God of Destruction

Chapter 4378: Festival

Chapter 4384

"We can't control everything in the Netherworld. No matter what choice this madman makes, we have lost the opportunity. Give up. Don't let yourself be burdened with endless cause and effect for this little benefit. It is not worth it. !" At this time, Taishang Laojun's eyes flashed with a hint of indifference, a hint of terrible absoluteness.

Giving up, this is not something that everyone can do. Even a saint can hardly resist such a big temptation, but the old man Taishang made the decision in the first time, and also reminded Yuanshi Tianzun and the Master Tongtian, The interests of the Netherworld seem to be very attractive, but there is also a terrible crisis behind it. It is not a good thing to confront a madman who can do everything. If you are not careful, you will fold yourself in and let yourself. Carry the great cause and effect, because a madman is unreasonable. A madman dares to do everything and can do it. There is nothing a madman is afraid of!

Master Tongtian sighed and said: "The big brother said that it is true that there are countless opportunities for the opening of the Netherworld, there are many fruit positions, and the supreme temptation, but behind all this is also a big danger and a big crisis. , We really don’t have to test the bottom line of a madman, because no one knows what this madman will do in the next moment! A madman who doesn’t even care about his own life and death is the biggest threat. The enemy is not worth it!"

Both Taishang Laojun and Tongtian Guru are willing to let go, but Yuanshi Tianzun’s heart is not reconciled. It’s not how greedy he is, but that he thinks it’s a face problem. So just give up and lose the face of his saint. It's hard to accept it!

After taking a deep breath, Yuanshi Tianzun said in a deep voice: "Big brother, are we too cautious to give up like this? If we give up, will the prehistoric beings think that we are afraid, we are saints, if we are here If we give in to everything, I'm afraid it will be bad for our face, and it will make many people think that we dare not fight against the tunnels and the Netherworld!"

Hearing this, Taishang Laojun frowned and said in a deep voice: "Junior Brother, do you think your face is important, or you are important, or the great teacher behind you is important. You have to let yourself have a little bit of face. The big teacher behind him carried a huge cause and effect on his back, making himself stared at by a madman who was crazy enough to ignore life and death? To me, I didn’t care about the revenge of that madman. I only have one disciple, so I can take care of it, but you Can you protect all of your disciples? Can you be sure that after you seize the fruit position from the Netherworld, you can withstand the revenge from this madman and protect your own interests? If you think you can do it, then I have nothing to say But if you can’t do it, I advise you to be cautious!”

The words of Taishang Laojun are very heavy, and they have a great impact on Yuanshi Tianzun, but this is the truth. For the so-called face to provoke such a crazy and vicious enemy, this is not the work of a wise man, nor is a saint. You should make such an unwise choice, and you should not carry such a big burden on yourself, such a big cause and effect!

"Give up, Brother Brother, we don’t need to do this. I know you are unwilling. Under the guidance of Heavenly Dao, you should have a fruit position in the Netherworld, but now the Netherworld is not under the control of Heaven. But in the real mastery, we are heavenly saints, not authentic saints, vainly wanting to master the fruit status of the nether world will only bring us huge troubles, we are not the two sages of the West, we do not have so many causes and effects. We just need to wait and see the changes!" Although the Taoist doctrine is opposed to Yuanshi Tianzun, the Lord Tongtian is still persuading Yuanshi Tianzun without any malice!

"Give up, I want to do this too, but I am unwilling to do so. As a saint, I have to be forced to give up by an ant. This is a great shame for us!" At this point, Yuanshi Tianzun's There was endless hatred in his eyes, and there was endless killing intent in that hatred. If it weren't for the defense of the Nether World, I'm afraid he had already entered the Nether World!

Taishang Laojun coldly snorted and said, "Will you be willing, if you don’t even know this, I’m really disappointed in you. Your face is very important. You can’t accept all this. Could it be you Stronger than the teacher, stronger than the Dao of Heaven, even the teacher and the Dao of Heaven gave up, what do you have to hold on to yourself, and what to be proud of, don’t bring endless trouble and cause and effect to yourself because of your momentary anger. It's not the work of a wise man, such a stupid behavior will hurt yourself!"

There is something to do, there is no reason why Yuanshi Tianzun doesn’t know this simple truth, there’s no reason why he can’t see through it, but he himself is too arrogant and arrogant, and now he regards the Lord of the Nether as the ant, the Lord of the world, then I am afraid that he has given up the power of the world on his own initiative, but he is still the supreme and still holds the power of the Netherworld. Even a saint should not despise the other person. The supreme can sit on an equal footing with the saints, and if in the world controlled by the opponent, even the saints may be suppressed, especially the Netherworld is still a member of the authentic, with authentic power!

"The big brother said that no matter how good the interests of the Netherworld are, we can't gamble with our own luck. This is the calamity of heaven and earth. Although we sages are not concerned with cause and effect, but that is only for the heavens. We don’t know if this is the case. We don’t know how to be cautious. We don’t need to care about this little benefit. If the Netherworld really has a chance, we can completely equal the end of the calamity. It is necessary to fight in the midst of the calamity!"

When the words of the Lord Tongtian fell, the old gentleman nodded gently, and that is how it is. No matter how good the temptation of the nether world is, one must distinguish between the occasion and the gains and losses. In the calamity, it should not be the three of them. Qing, it is the two families of Lich, the powerhouses of the prehistoric world, as well as the two sages of the West, they can watch the tiger fight from the mountain!

"Hey! To the careless!" When he heard these words, Yuan Shi Tianzun couldn't help but gasped. His arrogance has made such a big mistake. If it weren't for this reminder, I'm afraid that he really deserves a head. Get into this crazy causal trap! Anything can happen in the calamity. The saint is not invincible, nor is the saint omnipotent. The saint will also be affected by the calamity, and may also be tempted by the power of the calamity to embark on a dangerous path.

After auzw.com figured out all this, Yuanshi Tianzun couldn’t help showing a slight smile on his face. The persistence in his heart dissipated in an instant. No matter how good the temptation is, it’s not as important as his own teaching. , It’s not as important as your own luck, so be cautious in the amount of calamity.

Seeing Yuanshi Tianzun figured out everything, the old monarch couldn’t help showing a smile, and the leader of Tongtian nodded, and then they didn’t say anything, just smiled lightly, and then Sanqing disappeared outside the nether world. , Returned to his dojo, no longer cared about the changes in the Nether World, and ignored the temptation of the Nether World!

The departure of Sanqing instantly made other people aware, especially the Western Second Sage, which made them frown. You must know that in the heart of Second Sage, there is still a hint of wanting to use the power of Sanqing. But now their thoughts are shattered, and the most important thing is that Sanqing's departure has a big impact on them, making their hearts hesitate!

Sanqing gave up the opportunity of the Netherworld. Should they also give up? It can be seen that the danger of the Netherworld is very great. It is just that they really have to give up. The two sages in the West feel resentful. The Netherworld is related to the great cause and effect of their repayment of sanctification, and can give them a chance to get rid of their own shackles.

I saw that Saint Zhunti frowned and said: "Brother, we **** the way, Sanqing has already given up. It seems that they are unwilling to engage in authentic cause and effect. Are we going forward or retreating? How to deal with the fruit position of the Netherworld Choose!"

The leading saint sighed lightly: "I can understand that Sanqing can give up because they have the great merit of Pangu to open the sky. They do not bear the cause and effect of heaven, so they can ignore the temptation of the nether world and give up everything. Don’t contaminate authentic causation, but we can’t. We want to grow the West. Causality is inevitable. Unless we are willing to be bound by causation all the time, our cultivation has never been able to go further, and we have been bound by oaths!"

The cause and effect at the time of sanctification is the greatest restraint for the Western two holy sages. If you want to break free from this restraint, you must repay the cause and effect of heaven. If they give up in this fight for authenticity, they will give up too. An opportunity to repay the cause and effect has a big impact on the two saints. Sanqing can withdraw, how can they withdraw!

Sage Zhunti sighed: "Yes, Sanqing can withdraw, and Nuwa can withdraw, but we can't avoid it. There must be an effect if there is a cause, and the cause and effect of the owing to the heaven must be repaid. The heaven will not let us withdraw like this. We must bear this cause and effect. No matter how dangerous it is, we must bite the bullet and face it. Like the Houtu ancestor witch before, we know how serious the consequences of giving up are, but for the sake of the life and death of the witch clan, we have to do this. Do it, and so do we!"

Being a saint but not being free is a great sorrow for the two sages in the West, but they are unable to resist. Regardless of the connection between Empress Nuwa and the demon race, it is impossible for her to contaminate the authentic cause and effect. Yes, she would not sacrifice herself for the demon clan, she could not make sacrifices like the Houtu ancestor witch, this is the gap between the two!

"Waiting. Since we can’t give up, we can only continue to wait. The most anxious person is not us, but the Lich family. No matter how the situation changes, this calamity is the home of the Lich family. Even if we are willing to participate, We shouldn’t be the first bird, we can afford to wait, but the Lich family can’t afford to wait!” When he said this, the enticed saint sighed involuntarily. That said, it makes sense, but such words It also means their weakness. If they have enough power, they don't need to have so much consideration, and they won't be affected by such and other constraints and influences!

The tunnels and the Netherworld are changing every moment, and the Lord of the Nether who re-breds vitality is also constantly changing. Abandoning the authority of the Netherworld will not have much impact on the Lord of the Nether, at least not. My own origin causes harm. For the Lord of the Nether, his own is not the nether world at all, not the tunnel, but the heart of the world derived from the time **** and demon, the source of the time **** and demon, and the accumulation of everything in himself. All this is the key.

There is something to offer, if for the sake of the authority of the Netherworld, you have hidden dangers to your own origin and burden yourself with huge cause and effect. This is a huge hidden danger for your own practice. When you understand your origin, the Lord of the Nether I never thought about having too close a relationship between myself and the Netherworld, and the tunnels, and tied them tightly together. I also never thought about the crazy idea of ​​having time, gods and demons, to seize the authority of the tunnels and fit the tunnels. .

Although the saint is good, the saint also has huge hidden dangers. Although the supreme is good, the supreme also has a huge responsibility, so when making that crazy decision, the Lord of the Nether has already figured out his own direction of practice, regardless of the authentic temptation No matter how big it is, no matter how strong the Supreme Attainment is, this is not one's own way.

It’s a pity that now I have been affected by the Netherworld and the tunnels, and suppressed by the heavens. There are still many greedy people watching. Otherwise, this time I will regenerate vitality. It is my best chance to cut out my clone. The opportunity to awaken the King of End and the King of Time and Space, but now only to give up, and can only give up.

Giving up this time has a big impact on oneself. Giving up this time, and wanting to cut out the clone again, requires more roots, more time, and a greater price. For his own practice, it has a huge impact, but for his own safety and for his own secrets, the Lord of the Nether has to do this, he has to carry this heavy burden, and has to accept such a result, which is all his own test.

Opportunity cannot be missed, loss will never come again. It is not always possible to borrow the origin of the tunnel and the nether world, not always have the opportunity to condense the vitality with the origin of the nether world and the tunnel. The opportunity to adjust oneself well, once you give up, there will be no such opportunity again. If you want to do it again, the price will be astonishing. The Lord of Nether is clear and knows that this is what he must The next cause and effect, who made him too crazy before, attracted too many people's attention and attention!

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