God of Destruction

Chapter 4387: Festival recasting the treasure

Chapter 4,193: Recasting the Treasure

"Damn it, this is the power to destroy the world, this is the cause and effect of the destruction of the world, what I condensed turned out to be a treasure of the destruction of the world, the treasure that carries the cause and effect of the world!" For a moment, the Lord of the Nether was angry at it. Annoyed by it, although the Great Mould of Extinguish the World is incomparably powerful, its existence has brought huge cause and effect to itself, and brought huge trouble to itself! With a move of his mind, the source of the Yin-Yang Dao of the Lord of the Nether ran into operation immediately, completely suppressing the aura of the world in the sea of ​​consciousness of his soul, preventing it from leaking a trace of breath, and preventing its appearance from bringing death to himself. Threatened.

Yes, it is cause and effect, it is trouble. The emergence of the Great Moment of World Destruction has caused huge hidden dangers and crises to the Lord of the Nether. I have to say that I thought everything was too simple before, and I also overestimated my own power. Originally thought that there was no hidden danger in the power of destroying the world that he had, it was the real and purest source of destroying the world, but at the moment of refining and destroying the world, the Lord of Nether realized how wrong he was. , In the origin of extinction, there is the endless hatred of time gods and demons, the hatred of extinction that hates the sky and the earth, and let the origin of itself conceive, this era of extinction also carries the authenticity The hatred of heaven, so the appearance of this original treasure has brought huge trouble and cause and effect to the Lord of Netherworld!

For the prehistoric world, the great mill of annihilation should not appear. Its appearance poses a threat to the prehistoric world. If it weren’t for this original treasure, it was bred from the tunnel and the nether world, and it was still in the body of the Lord of Nether. In the middle, I'm afraid that its aura will be destroyed by the prehistoric world as soon as it appears, and it will be destroyed, after all, its cause and effect with the predominant world is too great!

Regret it? No, the Lord of the Nether does not regret his choice. The road is his own choice, and he came out by himself. The appearance of this'world-destroying mill' may have some authentic calculations, but it is not for the Lord of the Nether. No regrets, there will be as many gains as you give. If you have obtained so many benefits from the real world and from the world of the underworld, you naturally have to give something, and the "destroying the world" is the responsibility and cause and effect that you should bear. The cause and effect that I must bear!

Although I understand all this in my heart, the Lord of the Nether has a faint dislike for the calculations of the tunnels and the nether world. Although this is my responsibility, I am not willing to accept such calculations, and I am still unprepared. Under the circumstances, if you hadn't been cautious, I'm afraid that the breath of the'destroying the world' had been leaked, and it had been sensed by the prehistoric world, then his situation would be even more dangerous, and he would even fall into desperation again! No one is willing to accept such a result, the Lord of the Nether is no exception, and he is not willing to be hurt by the power that nurtures him!

"Haha! Maybe this is practice. Heaven has selfishness, but tunnels have selfishness. The emergence of Tiandao's selfishness has broken the balance of the prehistoric world. The tunnels will also generate selfishness in passiveness for self-protection, and they will calculate that they are also within the normal range. Inside, it needs someone to withstand the pressure of heaven for itself, and my identity as the Lord of the Nether is just right. Before I cut the connection with the tunnel and the Nether world, it has caused its dissatisfaction and anxiety. The condensing of the treasure is also its calculation. All of this is the calculation of the tunnel and the Netherworld!" When thinking of this, the Lord of the Nether sighed involuntarily, and understood, but this matter could not be said. Yukou, you just need to be careful and vigilant, and you can't act rashly to damage your safety!

The calculations this time gave the Lord of the Nether the idea of ​​getting rid of the tunnel and the Netherworld completely, but now he is still weak and unable to do this, and he also needs the shelter of the tunnel and the Netherworld. When I grow up, this thought can only be firmly locked in my heart, and no trace of it can be exposed!

This is life, this is practice, the great way of cultivating the heart, if you want to get out of your great way, you have to face many tests. In the eyes of the Lord of the Nether, the calculation of the tunnel and the nether world is a test of oneself, but this test It is extremely cruel. If you can't bear it, you will only die and you will only follow in the footsteps of those chaotic gods and demons.

"The World Destruction Mill has taken shape. Even if I want to change it, it’s too late. Since it’s already unchangeable, I can only accept it. Fortunately, I have enough time to digest all of this slowly, and gradually eliminate this cause and effect bit by bit If there is no life-and-death crisis, this treasure cannot appear in the prehistoric world and cannot be known by others.” For a moment, the Lord of Nether secretly made up his mind to "destroy the world". Treasures are firmly locked in the sea of ​​soul knowledge!

After suppressing the original treasure of the'Destroying the World', the Lord of the Nether gathered his mind and continued to comprehend his own yin and yang avenue and his companion treasure, the yin and yang clock, while the source of the tunnel and the nether world had not completely dissipated. If you don’t have previous experience and don’t know the direction of the road of Gods and Demons, the Lord of the Nether will not care about his companion treasure, but now he must hurry up to perfect this companion treasure, eliminate all hidden dangers, and truly master the direction of the Yin Yang Dao. , Comprehend the true meaning of Yin-Yang Dao, so that one's innate gods and demons can be more perfect and complete!

"The big sun and the bright moon condense the yin and yang and carry time, but this is not enough to completely digest the origin of the time **** and demon. I did not feel the avenue in the companion treasure, indicating that the power of the time origin is still hidden in the treasure. Without really refining it, maybe I should take the risk again, with the help of the power of the tunnel and the nether world, to have a crazy impact!" In the face of the pressing time pressure, the heart of the nether Lord suddenly gave birth A crazy thought.

It is unrealistic to use one's own power to completely refine the imprint of the time avenue hidden in the "yin and yang clock". At least it can't be done in a short time, and there is not much time left for oneself. Once one is born, then It is not easy to use the origin of the tunnel and the nether world, after all, he cut off the connection with the tunnel and the nether world.

"Come on, let me see how deeply you hide in the destination, let me see what the original imprint of this last time is, what is the real Dao of Gods and Demons?" As the Lord of Nether murmured, The power of the supreme fruit position is urged, and the tunnel and the nether world feel the call from the lord of the nether, the endless source is endlessly rushing to him, making the whole nether world turbulent, as if it is a world Must be in harmony with it.

auzw.com"Open me, the power of the world is here!" With a deep shout, the power of the tunnel and the nether world rushed directly into the gestating'yin and yang clock', directly impacting With its origin, the origin of Yin-Yang Dao was instantly overwhelmed by the power of the tunnel and the Netherworld. This terrifying power seemed to directly destroy this treasure of origin! The power of cause and effect and the power of the world are raging crazily over everything in the Yin-Yang Clock, trying to drive this treasure of origin into the mortal world.

A scream, a scream of sorrow rang continuously in the heart of the Lord of Nether, the yin-yang clock, the treasure of origin, is undergoing a terrible impact, and the origin is being wiped out bit by bit, but the Lord of the Nether did not stop it, but looked on. All this is still waiting, waiting for the limit of the Yin-Yang clock, waiting for the last imprint left by the time **** and demon.

Is the time **** and demon really dead? Is it really completely lost in the world? If he has never been in contact with the Dao of Gods and Demons, the Lord of Nether would think so, and now he dare not have this ridiculous idea. If he can’t really master the'Yin-Yang Clock', or more accurately, it's the'Time Clock', which will be the future When the day comes, the time **** and demon may replace himself and return from the long river of time and space, and the'time clock' is his return, and is his chance.

A series of cracks are appearing on the'Yin-Yang Bell', the source of the treasure. The source of the Yin-Yang Avenue is being destroyed bit by bit, as if the ultimate treasure of the source may be completely destroyed in the next moment, and the cracks continue to spread. At time, a pure source of time gushed out, and the imprint of the Avenue of Time appeared on this treasure of source instantly.

Yes, this is the back hand of the Time God and Demon that the Lord of Nether has been looking for. This is the deepest hidden power of Time God and Demon. When the time imprint appeared, the Lord of Nether finally breathed a sigh of relief. If the imprint of time does not appear again, the original treasure in his grasp will completely collapse, and will be destroyed by the power of the tunnel and the nether world, his companion treasure plan will be completely shattered, and his deity will suffer a huge loss!

"Hehe, as I thought, the Time God and Demon really had to leave behind for himself. Even if he knew I would be greedy, he would keep this original treasure. Fortunately, everything is in time! Let me now See what power you use to withstand the original impact of the tunnel and the nether world!" At this time, the Lord of the Nether completely let go of the connection between himself and the nether world, allowing the origin of the tunnel and the nether world to madly impact on himself. This is gestating Among the companion treasures.

"Crazy, what is this lunatic doing? Why would the entire tunnel and the entire Netherworld be rioted? What is he doing, what does he want to do?" When such a panic suddenly happened, the Houtu Zuwu couldn't help but Earth frowned, dissatisfied with the Lord of Nether's repeated and repeated craziness, which greatly affected her cultivation.

Unfortunately, this is not something Houtu Ancestral Witch can stop. Faced with such turbulent changes, Houtu Ancestral Witch can only watch with cold eyes and dare not participate in it. At this time, if you take action, it will only attract backlash from the Netherworld and the tunnels. It will bring a huge impact to oneself, bring huge hidden dangers, and even threaten one's own life.

Crazy? This is indeed crazy, the entire Netherworld burst out with such surging power fluctuations, and this huge power is constantly pouring into the body of the Nether Lord, whoever sees such a situation will be shocked.

At this time, the powerhouses of the entire prehistoric world were once again alarmed. The giants and the careerists once again set their sights on the underworld. Feeling this crazy storm, many people could not help but sigh in secret: "Is this the last madness? It is necessary for an innate **** and demon to be born so that it will set off huge waves over and over again. What exactly are the tunnels and the nether world doing? What power does this innate **** and demon carry? Will it break the rules nurtured by innate gods and demons?"

This is indeed the last madness. This time, the Lord of Nether is holding the mentality of becoming benevolent if he fails to succeed. He would rather give up this original treasure, this companion treasure, and completely eliminate his own hidden dangers, and cut off the time gods and demons. Although the price of the trump card is staggering, it is imperative. After all, no one wants to see that the enemy has a chance of resurrection and a chance of revenge!

"Boom!" With a loud bang, the'yin and yang clock' could not withstand the impact of the tunnel and the nether world, and the time imprint could not withstand this terrible force. It was finally obliterated, and at the moment when the time imprint was obliterated, this piece was obliterated. The companion treasure that the Lord of Nether had placed high hopes on finally collapsed completely, turning into pieces and scattered in his body, and at this moment, his own Yin-Yang Dao origin was also devastated. The real body was hurt!

"Okay, very good, this is the opportunity I want, breaking and standing, the origin blood refining, condense me!" Under such a terrible impact, such a terrifying blow, the Lord of the Nether did not care about his own loss, I didn’t care about the trauma I suffered, but cruelly sacrificed my original essence and blood, and began to refining this broken companion treasure, using my own essence and blood to recast this companion treasure, and recondensing the origin of Yin Yang Dao. .

Originally there was a trace of Nether Lord’s mind in this original treasure, but now he uses this original essence and blood to refining blood. It can be said that as long as you can complete this blood refining, you can recast this original treasure. Completely transformed into the companion treasure of the Lord of the Nether, truly belonging to the Lord of the Nether, there will be no more hidden dangers, the brand of the time **** and demon will completely dissipate between the heaven and the earth, completely vanished, and there is no possibility of return.

When the blood refining the source of the ultimate treasure began, the essence and blood bred by the innate gods and demons of the deity were frantically sacrificed and turned into blood flames, frantically recasting the scattered pieces of the most precious fragments, blood flames These fragments are constantly being tempered. In the tempering of the blood flames, the originally broken original treasure begins to fuse, and the power of the fuse comes from its own blood! The consumption of every drop of essence blood is a squeeze of oneself, damage to his own innate **** and demon body, and the Lord of the Nether does not care, allowing the consumption of the innate **** and demon body, and devotes himself to this. In the blood refining!

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