God of Destruction

Chapter 4389: The tranquility before the festival

Chapter 4395: Tranquility Before the War

The war is just beginning, the Witch race is preparing, the monster race is preparing, the ancestor of the sea of ​​blood is preparing, his Asura army is preparing, and the Western Saints are preparing. In short, all careerists are preparing. They are all doing the final accumulation of energy. This is an unavoidable war. In the face of absolute interests, no one can calm down. This situation is also exacerbating the outbreak of the Great Tribulation, making the atmosphere of the Great Tribulation even more terrifying. Because this is not just a battle between the two clans of the Lich, it has swept through most of the prehistoric world, and almost half of the strong have participated in this battle.

Fighting for interests is the best war-destructive agent. Under the temptation of being born in the Netherworld, under the temptation of supreme authority, no one can endure, saints cannot endure, let alone those ambitious majors. However, they were even more unable to refuse this temptation. Although the flames of war had not yet ignited, the breath of the entire prehistoric world had become extremely violent. All careerists and all ambition forces were holding their breath, waiting for the start of the decisive battle.

Of course, to start the war, this requires the Lord of the Nether to open it, and the Lord of the Nether is born, carrying the authority of the Nether World, and becoming the master of the Nether World will completely dissipate the power of the Dao and let the Nether World. The defense is completely eliminated. As for how many powerhouses will fall in this unknown world of the world during the war, this is not in the consideration of many careerists. What they see is only interest, as long as they have enough If you want to gain something, you must bear this pressure. If you are worried about your own life and death, you will have to worry about life. There is no need to participate in this war, to participate in this interest struggle!

Originally, the Houtu Ancestral Witch had already entered the Nether World, had become the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and had transcended the Great Tribulation, but this time the change of the Nether World and the appearance of the Nether Lord made her involved in the Great Tribulation again, let She had to continue to face the Great Tribulation, and to continue to stand with the Witch Clan. Of course, this was what she expected in her heart. It was precisely because of the changes in her that the entire Great Tribulation became crazy and incomparable. Horror makes the entire prehistoric world turbulent!

"Crazy, these **** are crazy. Only the temptation of the supreme authority is left in their eyes. They have already lost their minds by the ridiculous temptation. They have not noticed the changes in the world, and have not felt this Lich Great The robbery will be more cruel, more dangerous, as well as quasi mentioning and receiving. They actually participated in this battle. It seems that they are also deeply involved in the robbery and have become pawns in the robbery. What do you want to do?" The female Rong Empress, who is also a saint, is in a very deep mood at this moment. The participation of the Western Second Saints has caused a huge impact on her. The most important thing is that the Lich Catastrophe is no longer limited to the Lich. The two races have involved more races and more powerhouses. If they don't participate in the war, will the demon race still have vigor?

Can’t blame Empress Nuwa for having such worries. It’s normal for her to think so. After all, she is a member of the monster race, even if she is also the mother of the human race, but she still doesn’t want to see the destruction of the monster race. Seeing that the Yaozu completely declined in this battle, just wanting to let her participate in this witch catastrophe without any consideration, Empress Nuwa still has worries and worries in her heart, so she dare not make a decision lightly. , After all, this is not a trivial matter, a slight mistake will affect itself.

At this time, Empress Nuwa couldn't help but envy Sanqing. Facing such a shocking change, Sanqing still sat on Kunlun Mountain without any movement, as if she didn't care about this shocking change at all, and didn't care about the world in the world. The temptation of the supreme authority, did not want to intervene in this crazy Lich catastrophe, unwilling to be contaminated with terrible cause and effect.

Time waits for no one. Today's Netherworld is changing again and again, and there is not much time left for the Nuwa Empress. If you can’t make a decision quickly, it won’t take long before the Lord of Nether will be born and start the Netherworld. In the world, the war will inevitably break out at that time, and even if you want to participate, you will miss the opportunity and the initiative.

For the benefit of the monster clan, is it worth it to involve yourself in this crazy war of the lich and let yourself bear that huge karma? Can the price you pay be rewarded? If there is no return at all, you will be wasting your own origin and consuming your own air luck. This is a result that Nu Wa Empress cannot accept.

If her brother had not been involved in the Lich Tribulation, the Nuwa Empress would not hesitate at all and would give up directly. After all, no matter how good her interests are, her life is not important. As a saint, she does not necessarily waste her time. With energy, come and participate in such a decisive battle, confront the world, and plunge yourself into a terrible dilemma!

After a while, Empress Nuwa sighed softly: "Forget it, I'd better wait and see, and see how Sanqing reacts. If they still don't do anything, don't ask, then I will There is no need to make a move. If they make a move, it will not be too late for me to make another move. After all, this is a real catastrophe. As long as you make a wrong move, you will be trapped in a state of immortality!"

Yes, the more you get to this time, the more you have to be cautious, and you can’t use emotions or act rashly, otherwise the cause and effect on your back will be too terrible, and you need immeasurable merit to be able to resolve this situation. Under the circumstance, Empress Nuwa didn't think she had to waste her time and energy, wasting her own merit and luck!

When the Nuwa Empress secretly sighed, Sanqing was also shocked by everything in front of her. Everyone's eyes revealed a faint worry. To them, they seemed very peaceful, but the pressure in their hearts was also extremely high. Horror, they are unwilling to plunge into this crazy world and earth catastrophe at this time, unwilling to let themselves face danger.

auzw.com There is only one life for human beings. Once you die, everything will disappear. In fact, the situation today is completely inadequate, and Sanqing dare not end easily, even if it is the most uneasy among the three. The Yuanshi Tianzun, who was divided, did not dare to seek death at this time, and did not dare to confront other forces, so as not to let himself fall into this boundless cause and effect. The saint was not afraid of cause and effect, and he was not afraid of karma, but his disciples were afraid. Heaven’s great cause and effect, but they didn’t owe it to Sanqing, they didn’t need to take risks at this time!

Of course, Sanqing still has worries about himself. They don’t know how strong the tunnel is, but it’s definitely not as simple as humanity, and no one knows what it will be like in a perfect tunnel. !

In the expectation of everyone, the Lord of the Nether was born, the endless source of power was integrated into himself, a powerful breath swept the entire Nether World, this is the power of the Nether World, this is the supreme power, when the Nether World When the Lord was born, everyone’s expressions were condensed, and there was a dignified look in their eyes, because the Lord of the Nether was not just an ordinary Daluo Jinxian as they thought, but a complete powerhouse of the Daluo Jinxian. Can cross the real powerful enemy of Da Luo Jinxian!

"Damn it, how could this be? The Netherworld can directly nurture such innate gods and demons, a big Luo Jinxian powerhouse who can step into the quasi-sage at any time, what happened in this Netherworld, there will be such an abnormality? The situation!" For these careerists, the power of the Nether Lord is beyond their imagination and beyond their understanding. Even when the Sanqing was born back then, he did not have such strength, but it was just a general Da Luo Jinxian. However, the Lord of the Nether has entered Consummation in one step, and can step into the realm of quasi-sage at any time. This is really unacceptable!

If the Lord of the Nether is just an ordinary big Luo Jinxian, even if they have the supreme fruit status, even if they have the power of supreme authority, they are confident that they can suppress it, but now except for the two western sages, even the demon emperor Jun dare not have it. Such self-confidence, because they don’t know if the Lord of the Nether will step into the quasi-sage in the next moment, a quasi-sage who holds the supreme authority, in their home world, is absolutely capable of confronting the saints, and can ignore the saints. Threatened.

"It’s troublesome, things are more troublesome than we thought. The series of changes before may have been caused by his strong power, but now we have to send the arrow on the string, even if we want to retreat, it’s impossible. We are already in the game!" Demon Emperor Jun whispered to Taiyi and the strong monsters around him, with a hint of uneasiness in his eyes. Such an abnormal change caused a trace of worry in his heart. Concerns about the future!

At this time, all the powerhouses of the Yaozu looked solemnly at the slowly opening Nether World, and looked at the powerful Nether Lord in front of them. As the Lord of the World, everyone can feel the Nether. The rich world power in the Lord can feel the terrible threat of the power of the world plus the Lord of the Nether. Just the sense of breath makes those enemies of average strength feel the threat of death, making their hearts fearful and thinking of fleeing!

Facing the countless powerful enemies from the outside world, the eyes of the Lord of the Nether flashed with terrible killing intent. At this time, these **** appeared outside the Nether World, they must be holding the idea of ​​greed. To such a greedy person, there is no You must have good intentions, and you must bear your own anger if you want to take benefits from yourself and from the nether world.

"Crazy, really crazy enough. Inheriting the crazy nature of the predecessor. At this time, there is still such a crazy killing intent. He doesn't care how dangerous his situation is. It seems that this is another evil spirit. The tunnel and the nether world are really true. I have exhausted my thoughts, I don’t want the authority of the Netherworld to fall into the hands of outsiders, and I don’t want other creatures to set foot in the Netherworld!" When he felt the terrible killing intent on the Lord of the Nether, Zhun said the saint sighed involuntarily, his eyes revealed A touch of solemnity!

Pressure, at this moment, the Saint Zhunti also feels tremendous pressure. If he wants to seize supreme authority from such a crazy enemy, he will inevitably suffer a frenzied counterattack from the opponent, and fight against an enemy who is crazy enough to ignore his own life and death. The saints must also be careful and cautious, and dare not be careless, or the result will be unimaginable!

The leading sage sighed and said: "Junior brother, don’t sigh, do it, no one will take the initiative if we don’t do it. They are all waiting for our actions, waiting for us to start this war. If we don't take action, we will only waste our time without limit. These **** are eating us!

It’s true that the forces of the predecessors and all parties have really taken the two saints of the West. Who will let only their two saints here, if they don’t make a move, how dare the powerful of other forces make a move? They don’t want to be the pawns in the hands of the saints, for The western two sages make wedding dresses, sacrifice their lives, and create opportunities for the western two sages to seize the supreme authority!

At this time and under such circumstances, it is impossible for the two western sages to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and it is impossible for them to reap the benefits of the fishermen. They do not take action, they do not stand up, no one will stand up, Yaozu No, the Witchs won't, and other forces won't. Everyone is waiting for the Western Second Sage to take action, and then fish in troubled waters to take advantage of the chaos to take advantage of what they want!

"This group of **** **** actually hit our minds, dare to calculate our saints, they really don't want to live!" Faced with such a situation, Zhun said how annoyed the saints are, but there is no annoyance. Use, whoever allows them to stand here, whoever allows them to have ambitions for the Netherworld among all the saints, they do not bear this cause and effect, this responsibility, who will bear it, they must pay the price for their choice, Greed is to accept all these causes and effects!

The leading saint sighed and said: "Junior brother, don't be bound by the identity of saints. Although we are saints, we can't really make everyone afraid. In the face of absolute interests, saints cannot stop their greedy desire , Hope, this is what we need to face, and we must face it. When we decide to participate in this battle, we should understand that this will happen. We will have time to settle this cause and effect with them in the future. , What we have to do now is how can we hold the supreme authority in our own hands and how can we get the most benefit from this war? This is the most important thing, and everything else can be put aside for the time being. Slowly deal with it! The opportunity is not to be lost, and the loss is not to come. We can't ruin our own major events because of a momentary impulse, and let this great opportunity slip away from us. I didn't believe in Sanqing from beginning to end!"

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