God of Destruction

Chapter 4381: Condensation

Chapter 4387: Origin Condensation

Innate Five Elements Flag? This is indeed very suitable for the Avenue of the Five Elements. It can be separated into the innate five elements and combined into a treasure. Unfortunately, this can only be thought of. If you really choose, there will never be good results. The northern Xuanyuan in the hands of the ancestors of the Styx River controls the water. The flag is also seized. Anyway, in the plan of the Lord of Nether, there is already a plan to seize the red lotus. There is nothing to seize one more treasure, but the other four treasure flags are not so easy to obtain. They are almost All are in the hands of the saints, grabbing treasures from the hands of the saints, the Lord of the Nether is not so crazy yet, not so crazy that he doesn't know how to advance or retreat, and he doesn't understand the powerful relationship!

Precisely because the owners of the Xiantian Five Elements Banner are almost all saints and powerful people, the idea of ​​the Lord of the Nether is eliminated above the Xiantian. The Xiantian Five Elements Banner cannot become the original treasure of the Great Dao. This requires the Lord of the Nether to reconsider , What kind of treasure is the most suitable for you, the most suitable for yourself, the most useful, this is not a trivial matter, this is related to the practice of the King of the Five Elements clone, there can be no carelessness, a little mistake will cause irreparable damage to yourself .

The Innate Five Elements Flag is not good, nor can swords. Although it is not difficult to condense the original sword energy of the Five Elements and Five Elements, it is still the path of lethality for the Five Elements Dao, and for the King of the Five Elements, it is not completely lethal. If you need a strong attack and lethality, your own King of Ending clone is enough to deal with everything. The most suitable path for the King of Five Elements clone is auxiliary. The Five Elements Pearl may be a good choice. If you can condense the Innate Five Elements Pearl, It is also possible to lay down the innate five-element formation, and if one can really own the innate five-element beads, it is equivalent to owning the five-element small world. Together, you can become a five-element world, whether you trap the enemy, kill the enemy, or assist in cultivation. It's very suitable, but does the Innate Five Elements Bead exist, and by whom, can I get it? If not, I'm afraid I'm also wasting my time and energy!

"Perhaps I think too much. Like the Innate Five Elements Sword, as long as there are five innate swords with different attributes, you can complete the evolution of the Innate Five Elements Sword, and the Innate Five Elements Bead can do the same, even if there is no matching five elements. An innate five-element orb, but innate orbs with different attributes can also complete evolution, and as long as you have five innate orbs with different attributes, you can evolve by absorbing innate treasures of the same attribute. After all, you only need to use each orb. By opening up a small thousand world, you can complete the transformation and evolution of the orb through the evolution of the small thousand world!"

For myself, there is not enough time. Even if I don’t need to care about my own safety at the moment, I really can’t waste too much energy and time. Now that I have made a decision, then go ahead, and no one will succeed or lose. Knowing what the end will be, you can only know if you go down, and only if you go down can you see hope, just relying on your own imagination and not acting, in the end it is still just your own fantasy, and there will be no results!

Acting is true. No matter how beautiful you think, you need to act to have a chance to succeed. Whether it is the treasure of your own origin or the three avatars, you need to act on your own, and this requires time and energy. Dao is the foundation of everything, and everything must be based on the deity. The first time is to complete the transformation and evolution of oneself, and complete the cohesion of the innate gods and demons. Only by condensing the foundation of the original Dao can you create an invincible model of the innate god. Really acting!

The true body of the innate **** and demon is related to the essence of an innate **** and demon, and it is related to their future potential. There can be no mistakes. For ordinary people, it is impossible to change their essence. They must be forced to change. It will destroy its own origin and foundation, but it is different for the Lord of the Nether, because now his innate god-devil real body is being gestated, this time he can use his own wisdom and resources to change the essence , Perfect oneself, make one's innate **** and demon body more suitable for one's own avenue, so that one's own avenue can be perfectly integrated with the innate **** and demon body.

For the Lord of Netherworld, what is conceived is not the ordinary innate gods and demons, but the innate gods and demons with the essence of chaos. If the gods and demons of the Lord of Nether are not bred in the tunnel, not in the netherworld The world is bred, but in the chaos, that is the true body of the chaos **** and demon, and now it only uses the source of the time **** and demon, that trace of the chaos **** and demon to strengthen itself, so this is just a semi-finished chaos The true body of the gods and demons can only be said to be half a step beyond the true body of the innate gods and demons. If you want to go further, you need to be born and enter the chaos in the future to improve, or your own practice has successfully transformed and automatically completes the chaos The evolution of the body makes oneself a true **** of chaos.

The endless source of origin is constantly pouring into the body, and the Lord of the Nether uses this endless source to decompose the'time clock', the treasure of origin, little by little, and the time avenue is in this decomposition one by one. The point is understood by the Lord of Nether and turned into his own background. Although he does not use the Dao of Time as the fundamental method of practice, it does not mean that I cannot master the Dao of Time. The Lord constantly integrates his own feelings into the original treasure of the'Time Clock'. Tao and reason are constantly intertwined and constantly changing.

Gradually, a breath of Yin-Yang Avenue is condensing, the attributes of the original treasure of the time clock are changing, and the Dao pattern is also changing. A big sun and a bright moon appear in this treasure, and the sun and the moon are constantly rotating. Now, evolving, the breath of yin to yang is constantly blending, and there is also the power of time in the sun-moon cycle, but the power of time is no longer the root of this original treasure, yin and yang are this The fundamental avenue of the treasure.

When the big sun and the moon are condensed and the sun and the moon rotate, the fundamental path of the deity has been established and will never change. The origin of the true body of the innate gods and demons is perfectly transformed into the path of yin and yang, which will give birth to a true **** and deity of yin and yang. The real body, the deity's Dao was established, and the Lord of Nether could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. This time the evolution of the Dao gave him a huge insight. If there is a slight difference, he will fail his change and let My own plan failed, and I have to say that the air fortune plus the body, the authentic blessings, and the netherworld origin blessings are of great benefit to my own practice.


When the master of the nether world is perfect, the tunnel is cheering, and the nether world is cheering. Although there is no original gift, this cheer is the recognition of the tunnel and the nether world, and it is also announcing to the heaven and earth that a new innate **** and demon is present. Breeding, is perfecting oneself, waiting for the time to come, and also integrates the breath of the Lord of the Nether into the prehistoric world, imprints his own imprint, is recognized by the prehistoric world, and merges into the world!

Although there is a trace of chaotic gods and demons in the breath of the Lord of the Nether, because of the recognition of the tunnels and the nether world, and the previous contribution of the Emperor Hades to the great world, this does not affect the recognition of the great world. Without any barriers, the brand of the Lord of the Nether can easily be integrated into the prehistoric world, even if the Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu did not stop it, because they understand that they can’t stop it unless they are willing to break the rules of the prehistoric world and let everything return. Chaos, otherwise they can only watch the breath of the Lord of Nether melt into the wild world, this is the result that the Lord of Nether deserves!

"Unexpectedly, I did not expect that the tunnel and the nether world actually gave birth to a **** and demon of Yin and Yang Dao. It seems that the Emperor Yan Huang really had to eliminate all of his origins after World War I. This is a new innate **** and demon. There is a trace of chaotic gods and demons in its body, but he is a new birth of innate gods and demons. This result is also a good thing!" Feeling the changes in the authenticity and the trace of the imprinted breath of the wild world, Hongjun Daozu couldn't help it. He breathed a sigh of relief. For him, he was really worried that the nether world and tunnels gave birth to a time **** and demon, inheriting the power of the time **** and demon, which would be a great danger to the entire prehistoric world. Fortunately, None of this happened!

The origin of the Dao of the deity is successfully condensed, and the path of Dao practice is determined. Next is the origin of the three clones. For the Lord of the Nether, the easiest to condense is the King of Karma clone. After all, the Dao of Karma is the easiest to integrate with the Nether world. , I was able to get the recognition of the Netherworld and the tunnels. I just thought about the film for a while. The Lord of the Nether gave up. Instead, he chose the Five Elements Avenue as his first clone to condense. For his own practice, whether he is the king of cause and effect The clone, or the clone of the King of End, does not need to be too urgent, but also has too much consideration, and the clone of the King of Five Elements does not have so much trouble.

The one that suits you is the best. Now the five-element avenue that suits you best is the avatar of the five elements, which is the avatar of the king of the five elements. Therefore, the Lord of the Nether will naturally choose the avenue of the five elements to conceive. It is not an easy task to condense the Five Elements Avenue. After all, it needs to condense the origin of the Five Elements, condense the five original beads that carry the Five Elements Avenue, and be able to evolve the five elements into one, and the five elements can grow and restrain each other, and this requires the mastery of power. , There can be no mistake, or else it will eventually fail. To do this, you need to master the Five Elements Avenue.

Compared with the deity, the power of the clone is not so easy to grasp. After all, the clone does not have a real body, nor does it have complete power. Everything needs to be continuously condensed by itself. In the cohesion, you need to carefully determine each strength and let the five elements Balance, not to be unbalanced, this is not an easy task for the Lord of the Nether, even if it is guided by the origin of the Yin-Yang Dao, it still needs to consume a huge amount of energy, and this is a great pressure for the Lord of the Nether .

Yes, it is pressure! It’s not as simple as I think it’s not as simple as I think it’s not as simple as I thought to nurture new origins in the true body of the deity’s innate gods and demons. If it weren’t for my own determination, If you didn't master all your own background, I'm afraid you will face endless failures in this cohesion.

Just condensing a trace of the origin of the five elements, the Lord of the Nether felt that his innate gods and demons were suffering a great impact. This was the change between the five elements avenue and the yin-yang avenue. Even if the yin-yang avenue could evolve into the five elements, it was truly It is not easy to make the two avenues blend together without any conflict with each other.

"Haha! Fortunately, I chose the Five Elements Avenue. If I choose the other two avenues, I'm afraid it will cause huge harm to myself. I thought things too simple before. The true body of the deity's innate gods and demons has not been completed. Inoculation, before birth, to nurture a new origin avenue, it will inevitably have an impact on oneself, even if the impact is small, it will also have an impact on oneself!"

Understand and understand, but the Lord of Nether will not give up, nor can he give up. There is only one opportunity. If you give up because of danger and trouble, and you want to condense the avatar, you need to wait for the deity to be born, and then everything is too late. , I need to spend dozens of times, or even hundreds of times, more time than I do now, and the resources consumed are not something I can afford. Under this circumstance, no matter how much energy you put in, you face many challenges. , I must persevere.

Yes, persistence. Perseverance is victory. As long as oneself can persist, time will kill the conflict little by little. Yinyang Avenue and Five Elements Avenue will inevitably complete the transformation, can be perfectly integrated, and they can condense the perfect origin. The bead can carry the five-element avenue of the King of the Five Elements clone, let his plan succeed, and let his deity condense the existence of the original treasure.

When the Lord of the Nether recondensed the origin of the Five Elements Avenue, the saints and giants who watched the nether world directly frowned. They originally thought the cheers of the nether world, the cheers of the nether world, the mark of the original aura appeared, It will be the beginning of the birth of the Lord of the Nether, but they have waited for a long time but they did not notice a change in the Lord of the Nether. The tunnel fell silent again, and the world of the Nether was calm again. Everything meant that the Lord of the Nether had no signs of being born. ! It seems that everything before is false, everything is a false image, it's just their mocking of them, deliberately deceiving them, leading them to be deceived, this result makes countless people scold in their hearts and vent their hearts. Dissatisfaction and anger! It's just that they can't change the facts in front of them, and they can't change the fact that the Lord of Nether has no birth change at all!

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