God of Destruction

Chapter 4393: Jie Liwei

Chapter 4399: Liwei

"This is the power of cause and effect. This is the power of authenticity. It is really powerful. Even the pinnacle quasi-sage like the ancestor of Styx will be imprisoned, and will be cut off from the sea of ​​blood. If Styx cannot break free from the shackles of this power , He will inevitably be beheaded, he will inevitably lose this part of his power, and even if he is blessed by the power of the sea of ​​blood and the immortality of the river, his soul will be greatly traumatized!" As the lord of the six reincarnations The Tuzu Witch could see the problem at a glance, and understood how terrifying the power of the Dao of Causality and the Supreme Authority is, and this is just the beginning, the true power has not fully exploded, perhaps in the world of the underworld, the origin of the Dao and the cause and effect Power, coupled with the power of supreme authority, can truly challenge the saint and suppress the saint. There is no possibility of victory for a single saint here.

In fact, the Houtu ancestor witch still underestimated the power of the tunnel. If it is said that in the nether world, even the saints can fight against it with her supreme status of the lord of the six reincarnations, and the perfect tunnel power, The power of cause and effect cannot be resisted by all the saints at all, only the Dao of Heaven has the ability to fight against it, and the power of the Dao of Heaven restricts the existence of the tunnel.

When I saw that the Lord of the Nether suppressed and imprisoned the Ancestor Styx in an instant, the expressions of the ancestors of the Witch Clan became extremely solemn, and their personal strength was not much stronger than the Ancestor Styx. If they were replaced by them, there would be no possibility of being spared either. The Netherworld was really as dangerous as the Houtu Ancestral Witch had said, and it was the best choice for everyone to not shoot.

"Hehe, now we can watch the changes and watch the performance of the monster race. Didn’t that **** Dijun want to seize the supreme authority? I would like to see what power he uses to fight the power of cause and effect and the power of this supreme. I hope the Monster Race can hold on for a while and don't be overthrown too soon!" Although I was wary of the Lord of the Nether, the Ancestral Witch Dijiang still spoke these words, so that everyone in the Wu Race can relax. , So that everyone can relax and watch the monster clan unlucky, it is a great happy event for all the witch clan, you can weaken the strength of the monster clan without having to do it yourself, this is a great thing!

At this time, the two sages who are far away in the West, Zhunti and Invited, looked extremely solemn. They were not worried about the increased causal karma in their bodies, but were shocked by the battle of the Nether World. Although they retreated from the Nether World , But they never gave up their attention to the Netherworld. When they saw this result, their mood was naturally extremely solemn.

"Sure enough, the **** of Styx was instantly suppressed by the power of the Cause and Effect Avenue, was bound by the power of the tunnel, and even severed his connection with the sea of ​​blood. If the kid is crazy enough, he can completely kill the gangster. By dividing the origin, it can severely damage the soul of Styx, causing it to pay a heavy price. Even if it was not for the sea of ​​blood to protect the Styx, he would be dead for ten years. The Netherworld is indeed more dangerous than we thought. Everything is really just one round, one against us!" Zhunti Saint said this with a sullen face, and this result made it difficult for him to accept.

"Yeah, we are really taken too much. The Netherworld, tunnels have unimaginable power. The Lord of the Nether can use the power of cause and effect to suppress the Styx with the supreme power, and also has the ability to suppress our saints. If such power is aimed at We are here, without the help of the power of heaven, we saints cannot break free from the shackles of the tunnel, will be suppressed by the tunnel, and will be backlashed by cause and effect. The power of the road of cause and effect is one of the most terrifying forces and one of the most difficult to prevent. One!" When speaking of this, a faint loss flashed in the eyes of the leading saint, as well as a faint unwillingness.

Obviously the opportunity was right in front of him, but he couldn't seize it. Moreover, this so-called opportunity was really heavenly as he had guessed before, and even the calculations laid down by his teacher Hongjun Daozu. This result made him difficult to accept.

Saint Zhunti sighed and said: "It's a pity, if we can persuade the Lord of the Nether to join the West, this power will be used by us, and we won't have to compromise with the Sanqing, and we can participate in the great luck. In the fight, there is no need to be afraid of Sanqing’s counterattack! The power of cause and effect is really strong, and the power of supreme authority is beyond our imagination!"

When he said this, Zhun said the voice of the saint, took a deep breath, and said: "Brother, what do you think the Lord of the Nether will do? Will you let the **** Styx leave? Give it to Ashura Will the army come back to life?"

The leading saint shook his head gently and said: "Impossible, the other party will not let Styx. When Styx made an impact on the Netherworld, his fate has already been set, and no one can do it wrong. If you don’t pay for things, Styx is no exception. Even we are burdened with a bit of causal karma. Do you think Styx can retreat completely?"

"Killing and Liwei? Brother is saying that Nether's main murder and power, use the death of Styx to demonstrate to the land?"

The leading sage nodded and said: "That's it, such a great opportunity, the Lord of the Nether will not let it go, and not only Styx, but also the demon clan, even if the Demon Emperor Jun is more powerful, he must To pay the price, I have to admit that the witches really made the right choice this time. It seems that the Houtu ancestor witch persuaded them to give up the power to fight for supreme authority. The Houtu ancestor witch knows how powerful the power of the Lord of the Nether is and knows the power of the tunnel How horrible, it pushed everything in front of me with one hand."

"Killing with a knife, what a Houtu ancestor witch, she wants to use the hand of the Lord of the Nether to weaken the power of the monster race. The monster emperor Jun and the **** of the monster race have to pay a heavy price for their greed. The Asura army under He will be much safer, the Lord of the Nether will use Styx to stand up, but will not kill them!" At this time, the Saint Zhunti could not help but sighed, this result It made him feel extremely solemn, and this result was also something he didn't want to see.


The leading saint sighed softly: "Oh! I just don't know what Nuwa Empress will do, will she sit on the sidelines, watching the monster clan being hit by the Lord of the Nether, watching the power of the monster clan being weakened, if she can't bear it If you stop it, will the Lord of the Nether use the power of the tunnels and the source of the Netherworld to suppress it, will it trigger a battle between the heavens and the tunnels?"

As far as the Sage is concerned, he hopes to see such a situation happen, to see the tunnel and the heaven, and to see the Nuwa Empress involved in this battle. Only in this way can he truly understand the power of the tunnel. Only then can you truly understand the power of the Netherworld, understand how powerful the power of the supreme authority is, and be able to guard yourself in the future!

"I'm afraid it's impossible. If Empress Nuwa really had to intervene, she would have taken action before. Now that such a big thing has happened, she will only hide before it is too late. Why would she take the initiative to step forward? , She is her. You must know that she is not only the saint of the monster race, but also the mother of the human race. The luck of the monster race is damaged, although it will affect her to a certain extent, but it is not serious, and at this time she even wants The Wu Clan and the Houtu Ancestral Witch may not make her wish. Even a newly born innate **** and demon like the Lord of the Nether can suppress the Styx. In the future, the power and realm of the Houtu Witch will meet in the Nether World. Can’t suppress Empress Nuwa? It really detonates the Lich War. As a saint, will Nuwa, who is a saint, be willing to bear the terrible backlash of luck!"

When talking about this, Saint Zhunti shook his head lightly and continued: "Impossible, if I were replaced by me, I would not do this, nor would I accept such a result, for the destined monster race, Lose one's luck, and forge great cause and effect with the tunnels, and may even trigger a duel between the real estate and the people and the heavens. Even the saints cannot bear the causal backlash of Ning Chan and will suffer devastating Fight, Empress Nuwa would not be so unwise!"

Then the saint sighed and said: "Yes, it is true that it will not do this, and no one will do it. He knows that things cannot be done, and must do it forcibly, put yourself in danger, and let yourself bear the great cause and effect of that day. Karma, this time the Lich War is really out of control. What exactly will Tiandao and Teacher Hongjun do? Let this situation happen!"

I have thought too much about attracting saints. From this moment on, Hongjun Daozu is involuntary. It is impossible for him to detonate the duel between heaven and earth for this little thing, and it is impossible for a destructive battle between the prehistoric world and the land, if it is a lich He can still control the battle between the two races, and he can also lock in the influence of the battle on the prehistoric world, but if it is a duel between the heavens and the tunnels, this is beyond the control of Hongjun Daozu. Once it breaks out, it is really out of control. , There is even the possibility of destroying the land!

Everything is just as the sages of Jiuyue and Zhunti said. Today's Yaozu is really embarrassed. They are in a dilemma. In their original assumptions, this kind of thing would not happen. The Wuzu would not stand by or let go. The ancestor He seized the supreme authority of the Netherworld, but now the Wu Clan really looked on with cold eyes, letting Styx step into the trap.

Yes, at this moment, although Demon Emperor Jun is unwilling to admit it, he has to admit that this is a trap, a trap that makes it difficult for everyone to get out of the game once they step in. The fate of the ancestor of Styx is for all those who enter the game. End!

"Everyone, we can't sit and wait. Although I don't want to admit it, the current situation shows that we have been calculated and we have been calculated. Now that we want to retreat from the Netherworld, we must unite and not have any selfishness. , Any mistake will make us into a desperate situation. Don’t expect Empress Nuwa to save her. Now she hasn’t taken any action. She is either trapped or dare not act rashly. Now we can only do our best to pay for it. We don’t know how powerful the origin is, but it’s enough to prove its terrifying ability to imprison the Styx. I need everyone to use all their power to draw on the power of Zhou Tian and the stars to break the netherworld. The force field of the world, so as to get out of trouble!"

This is the idea of ​​Demon Emperor Jun, and it is the only vitality of the Demon Race. In his opinion, only the power of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array can make the Demon Race retreat all over, and only the power of the Zhoutian Star Dou Array. In order to break all the shackles, and the premise is that all the strong monsters can unite as one and can do their best. If one person has selfishness, everyone will be in desperate situation, suppressed by the Netherworld, and given by the Witch. The plot ended in a dead end.

Of course, they have another choice, which is to wait for Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu to take action. This is a calamity of heaven and earth. If Tiandao does not want to see the situation out of control, and does not want to see the Wu family dominate, they will not let the monster family dominate. In such a desperate situation, they will definitely help them get out of trouble, but since then, the monster race will inevitably owe great cause and effect, will be controlled by the heavens, and carry endless karma. This is the same for the monster race. Not a good choice.

"Fight, we have no choice. Whether it is for our own life or death or for the survival of the monster race, we have to sacrifice our lives. Only by uniting together can we escape from this sinister trap!" As the demon master, Kunpeng stood up and supported Demon Emperor Jun’s opinion at the first time, and was willing to give his life to fight. In such a dangerous situation, this is the only chance to break the situation and the only hope for getting out of trouble. If even they cannot Unite as one, there is only one dead end!

Although many monsters are reluctant to accept it, they are stronger than others. These monsters are indeed in desperate situation. Even if the witches do not attack them at a critical moment, they must use their power to break the situation. Pay a huge price, if they can't work together, can't unite, naturally can't break free from the shackles of the Nether World.

Now they still have a little time to think and discuss. If the Lord of the Nether solves the ancestors of the Styx and solves the Asura family, they will not have time to consider all this, and they must face the suppression from the Netherworld. From the killing of the Lord of the Nether, their arrogant aura had offended the Lord of the Nether, and they had no retreat.

"The monster race is going to work hard, but I don’t know if they can break the shackles of the nether world and break away from the source of the nether world. If the monster clan can’t do this, the large number of witches will really lose control. The pattern will also be completely broken. I don’t know what the teacher and Tiandao are thinking about, what they are going to do, and can tolerate such a situation!” At this time, Sanqing’s mood was extremely heavy, and this situation made them unacceptable. The heart is jealous.

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