God of Destruction

Chapter 4383: Nodal change

Chapter 4389 Mutation

As the mind turns, the Lord of Nether collects the Five Elements Orb into the innate gods and demons he has conceived, and uses his five internal organs to nurture their origins, and uses his yin-yang avenue to continuously enhance their essence. Let the avatar of the king of the five elements continue to integrate with the deity, and constantly use the body of the deity to improve and grow. After the Five Elements Orb is integrated into the real body of the innate gods and devils, the great source of the Five Elements is completely concealed by the aura of the deity. No one can feel the changes in the body of the Lord of Nether, nor can they detect the extraordinary fluctuations of the five elements. , All the aura of the Great Dao is shrouded in the Yin-Yang Dao of the deity, will not leak a single trace, and will not bring a trace of danger to itself.

After confirming again and again that there is no conflict between the Five Elements Avenue and the Yin-Yang Avenue of the deity, and there is no conflict, the Lord of the Nether finally begins to condense the origin of his second clone, and the King of Causality is gathering together with a trace. The origin of the nether world and the origin of the tunnel are constantly absorbed by the Lord of the Nether, and they are constantly being decomposed, and gradually evolve into the causal origin you want. Compared with the five element origin, the evolution of the causal origin is much faster. After all, the nether world It itself carries the power of the avenue of cause and effect. When a trace of causal origin is condensed, it is evolving bit by bit under the master of the Nether Lord, and the red lotus to the fire flames begins to evolve to carry the avenue of cause and effect. The power of one's own clone.

When the avenue of cause and effect is condensed, when the traces of origin are condensed, the Lord of the Nether feels the joy from the tunnel and the nether world, as if they feel the existence of the king of cause and effect, and the Lord of the avenue of cause and effect is coming The same, I am happy for the Lord of Causality to come, that trace of causal origin has not been under pressure from the Netherworld and the tunnel at all. On the contrary, it has been blessed by the tunnel and the Netherworld. The purification of the world and the tunnels speeds up the condensing speed of the Lord of the Nether on the origin of the Causal Dao. Such a cohesion of the Causal Dao is much faster than that of the Five Elements Dao, reducing the time for self-purification. There is a huge help. Perhaps this is the benefit that the son of the world gets. The appearance of causal origin is the best help for the nether world and the tunnel. It is also the best enhancement to the nether world and the tunnel. It can be said that the king of cause and effect The appearance of is the true master of the Netherworld and the tunnel, and the deity is not a true child of the world at all.

Although the help of the Netherworld and the tunnels can speed up the cohesion of the causal origin, it is not easy to use the causal origin to condense a complete karma red lotus to carry the causal road. A deep understanding and an understanding of the Karma Red Lotus, but when it was truly condensed, the Lord of the Nether realized once again that he still underestimated the difficulty. The Nether World is different from the experience he has accumulated in the past, and the origin of cause and effect is also The essential gap, if you want to use this condensed causal origin to condense a karma red lotus, even the simplest first-grade karma red lotus also has huge pressure, so that your mind will have to withstand a huge impact, even The real body of one's own deity will be affected by it.

Yes, the cohesion of the karma fire red lotus has an impact on its own innate gods and demons. The karma fire red lotus condenses not only the avenue of cause and effect, but also the endless karma fire, and the power of the karma fire comes from the nether world and the authentic Negative power, this will bring a terrible impact to the Lord of the Nether. If it weren’t for the current Netherworld and tunnels that hadn’t fully opened up to the prehistoric world, I’m afraid that at this moment, the Lord of the Nether would be enveloped by endless karma. , The true body of the innate gods and demons will be corroded by the fire of karma, and the origin will be affected by it, causing the true body of the innate gods and demons to be changed with difficulty.

"What a terrifying power of karmic fire, the prehistoric world is really different from the experience that I have accumulated in the past. The power of karmic fire is far beyond imagination. Fortunately, the entire world and tunnels are enveloped by the avenue, and the endless world of karmic fires , I have not been induced, or I am afraid that my inborn gods and demons will be destroyed at the moment when the karma red lotus condenses. Karma red lotus not only carries the avenue of cause and effect, but also carries the power of judgment!" When the karma fire hit, the Lord of Nether sighed involuntarily.

When the Lord of the Nether began to condense the Karma Fire Red Lotus, the ancestor of the Styx, who had been watching the Nether World in the sea of ​​blood, felt his heart palpitations, felt a trace of threat appearing in the sky, his heart was throbbing, being tempered by himself There is a slight strangeness in the karmic fire red lotus, but it is a pity that this one has become faster and goes faster. Before Styx can investigate carefully, the throbbing disappears without a trace, letting Styx want to find it. There was no way to start, only frowned.

"Damn it, how come there are such palpitations? Is this my unintentional feelings caused by stress or a psychic warning caused by danger? If it is the former, it is just an instinctive reaction under pressure, there is no danger. , And if it’s the latter, the trouble will be big. It can give me such a spiritual warning silently. The enemy’s power is very powerful, and only the saints can do this, and the karma that I have mastered before There was a slight change in the "Huo Honglian", I am afraid that the two **** of the two sages in the West would have looked at me, and only they would have such an impact on me. After all, they have the "Twelfth Grade Merit Golden Lotus" and the one in my hand. 'Twelve-grade industry fire lotus' comes from the same source!" In an instant, the ancestor of Styx thought of everything to the second sage of the West, thinking that the second sage of the West was calculating himself and was going to kill himself!

I can’t blame the ancestors of Styx for having such thoughts in his heart, because the reputation of the second sage in the West is not very good. The most important thing is that the second sage of the West has this strength. In the wild world, only those who can threaten the Styx Respected saints, Sanqing and Nuwa empress are afraid that they won’t make a move, but the western two saints are different. Whether you want to seize the opportunity of the nether world or want to be greedy for the treasures in your hands, this will attract the West The killing intent of the second holy.

"Huh! I hope you don’t have such bad thoughts, don’t hit me with the idea of ​​a sea of ​​blood, or I will let you know that even a saint in the sea of ​​blood is not invincible. I don’t have the supreme status, but I am blood. The lord of the sea, if the sea of ​​blood does not dry, the Styx will not die, and the saints can’t kill me. In the sea of ​​blood, Styx is honored, unless you dare to bear the boundless cause and effect of the sea of ​​blood! With endless killing intent, with endless anger!

Not to mention being a quasi-sage with a huge background like the ancestor of Styx River, even if the average Daluo Jinxian is counted by people, there will be endless anger, and even a sage can't count himself! It’s just that the ancestor of Styx thought too much. The palpitations he felt did not come from the two sages of the West, but from the nether world, from the nether master who was gestating.


"The power of the difficult fruit, the Netherworld and the tunnels are purifying the source of cause and effect. Could it be said that the previous changes are really just the beginning? Now is the beginning of the Lord of the Nether accepting the supreme fruit position and the beginning of the supreme power, so that the Netherworld and the tunnels can happen like this There is only one explanation for change. It’s just that it was the original aura of Yin-Yang Dao before, but now it has become a Causal Dao. Could it be said that the Lord of the Nether is not based on Yin-Yang Dao, but Causal Dao, or both. Come in?" Not only was Styx reacted, Houtu Ancestral Witch was also surprised when he was in the Netherworld, but the two thoughts were different.

"The power of cause and effect, the avenue of cause and effect, the authority of cause and effect, if the Netherworld and the tunnel really have to help the Lord of the Nether reconsolidate the authority of cause and effect, does this mean that even if the Lord of the Nether gives up the supreme authority, it is useless, and the tunnel and the Netherworld will not Agree, will still give him supreme power and supreme authority? He is the natural supreme nether, the supreme authentic?"

With such thoughts, Houtu Ancestral Witch’s mood was extremely heavy and he was born supreme. This is not an ordinary innate **** or devil. If his thoughts are right, it means that the newly condensed authority will definitely be a treasure. A treasure of the Nether, the treasure of the tunnel, its appearance will make the entire Nether world and the tunnel have a huge impact!

The Houtu Ancestral Witch still knows the two treasures of the Netherworld, "Human Book of Life and Death" and "Judge's Pen". Not only she knows something, but all the saints know something, and Heavenly Dao also knows something, but if there is The birth of the supreme treasure of the new supreme authority power has greatly changed the Netherworld and tunnels, and has a great influence on the prehistoric world.

"Is this the instinctive counterattack of the tunnels and the netherworld, against the heavens and all the saints? The tunnels and the netherworld feel the pressure from the saints and the heavens, and have to change the power of the supreme authority, and have to make a change? What will the newly born Nether Treasure be? What changes will it bring to the Netherworld and tunnels? Will it trigger a new crisis?" Houtu Ancestor Witch was muttering to himself, thinking about the meaning behind all this, and this The impact of everything!

Once a new pattern is formed, will this affect itself, will it affect the Six Paths of Reincarnation? This is something that Houtu Ancestral Witch must consider. After all, Houtu Ancestral Witch made a wrong choice before, if this time It is not impossible for the tunnels and the underworld to restrict the six reincarnations, and the Houtu ancestor witch also needs to be cautious!

"Perhaps I think too much. The Six Paths of Reincarnation is different from others. Even if the tunnels and the Nether World are dissatisfied with me, they are only limiting my influence on the Nether World and the tunnels, and it is impossible to restrict me from mastering the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Melt into one with me, unless the tunnels and the underworld are willing to risk self-harm, otherwise they won’t take action against me!” Soon, the Houtu ancestor witch woke up and felt that such a change would not have much to do with him. The impact of "will not have much impact on the Six Paths of Samsara. If it is said to have an impact, it will only affect the creatures of the prehistoric world, the heavens and the saints. After all, in the eyes of the tunnel and the nether world, the heavens and the saints The greatest enemy is the greatest threat.

To prevent this from happening? No, the Houtu ancestor witch does not have such an idea, and will not do it. Maybe he has this power, but he cannot do it, because he cannot bear the backlash of the Netherworld and the tunnel. The most important thing is to do it by himself. There is no chance to look back. Jealousy shouldn’t exist, especially under such a general trend. It shouldn’t exist. The existence of the Lord of the Nether is a good thing for the Witch Clan. It is also a good thing, the existence of the Lord of the Nether will help oneself attract the attention of the enemy, will reduce the pressure of the witch race, the power of the supreme authority is not necessary for oneself.

Yes, in the hearts of the Houtu Ancestor Witch, the power of supreme authority is not necessary. If the Houtu Ancestor Witch really covets the power of the supreme authority, he will not make the previous choice. This is the most important thing, and everything else can be discarded. This is the heart of the Houtu ancestor witch, this is her truest thought!

The power of cause and effect is constantly condensing, and the Houtu Ancestral Witch also observes calmly, but the more I look at it, the more puzzled and the more incomprehensible it is. Such a huge source of cause and effect has not been condensed into the way I thought. The powerful supreme authority has not been condensed into a treasure, but has disappeared continuously into the body of the Lord of the Nether, as if the innate **** and demon body that is being bred is a black hole, constantly devouring everything, as if it is again Many sources cannot fill it up.

"How could this happen, what is going on, this innate **** and demon body in the gestation does not have the breath of the cause and effect road, nor the associated cause and effect road, but it can continuously devour the cause and effect origin, even The Netherworld and the tunnel are cooperating with him, what secrets are hidden behind all of this, what is the tunnel calculating, what is the Netherworld calculating, are all these really to fight against the saints and the heavens?" In the heart of the Houtu Ancestor Witch Mumbling to herself, all this made her a little unacceptable. All this is too weird. If it weren't for the suppression of the tunnel and the nether world, the Houtu ancestor witch would have the heart to use his own mind to explore this innate **** and demon. The reality of the body, to find out all the secrets behind this.

I don’t know why, when I have such thoughts in my heart, a terrible sense of crisis emerges in my soul. This is the warning of the tunnel and the nether world to myself, and it is also my own spiritual warning. This secret is not what I should be What to explore is not something you can explore yourself, forcing you to do it will only harm others and yourself! For the Houtu ancestor witch, the impulsive years have already passed. It is impossible for him to make a choice that is unfavorable to him because of this strange change in front of him. No matter how big the secret is in front of him, if it is not for him to know, I can't explore it myself!

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