God of Destruction

Chapter 4379: Three ways of heaven, earth and man

Chapter 4385: Three Ways of Heaven, Earth and Human

Fusion and choice, this is the situation that the Lord of the Nether faces today. How to perfect his own source and how to turn the past heritage into nourishment is very important for the Lord of the Nether. Although he has a lot of experience and has the right The sentiment of the Three Thousand Great Ways, but it is impossible for all the Three Thousand Great Ways to be integrated into the real body of the innate gods and demons that have been bred again. I have to make choices, and now I have to give up under the pressure of external forces. The clone that could have been cut out has tremendous pressure and impact on the Lord of Nether. If you make a wrong choice, it will be very detrimental to your future practice. It will affect your own future and give yourself Cause great damage!

"To make a choice, you must first understand the world and all the pressures and impacts you face. The world is now complete, and the three ways of heaven, earth and man are perfect. What does the three ways of heaven, earth and man represent? Cultivation in the future is very important. What is the way of heaven, and what rules does the way of heaven hold? What is the way of the earth, what rules does the way hold? What is the way of humanity, and what rules does the way of humanity hold? Only by clarifying all this can one truly understand the great famine. The nature of heaven and earth can make the best choice for oneself, instead of accepting authentic gifts, gifts from the nether world, and everything left by the gods and demons of time. It is the most important thing to understand yourself before you can do it. Make the most advantageous option!"

The idea is good, but it is not an easy task to really understand all of this. Even if there are countless creatures in the prehistoric world, there are many powerful people, and even all saints, but there is no one who can really understand everything. A few people, and now the Lord of Nether needs to understand all of this, needs to understand all of this, and only in this way can he walk out of his own path!

"Three thousand Dadao, time, space, destiny, and cause and effect are the supreme laws. The three ways of heaven, earth and man should be related to them. The way of heaven should be in charge of life for all beings in the prehistoric heaven and earth. It is the power that governs destiny. Thirty-three days should have carried the power of the Dao of Heaven, the origin of the Dao of Heaven, but because the Dao of Heaven was born too early, it surpassed its original development, and broke free from its own shackles. Suppression, heaven dominates destiny, and tunnel dominates cause and effect. This can be understood from the book "Life and Death" in my hand. It is just why people appear in tunnels and become the treasures of tunnels, while earth scripts appear in the world. what on earth is it?"

When the Lord of Nether clearly understood the rules of heaven and earth, he couldn't help but have a little doubt about the Three Books of Zi Tian, ​​Earth and People, and this doubt made him vaguely have a little insight, if he can understand the heaven, earth and people. To understand the fundamentals of the relationship between the three books, maybe you can really understand the nature of the three ways of heaven, earth and man, understand the relationship between the three ways of the prehistoric world, understand the fundamentals of the prehistoric world, understand the road that runs through the world, and understand the world. To reason.

Time is not too urgent for the Lord of the Nether, because he understands that as long as he has not bred a new innate **** and demon in one day, and is not born, the Dao will always protect the Nether World and the tunnel, and no one can interfere. No one can interfere with one's own enlightenment, and this is the opportunity for one to understand the origin of the world. At this time, my own understanding of the world is not only my own perception, but also can use the power of the tunnel, the amount of land in the nether world!

"The book of life and death dominates the cycle of life and death and the judgment of the creatures of the prehistoric world. This is the road of cause and effect, but the book of the earth controls the origin of the prehistoric world and has nothing to do with the rules of time and space. Could it be that the power of humanity does not come from rules? It doesn't come from the rules, what is the power of humanity, just human race?"

For a moment, the Lord of the Nether gave up this ridiculous idea. Humanity is humanity, and humanity is definitely not human. If humanity is human, then humanity does not exist before the human race is born? The power of humanity should be the living beings, the prehistoric creatures, the prehistoric creatures are the foundation of the prehistoric world, and the humanity is the power of living creatures.

"There are still some doubts that cannot be explained. Among the three books of heaven, earth and man, the book of humans is the most authentic treasure. Can it be said that the book of the earth is also the most authentic treasure? The treasure of humanity has nothing to do with the three books of heaven, earth and man? It will be out of balance. This is not conducive to the development of the prehistoric world. What secrets are hidden in this?"

The more I think about it, the more doubts he has in the Lord of the Netherworld, the more difficult it is to explain everything, the three books of heaven, earth and man, the three books of heaven, earth and man, the book of heaven and the law of heaven, the book of man and the truth, but the book of the earth is right As for the humanity, what power of the Dao rules is carried in the book from the earth, is it really just the fetal membrane of the earth? It's a pity that I didn't understand the essence of the Book of the Earth, and didn't know all of this. Perhaps only Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, could clearly understand the nature of the Book.

When thinking of this, suddenly a light appeared in the mind of the Lord of Nether, yes, the ancestor of the earth immortal, Zhen Yuanzi is known as the ancestor of the earth immortal, and the name of the ancestor of the earth immortal originated Book, the ancestor of the earth immortal is the destination of the mountain god's land, this is the essence of the earth book, and the mountain **** and the land are related to the prehistoric creatures, this is the essence of humanity. The book of humanity is not the supreme humanity, the book of humanity bears the origin of the great land, the rules of the earth! Zhen Yuanzi also practiced on the Road of Earth.

When I think of Zhenyuanzi’s Dadao of Earth, a shadow flashes in the heart of the Lord of Nether. This is a worry to the Dao of Heaven. If the Book of the Earth is in the hands of the Hou Tu Zu Wu, the Tu Zu Wu will carry Pan Gu in the future. The power of the blood of the great **** really needs to sacrifice oneself to open the tunnel. The book of the earth is in the hands of the Houtu ancestor witch. Can the time **** and demon still keep the power of the tunnel under control? Can it affect the birth and perfection of the Netherworld? Will this unbalanced development appear in the prehistoric world?

No, the Lord of the Nether has to think everything in the worst direction, but after experiencing the chaotic sea world and being calculated by the time **** and demon, the Lord of the Nether has to think about everything in the worst place. To think about things in the most terrifying direction, but also to fear the calculations and conspiracies of the heavens, after all, the heavens are very strange.

If the tunnel is born ahead of time, kill the time **** and demon ahead of time, and devour the origin of the time **** and demon, there will be the erosion of heaven and earth, the suppression of the tunnel, and even the erosion of the tunnel. Heaven can do such crazy to the tunnel. Is it possible that humanity has not been calculated, the treasure of humanity has not appeared, and the supreme of humanity has not appeared. All this should be the calculation of heaven. Humanity has long been eroded by and controlled by heaven.


"Hey! If this is the case, the danger of Honghuangtian is extremely terrifying. The conspiracy behind this is no smaller than that of the Chaos Sea World. The calculations of the time gods and demons are crazy, and the calculations of the Honghuangtiandao are even more crazy. Everything is in it. In my grasp, my own appearance broke part of the calculations of Heavenly Dao, and I am afraid that he has been hated by Heavenly Dao!!"

The more I think about it, the more the Lord of Nether feels that his thoughts are right. The Majestic World is more terrifying and crazier than he originally imagined. Heaven has eroded humanity, cut off the foundation of humanity, and took away the essence of humanity. Humanity has lost its supreme power, and the way of heaven has escaped from the thirty-three days. This has indeed broken the balance of the three ways of heaven, earth and man, and made the world lose its balance!

"So it can be said that when the human race becomes the protagonist of the heaven and the earth, the two Lich races fail to compete for hegemony, and they suffer both defeats. What is damaged is not only their own ethnic luck, but also the origin of humanity, perhaps the dragon and the phoenix. This is the case with the calamity, even the more distant fierce beast catastrophe. It was only caused by the gods in order to weaken the origin of humanity. The human race became the protagonist of the heaven and the earth, and the power of the humanity was completely controlled by the gods, and the emperor was not free. It is necessary to suppress the human luck. It can be seen that the power of humanity has been weakened to the extreme, and even a saint can not be born!"

Humanity is the foundation of the prehistoric world, but in the end, humanity cannot even give birth to a saint of the human race. This is what irony, and all this also shows how terrible the erosion of humanity by the sky is. Heaven has swallowed the origin of humanity and strengthened itself. Breaking the balance of the three ways of heaven, earth and man, this is essentially destroying the development of the prehistoric heaven and earth!

The more you think about it, the more the Lord of the Nether feels the heaviness of his pressure, and the more disturbed he is about the guesses in his heart. If his guess is correct, he will improve the eighteen layers of hell, the tunnels, and the nether world. Really confided with the heavens, and became a thorn in the eyes and thorns of the heavens. If there is a chance, the heavens will destroy his **** enemy in the first place! ’

Regret it? No, the Lord of the Nether does not regret it, because he understands that regret is useless, and regret can not change everything. When all this has happened, all he can do is to keep looking forward and go on. Regret is not good for him. .

The power of humanity is creatures. The fierce beasts have disappeared. The endless races in the Dragon and Phoenix Tribulation have been destroyed. How many races and creatures will be destroyed in the Lich Tribulation. The disappearance of each race's civilization is a damage to humanity. I'm afraid that Nuwa Empress created the human race, but the human race cannot make up for the loss of humanity in the past. The emergence of the human race is probably the calculation of the heavens. The human race carries the power of humanity, weakens the origin of humanity, and makes the Tao no longer able to break free from the shackles of the heavens. And control!

Terrible, all of this is really terrible, so that the Lord of the Nether is cold, even if there is a little change in his heart, he dare not act rashly, dare not expose it, even if the tunnel and the nether world are affected by the great power. Shelter, the Lord of the Nether did not dare to act rashly, did not dare to expose all this, and confronted the heavenly way.

"Humanity has fallen, and tunnels can't be lost anymore. If tunnels fall again and are eroded by heavens, there will be no chance of turning over again. The entire prehistoric world may be like the chaos in the hands of time gods and demons. The sea world is the same! I finally understand why the Dao will descend on the tunnel before, and it will protect the tunnel and the Netherworld, because the Dao does not want to see the sky continue to explore the black hand into the tunnel!"

Although everything is just his own guess, the Lord of the Nether thinks that his guess is correct. Only in this way can he explain everything, and only in this way can he explain everything. If all this is true, he will do it now. The worst plan is not to be sloppy. Otherwise, there is only a dead end waiting for oneself. The tunnel and the nether world can shelter oneself for a while, but it can't protect one's own life. Even the tunnel and the nether world can't even guarantee their own safety. The origin of humanity is swallowed by the heavens, and the amount of the heavens has far exceeded that of the tunnels. Even if the tunnels are perfect, they have no ability to collide head-on with them. The origins are not enough to support the confrontation between the tunnels and the heavens unless the tunnels can be combined with the humanity.

Union, when these two words appeared in his mind, the Lord of Nether suddenly had another crazy idea. Perhaps the book from the earth is the root of this union, or the three books of heaven, earth and man are the power to break the way of heaven, just how To break everything, this requires more thinking and more strength. This is just the thought of the Lord of the Nether.

"The tunnel represents cause and effect, it is the embodiment of the avenue of cause and effect, but I cannot accept the power of the tunnel. The tunnel is the tunnel. I am me, and so is the origin left by the time gods and demons. Although the time clock is good, the time avenue is strong, but To fight against the Dao of Heaven, the Dao of Time still has its shortcomings. The Dao of Heaven is no longer the original Dao of Heaven. Today’s Dao of Heaven has swallowed the origin of the human race, and has embarked on an unknown road, a crazy path. Destiny no longer represents the Dao of Heaven. !"

It is not that the Lord of Nether thinks too much, but this is a fact. The rules of destiny do not represent the way of heaven. The way of heaven is no longer a manifestation of the way of fate. The way of heaven may have the idea of ​​breaking away from the prehistoric land, or the idea of ​​breaking away from the prehistoric land. The crazy thoughts of demons and the madness of time gods and demons may have also borrowed from the calculations of heaven.

The more you think about everything, the more the Lord of Nether feels that the pressure on his shoulders is constantly increasing, and he gradually can’t bear this pressure. On the right, he has no way to let go of all this, as long as he wants it. To survive, you must face all these pressures and all these burdens, this is your own responsibility!

Responsibility, this is a heavy topic, and it is also an unavoidable topic. No matter what creature it is, it must bear its own responsibility. This is the case for the Lord of the Nether, the Houtu Ancestral Witch, and even the entire creatures engraved on the ground by Hong Engrave. In this way, the saints bear the responsibility of heaven, and they bear the responsibility of authenticity, even if they have cut off the authority and cause and effect of the nether world, they still cannot change the responsibility they have to face!

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