God of Destruction

Chapter 4380: Festival Avenue Selection

Chapter 4386: Avenue Selection

Accepting the nurturing of the tunnel and the nether world means accepting the responsibility, which is indelible. As long as the name of the Lord of the Nether is present, as long as the innate **** and demon of the Lord of the Nether are present, this responsibility exists, although this Responsibility does not connect the master of the netherworld with the tunnel, and the nether world perfectly, but the responsibility exists, unless the master of the nether is willing to cut the origin again, once again split the origin, cut out himself, the nether world, and everything in the tunnel The cause and effect, and this is impossible, at least it is impossible to do now, and the Lord of the Nether will not be so crazy!

From the chaotic sea world condensed by time gods and demons to today’s real prehistoric world, starting from Xing Tian’s pseudonym with endless cause and effect, to today’s Lord of Nether, all these experiences are huge accumulations for himself, although Now that he was under pressure from the outside world, he couldn't cut off the clone, but with so many experiences, such pressure could not lock the Lord of Nether!

It is impossible to take the initiative to cut out the clone, but flexibility exists. While thinking about his own avenue, the Lord of the Nether is also thinking about how to cut out the clone, how to carry and the tunnel, and the cause and effect of the nether world, the clone It is the best choice. Although I am trapped by external pressure, this is not the reason for my despair. Everything is possible!

I can use the tunnels and the Netherworld to nurture the real body of the innate gods and demons. Is it possible to breed the clones in the real body of the innate gods and demons, with the heart of the world and with many of my own marks to complete the origin of the clone? Accumulation, to perfect the cohesion of the avatar avenue, if you can complete the accumulation and the cohesion of the origin of the avenue, as long as the time comes, you can instantly cut out the avatar, you can get rid of all pressure, and let yourself break free from the heavy restraints!

Slashing the three corpses has never been considered by the Lord of Nether. The way of gods and demons is his own foundation. The Lord of Nether is very clear. Above the source of self, the world avenue is still the foundation of his own practice. If the heart is not easy to use, it is the biggest waste of own resources and irresponsible to oneself.

However, after thinking about it, the final choice of the Lord of the Nether is not the Dao of Time, nor the Dao of Time and Space, nor the Dao of Ending as his fundamental Dao. The huge responsibility is placed on him, making the Lord of the Nether more cautious. Be more careful. Although the Avenue of Time is good and the origin of time is strong, it is not suitable for you. The best path is best for you. After careful consideration, Yinyang Avenue is the final one. To choose, for the Lord of Netherworld, it is still determined to take Yin-Yang Dao as his own fundamental Dao and his origin, because Yin-Yang Dao has endless possibilities and endless tolerance, even if it is from these treasures of time gods and demons. , Can be tolerated by Yin Yang Avenue!

Yes, it is tolerance. In the heart of the Lord of Netherworld, I really thought of how to use Yin-Yang Dao to tolerate the Dao of Time, tolerate the original treasure of the Dao of Time, the "Time Clock". The Dao of Time is not insignificant to the Lord of the Nether. Since the time gods and demon's perception of the avenue, it still comes from their own perception of the avenue, the time avenue is not a lifeless existence.

How to use Yin-Yang Avenue to contain the Avenue of Time, for the Lord of Nether, thought of a crazy plan, dismantling, dismantling the Avenue of Time, what is time, time is the rotation of the sun and the moon, the sun is the sun, and the moon is Yin, this is the yin-yang avenue. Although this dismantling cannot truly reveal the time avenue, it can integrate the time avenue into the yin-yang avenue completely, and can evolve the real yin and yang with the heart of the world condensed by the time avenue. The world of the origin of the avenue, as for the treasure of the time clock, the Lord of the Nether has also made a crazy choice to use his own avenue to disassemble its origin into the yin-yang avenue, transform it into the yin-yang avenue, and complete its accompanying treasure. Of gestation.

Madman, if anyone knows what the Lord of Nether thinks and knows his crazy practices, they will be shocked by this madness. There is a great way to the sky, but they have to choose a hard way. This is not what a madman is, maybe Yinyang Dadao. It's suitable for the Lord of the Nether, but isn't the Dao of Time suitable? In fact, having accepted everything from the God and Demon of Time, the Dao of Time is also very suitable for the Lord of the Nether, not to mention that he has perfected the sun, moon and stars of the Nether World before.

I have chosen the origin rules of the fundamental avenue. The next step is how to complete the birth of the avatar’s origin and end the avenue. This cannot be given up. The end avenue is the most powerful assassin and the strongest attack power for the Lord of the Nether. , I can win the battle with the time gods and demons. Everything is dependent on the power of the King of End, and relying on the power of the Great Way of End. All clones can be given up and discarded, but the King of End clone cannot give up.

Condensing the origin of the Dao of End is not inexorable to the Lord of the Nether, and in the world of the Nether, in the tunnel, it is not difficult to condense the origin of the Dao of the End, after all, the Nether World is the world of the dead, only with the help of The Condensed Ending Dao of the Nether World is not powerful, because it lacks the killing. After all, the Lord of the Nether does not have a bit of killing aura in him. This also has a little effect on the condensing of the Ending Dao, but not too much.

After confirming the cohesion of the origin of the King of Ending clone, the Lord of the Nether needs to think about the cohesion of other clones. Although he has mastered the three thousand dao, it is impossible for the three thousand dao to condense the clone again, and it is impossible to breed three thousand worlds. Although the world is good, it is a road that cannot see the future. In the previous practice, this road seems to have endless potential, but this road requires endless resources, endless time, and more. Energy, and this is not something the Lord of Nether can do!

In Dao practice, not the most powerful path is the best. It is the best that suits you. The most important thing is that the Three Thousand Dao is good, but it is not the best for the Lord of the Nether. , So the Lord of Nether gave up this path for the first time. Although the three thousand clones are powerful, they need endless resources to cultivate, which is impossible for themselves.


The king of good fortune clone? No, although the Great Way of Good Fortune has great benefits for itself, and Great Way of Good Fortune and Great Way of Ending are interchangeable, the Lord of Nether gave up in the end. The end of Ending is Good Fortune. If the Great Way of Ending is evolved to the extreme, it will naturally be possible. Master the Dao of Good Fortune, and your own Yin-Yang Dao can also evolve into the Dao of Good Fortune, there is really no need to waste your energy and time to breed the King of Good Fortune clone.

Five elements! What is the root of the World Avenue and what is the foundation? The Yin-Yang Five Elements and Yin-Yang Avenue have been identified as their own fundamental avenues, and the Five Elements Avenue can be used as their own avatar. The aggregation of the five elements is also the foundation of the world and the foundation of all materials, although the decomposition of the Five Elements Avenue is only the most basic avenue rules. It is not a powerful rule, but if the five elements can be combined together perfectly, the Five Elements Avenue is equally powerful.

The King of the Five Elements, this is the second clone he wants to conceive. Compared with the clone of the King of the End, the breeding of the King of the Five Elements clone is much easier and simpler, whether it is a tunnel or a ghost world. , Can provide enough of the origin of the five elements, and even after the yin and yang avenue is perfected, it can transform the origin of the five elements by itself.

The second clone was also confirmed. The last clone, the Lord of the Nether chose Karma, because this is the clone most suitable for carrying his own cause and effect, and the clone that is the easiest for the deity to escape from the Netherworld and tunnels. Although this clone is not suitable for one's own practice, it is the clone that the Lord of Nether needs most.

This is the final clone. In fact, with the power of the Lord of Nether and Dao Dao, you can also cut out other clones, but in the eyes of the Lord of Nether, there is no need to do this. Cutting out too many clones will only affect your own practice. , I will only waste my own time and energy. No matter how strong one’s potential is, it’s not the root of pride. The best and most important thing is the one that suits you. The attack is there, and there are those who assist the deity’s practice. There are all the causes and effects of oneself, and what is the need to waste time and energy before condensing other clones? There is no need, and the more clones are not the better.

The clone of the five elements and the king of the end must condense the companion treasure and the source treasure. This is not an easy task, because the Lord of the Nether does not have suitable treasures, and naturally cannot take the opportunity to breed the source treasure, but the king of cause and effect The clone is different. In the hands of the Lord of the Nether, there is the treasure of the book of life and death, which carries the avenue of cause and effect. This is the most authentic treasure of cause and effect, and it is also the most suitable for the king of cause and effect. As long as this treasure is invested in the breeding of the clone Among them, nature can use the tunnels and the origin of the Netherworld to complete all the evolution, so that the king of cause and effect can quickly condense.

The book of life and death is so good that the Lord of the Nether cannot accept it. The most important thing is that it is the treasure of the Nether world. If you use the book of life and death as the companion of the king of cause and effect, I am afraid this one The clone really needs to be completely tied to the tunnel, tied to the nether world, even if the king of cause and effect clone is used to carry all of his own cause and effect, but the master of the nether is not willing to accept such a result, and he is unwilling to put his own deity. The clone is completely and authentic, tied to the Netherworld.

The karma red lotus cannot use the book of life and death as his companion treasure. The lord of the nether thought of the karma red lotus in the hands of the ancestors of the river. This is also a karma treasure, and the most suitable original treasure, but Now this treasure is in the hands of the ancestors of the Styx River. It is not easy for me to seize it. Although the sea of ​​blood is outside the Netherworld, although I can use the source of the tunnel and the Netherworld, but The Lord of the Nether gave up the idea of ​​snatching and gave up using the power of the Dao rules to seize this original treasure. It will deepen the cause and effect of himself and the tunnel and the Netherworld. This is a result that he is unwilling to accept and cannot bear. , So I still have to give up.

"I can't **** the real karma red lotus, but this doesn't mean I have to give it up. Right now I can fully use the origin of the tunnel and the origin of the nether world to condense the path of cause and effect, and use the path of cause and effect to evolve a lotus flower as myself. As long as the king of cause and effect is successfully conceived, he will find a way to seize the red lotus from the hands of the ancestors of the Styx, and it will not be too late to perfect his original treasure!" I thought of a solution to the problem for the first time, and it worked and was the most suitable for me.

When this idea appeared and it was determined that it could be realized, the Lord of Nether's brain opened up. Since the King of Cause and Effect clone can do this, is it possible for the King of End clone and the King of Five Elements clone to do the same, or like this The method condenses the original treasure that carries its own avenue, which can be improved in the future. Together with this idea, the more the Lord of Nether thinks about it, the more it feels feasible, and the more he feels that it can work. It is the best choice for himself and the choice that suits him best.

What does the King of End clone use to carry the avenue? Destroy the black lotus? Or the Spear of End? The extinction black lotus has relatively huge potential and a perfect direction, because the twelfth-grade extinction black lotus is real in the prehistoric world. If you use the extinction black lotus to carry the end of the road, you only need Find the Twelfth-Rank Black Lotus and integrate it into yourself to complete the evolution of the source and complete the transformation of the ultimate treasure. It is just that the black lotus is not sufficiently aggressive. This is a big disadvantage. After all, the Netherworld What the Lord bred the King of Ending clone wanted was attack power and lethality, not defense.

It’s a pity that the World Extinguishing Black Lotus is not suitable for you, but the Spear of End is the most suitable for you. It just needs to condense the Spear of End. There are too many sources, and it is impossible to get it in the world of the underworld for a while. Obtained from it, this will inevitably limit the growth of the King of Ending clone and the evolution of the Great Way of Ending.

The most suitable source for the King of End is limited by its own lack of resources, while the World Destruction Black Lotus, which is not very suitable for itself, does not have such a problem. This is another huge problem for the Lord of Nether, and it is also for himself. The huge **** of spiritual practice. In any case, no matter how difficult it is to face, the Lord of Nether decided to abandon the world-destroying black lotus and choose the Spear of End.

The original treasure of the King of the End is there. Although it can't be successful or perfected for a while, it has a direction. And what should the King of the Five Elements clone use as the original treasure of its own avenue?

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