God of Destruction

Chapter 4386: The Great Mill

Chapter 4392

Take a step back and put it down for now? It’s not that this kind of thought did not appear in the mind of the Lord of Nether. It’s just that this kind of thought came out and was given up. Taking a step back. There is progress and no retreat in practice. Retreat means giving up, and giving up is not just once. The opportunity to nurture the original clone is even more a renunciation of one's own great ways. Once done, it will add a huge hidden danger to one's own path of practice, restricting one's practice, and making one's own state of mind have a huge defect.

Although the clone is good, in the entire prehistoric world, it is not that no one has thought about using the clone to speed up their own practice and help themselves to solve some mundane things, but few people really dare to do this, because everyone knows that the clone Although it is easy to use, the price of the clone is too high. Each clone has a certain impact on itself, and the infringement of the clone is also a harm to its own soul. Once the clone is lost, the soul above the clone will be completely destroyed. Possible.

Of course, the gestation of each clone requires huge resources, and each additional clone will have an impact on its own path, unless you choose the same source clone as your own practice path, and divide your soul for a little bit of mundane things. Condensing the clone with the origin is a masterpiece. Some gains are not worth the loss. Those who truly condense the clone will choose a different origin from itself. After Hongjun Daozu preached, this situation disappeared. Everyone has seen Zhan San. The benefit of the corpse is that the so-called clone is directly abandoned by everyone, so the clone is rarely seen in the prehistoric world, or even does not exist!

The arrow has to be sent on the string. There is not much time left for the Lord of the Nether to think carefully about the gains and losses, to think about how to safely nurture the original treasure of the end of the avenue, because my own time is running out. After the origin of the cause and effect avenue is condensed, the nether world Changes have taken place with the tunnels, and the connection between oneself and the Netherworld is constantly strengthened. If you don’t hurry up to nurture the last treasure that carries the end of the avenue, you will never have the opportunity to use the origins of the tunnels and the Netherworld. !

Yes, the condensing of the original treasures of the Cause and Effect Road, the emergence of this seed, is accelerating the rapid incubation of the real body of the Lord of the Nether, if you delay it, it will not take long before your innate body of the gods and demons will be complete If you succeed in gestation, you have to be born. Once you are born, your connection with the tunnel and the Netherworld will be severed, and you can no longer absorb the power of the endless source without spending any cost to condense your own The third source treasure.

Death, destruction, and devouring, these three origins of great avenues are the basis for condensing and ending great avenues. Originally in the idea of ​​the Lord of the Nether, the origin of death should be borne by killing. After all, killing is the one that I am most familiar with, but the current situation is not Don't allow yourself to do this, there is no possibility of killing in the Netherworld, and the source of the killing that you have condensed in the past has been exhausted, if you insist on using killing to condense and end the avenue, it can only be an impossible ambition.

The most indispensable thing in the Netherworld is death, of course, because the Netherworld is the world of the dead, and swallowing the origin is also not lacking for the Netherworld. After all, when the Netherworld is opened, it will instinctively swallow everything in the world. The soul, the source of devouring, has always existed in the Netherworld. As for the source of destruction, there is also a little time in his own background. The gods and demons condense the power of world destruction when the Chaos Sea world is destroyed. This is so pure The ultimate world-destroying power is also the most terrifying destructive power. It is the ultimate destructive power, enough to complete the aggregation of the origin of the Great Dao.

With the previous lesson of the origin of cause and effect, the Lord of the Nether dared not act according to the previous plan, and took the initiative to condense the origin treasures carrying the road of ending. Even the origin of the cause and effect is so compatible with the Nether world, it is difficult for him to condense what he wants. The original treasure property fire red lotus, you can imagine that if you take the initiative to gather the Spear of End, it will only end in failure!

"Maybe I have to learn the method of causal origin and let the end of the origin evolve on its own. Only in this way will there be a little chance of success, be able to achieve my wish, and be able to complete the incubation of this ultimate origin treasure before all results. Be able to make all preparations before you are born and leave yourself no hidden dangers!"

For the Lord of Netherworld, the appearance of a treasure that is beyond his control is better than missing the opportunity. The opportunity cannot be missed, and the loss will never come again. It is possible to use the tunnel and the nether world to nurture the origin of the clone. This opportunity is only once. No longer have it. No matter what the treasures of the origin of the Ending Dao are, there is better than nothing. What I have envisioned may not be suitable for the clone. After all, the past experience does not apply to the prehistoric world, a new clone and a new beginning!

I emptied myself again, and once again used my own mind to understand the Dao, but this time was a little different from the last time. When I emptied myself, my soul could not be completely immersed in the Dao, but had to connect with the source of the Netherworld. The source of death is collected from the tunnel, and the source of swallowing is collected, and then merged with the incomparable power of destroying the world in itself, allowing the three sources to evolve on their own, evolving the original treasures they want.

The source of death is easy to condense, but the source of devouring is not so easy to collect. After all, the nether world is not fully opened now, and the power of devouring the source is still in silence. If it weren't for the Lord of Nether now has a close connection with the tunnel, The world is closely connected. It is not an easy task to collect this swallowed source from the Netherworld and the tunnel. You will instantly suffer the backlash of the source. You must know that the swallowed source is very important to the Netherworld and the tunnel.

After the death source and the swallowing source are successfully collected, the Lord of the Nether guides them into the sea of ​​consciousness of his soul, no longer restricts these two sources, and at the same time puts his own power of destroying the world into it, letting the three The power of the origin evolves on its own, and oneself only needs to empty everything, strengthen one's soul, be in harmony with the tunnel and the nether world, and feel the essence of the great road!

auzw.com When I emptied myself again, my mind once again merged with the tunnel and the Netherworld, the body's causal origin involuntarily started to operate, involuntarily relying on the fusion of the mind to bring the road of cause and effect The breath of is imprinted on the tunnel, imprinted in the wilderness of heaven and earth. At this moment, the power of the entire predecessor once again felt the changes of heaven and earth, felt the breath from the road of cause and effect, and felt the turbulence of the tunnel and the underworld ups and downs.

"Innate gods and demons are born!" This is the first reaction of all the predecessors. Everyone thinks that this time is the beginning of the birth of the Lord of the Nether, because this is the power of the cause and effect, and in this cause and effect, they deeply Feeling the breath of the Netherworld, the authentic breath, so they all cheered up and cast their eyes on the Netherworld once again!

"Damn it, how could it be like this, the origin of Karma Dao is imprinted in the wild world, but this **** **** still has no sign of being born, everything before is just imaginary, what does the tunnel want to do, what does the nether world want to do?" , Saint Zhunti finally couldn't suppress the anger in his heart and roared out loud, venting the dissatisfaction and anger in his heart. Being teased over and over again, let alone quasi mentioning saints, even the average Da Luo Jinxian can't accept such a result!

"Abnormal, weird, all this is beyond people's expectation. What are the tunnels calculating, what are the avenues calculating, what are the heavens and Hongjun Dao ancestors calculating, and the Netherworld has repeatedly and repeatedly appeared like this? Abnormal changes?" At this time, the eyes of the leading saint also revealed a faint frustration and dissatisfaction, with a trace of anger.

It’s really unacceptable to imprint one's own avenue in the prehistoric world, but there is no born innate **** or demon. Could it be that this innate **** and demon is so special that he needs to do it again to imprint the breath of the new avenue on Can the prehistoric world be born? If so, what path is he based on? What path does he practice?

At this time, for many powerful people in the prehistoric world, they all want to know what kind of road this innate **** and demon conceived has cultivated, and what kind of road can lead to repeated changes and break the original trajectory. , It's a pity that no matter how hard they try to explore the Netherworld, they can't penetrate the protection of the Great Dao, and they can't feel the origin of the Lord of the Nether.

In fact, this time the appearance of the original aura is not normal, nor is it the will of the Lord of the Nether, but the calculation of the tunnel and the Nether world, it is they actively guide the seeds in the body of the Lord of the Nether, and the power of the cause and effect To be imprinted in the prehistoric world, one must know that a seed has unlimited possibilities. It is too early to imprint the origin, and it should not be able to induce the origin of the world, but with the promotion of the tunnel and the underworld, everything is different, and this Everything is just to accelerate the birth of the Lord of the Nether, let the Lord of the Nether be born earlier and dominate everything in the Nether World.

Time is very urgent for the Lord of the Nether, and it is also very urgent for the Tunnel and the Netherworld. Before the origin of the Cause and Effect Road is not condensed, the Tunnel and the Netherworld can tolerate the Lord of the Nether to continue to consolidate their foundations, and they can let the Lord of the Nether. Delayed the time of birth, but now they are unwilling to continue to bear it!

The source of cause and effect is cohesive, and both the tunnel and the nether world long for the Lord of the Nether to return to his place. He longs for the power of supreme authority to continue to strengthen the power of the tunnel and the nether world, enhance the origin of the tunnel and the nether world, open the nether world, and absorb The soul of the prehistoric world opens the six reincarnations, perfects the world, and allows the authenticity and humanity to be in harmony.

For tunnels, if they are compatible with humanity earlier, they will be able to plunder the origin of humanity and prevent the expansion of Tiandao. If tunnel power covers the entire humanity, perhaps tunnels have a chance to bridge the gap with heaven.

It is a pity that the Lord of the Nether has not changed in the unexpected world at all, nor has he cared about the changes in the origins of the tunnels and the Netherworld. His mind is completely cast on the perception of the Great Dao, using the power of the tunnel to perceive the majestic world. Everything, if the Lord of the Nether stayed a little attentive, he would find that the world of the Nether world is undergoing tremendous changes, and the aura of the world of the Nether world is growing crazily, and he must take the initiative to break through the protection of the avenue.

Countless collisions, countless fusions, separations, and fusions. Gradually, the death origin and swallowing origin condensed by the Lord of the Nether found a way to merge with the power of extinction, and gradually the power of extinction began to evolve to destroy the world. Power-based, with swallowing and death sources as auxiliary, a huge grinding disc phantom appeared in the Nether Lord’s Soul Consciousness Sea, exuding a terrifying aura of ending, and above this great grinding, there is a terrible destruction of the world. Although it is only a phantom, it gives people a terrible impact that wipes out everything in the world. This is the original treasure of the Ending Dao bred by the Lord of the Nether.

When the Great Moment of World Destruction was condensed and formed, a terrifying aura of World Destruction impacted the soul of the Lord of the Nether. The power of termination seemed to end the soul of the Lord of the Nether, to destroy everything, and to destroy itself. The soul knows the sea space and destroys everything. This is the power to end the avenue. This is the terrible ending the avenue. Once the cohesion is successful, it will hurt itself first. If you don’t have strong enough strength, without firm belief and will, He will be destroyed by the original treasures that he is conceiving in the first time. This is the instinctive reaction to the end of the Great Dao. When he is born, he will destroy everything and end everything.

The turbulence and ups and downs of the Soul Consciousness Sea immediately broke the enlightenment of the Lord of the Nether, allowing him to feel the impact from the Soul Consciousness Sea, the terrifying impact of the world-destroying, and when he carefully looked at his soul Consciousness Sea, Nether The lord gasped involuntarily, and was shocked by this crazy origin treasure in the sea of ​​consciousness of his soul!

"This is the treasure of the end source that I conceived. I will end all things when I am born. I will not let go of the power that bred myself. This power is beyond my imagination. This power is more terrifying than I imagined. Based on the foundation, condensed the ultimate treasure of the end that exists for the extinction of the world, the "Dream of Destruction"!" Yes, the Lord of the Nether knew the name of this original treasure, the Great Mill of Destruction, although all this It is only formed by condensing the origin of the end, but as long as there is enough time and the origin, this treasure of the origin will grow up quickly and become the'world-destroying mill' that can truly end the world and all things. It can wipe out the world and all the avenues. The power that destroys the heavens and the earth can eventually become a security existence that can threaten the Dao of Heaven. Destroying the world is its mission!

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