God of Destruction

Chapter 4384: Fate

Chapter 4390

Time is constantly passing by, and the eyes of the Houtu Ancestral Witch are gradually attracted by the Lord of the Nether. The more you observe carefully, the more shocked you are. The endless source of cause and effect easily disappears in the opponent's body. Half a wave was set off, and it didn't even change the Netherworld, and didn't change the tunnel, as if everything was punishing.

If Houtu Zuwu felt that this was the aggregation of authority in the Netherworld before, but now she no longer has such an idea. If it is only the aggregation of authority, it will not use so many sources at all, and in this huge causal avenue source. Among them, there is no law, no manifestation of the power of rules. Obviously, this is not the aggregation of authority, not the aggregation of authority, and the Lord of the Nether itself does not have a breath of cause and effect. What kind of power is this? Netherworld and tunnels are being laid out with the help of the Lord of Netherworld, and who is this game aimed at.

There are more and more doubts, and Houtu Ancestral Witch’s mood is getting heavier and heavier. This change of the Lord of the Nether has brought a huge impact to her, although she does not understand what happened to the Lord of the Nether, but One thing is certain, the tunnel and the nether world are being laid out, and the lord of the six reincarnations is rejected and outside.

"What on earth are you doing? Is all this the handwriting of the tunnel and the netherworld, or is the innate **** and demon you are gestating, is the complete supreme really so mysterious and weird? Under such changes, I am again What to do, what to do?” The Houtu Ancestor Witch was meditating, re-positioning himself, considering his own problems, the problems of the Wu clan!

Time, when he calmed down again, the Houtu Zuwu suddenly discovered that he had brought a huge danger to the Wu Clan. If the tunnel and the Netherworld were sealed for a long time and separated by the avenue, it would not be a good thing for the Wu Clan. , After losing himself, the biggest trump card of the Wu Clan, the "Twelve Capitals of the Gods", was shattered. If the Yao Clan makes a move at this time, the entire Wu Clan will fall into an absolute crisis, and there will be an extermination, which will cause all this. It's me! At first, he evolved the six reincarnations with his own body and became the lord of the six reincarnations. His disappearance destroyed the foundation of the witch race. Then, he was moved by Dao Zu Hongjun and turned his back on the tunnels, causing drastic changes in the tunnels and the nether world. The tunnel and the nether world that should have been quickly improved have changed, disrupting the evolution of the tunnel and the nether world. Now the tunnel and the nether world are enveloped by the avenue, and they have lost their freedom and cannot communicate with the outside world. The situation is repeated and flawed again and again!

Did the Yaozu not find the anomalies of the Wuzu, and the flaws of the Wuzu? No, the Monster Race has noticed it, but the Monster Race itself has the same trouble. Even if the Monster Emperor Jun deliberately launches an attack on the Wu Race, he cannot do it, because under the temptation of the Netherworld, the entire Monster Race is There is chaos. The slightly ambitious monster clan giants are all thinking of the Netherworld. At this time, it is unrealistic for them to attack the witch clan. If you have to force it, it will only lose people’s hearts and only make the whole Unpredictable changes occur in the Yaozu, and there may even be the possibility of betrayal.

Not to be missed! The Houtu ancestor witch is a fan of the authorities. He underestimated the temptation of the Netherworld to the giants of the prehistoric world and the ambition of the strong. It can be said that as long as the witches do not take the initiative to attack, no one is willing to provoke the witches at this time and give themselves Bring huge trouble, let yourself miss the great opportunity in front of you! Although this opportunity can be seen but not eaten, as long as it exists, some people desire it, and they will do their best to pay, rather than pay a huge price.

The endless source of cause and effect has been continuously absorbed by itself, evolving into Karma Fire Red Lotus, but in the end it fails again and again. No matter how much energy I put in, I cannot construct Karma Fire Red Lotus, as if Karma Fire Red Lotus shouldn’t exist. , The power of the rules is preventing him, and this result makes the Lord of the Nether annoyed.

"How could this happen? Could it be said that there can be no second Karma Red Lotus between heaven and earth? The rules imprinted in the prehistoric heaven and earth are forbidding one's own plans. If this is the case, does this mean that my previous ideas were wrong, the Five Elements Orb? It can be condensed, that is because this is the most basic origin of the great avenue between heaven and earth, and the causal avenue is not, the law of causation is also different, the karma red lotus is not allowed to appear a second?" After thinking about it carefully, the Lord of Nether felt that the matter was not In this way, I may think too much, maybe my understanding of the avenue of cause and effect is far from enough to complete the cohesion of the red lotus of karma. There is an essential gap between the world of chaos and the rules of the prehistoric world. I use past experience to condense karma. Lotus is doomed to fail!

"If the power of the rules prevents me, the Karma Fire Red Lotus will not be able to condense and succeed, so my plan is doomed to fail, if so, why don't I let go of my mind and let the causal origin evolve on its own, and perhaps Be able to breed a treasure of origin that suits you, and be able to carry your own causal avenue!" After repeated failures, the Lord of Nether had to make such a choice. Since he could not control the cohesion and birth of the causal avenue, he left it alone. evolution.

After figuring out everything, the Lord of Nether no longer controls the huge source of cause and effect, empties his own mood, and the whole person enters the enlightenment, allowing the huge source of cause and effect in himself to evolve on its own, ignoring this huge source. The causal origin of, the whole person is in harmony with the nether world, in harmony with the underground, to understand the rules of the underground and the nether world.

When the Nether Lord emptied his spirit, an inexplicable wave radiated from his innate **** and demon body, and an invisible force was flooding the Nether world, making the land of the Lord of Six Reincarnations The Ancestral Witch instantly perceives the existence of this power, and feels the change of this power. This is a force that the Houtu Ancestral Witch has never felt before. There is clearly a huge causal origin in this power. There is a trace of vitality in the causal origin, a trace of the power of adjudication, and the three are completely integrated together to form this mysterious power, giving people an unspeakable feeling!

"Strange, this power is really weird. Could it be said that this is the origin of the innate gods and demons? This is the original path of the Lord of the Nether. He is using the power of the world and the power to complete his own transformation and evolution. A deeper transformation?" Feeling this power, Houtu Ancestor Witch muttered in her heart. This power brought an impact to her, and it also brought a little insight, a little insight into the way of practice. , A feeling of transformation! In the heart of the Houtu ancestor witch, there is a vague feeling that if you can understand this power, you may be able to make yourself further on the road of practice, let yourself have a deeper understanding of the way, the rules, and let yourself Take a crucial step!


What is this step? The Houtu Ancestral Witch still doesn't know, at least it's still not clear what is binding him, what is it after taking this step? It's just instinct to make him awaken. This is an opportunity for himself, a great opportunity. If you miss this opportunity, it will be difficult to have such an opportunity in the future, and I will completely cut off from this opportunity!

Of course, there is great cause and effect in chance, especially this is the evolution of the avenue of cause and effect. If the Houtu ancestor witch really got something from it, it took that crucial step and forged a great relationship with the Lord of Netherworld. However, the Houtu ancestor witch did not care about carrying this cause and effect at this time. He was born from the tunnel, and from the time when the Emperor Hades appeared, the Houtu ancestor witch and the Lord of the Nether formed a cause and effect. Now there is one more Karma is not a big deal, as long as you can take this step, you will naturally have time to repay in the future, and if you take this step, you may be able to see another world.

In fact, when making a betrayal of the tunnel, the Houtu ancestor witch had already made the worst preparations. He understood that once he did this, he would probably never get the recognition of the tunnel again, and he would thoroughly practice in the tunnel. Failure, cannot go further, but now I see this opportunity again. If I don’t try my best to pay for it, I can only say that I’m too stupid, no matter how great the cause and effect, as long as there is time, there is a chance to repay, and this enlightenment But there is only one chance for him. This may be his last chance and his only chance. No matter how much the price is paid, it is worth it!

Time is constantly passing, and the Lord of the Nether is caught in enlightenment, and the same is true of the Houtu Ancestral Witch. When they all enter the enlightenment, there is a dead silence in the entire Netherworld, with no vitality or change. It seems to be a piece of stagnant water, without the slightest fluctuation, this situation disappoints the strong outside. If there is no change in the Netherworld, it means that everyone is wasting their time and energy, but they can't let go, which makes everyone very depressed!

What changes do not exist in the dead world? No, this is just the illusion of everyone. Behind the dead silence is vitality. Today's Netherworld is undergoing changes silently, but all the inspirations outside the Netherworld are not affected by such changes. All changes are isolated by the Great Dao. A huge vitality is being bred in that dead silence.

The momentary madness of the Lord of the Nether is a great opportunity for the entire tunnel and the entire Netherworld. He empties everything himself and allows the causal origin to evolve on its own. This is the evolution of the Dao. This is the evolution of the origin. To the tunnel, It is of great benefit to the Nether World. When the Lord of the Nether completes this evolution, this power will be imprinted in the tunnel, in the Nether World, in the entire prehistoric world, and will be of great benefit to the world. !

The occurrence of such an opportunity can only be said to be dictated by God’s will. Such an opportunity can be met and cannot be sought. All the opportunities are accumulated together, which has caused such changes and condensed such opportunities. If there is a trace of this opportunity There will be no such great opportunity for lack, great good fortune, it can be said that it is really great for the Houtu ancestor witch to seize this opportunity.

The loud noise of "Boom!" blasted in the mind of the Lord of Nether, the endless cause and effect source disappeared without a trace in an instant, and a huge shock erupted in his mind, making the original enlightenment. The Lord of the Nether wakes up instantly!

In the moment of waking up, the Lord of the Nether felt the lack of spirit, felt a burst of weakness, as if all his own origin was sucked away, the whole person was empty, and he couldn't lift a little strength, and the whole person would fall into a deep sleep. Among. This is a reaction of excessive mental consumption. It seems that my previous enlightenment, allowing the self-evolution of that huge causal origin to consume too much energy, or even squeeze one's own potential, will cause such serious consequences.

"I can't fall asleep. I can't fall asleep at this time anyway. If I fall asleep, I will miss a great opportunity and stand up after breaking. The weaker I become, the more I have to cheer up, re-guide my origin, and recover little by little. In order to achieve a new life, let oneself qualitatively transform!" The Lord of the Nether is constantly cheering up on himself, constantly reminding himself, strengthening his spirit, and operating his own original power little by little, Yin Yang Dao Slowly pushed up, running through the body, condensing vitality little by little, and recovering its own consumption little by little.

This is a test of one's own soul and will, and also a kind of tempering of one's own beliefs. Therefore, no matter how difficult he is now, the Lord of the Nether is persisting. Persistence is victory. Persistence has hope. Being detached from oneself can usher in a new metamorphosis and evolution for oneself, make oneself a step further, and refine one's own origin!

When the Lord of the Nether wakes up from the enlightenment, the tunnel and the Nether world are also shaken by it, and the mysterious power disappears instantly, and the cause and effect source that was continuously refined by the Nether world and the tunnel disappears without a trace. Trace, as if it had never appeared before, and such a change also awakened the Houtu ancestor witch in enlightenment.

reward? There are indeed some, but there is a huge gap with my own expectations. In the heart of the ancestral witch of Hou Tu, I originally wanted to take the opportunity to realize the fundamentals of myself and take that vital step, but I did not achieve it. , The opportunity disappeared, which made Hou Tu Ancestor Witch not have a slight loss and unwillingness in his heart. The vitality is gone, the root of cause and effect has disappeared, and the Lord of Nether is still the same as before. There is no change. This result makes the Houtu Ancestral Witch even more puzzled.

Is there really no change at all? No, there is still a slight change in the Lord of Netherworld, and there is a little more vitality in him, but this vitality does not understand, at least the Houtu Ancestral Witch did not sense this change!

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