God of Destruction

Chapter 4377: Festival temptation

Chapter 4385: Temptation

The Demon Emperor Jun wants to negotiate with the Lich Clan, but this is impossible. He also knows that when the Demon Clan takes the first step in a race fight, the Lich Clan will never die, especially behind this. There is also the promotion of Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao, which makes it impossible for them to stop. The most important thing is that the Wu clan will not give up, because the Wu clan has never known what compromise is, if it is not because of the madness and madness of the Wu clan. Being arrogant, the Houtu ancestor witch will not be pinched by Daozu Hongjun, he will not make a betrayal choice before and give up his original great opportunity!

Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao retreated so happily, precisely because he knew that although the situation has changed, the general situation is still in the heavens, and is still under his control, although the changes in the tunnels will bring changes to the world, but this change It is still not enough to shake the general trend of heaven and earth, nor the trend of heaven, as long as the foundation does not support it, whether it is heaven or Hongjun Daozu, they can compromise!

Of course, for Dao Ancestor Hongjun, I also want to know the perfection of the tunnels, what kind of innate gods and demons will be bred from the changes in the Netherworld, and what kind of supreme status will appear. For Dao Ancestor Hongjun, the supreme fruit Although the position is very strong, it is not enough to shake one's foundation. There is no need to care too much. If the Emperor Hades did not perish before but survived, I am afraid that it will not be the current situation, even if the price is high, Daozu Hongjun must also beheaded, because that will shake his own foundation. Such a supreme Emperor Hades has the ability and has the opportunity to fit in and become the real master of the tunnel!

As the Lord of Heaven, Dao Ancestor Hongjun does not want the birth of the Lord of the Tunnel, let alone the birth of the Lord of the Tunnel, which leads to the emergence of the Lord of Humanity, so that the three ways of heaven, earth and humans can be heard together, and the whole great trend will be separated. Own control!

Under the attention of everyone, the new innate gods and demons are gestating quickly, and all the preparations left by the King of the End are re-turned into nutrients to nourish the new innate gods and demons, reviving the original memory of the Emperor Yan, and letting everything The power is returning. At this time, all the power that originally belonged to him has been integrated into the heart of the world, into the body of the new innate gods and demons. Of course, the power of the supreme authority is also being integrated, and this time the newly born innate gods and demons have the authority of the master of the nether world, the world master who truly controls the power of the nether world, if the supreme power is completely absorbed, the nether world will be in harmony with it , There will be complete unity between the two!

At this time, the Lord of the Nether is sober, it is okay for him to accept the title of the Lord of the Nether, and it is OK to accept the power of the Lord of the Nether, but it is unacceptable to tie yourself to the world of the Nether. If you do, you will be completely bound by the Netherworld, and there will be no possibility of breaking free, unless you break the Netherworld!

"No, this is not the result I want. Although the authority of the Netherworld is good, the Lord of the World is powerful, but I can accept the title, I can accept the supreme power, but I cannot integrate with the world, I am me, I will not be Assimilate the Netherworld, cut it for me!" With a soft drink, the Lord of the Nether instantly transformed into a sword of wisdom, slashing directly on the connection between himself and the source of the Netherworld, and directly on the condensing. Above the supreme authority.

Yes, he accepted the title of Lord of the Nether, but gave up the power of supreme authority. The Lord of the Nether directly cut off his connection with the Nether World, and directly gave up the mastery of the Nether World, and this wisdom sword cut Out, let the Nether Lord’s breath become weak, and cut off the connection with the Nether World, which means that he can no longer use the origin of the Nether World to nurture the innate gods and demons, and can no longer integrate perfectly with the Nether World. !

"Hey! Madman, what a lunatic, he cut off the connection with the Netherworld in his own breeding, and gave up the authority of the Netherworld. This guy is really crazy and supreme. Could it be that he did not have the will in the previous battle? Completely collapsed, he still retains all his memories!” As he felt the trembling of the Netherworld, the Houtu Ancestor Witch, the lord of the six realms, couldn't help but sighed. This result shocked her and also Makes her a little worried.

A person who treats himself so cruelly shows how ambitious he is to give up the temptation of a world. This is not something that everyone can do. The previous giving up was a helpless choice, but now the Lord of Nether gives up. But it is voluntary, without any threats, it is that he really wants to give up, which has to be shocking!

"What is the reason for him to give up the power of the Nether World, give up the control of everything in the Nether World, what secrets does he have, and why is he doing this?" Houtu Zuwu was meditating, to her. Change is not a good thing. Even if the Lord of the Nether gives up the authority of the Nether World, he will not be threatened by the Nether World. There is one less person who can threaten him. But a person who can make such a choice is absolutely crazier. Plan and calculate!

Not only the Houtu Ancestral Witch felt the change in the Netherworld, all the saints also felt this change, they also didn't understand what happened to the Lord of the Nether, why they made such a crazy move at this time and gave up the Lord of the World The authority of this makes it difficult for them to understand and cannot understand, in their opinion this is a bit stupid and ignorant!

"Crazy, it's really crazy, and he directly gave up the authority of the Netherworld. Such a lunatic is really terrifying. Fortunately, this lunatic has not accepted the authority of the Netherworld. If he is allowed to accept the authority of the Netherworld and control the Netherworld. I don’t know what kind of crazy things he will do, and how much damage it will cause to the entire prehistoric world!” Although there was joy in his heart, Yuanshi Tianzun spoke such a contemptuous statement. It seems that the Lord of the Nether is an ignorant and stupid lunatic, a lunatic who is not qualified to accept the authority of the Netherworld.

auzw.com Tai Shang Lao Jun took a deep breath and said: "It is indeed a bit crazy, but the more we do this, the more we have to deal with it carefully. One does not even care about our own life and death, and the other A madman who can ignore the authority of the world and can give up. There is nothing he cannot do. From the actions of this madman, we can know that he has not completely lost his memory. He is still awake, but we don’t understand. His idea, if possible, we'd better not be an enemy of this lunatic!"

Compared with Yuanshi Tianzun’s arrogance, Taishang Laojun is very calm, and he can directly see the terrible Lord of the Nether. Such a madman will not have any fear. Generally, he will have hatred with such a lunatic. Bringing endless trouble to myself, and the price to pay for killing such a lunatic is too great for them, saints, to bear.

The Master Tongtian nodded his head to cater: "The big brother said that we cannot be an enemy of this madman, and there is no need to be an enemy of this madman. It is not us that should be nervous, but the Wu Clan, the Monster Clan. They should The most scared, after all, they are all involved with this lunatic. The Wu Clan has a lot of cause and effect because of the perfection of the tunnels and the perfection of the Netherworld. I'm even more afraid that this lunatic will continue to grow the Witch's luck and break the balance between the Witch and the two races, so they are the most nervous people. We just need to wait and see what happens!"

Yuanshi Tianzun said with a cold snort: "Although this is the case, don’t forget that there are two western sages and Nvwa empress. The western two sages have always wanted to expand the Western world. If the Lord of Nether accepts the supreme authority and accepts World authority, with the perfect power of the world, he naturally does not fear anyone, but will a Nether Lord who does not really have the supreme authority make the Western Two Saints give up? This is impossible, based on the greed of those two people , It will inevitably make the idea of ​​the Netherworld, the idea of ​​the real, or even the idea of ​​the six reincarnations, once they make a move, do you think the small Nether Lord can hold on?"

To Yuanshi Tianzun’s rebuttal, the Master Tongtian couldn’t help but stunned. These words really make sense. With the greed of the two sages in the West, it is impossible not to be unmoved when they see such big interests. Once they make a move, they are afraid that Netherworld will inevitably. There is an earth-shattering change that will cause unimaginable changes in the entire Netherworld!

When the Lord Tongtian wanted to think about the countermeasures, Laojun Taishang said disapprovingly: "The second brother is wrong. Even if the lead and Zhunti are greedy, they will not be able to change the general trend of the Netherworld. The Netherworld is extraordinary, don’t It is said that they are two of them, even if we Sanqing shot at the same time, it will not change the general situation. The power of the tunnel is not a display. Don't think that the tunnel will let us heavenly saints act recklessly. If you dare to suppress the Lord of the Nether world, I can only say that it was a stupid decision!"

Suppressing the Lord of the Nether in the Netherworld is indeed not a good idea. Even a saint can’t do this. This will attract a counterattack from the Netherworld and an authentic counterattack, not to mention that the Lord of the Nether is not an ordinary identity. Instead, he sacrificed himself to perfect the tunnels and the great heroes who perfected the Netherworld. No matter what the situation, tunnels and the Netherworld would not allow such a situation to happen. It would not allow the Lord of the Nether to have an accident. No one could change this!

"Hey! I did carelessly. I forgot his origin, his and the nether world, and the authentic cause and effect, but I don’t understand why this lunatic would do this. Obviously, he can reach the sky and the peak in one step. Why is he If you want to give up, what is the secret?" Yuanshi Tianzun frowned and sighed. He didn't understand the secret behind this!

Master Tongtian took a deep breath and said: "Perhaps I can understand that what he wants is not the power of the world, not power, power, but freedom. His sacrifices and his madness are also for freedom. In order to not be bound by the way of heaven, and now he gives up the power of the world, it is also for freedom. He does not want to be bound by the nether world, is not willing to be bound by the tunnel, and is not willing to be trapped in the tunnel like the teacher. In the nether world!"

The reason why the Lord Tongtian was able to say these words is because he himself is also a person who yearns for freedom, so he can see everything clearly in his heart and understand the spirit of Netherworld. The true thoughts of the Lord.

Yuanshi Tianzun said disapprovingly: "For the sake of freedom, to give up world power, one's own power, and give up security. This is a bit too trifling. It is too clueless to advance and retreat. Is freedom more important than one's own life? Can freedom be more important than the primordial world? No?" For Yuan Qi Tianzun, he couldn't understand the free giving, and couldn't understand the choice of Nether Lord.

Compared with Yuanshi Tianzun’s incomprehension, Taishang Laojun seemed to understand, and nodded gently and said: “There is a possibility that some people can give up power and strength for freedom, and some people can sacrifice themselves for the sake of their race. , All this can make sense. The Houtu ancestor witch can give up its own interests for the Witch clan, can betray the Netherworld, betray the tunnel, and give up the opportunity to fit the tunnel. What's wrong with this crazy person in front of the world? !"

Yuanshi Tianzun sighed softly: "If things are really like this, it would be great. This madman’s giving up will also make us less threatening. If we really let him master the perfect power of the world, complete world authority, it will be a great deal to the entire world. It’s not a good thing to say, we must always be careful to prevent this lunatic from making crazy moves on impulse and causing the entire prehistoric world to riot because of him! We can also have a lot of peace of mind, and we don’t have to worry about the danger of the Netherworld. break out!"

As Sanqing said, when you feel the changes in the world of the netherworld and the Lord’s abandonment, the two sages of the West are indeed moved by it. There is a perfect world, a perfect tunnel, and supreme authority. All this is too tempting for them, so big that it makes the sages who are attracted to them are a little eager to take the opportunity, if it is not for the shelter of the great road and the defense of the Netherworld, they are afraid that they have already sat there. Can't help it.

As long as the defense of the Nether World is still there, and the shelter of the Great Dao is still there, no matter how eager and eager in the hearts of the Western Two Sages, they dare not act rashly. You must know that once they take action, they will directly face the Great Dao and face the Nether World. Facing the tunnel, even facing other saints, as well as the threats of the Lich Race and the Monster Race, after all, the benefits in the Netherworld are too great, so big that it makes everyone's heart move, so that the Lich races cannot part. Once these two **** make a move, even if they are a saint, they will have to pay a heavy price, and they will also plunge themselves into a huge crisis, and the entire West will collapse if one is not careful!

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