God of Destruction

Chapter 4394: Festival

Chapter 4400: Slaying the Styx

The current situation makes many people's minds vigilant. The more cold-eyed they are, the more they can see the essence behind this matter, and the more they can understand how terrible calculations are in this Lich's calamity. I know what's going on with the Witch Clan. I don’t know if the Witch Clan has understood the essence of the problem and can remain calm. It is too abnormal to face such a big temptation, but the Monster Clan is greedy. Bumped into the trap!

Yes, for all the saints, the Netherworld is considered to be a huge trap, a trap that exists to bury many people. There are the calculations of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu, and there are authentic calculations, which can be said to be Heavenly Dao. In a confrontation with the tunnels, the prehistoric creatures are the pawns in this contest, but no one thought that the second sage jumped out of the trap first, and then even the witches jumped out of the trap, only the demon The clan stepped into the trap!

Taishang Laojun sighed softly and said: "What the teacher thinks we don’t need to care, because we can’t change everything. All we can do is wait and wait quietly for the end of everything. During the calamity, even if we are the honor of saints, it is best not to participate in it. Don't be contaminated with the cause and effect. Look at the fate of the quasi mention and the lead. You should understand the terrible amount of the calamity. The saints are all dragged into the water. Possibly, if Dao is no longer a monopoly today, the emergence of Dao has broken the situation where the Dao dominates the land, everything is developing in the unknown direction, and the unknown is the most terrifying!"

Unknown means unlimited possibilities. If it is the pattern of the dominion of the heavens, even the saints will not worry about their lives, but now the situation of the dominance of the heavens has been broken, and the saints also have the possibility of perishing. Even the saints have to retreat from the confrontation, and they have to be cautious and dealt with, otherwise they have to pay a heavy price.

"Fight, let them fight a battle, just use the hands of the monster race to explore the reality of the nether world, just a newly born innate **** and demon, dare to be so arrogant, we need to be treated with caution, now he It’s so crazy, if you wait for him to step into the realm of quasi-sage, I’m afraid that even us saints won’t pay attention to it!” At this point, Yuanshi Tianzun’s scorpion flashed with a horrible killing intent, that was to the Lord of Netherworld It can be said that the appearance of the Lord of the Nether is opposed to his own Dao. In the past, Yuanshi Tianzun was targeting the Master of Tongtian, thinking that the existence of Jiujiao was disrespect to the Dao of Heaven, but now the appearance of the Dao makes him angry. They are all gathered on the body of the Lord of the Nether, which indirectly alleviated the contradiction between him and the Lord Tongtian!

There is no way to retreat from the Great Dao dispute. Yuanshi Tianzun, who is the leader of elucidation, is under the greatest pressure at this moment. If the arrival of the tunnel has the greatest impact on all saints, the natural first to bear the brunt is Yuanshi Tianzun, the master of elucidation. But he can't act rashly, and he can't make a big shot to contaminate the heavens and the earth, and damage his luck. Under such circumstances, he naturally hopes to see the showdown between the monster race and the master of the nether, and understand the strength of the master of the nether and the world of the nether. the power of!

In the sighs of the Sanqing and All Saints, the suppressed Ancestor Styx was not as unbearable as he thought. Although he was shocked by the power of the Lord of the Nether, the Ancestor Styx did not want to be subdued, in his opinion it was even If he loses a little strength, he cannot be softened to a junior, and if he is softened, his majesty in the prehistoric world will no longer exist. Such consequences are even more unwilling to see and cannot accept. After all, Styx The ancestors dominated the world by killing!

"Junior, you can't do anything to me, even if I suppress my current body, at most it will only cost me a little bit of origin. The sea of ​​blood will not dry, and the Styx will not die. You can't kill me. Our cause and effect are forged. !" I have to say that when he recovered his calm, the ancestor Styx was very tough, without any fear. For him, death was just a little source of consumption, and he could resurrect himself from the sea of ​​blood. .

"The sea of ​​blood does not wither, and the river of Styx does not die. This is indeed a little capable, but if you think that this will make me give in and let me stop, you think too much. Since you are not afraid of death or cause and effect, then I will give you When you die, let you know what will happen if you are hostile to the underground world and the Netherworld, and let you know how much you will pay for doing something wrong!" When it comes to this, the murderous intent on the Lord of the Nether erupts frantically , There was a terrible aura in this killing intent, which was the aura of the end of the Great Avenue.

Does the Lord of the Nether want to end the life of Styx with the power of ending the great road? Does he want to completely destroy his life with the power of ending? No, the Lord of the Nether does not want to expose his road to the end at this time. He just wants to teach Styx a profound lesson. He wants to deter all powerful enemies and let them see the power of authentic authority and the power of supreme power. ! ]

"As the lord of the world, I summon the power of the rules of the world, and as the lord of the nether, I request the arrival of tunnel cause and effect. I control the tunnel cause and effect, and the authority of the nether. As the voice of the Lord of the Nether fell, a powerful causal force, the supreme power burst out, pointing directly at the ancestor of the river.

At the same time, when this voice fell, the Houtu Ancestral Witch, who was the lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, also felt the influence of the Netherworld on the Six Paths of Reincarnation. A powerful force was erasing the status of the Lord of Asura, Ashura. The power of the Tao was obliterated and merged into the origin of the six realms of reincarnation, the Lord of Asura dissipated in the six realms of reincarnation, in the nether world!

When the fruit position of the Lord of Asura among the six reincarnations was erased, the look of the ancestor of Styx changed drastically. He felt that the opportunity of great benefit with him disappeared, and he had not waited for him to understand what was going on. , The power of the Great Way of Causality descended on him, and the Great Way of Causality was strangling his body, strangling the trace of the soul in his body!


Just a parable, the ancestor of Styx paid a heavy price for his arrogance. His body in the Nether World was beheaded, his body was swallowed by the Nether World, and a trace of his soul was strangled by the Dao of Cause and Effect. , And this is not important, the most important thing is that his ignorance ruined his original status as the master of Asura!

"Damn, this lunatic really killed the ancestor of the Styx directly, and completely wiped out the primordial spirit of the ancestor of the Styx, but what is the status of the master of the Asura?" When all this happened, Yuanshi Tianzun’s expression changed drastically. He could have felt that the Lord of Asura’s Attainment Status was unusual, but now it’s in the midst of the calamity of heaven and earth. What kind of existence is the main fruit position.

At this time, not only Yuanshi Tianzun was wondering, but the Taishang Laojun and Tongtian cult leader were also puzzled. The same was true of the Western Two Saints, and the Nuwa Empress was the same, because although they were saints, they were related to those of the six reincarnations. The fruit position has nothing to do with them. They cannot feel the effect of the disappearance of the fruit position, but they can feel the fruit position extraordinary by instinct!

However, as the lord of the six reincarnations, the Houtu ancestor witch understood the power of the master of the Asuras in an instant, and felt the value of these six reincarnations. As the lord of the six reincarnations, Shangqi The secret of the six reincarnations has not been discovered, and the secret of being known by an outsider like the Lord of the Nether horrified the mind of the Houtu Ancestral Witch.

With the existence of the six stages of reincarnation, this means that the witch path can protect a powerful witch family and help an ancestral witch. When such a thought came to his mind, the Houtu ancestral witch could not help but beat others. The thoughts of several Taoist masters, it’s just that when such thoughts were born, the ancestral witch of Hou Tu felt a palpitation and a warning from the depths of the soul. If he really did this, he would inevitably suffer a terrible backlash and even pay more. A heavy price.

"Each position of the Taoist Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation has extraordinary power, carrying a huge cause and effect, even if I, as the master of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, cannot fight the ideas of these six Daoists. This is an authentic rule. , Under the rules, no one can violate it, but why the Lord of Nether erased the status of the Lord of Asura and did not receive a bit of backlash. What is going on, and what secrets are hidden in it? There are rules of reincarnation that I don’t know!” At this time, the ancestor witch Houtu secretly calculated that, it is a pity that she is now a calamity, and as an ancestor witch, although she is now the lord of the six reincarnations, Still not completely free from the tribulation of heaven and earth, still in the tribulation, naturally it is impossible to know the secrets of it!

Although there are thousands of doubts in his heart, the Houtu Ancestral Witch understands that this is not the time for him to ask, let alone the slightest doubt, he must be calm and calm, and there must be nothing wrong with it, or it will let the saints have it. What I perceive, with the power of all saints, it is very possible to perceive something from this slight change. Sanqing and the Western Second Sage may not be too threatening, but the Nuwa Empress is different, she is a demon saint, once she is aware of it, she will do something!

Among the six reincarnations, there are animal dao, which is very important for the monster race. Once the other party is aware of it, it is not a good thing for the witch race. Such a situation is unwilling to see the Houtu ancestor witch. Therefore, Ren Shi has a thousand doubts and anxiety in her heart, her complexion is still calm as usual, without the slightest change, as if everything is under her control!

In just an instant, the Lord of the Nether used the power of the world's authority and used the power of the supreme to kill the body of the ancestor of the Styx. This blow directly shocked all the forces in the entire prehistoric, making all the forces never go again. Don't dare to underestimate the Lord of the Nether, even if the greed in their hearts is not completely eliminated, no one will take action against the Nether world for a while. At least they have not found a countermeasure against the Lord of the Nether. No one wants to test the law with their own body and risk their own lives. Although the Supreme Attainment status is good, their own lives are more important. Without their lives, everything is gone.

The death of the Ancestor Styx was only a matter of a moment, and when the Ancestor Styx was killed, the Lord of the Nether felt a pure murderous aura pouring into him, and a more powerful breath of death pouring into him. He was strengthening his origin of the Great Way of End, but unfortunately there was no treasure in the Ancestor of Styx this time. Although the Lord of Nether killed it, there was no big gain.

Yes, although the ancestor of Styx is crazy and arrogant, he didn’t do everything he could before he had no absolute certainty. He didn’t have any innate treasure on his body. It can be seen that he is cautious, and that he has failed in this battle. However, he did not try his best, and still made all the great forces of the great and wild to be jealous. After all, the ancestor of Styx failed in this battle a bit abnormally, as if all this was just his temptation, and he did not care about the little impact of death. , Otherwise the sea of ​​blood won't be so peaceful at this time.

"What an ancestor of Styx, what a crazy move, what a crazy calculation, to test the void of the Lord of the Nether at the expense of himself, to test the power of the cause and effect road, although a little bit of origin is lost, a little bit of yuan is lost God, but he also has a certain understanding of the Lord of the Netherworld. This price is worth paying, but I don’t know if the Yaozu will do the same, or whether he will try the law like the ancestor of the Nether River!" When he got a treasure from Ancestor Styx, the Lord of Nether immediately understood the other party's thoughts and the calculations of Old Ancestor Styx, which had a great impact on the Lord of Nether.

I am crazy enough, but compared with the ancestor Styx, he is still not crazy enough. The ancestor Styx is the real ruthless person. In order to get the information he wants, he dares to risk his life even though he has blood. The amulet has the amulet that the sea of ​​blood is not bitter and the river is immortal, but this is not true immortality. In front of the tunnel, in front of the heaven, and even in the nether world, he still has the possibility of being killed, but the old Styx Zu did it, and he did it so cleanly!

"Well, since the ancestors of Styx made such a sacrifice, I don't have to continue to fight against it. These asuras will let them go. Killing them will not bring much gain. It will only make The ancestors of the Styx hate me even more, and will only give the monsters a chance to let those **** monsters find a chance to break the game!" Yes, at this moment, the Lord of the Nether senses the threat from the monsters and feels'Zhou The power impact of the Star Dou Great Array. Facing the threat of the ‘Zhou Tian Star Fighting Array’, the Lord of the Nether had to be cautious and had to devote all his energy to the monster races in front of him to prevent accidents!

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