God of Destruction

Chapter 4382: Worry about

Chapter 4388

"Damn it, how could this be? I have clearly imprinted my breath in the wild world, how can there be no changes in the world? What is going on, can it be said that the original origin and the origin of the nether world are not enough for the Lord of the Nether He was born immediately, but if this is the case, what is the change before?" At this time, the saint Zhunti could not help but roar. For him, he finally waited for the changes in the Netherworld and the tunnels, and waited for the changes in the main Netherworld. , In the end, it was such a result, which made him unacceptable and intolerable. You must know that this is a major event related to the prosperity of the West!

The leading saint shook his head gently and said: "Junior, don’t be impatient. We have time to wait. Sanqing is gone. Do you think anyone can compete with us for the benefit of the Netherworld? We just have to wait and wait. can!"

Waiting quietly, this is easy to say. I am afraid that there will be no such thoughts in the heart of attracting myself, and I dare not say that I have such a state of mind. The reason why he said this is only to comfort the sage. Fang Zhunti made an early move on impulse, breaking the calm situation that finally appeared, and causing terrible changes in the situation!

The sage Zhunti sighed: "It's not that I can't wait, brother, but that the sudden change is too weird, which makes me worried. You must know that his original aura is imprinted in the wild world, this should be born. Performance, but it happened to be silent again. I am worried that unexpected things will happen, which will disrupt our plans and make this catastrophe happen accidentally!"

For the saint, the most worried thing is the unexpected appearance. The appearance of the accident means that the general situation of the heaven and the earth is about to change, and this Qiaqia is unwilling to see the saint. Every time the world changes, it is of great significance to the saint. The most important thing is that such a weird change occurred during the Lich Catastrophe. Will this affect the ending of the Lich War and change the ending of the original defeat. If this is the case, it is for the saint What is unacceptable is that any party's victory, occupying the world's luck, and seizing the supreme status are all an impact on the saint, an unacceptable impact!

Is it really impossible for the Supreme Achievement Status to appear in the prehistoric world? If it is said that the Emperor Hades did not come out before, all the saints have absolute confidence in their hearts, but now it is different. When the appearance of the Hades Supreme broke the non-existent status of the supreme status, everyone is moved by it, the supreme The power can fight against the saints, can fight against the saints, no one can resist such power!

The sage received a smile and said: "Junior is worried that the Lich Great Tribulation will change? This is impossible. We can't accept such a result, and Sanqing can't accept it. Even if there is an accident, it will be suppressed immediately. No matter whether the monster race or the witch race can turn the sky, if the Houtu ancestor witch can not be affected by external forces, can let it go, stand on the side of the tunnel, help the tunnel perfect, and fit the tunnel, maybe this situation will be What has changed, now everything has become a foregone conclusion, no one can reverse the general trend, a new innate **** and demon does not have such power, even if he can continue the supreme power of the previous life, how much power can he exert? Maybe he Now I am not in a hurry to be born, but I am accumulating the foundation. After all, the previous shocking change brought a huge impact to the prehistoric world. A new born **** and demon will inevitably face the impact of various forces in order to protect itself. A preparation is understandable, no one wants to put themselves in danger!"

"That being said, the great calamity is unpredictable. No one knows what direction the world will develop. I don't know what the Lich races want to do. The current situation is no longer in our grasp, nor in the original. When speaking of this, Saint Zhunti sighed uncontrollably, and couldn't help but feel dissatisfied with Daozu Hongjun. In his opinion, Sanqing’s departure is very likely to have won Daozu Hongjun’s Prompt, but I and my senior have nothing.

At this time, it was not only Zhunti saint who complained about Daozu Hongjun. Those careerists in the prehistoric land were complaining Daozu Hongjun. They all believed that this change was due to Daozu Hongjun’s failure to act. Daozu Hongjun took action to prevent the situation from changing, and could break the Netherworld's defenses, and nothing would happen.

Blame and complain, but Tuangan people dare to speak, they can only complain in their hearts. No one wants to joke about their lives or be targeted by Hongjun Daozu. These people have not forgotten the lessons of the six-eared macaque. ! Although the aura of birth dissipated, but for these careerists, they can't give up and have to wait. No matter how long the change is, they will continue to wait, and they are willing to wait. After all, the temptation of the Supreme Attainment is too great. So that they can't give up.

The waiting time is long. In the blink of an eye, it is a hundred years. Although a hundred years is not a big deal to many powerful people, it is different for the Lich races. They both have a huge race. A hundred years of time is wasted. It is not a trivial matter for them. Whether it is Demon Emperor Jun or Ancestor Wudi Jiang, they are both worried and wasteful of a hundred years, but they have disrupted their cloth and made many of their arrangements have problems. If you continue Going on, I'm afraid it will affect the development of ethnic civilization!

"No, we can't continue to wait like this, otherwise we don't wait until the **** **** is born, our monster race will be in turmoil because of the chaos, and we can no longer waste our energy on this emptiness and ethereal supreme status. We have to make a new choice. The development of the Yaozu is where our focus and foundation lies. We can’t leave things alone!” As time goes by, with the turbulence within the Yaozu, Yao Emperor Jun finally said The worry in my heart.


Not everyone cares about the development of the demon clan, not all the powerful demon clan have the same heart with the demon emperor Jun, and want to develop and grow the demon clan wholeheartedly, at least for the demon master Kunpeng, after hearing the demon emperor Jun’s At these words, he couldn't help but frowned. This is not good news. Once the Demon Emperor Jun wants to give up, everyone will withdraw from the Heavenly Court. At that time, it would be very important to seize the power and benefits of the Netherworld. Difficult, after all, the monsters are incomparable to the witches in their actions. The witches occupies the great land. They can gather powerful forces to launch attacks on the underworld at any time. The most important thing is that there are Houtu ancestor witches in the underworld. The inner should exist, which allows the Wu Clan to occupy the initiative and superiority above the innate.

"The Demon King is going to give up the fight for the Netherworld. If we do this, we will be completely out of this fight. After all, we are not the Witch Clan, and we are in a weak position above the innate. If we withdraw to the heaven, Even if the Netherworld is opened in the future, we will not be able to enter the Netherworld for the first time. Giving up at this time is equivalent to giving up everything to the Netherworld, which is equivalent to handing everything into the hands of the Witch Clan. Is this really appropriate? ?"

When the words of the demon master Kunpeng fell, all the strong men of the demon clan frowned involuntarily, giving up such an alluring benefit in front of them. This was a huge impact for everyone, and the demon emperor Jun could Give up, and for many strong monsters, they can’t give up. If there is no such thing as the demon master Kunpeng, they dare not speak against it. After all, the demon emperor Jun is dominant. If he speaks, he will only be hated by the demon emperor Jun. Go, but now with these words, all the pressure is gone. The most important thing is that the demon master Kunpeng has found a good excuse for everyone, the Wu Clan.

"What the demon master said is very reasonable. The **** of the witch race originally occupy the prehistoric land, and there is an inner existence like the Houtu ancestor witch in the nether world. If we give up at any time, we really have to give up everything in the nether world. , To give all benefits to the witch race, which is very unfavorable for us. Once the power of the witch race is strengthened, the original balance will be broken. Our monster race will inevitably be at a disadvantage and be in a disaster. Once at a disadvantage, I’m afraid that the entire monster clan will be exterminated!” Soon a powerful monster clan spoke to persuade and expressed his own concerns. Although these words were false, no one opposed it. Even if the Demon Emperor Jun knew the true thoughts of these bastards, he couldn't speak up against it.

Demon Emperor Jun frowned, dissatisfied with the opposition of these people, but such a decision can not be forced to promote, otherwise it will only lose people's hearts, will only make these demon clan powerhouses hate himself, let the demon clan inside There was a split, and it was the demon master Kunpeng that caused all this, which made the demon emperor Jun deeply hate him.

For a moment, Demon Emperor Jun took a deep breath and said, "I know and understand your concerns, but now we have no choice, and things are not as dangerous as everyone thought. We gave up, no The wall shows that the Wu Clan can take all of them. Other forces in the prehistoric will not give them such an opportunity. The All Saints Kong-type will not give them such an opportunity. They want to seize the power of the Netherworld and will only be Hostile by the powerful in the entire prehistoric world."

The demon master Kunpeng glanced at the demon, and understood in his heart that he could not shrink back at this time, he could not stand on the sidelines, and he had to stand up and take responsibility. He only saw him open his mouth and said: "The demon king wants to place everything on the saints, but Now that Sanqing has left, he has expressed his attitude, and although the Western Two Saints are still there, they can really fight against the Witch Clan with their power, and they can really overwhelm the Witch Clan. You must know that the Houtu Ancestral Witch is in the Netherworld. In the world, and as the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, he has mastered the supreme power in the Netherworld. No one knows how powerful the Houtu ancestor witch is blessed by the source of the entire tunnel and the Netherworld. If you can't suppress the Houtu Ancestral Witch, it will be a big trouble for us!"

It is not a good thing or a good choice to trust everything on outsiders. Doing so will only put oneself in an awkward situation, and will only put the monster race into a dilemma. Of course, the current monster race Already in a dilemma, Demon Master Kunpeng's opening directly caused great trouble to Demon Emperor Jun!

At this time, the Lord of the Nether does not know the external situation. Although a hundred years is not long, for the Lord of the Nether, the time of the hundred years has allowed him to gradually master the transformation of Yin Yang Dao and the Five Elements Dao, so that he can condense the Five Elements Dao. The origin no longer conflicts with its own Yin-Yang Avenue, and with the help of the power of Yin-Yang Avenue, he finally condenses the entire Five Elements Avenue origin, condensing the five original orbs that carry the Five Elements Avenue, although they are still illusory, but there are With these five primordial gems, his Five Elements Avenue has finally been balanced, and the origin of the King of the Five Elements has been perfected.

Of course, to truly stabilize the Five Elements Avenue and lay an indelible foundation, it takes time to accumulate, and it takes a long time to condense the five illusory original orbs into entities and evolve them into real innate orbs. Accumulation requires an endless source, which is an unattainable thing for the Lord of the Nether.

When Yin-Yang Avenue and Five Elements Avenue can help each other and merge, the Lord of Nether began to choose the second clone's origin avenue. Originally in the heart of Nether Lord, the second clone's origin should naturally choose to end the avenue and condense the supreme killing power. , The power of attack, so that you can master enough power to ensure your own safety, but this idea is quickly abandoned. The previous cohesion of the five elements avenue is a profound lesson, even the basic avenue like the five elements avenue Moreover, the origin of the Dao, which can be connected to the Yin-Yang Dao, will cause a conflict of origin. It is conceivable that once the Dao is condensed and ended, the result will be.

The Causal Path is the most suitable. After all, the Causal Path can be combined with the Netherworld and the tunnel. Even a little trouble will not cause too much impact on yourself. You can use the Supreme Attainment Position to guide the Netherworld. The origin of the world and the origin of the tunnel forcibly suppress the power of the avenue of cause and effect, preventing it from causing great harm to itself.

In fact, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the Lord of the Nether has a deep understanding of the path of cause and effect. He is in harmony with the Nether world and with the tunnel, and he has a deep understanding of the red lotus. It is not difficult for me to condense the karma red lotus to carry the road of cause and effect. As long as there is enough causal origin, this can be done completely, and it can even resolve many hidden dangers of oneself. You can use the road of cause and effect to eliminate some of your own Troubles, especially the impacts brought about by the supreme authority, and the many troubles caused by them, can be turned into the nourishment of cause and effect.

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