completely different from the previous one, the perfect tunnel, the power bestowed by the perfect nether world There is a qualitative gap with authority.

If it is said that the Supreme Achievement Status of Emperor Yan Huang was incomplete before, but now the condensed Supreme Achievement Status is intact, and this time the Supreme Achievement Status is also different from before. The entire Netherworld and tunnels are echoing with it, as if the Netherworld. It is in harmony with the tunnel, and it blends with it between exhales and breaths. The whole world and the tunnel are cooperating with it!

"Damn, this is the echo of the world, this is the harmony of the origin, and the rules follow. We all underestimated the evolution of the Netherworld and the tunnels. This time our monster race is in big trouble!" Looking at the changes in the Netherworld, As he felt the recondensation of the Supreme Attainment Status, as the master of the Monster Race, the Monster Emperor Jun could clearly feel the threat from the Nether World.

Tai Yi also nodded and said, "Yes, there is indeed a big trouble. The **** **** of the Witch race have a powerful boost. I feel the threat from the newly born **** and demon, the threat from the soul, this It’s something I haven’t felt before, and such threats only appear on the saints, and even the Sanqing and Western Second Saints and Nuwa Empress are not so clear. It seems that the full-year supreme status is better than we imagined. It’s much more powerful, but I don’t understand why there is a Supreme Achievement Status in the tunnels, but there is no Heaven Realm that I control, and there is no Supreme Achievement Status in the Primordial World? This is a bit weird!"

When he heard the words of Taiyi, the demon emperor Jun's expression condensed, as if he had thought of it, his face instantly became a little pale, and his eyes flashed with terrible light. If the supreme fruit position is powerful, why does the Houtu ancestor witch initiate six reincarnations There is no such powerful threat to become the Lord of the Six Ways of Reincarnation, but there is such a feeling in an innate **** and demon who has just given birth to life. Could it be that the Lord of the Six Ways of Reincarnation is not the center of the tunnel? Isn't it the center of gravity of the Netherworld?

"Yeah, this is indeed a bit weird. Maybe it's not just that we don't understand the Supreme Achievement Status. The Sanqing and Western Two Saints, and the Nuwa Empress also don't know. Only Hongjun Daozu who really understands the Supreme Achievement Status The powerhouses of the period, but they have all disappeared in the long river of time, perished in the great calamity of heaven and earth!" At this point, the heart of Demon Emperor Jun was fluctuating, and his heart vaguely had a little conjecture. , Maybe why there is no Supreme Achievement Status in the prehistoric world, it is because of the existence of the Heavenly Dao, because the Heavenly Dao is weakening, even suppressing the Supreme Achievement Status.

There are the Lord of the Tunnel, the Lord of the Nether, and the Lord of the Heavenly Way, and the Lord of the Primordial Way, but the Primordial World has never seen the Lord of the Primordial Land. The fight for the Lord of the Wilds is for the Supreme Attainment Status of the Lord, and the Supreme Attainment Status at that time may be complete!

The more he thought about it, the more the Demon Emperor Jun felt that he was right. Now the Dragon and Phoenix Tribulation is over long ago. The three clans have already lost the luck of the protagonist of heaven and earth. Now it is the dispute between the Lich and the Lich. Is the fight for the supreme position?


Not only is the Demon Emperor Jun suspecting in his heart at this moment, he is thinking about this issue, the Wu Clan is also thinking about all of this, the Supreme Achievement Status also has a huge temptation for them, and the changes in the Underworld at this moment allow them to see more There is a qualitative gap between the consummated world, the perfect tunnel, and the condensed Supreme Achievement Status and the incomplete Supreme Achievement Status.

Is the prehistoric world perfect? No, the prehistoric world is not perfect. At least the dragon veins of the western land have been destroyed. The western incompleteness may have caused problems with the predominant fruit status of the prehistoric world. Just like the previous Netherworld, even if the supreme fruit status is captured, it is also It cannot be compared with the Supreme Attainment Position that is being bred, or even with the Attainment Position of the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Although everyone does not feel the change from the Houtu Zuwu, they don’t think the Netherworld is perfect, the authentic perfection Will not bring back nurturing to the Houtu ancestor witch, do not believe that behind all this, the Houtu ancestor witch did not get any benefits.

The power of the Houtu ancestor witch is a huge impact on the monster race. After the nether world is perfected, after the tunnel is perfected, the wu clan’s aura will increase. If it were not for the Houtu ancestor witch, it did not cooperate with the tunnel, did not cooperate with the nether world, did not In the confrontation between Emperor Yan Huang and the Tao of Heaven, he helped in perfecting the world. He did not take on his own responsibilities. I was afraid that the Houtu Ancestral Sorceress would be stronger, and would even directly prove the Tao and condense the status of an authentic saint!

"There is no chance, even if the shelter of the great avenue disappears, even if the new innate gods and demons have just been born, under the blessing of the complete supreme status, no one can shake him, let alone want to seize this supreme status! "If someone in the prehistoric world knows the Supreme Achievement very well, apart from Hongjun Daozu, there is only Demon Emperor Jun. After sober, the Demon Emperor Jun knows the power of the Supreme Achievement better than a saint, because he himself possesses a power of the Supreme Achievement. This supreme power was just not felt by him himself in the past.

Yes, the demon Emperor Jun has a supreme power in his body, the supreme power from the heavens, but his supreme status is not complete, and there is not much power that can be borrowed. If it were not for the previous drastic changes, the demon emperor Jun He would not be aware of all this, but although he understood the power of the Supreme Attainment Status in his heart, and felt his own supreme power, but Di Jun did not dare to say it, he dared not tell everyone in the monster race, he was worried Will cause huge trouble.

Demon Emperor Jun has supreme power in his body, will there be no supreme power in the twelve ancestor witch of the Witch Clan? Yes, the twelve ancestor witches of the witch clan also have the supreme power, but the supreme power of the twelve ancestor witches is not obvious. If you have to say that it is obvious, only the Houtu ancestor witch, or even the Houtu ancestor witch It is the existence of the Twelve Ancestral Witch that originally endured the supreme power.

The demon emperor Jun continues to be the supreme power of the heavens, and the witch clan continues to naturally be the supreme power of the prehistoric earth, and the Houtu ancestor witch has mastered the origin of the earth, naturally she carries the supreme power, and it is precisely because she has the supreme power. The power is in her body, so she can start the six reincarnations, can fit the six reincarnations, and become the master of the six reincarnations!

The more he thinks about it, the more demon Emperor Jun dare not speak out this secret. Once he speaks it, it will be a catastrophe for the demon clan. I don’t know how many people will try to seize the demon clan. The supreme power of her own body is not so dangerous in comparison to the witch race, because the supreme power of the Houtu ancestor witch has been completely controlled by it. She has become the lord of the six reincarnations and the supreme existence. No one can seize her supreme power, supreme fruit status in the nether world.

I saw that the Demon Emperor Jun spoke solemnly and said: "Everyone, our enemy Wu Clan, the luck is increasing, but the power of our Demon Clan has not changed. This is very unfavorable for us. If we can’t reverse everything, When the final battle arrives, my monster clan will inevitably end in failure. At that time, all of our monster clan will become targets of the witch clan’s slaughter. I hope everyone can do their best and work together to come up with a solution to the crisis. , Look for that ray of life in this catastrophe!"

Taiyi frowned and asked in doubt: "Brother, is the matter so serious? Although I know that this change has great benefits to the Wu Clan, so that the Wu Clan can continuously gain merit and luck through the six reincarnations. But this is not necessarily a disaster for our monster clan. Although the witch clan is strong, they have also lost the Houtu ancestor witch. Their celestial evil formation is also incomplete. Without the celestial evil formation, we want The pressure you face should be a bit less!"

Demon Emperor Jun gently shook his head and said, "I know what you are thinking. You feel that if you lose the great formation of the Dutian God, the Wu Clan will lose the power of the town clan, and even though the Hou Tu Ancestral Witch has mastered the Supreme Fruit Status, he has become The Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, but the Nvwa Empress will not pose a threat to our monster race, but you should not despise this newly born Supreme, even if he is born late, the complete Supreme Fruit recovery will have a terrible impact. Power, what do we use to fight against? Don’t pin our hopes on the Dao of Heaven, but on Daozu Hongjun and all the saints. They will not take action and will not contaminate this cause and effect. We want to be in this great catastrophe of heaven and earth. , In the decisive battle with the Witch tribe, we can only rely on ourselves! We need to find a way to restore the balance of power between the Lich tribe and we need to have our own assassin that can deter all enemies!"

The idea is good, but it is very difficult to achieve this. Demon Emperor Jun’s statement is not problematic, but it is very difficult to possess such abilities. He does not believe in the saints, does not believe in Hongjun Daozu, nor does he believe it. Heavenly Dao, because in his opinion, no one wants to see the strength of the monster clan or the success of the monster clan. For all the saints, what they longed to see was the end of the two families of the Lich, and both were hurt. Just like the three families in the Dragon and Phoenix Tribulation, they wanted the two families of the Lich to follow in their footsteps. Only in this way, the saints Only to be able to master the prehistoric and dominate the prehistoric world.

I have to say that the demon emperor Jun, who came to the Qing Dynasty, has seen everything, the plan of the saints, and the calculations of the heavens. No matter whether the saints or the heavens, they didn't want either of the monster race or the witch race to obtain it. Victory, it is precisely because of this that there will be all kinds of accidents before. It is useless to see through. The demon emperor Jun can't find a way to break the game. The only thing he can do is to continuously strengthen his own strength in order to be able to use it. Such power to fight for that ray of life.

Yes, at this moment, Demon Emperor Jun's mood is extremely heavy. He is worried about the future of the Demon Race, and is also anxious for the survival of all the Demon Races. If it weren't for the hatred of the Lich Race, it would have been very deep. Unable to resolve, he had the heart to negotiate with the twelve ancestor witches, but the past cut off such opportunities, and the harmony that caused all this was the way of heaven, the ancestor of Hongjun.

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