God of Destruction

Chapter 4390: The beginning of death

Chapter 4396: The Beginning of Death

Don't believe Sanqing? This is not a lip service, but a fact. As far as the introduction of the saints is concerned, they have always suspected Sanqing and Nuwa Empress, because they are the disciples of Daozu Hongjun, and none of the four saints appeared in the Netherworld. In addition, he was unwilling to participate in this battle. This had to make the sage of the introduction doubt whether there was something he did not know about, and suspected that there might be a conspiracy behind it, but he couldn’t say it, after all. It involves Hongjun Daozu!

"But we have no choice! The West is our root. In order to prove sanctification, we owe great cause and effect, which must be repaid, and the authentic, nether world is the power we need, no matter what it contains. Conspiracy, any calculations, we must all face it, this group of **** dare to calculate us, and they must be prepared to die!" Yes, at this moment, there is endless killing intent in the heart of the saint who dares to calculate themselves. The predecessor has endless killing intent!

The anger of the saint will inevitably erupt a terrible murderous intent. If it was only because of the birth of the Lord of the Nether, because of the real world, it caused a huge murderous intent, but now the anger of the saint makes the situation even more out of control. The battle that is about to break out is more cruel, bloodier, and more terrifying. I don't know how many strong people will fall here, becoming the nourishment of the authentic, nether world, nourishing the growth of the tunnel and the nether world, and speeding up the transformation of the world!

The leading saint shook his head gently and said: "Killing cannot solve the immediate matter. The mass murder will only fall into the calculations of Sanqing and the Nuwa Empress. They wish that we would be enemies of the prehistoric forces. Let us become public enemies. At that time, even if we were saints, we couldn’t bear the anger of all the major forces in the entire prehistoric world. We would inevitably suffer a huge blow. If we can’t bear it, we will make big plans. Even if we want to take action, we must be reasonable. If you have evidence, you can't go to war at will!"

Although saints are not involved in cause and effect, saints are not without restrictions. If saints rob and plunder, they will only become public enemies. Although the current situation is originally a battle of looting and plundering, as a saint, it is necessary to attract and quasi-propose. You must take care of it, whether it is your own reputation or whatever, you must be careful and not be careless!

This is the right way to salute before the soldiers. No matter how eager or eager you are for the authority of the Netherworld in your heart, you can't make a big move as soon as you appear. This is too shameful and it hurts the face of the saint. The most important thing is, Leading the saint is worried that this will ruin his own luck. You must know that he is not only facing the Lord of the Nether and the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, but also the tunnel and the Netherworld. He does not know whether the tunnel and the Netherworld will not be at a critical moment. Will shoot! If the tunnel and the nether world take action, even the saints will be suppressed in the nether world, no one knows whether the heaven will help!

As far as the enticed saint is concerned, he will never trust his life and death on the Dao Dao, Hongjun Daozu, that is not a good thing, and trusting his destiny on external forces is itself irresponsible. , It is self-defeating, originally owed the great cause and effect of heaven, if you add another great cause and effect, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Suddenly thinking of this, the look of the sage was changed, and the dignity on his face increased a lot. He whispered to Ti and said, "Junior, do you think this might be a trap, one against us? The trap of the two?"

When mentioning the word "Tao Trap", the introduction of the saint made the voice very heavy, because many words cannot be spoken. Once they are said, they will be known by the Dao of Heaven, and they will inevitably be noticed by Dao Zu Hongjun, just as they are in their hearts. As you think, this is really troublesome. One who is not careful will really ruin his own life and throw it in this battle!

Hearing this, Zhun mentioned the saint’s gaze, "trap" is indeed possible. With Zhun mentioned the wisdom of the saint, he instantly understood the hidden meaning in the words of the saint, and understood what he was worried about. This worry also made Zhun Ti vigilant. If this is really a trap, the trouble will be big, and they will jump into this terrible disaster without knowing it!

This is indeed a catastrophe, a catastrophe of heaven, a catastrophe that can bury the saints. When thinking of this, Zhunti’s heart trembled. If this is a trap, the trap for the two sages in the West must not be the Sanqing and the female. What Empress Wa can do, only Hongjun Daozu and Tian Dao have such a big hand, and all this can also make sense, because they are only named disciples of Hongjun Daozu, not true disciples. If you say that sacrifices are needed, someone needs to do it. Bait, to draw out the tunnels and the nether world, this candidate will naturally be the two of them, and only they have this qualification and ability!

If all this is directed at myself and directed at the West, this must be a killer game with two birds with one stone. Once you step into this killer game, everything about yourself and everything in the West will fall on Heaven and Hongjun. In Dao Ancestor's grasp, as long as Heaven Dao and Hongjun Dao Ancestor are willing, they can end everything about them and destroy everything about them at any time.

"Brother is worried that it is not impossible. We really need to be cautious about this matter. Once we take a wrong step, we will be in a deadly crisis. If this is a trap, everything about us will be calculated. Among them, this is the plaque that improves our minds. The more so, the more we must be cautious, but now we can’t retreat. Even if we want to retreat, we have to do it first. Face is enough!” When he said this, the saint Zhunti couldn't help but sighed, his eyes showed a more terrifying killing intent. No one wants to accept such a result, and no one wants to bear such a calculated result. For such a crisis, the saint must be angry!


"Yeah, if it wasn't for a momentary feeling, I wouldn't have thoughts like this. I wouldn't have such worries. Now we are already on the string and have to send them. Even for the great cause and effect of our body, we must continue to walk. Going down, even if it is possible to eliminate a little cause and effect, it is very important to us. Now I will take care of all of this!" At this point, I will lead the saint but stand up to the Netherworld. Take this crucial step!

At this moment, the sage Zhunti grabbed the introduction of the sage, and said in a deep voice, "Brother, leave it to me. You can't make a mistake. With you, there is the possibility of the West. It’s better for me to take care of everything, even if it’s a bit of infamy and hate, it doesn’t matter to me, but you are different!"

With that, the saint Zhunti stepped out one step and entered directly into the world of the underworld, but when he took this step, the killing intent on the saint Zhunti was completely reduced, without a trace of anger, as if it was peaceful. The mentality appeared in the nether world, there was no hostility, and there was no idea of ​​attack. Such a breath change made all the predecessors dumbfounded!

"What's going on? How come this **** became like this in an instant? Could it be that everything he did before was just a fake, just to lure us into being deceived, but it doesn't make sense, so The big temptation, how could he not care at all, have no desire for greed, hope, this is false, he is concealing his own malice, and wants to deceive us to be deceived, I will not be deceived! "A man of great prestige and wild power is screaming at Zhunti's insidious cunning in his heart, and he believes that all this is Zhunti's conspiracy and tricks, and has decided not to believe it all.

"This fellow Taoist is polite, and the poor Dao quasi mentions, come to congratulate fellow Taoist on his birth. The birth of the authentic way makes the prehistoric world complete. The six paths of reincarnation give the creatures of the prehistoric world a place of reincarnation, balance the heaven and the earth, and be the one of the ghost world. Lord, Daoists have great merits and great good fortune. Daoists are similar to me in the West. They all follow the path of cause and effect. I don’t know if friends are willing to join me in the West. I and my brothers are willing to treat each other as equals? Share everything in the West!"

‘Hi! When the words of the saint Zhunti fell, all the predecessors gasped involuntarily and were shocked. They never thought that the shameless saint Zhunti would say such a thing. Now, the Second Sage of the West would actually pay such a big price to win over the Lord of Nether, the newly born innate **** and demon.

Of course, in an instant, these predecessors also understood the insidious calculations of quasi-promotion and enrollment. It seemed that the two sages of the West had paid a huge price, but in fact, as long as the Lord of Nether agreed, it was not only for the two sages of the West. Only without paying too much price, oneself can still get the blessing of the Netherworld's air luck, which is a great thing for the West!

"Damn it, he had such an idea. This **** wanted to cut off the way for all of us. If we let the West do this, then none of us will be able to take advantage of the Netherworld. We all Alternately being excluded from the interests of the Netherworld, all the benefits will be monopolized by the West. Such a result is absolutely unbearable. We will teach you a lesson and a lesson to the West, let them know that we are not easy to provoke. Yes!" Facing such a dangerous situation, as the Demon Emperor, Di Jun couldn't bear to be the first to stand up and call on all the prehistoric forces to attack the Second Sage of the West!

It is not that Demon Emperor Jun has not considered the consequences of doing this, nor has he never thought of waiting for others to stand up and resist, but that he has to do this, knowing that in the entire prehistoric world, he dared to stand up against the two sages of the West. There are only two groups of Lich. For the witches, they have the confidence to wait, because they have the Houtu Ancestral Witch. This ancestral witch who has already established a foothold in the Netherworld helps, as the lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, even if he is The Western Two Sages wooed the Lord of the Nether, and could not stop the Wu Clan’s attack on the Nether World. It can be said that the Wu Clan had an inherent advantage in this battle and had the initiative to advance and retreat freely. Under such circumstances , If you want to gain something, Yaozu must take the initiative to stand up and take all the pressure!

"Yes, the Demon King's words are reasonable. We can't let the Second Sage of the West swallow up all the benefits. If their conspiracy is allowed to succeed, what will happen to us in the Nether World? What can we use to fight the Nether World? This is absolute It can’t be easy!” A great predecessor was roaring, and they were all talking about their distress, but there were few who were really willing to stand up and do something. They just talked verbally, none of them were true. Really act.

"Damn bastards, they want to use our monster clan as the first bird, wanting our monster clan to resist the anger of the second sage of the West, and then they take advantage of the fisherman's profit. These **** think things are too simple! The things of "cannot appear to us, we will not make wedding dresses for them!" Tai Yi snorted deeply, and his voice is full of endless killing intent. For Tai Yi, these **** **** dare to calculate Own, dare to calculate the monster race, this is dying!

If it weren’t for the two sages of the West, if there weren’t the powerful enemies of the Witch Clan on one side, Taiyi had the heart to take a big shot at this moment and clean up these **** **** so that they would know what misery the Witch Clan would be. As a result, it was just that under the current dangerous situation, he had to endure this bad breath and didn't dare to act rashly!

"Hmph, everyone wants to use our monster race as a sword, let us test the virtual reality of the Netherworld, test the virtual reality of the Western two holy, it is really ridiculous, they can bear it, we can also do it, don't think there is a witch The threat of the clan, we will compromise and be calculated by them, this is impossible!" At this time, the demon master Kunpeng also had to stand up, after all, this is related to the life and death of the demon clan, and also related to their own interests. , If he does not express his position, it will be very unfavorable to himself!

"Yes, the demon master is right. We absolutely can't forget it. If we don't teach these bastards, where is the dignity of my demon race, even if we pay a little price, we can't give up, we can't lose the skin, and we can't step in. This road to death!" Under the threat of death, those demon saints were still afraid, and one by one pointed the finger at other powerful enemies instead of the Western two sages, because they did not dare to compete with the Western two sages in their hearts. In confrontation, they are afraid of death. They don’t think that the monster race has the ability and strength to fight head-on with the two sages of the West. Moreover, those **** who verbally support the monster race will sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. The act of assistance, the Yaozu cannot bear the anger of the saint! Bullying and fearing hardship, even if you want to make a big move, naturally you have to be soft. Now the best thing to handle is the **** who calculate the monster race!

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