God of Destruction

Chapter 4391: Festival killing

Chapter 4397 Killing

The killing intent is condensing, and the calamity is condensing. When the killing intent of all the monster races is directed at other people, this catastrophe becomes even more terrible, and the war is on the verge! At this time, as long as one person stands up and picks up the matter, it will definitely trigger this life-and-death battle, making the situation uncontrollable, letting everything out of control, and making the whole calamity change drastically!

As one of the protagonists of this calamity of heaven and earth, Yaozu’s anger will shake the sky and the earth, even if the sages Zhunti and the lead are discolored, they deeply feel the anger from the Yaozu , The pressure from the heaven and the earth, the demon race that carries one of the luck of the heaven and the earth, if they are desperate, even the saints will be shocked and forced to retreat, and now the demon race is really angry, and this Rage is not the biggest enemy of the Wu Clan, but the other powerful ones!

"Crazy, this is really crazy. The monster clan didn't even take action against the witch clan, but pointed the spearhead at other forces. What do they want to do, do they want to clear the field in advance? They want to unite before the final battle with the witch clan. The power of the clan wiped out the other forces?" For an instant, the hearts of the Lich and Zhunti were shocked, and there was also a hint of anxiety, worried that the spearhead would also be directed at them. If the Lich clan really reached a tacit understanding, this The war is extremely terrifying, and the West is really in crisis!

The monster clan pointed the spearhead at other forces, and the witch clan’s spearhead was fascinating to know who it would be directed at. In the entire battle, only their west was the target, and only their second sage would be targeted by the witch clan. But when such a situation happened, the consequences were really disastrous. At this moment, Zhunti had the idea of ​​turning around and leaving, but his dignity prevented him from doing so.

"Haha! Interesting, really interesting. The monster clan’s spearhead was directed at other forces, while the witch clan still did nothing. This time, the trouble of quasi-promotion and attracting is big. I want to make opportunities and want to be a saint. Come to seize the opportunity, now they are going to sit on the wax, and they have to pay a heavy price for it, but I don’t know how much karma they will be added to!” Yuanshi Tianzun felt extremely incomparable when he saw such an astonishing change. Joy, this result makes him happy.

"Junior brother, you are too happy too early. This situation is very unfavorable for mentioning and receiving, but it also shows that the situation has been out of control. If this continues, I am afraid that we will also be involved. There is an accident in the world, and when there is a change, we sages can hardly escape the involvement of cause and effect. If the quasi mention and reception are defeated in the hands of the Wu clan, do you think the majesty of the sage is still there, and what qualifications do we have? Coming to suppress the prehistoric world?" Taishang Laojun thinks and sees farther than Yuanshi Tianzun. If this happens, it will be a great disaster for all saints, and the dignity of saints will be completely trampled down. , The saint is no longer the ruler of heaven and earth, and many forces will never fear the saint anymore.

"Brother, is it possible that we have to mention and take the trouble beforehand. All this is caused by them, and they should bear the consequences. If they were not too greedy, this would not happen. We If you take action now, it will only make the situation even more uncontrollable!" Yuanshi Tianzun is not in a good mood when he mentions the two holy sages, not to mention the responsibility for the greed of the other party. This is even more impossible for Yuanshi Tianzun. Accepted.

"I hope this will not happen. If it does happen, we are afraid that we have no choice!" At this time, Taishang Laojun's mood was extremely heavy, because he felt a huge pressure on Zhunti and Lie. If all this is calculated by someone behind it, it is not just a matter for the two sages in the West, but also for all saints. Only his own teachers, Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao, can make such a big deal, and behind such madness, the goal to be directed is definitely not the little master of the nether, but the tunnel, the nether world, this It will be the beginning of the conflict between heaven and earth!

Taishang Laojun saw everything as an outsider, and Nuwa Empress, who was also an outsider, also gradually saw some of the situation at this time, and felt the tremendous pressure. She wanted to be more shocked than Sanqing, Nuwa Empress. , The mood is more serious, you must know that she is still the saint of the monster race, if all this is really unavoidable, she, the saint of the monster race will definitely be involved!

Although the battle has not yet started, everyone knows that this moment is coming soon. When the Lord of Nether answers the question of Saint Zhunti, it may be the time when the war starts, because at that moment, whether the Lord of Nether agrees or refuses, it will trigger War, and the sage Zhunti will also carry a huge cause and effect on his back. Who makes him the first saint to stand up? Who makes his appearance changes the situation again and again, makes the whole world out of balance, and he does not back the cause and effect. Who is karma!

"Thank you for the kindness of the saint, I have no idea of ​​leaving the Netherworld, nor have I joined any sects!" When the Lord of Nether said these words, many powerful enemies were relieved, and their most worried thing was It didn’t happen, but this kind of answer also made them eager to move. If it weren’t for the Saint Zhunti who was still standing in the Netherworld, they couldn’t help rushing into the Netherworld, attacking the Lord of the Nether, and killing the Lord of the Nether. The supreme authority!

"Haha! It's my wishful thinking. I originally wanted to invite fellow daoists to build the avenue together, but unfortunately the result was not satisfactory. Since fellow daoists refused, then I have nothing to say, although my appearance put fellow daoists into a little bit of crisis. However, I believe that fellow Daoists understand that we are not malicious in the West towards the Netherworld. In order to express our goodwill, brothers and I will leave now. I hope fellow Daoists will take care of you!" There is no muddling or too much gossip. Leading the two sages quickly left the Netherworld, directly gave up the immediate benefits, and disappeared without a trace before everyone had reacted!

I was dumbfounded. For a moment, everyone was dumbfounded. This result was different from what they thought. Everyone never thought that the insidious Western Second Holy Society would leave so easily, not caring about the skin, which made everyone unacceptable for a while. , Some people are even worried about whether this is a conspiracy. The Western Two Sages did not leave at all, but were hidden in the dark, and a series of divine thoughts were frantically sweeping outside the Nether World, but they did not discover the breath of the Western Two Sages.


It seems that they have already guessed the minds of the people. When they did not find the second sage of the West, for a moment, two powerful sacred auras rose from the Western world. That is the breath of inspiration and quasi-lifting. They are telling the Honghuang people. He had no conspiracy and had already withdrawn to the west, so he really wouldn't intervene in this nether world battle.

The Western Two Saints are gone, what should we do about the current situation? Demon Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, as well as Demon Master Kunpeng, are embarrassed. If they follow the previous plan, they will take a big shot against other prehistoric forces and sweep them out of the field. But now they dare not do this, because there is no Western II. Saint, the Wu Clan will have no pressure. If they do this, they will only allow the Wu Clan to reap the benefits of the fisherman. It will only save the Wu Clan group of **** **** in vain and let them take the opportunity to seize everything in the Underworld!

In fact, the Demon Emperor Jun and the others have been thinking too much. At this time, the Wu Clan had no such idea. When the Nether World was opened, the Ancestor Witches had already received a secret warning from the Houtu Ancestral Witch. They had already given up on the Netherworld. The world's thoughts, although the authority of the Netherworld is good, the limitations of the Netherworld are even greater. The most important thing is that they all believe in the Houtu Ancestral Witch.

Under the current situation, it is most beneficial to the Wu Clan. As long as they do not fight for the power of the Netherworld, do not take action against the Lord of the Nether, and do not have any maliciousness, they will stand in an invincible place, and they are truly free to advance and retreat. You can watch the changes and see how the Yaozu chooses. For them, there is nothing more pleasant than watching the enemy make a fool of yourself!

"Demon King, why don't we discuss it with the Witch Clan. We should work together to clean up these ignorant bastards, and then fight for the power of the Netherworld!" Facing such an embarrassing situation, the demon master Kunpeng had to speak to break the deadlock. If you don’t say what you think, the best choice for the monster clan is not to unite with the witch clan, but to retreat directly and sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. It just doesn’t work at all, because many big sages of the monster clan can’t let go. Even the demon emperor Jun himself can’t let go of this greed, and of course the demon master Kunpeng is the same. No one can let go of the greed of supreme authority!

Without waiting for Demon Emperor Jun to speak, Dong Huang Taiyi said in a deep voice: "Impossible, the Wu Clan will not agree. We will only lose the skin when we speak, and there will be no gain. There is no choice. Let's go to war. Without saints, we don’t have to do so much consideration. Since those **** dare to calculate us, they have to pay the price, but we don’t need to target Styx, we only target the weak ants, and they are our goal. !"

If the Styx is not moved, it is naturally left to the Witch Clan and let the Witch Clan contain the Witch Clan. Whether the Witch Clan wants to seize the power of the Netherworld or not, if the Styx is there, it will buy time for the Monster Clan. To relieve the pressure on his body, as long as there is a little time, Donghuang Taiyi believes that with the strength of the monster clan, he can sweep the group of **** ants in front of him!

"Kill!" He didn't hesitate too much. At this time, the demon clan could not hesitate. If you can't make a decision quickly, it will only cause problems within the demon clan, and even civil strife. Therefore, the demon emperor Jun immediately did it. After the decision to war, the entire monster tribe army slew like a tide to the many forces that had not had time to react.

The war began, and the killings began. Under the leadership of Demon Emperor Jun, the monster clan madly attacked other forces. At the moment of the war, the two sages of the West felt that their own cause and effect were a little more. Fortunately this time They retreated quickly and didn't get involved too much in this battle, otherwise it wasn't the causal karma at this point.

"Huh, the monster race is really a group of **** who are bullying and afraid of hardship. It is obvious that there is a strong enemy like the witch race in front of them, but they dare not take action. Instead, they target those weak forces, even Styx and Ashura. Don’t dare to fight, it seems that the monster clan is really in decline!" Yuanshi Tianzun was very dissatisfied with this result. This was not the result he wanted to see. What he wanted to see was the battle between the lich clan. It’s the two defeats of the Lich family, or else it’s the battle of the Netherworld. In fact, in Yuanshi Tianzun’s heart, he still wants to see the fall of the Lord of the Nether. For him, he never gave up his idea of ​​authority over the Netherworld. , All want to seize this opportunity, want to win this supreme power!

"You **** lunatics, have the ability to fight against the Witch Clan, and it's nothing to vent their anger with weak people like us!" When I was caught off guard by the monster clan's surprise attack, and was killed by blood, those prehistoric forces attacked by the monster clan They cursed one after another, but unfortunately their cursing couldn't change their own destiny. The Yaozu didn't care about all of this. For the Yaozu, it was time to clear the market, it was time to settle the cause and effect, and nothing else was important.

What if the Wu Clan is a deadly enemy of the Monster Clan, now is not the time for a decisive battle, and the wizard Clan has Styx and Asura's control, there is no need to worry, as for the supreme authority of the Netherworld, let alone worry, Styx is also Well, Wu Fang didn't dare to act rashly, they would all take care of each other, and this harmony is the opportunity for the monster race.

A powerful man fell under the butcher knife of the demon race. Their death brought nourishment to the Nether World, and their fall was further perfecting the Nether World. These dead powerhouses, at the moment of death, their The soul was swallowed by the six reincarnations. Almost most of the strong were led away by the six reincarnations. Only a small group of people were directly beaten by the lunatics of the demon race, and they were completely dissipated between the world and the earth, even the chance of reincarnation. No.

Karma, the great karma, heaven is precious, so many powerful people have been beaten to death. For the monster race, it is necessary to carry a huge karma, but for the monster race today, it does not care about this karma. , From the moment the Lich’s calamity began, Demon Emperor Jun knew how dangerous the situation he was going to face, how dangerous the road to hegemony that the demon race was taking, if even this bit of causal karma I dare not bear it. What qualifications does the monster race have to compete with the witch race for the protagonist of the world, what qualifications does it have to fight against the witch race? This causal karma is only just beginning, and the more terrifying karma is still to come. Arrival, is the time when karma is the most terrifying, and also when the two races' fortunes collide the most vicious! At that time, countless creatures will die, and more creatures will be involved in this **** battle, and the entire prehistoric world will be hit hard by this battle!

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