God of Destruction

Chapter 4395: Festival Stars

Chapter 4401

The Lord of Nether understands how powerful the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array is. After all, in the calculations of the time gods and demons in the previous life, he became the Xingtian, inherited the cause and effect of the Wu clan, and personally felt the guidance of the time gods and demons. The'Stars of Zhou Dynasty' below, even if this'Stars of Zhou Dynasty' is just a fake, the power is also unmatched, not to mention that the one in front of you is still genuine.

Condensing the power of all the strong monsters, although this'Zhou Tianxing Dou Array' is not complete, but with the existence of Demon Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, the power of the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Array' is still considerable, making Netherworld The Lord had to treat it with caution. This is not an ordinary duel, but a life-and-death contest. If he loses in this battle, the Yaozu decisive battle will take the opportunity to kill and take all the benefits from himself. In this case , The Lord of Nether had to deal with it carefully, after all, his own power had not fully exploded, nor could it fully exploded, but the monster race could do his best.

Of course, the Lord of the Nether did not fail to see the existence of the witches outside the world, but the Lord of the Nether did not think that these witches were helping him at this time, and he also did not think about pinning his life and death on the witches. From the clan’s body, it’s hard to eliminate all the causality that he was carrying. Now the Lord of the Nether does not want to have a causal relationship with the Witch Clan, and does not want to put himself in a great crisis and let himself be affected by the Lich Catastrophe. .

The power of cause and effect, the Lord of Nether understands that he wants to succeed in a battle, and the first battle has dealt a heavy blow to the monster race, once again deterring all the powerful enemies, must rely on the power of the cause and effect road, only the power of the cause and effect road can make himself in It succeeded after exposing many methods, and it dealt a heavy blow to the Yaozu while keeping its own secrets!

"Hurry up and leave. Although you are under Stygx, I am not crazy enough to bully the big and the small and take action against you people. If you continue to stay in the nether world, I will not guarantee your life. Safe!" Looking up at the Asura army in front of him, the Lord of the Nether said flatly, there is no killing intent in his eyes. For these Asura army, the Lord of the Nether is not worth the shot, and it is not worth a little bit of killing. , A little bit of death origin makes a big shot, even if you want to gather murderous aura and accumulate death aura, those damned monster races are the best choice.

Nowadays, the most important thing for the Lord of the Nether is to repel the demon clan and use the demon clan to stand up, and the Asura clan is not worth fighting any more. In this case, it is best to let it go freely. Choose, as long as you defeat the monster race, the Netherworld will be truly safe. Then the Netherworld will not be what it is now, there will be a complete defense force, the catastrophe of the Netherworld will be over, and you can truly control the Netherworld. The original rules of the world.

In the understanding of the Lord of the Nether, the conflict before him is the human calamity that the Nether world opened. As for the Houtu Ancestor Witch knows whether or not the Lord of the Nether is willing to think, it doesn’t matter if the other party knows it or doesn’t know, in short, Netherworld The Lord has never placed all hopes on the other party, nor has he thought of relying on the power of the Houtu Ancestral Witch and Witch Clan to guard the Netherworld! Your own territory, your own decision, no matter how powerful the enemy is, you have the confidence to defeat it. This is the confidence of the Lord of the World, this is the responsibility that you must bear, the responsibility of the Lord of the World!

If the lord of one world does not have confidence in guarding the world, can this world still exist, and how can he be recognized by the world origin. For the world origin, what is needed is a deity with indomitableness and death. The lord of the world, the guardian of the world, is not a double-hearted, courageous waste. If there is no existence of the Lord of the Nether, the Houtu Ancestral Witch is the master of the Netherworld. It is a pity that the Houtu Witch’s wrong choice was in vain. He ruined this great opportunity, and passed the fruition status of the Lord of the World, letting myself miss this great opportunity.

Although the asuras are extremely loyal to the ancestors of the Styx, loyalty will not make them willing to accept death. When there is vitality, they naturally choose to live. Now the Lord of the Nether lets them leave, leaving these Asuras with the last That little bit of fighting spirit disappeared, and even the ancestors of his family died. What kind of will to fight for these'ants'? If they have a chance to survive, they are fools, and no one wants to face death.

In an instant, these asuras saluted the Lord of the Nether one after another, and then fled the Nether World frantically without looking back. For them, if they leave early, they will be able to survive. As for the so-called chance, they all forget about it. Rear.

Fierce! I have to say that after this battle, the Lord of Nether's fierce prestige is too strong, so that the Asuras who mainly focus on fighting and killing are terrified. If the ancestors of the river provoke the Lord of Nether again next time, can he get this group of subordinates? The recognition of the Asura army is difficult, after all, the impression left by this battle is too deep, and the fierce power of the Lord of the Nether is too terrifying.

auzw.com "Hehe! This is the Asura created by Styghe. He doesn't even have the courage to fight against a real strong man. It really loses the face of his own race, such a race. There is no need for existence at all!" Seeing the asura army flee, the eyes of the monster emperor Jun flashed with endless anger and unwillingness. Originally, in his opinion, this might be a chance for the monster race to be able to pull these asuras as cannon fodder. , Sharing part of the power of the Lord of the Nether, and now his plan is shattered, this group of **** Asuras fled directly, and even the idea of ​​resistance did not have any desire or hope to fight.

If the Asura army knew what the Demon Emperor Jun said, they would definitely yell at the Demon Emperor Pang Jun for shamelessness. In the face of absolute power, any resistance would be stupid. They knew it was a dead end, but they had to go to death. , They are fools, they don’t want to be fools, they don’t want to be cannon fodder for the monsters, even if they have to fight against the Lord of the Nether, it is not at this time, they will not help the monsters, they will not cause trouble to the Asuras, and cause more trouble. danger.

Yes, for the Asura clan, if they dared to resist at this time and stood with the monster clan, the consequences would be really dangerous. The witch clan who has been standing outside the nether world is not a display, is it This situation will be allowed to happen, and the power of the monster clan will not be greatly increased. If the Asuras dare to join forces with the monster clan, they will suffer the **** slaughter of the witch clan the first time, and the witch clan will definitely give A lesson for the Asuras, a lesson for the ancestors of the Styx!

At this time, the demon master Kunpeng sighed and said: "Demon King, forget it, originally we didn't expect this group of Asuras to do anything. Their greatest use is cannon fodder, which is to arouse the old Styx after they die. The ancestor’s deeper killing intent allowed the **** Styx to descend into the Netherworld once again and fight against the Nether Lord, but it seems impossible at the moment. The Styx ancestor did not fight to the end with the Nether Lord. Determined, otherwise he wouldn’t have left a treasure with him. He had already planned for the worst. This **** seemed to be very arrogant and domineering, but he was the most cautious person, this bastard. Even more sinister and cunning than the second sage in the West, we all look down on this bastard!

"Yeah, we all underestimate the **** Styx. He is the one who hides the deepest. If it weren't for this battle, we might not know that the **** Styx had such a plan. If it weren't created by the bastard. Shura is controlled by the sea of ​​blood, I am afraid that he is also qualified to participate in the Lich's Tribulation, to participate in the battle for the protagonist of heaven and earth, but this exposure is bound to be a heavy blow to Styx. I'm afraid I won't let him go easily, letting go of his Asuras! Regarding Styx, we don't need to pay attention anymore. We must rush out of the Netherworld with absolute power, and we won't give the Witchs anything to intercept us. Opportunity, or the result will be unimaginable!" When he said this, the Demon Emperor sighed uncontrollably. Although a large part of the cause of this was the internal problems of the Demon Race and the greed of the Demon Race, he himself This demon king also has to take on a small part of the responsibility. It is because he has not guided the demon clan well, and because he has been stunned by his interests, will the situation develop to the current level, making the situation uncontrollable. The Yaozu fell into this terrible crisis.

Of course, the demon emperor Jun at this time still has confidence in himself and the demon race. He believes that the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array' he possesses can successfully break through the power of the Netherworld, and will surely be able to bring many demon races together. Back to heaven. Having such confidence is not only the belief brought about by the "Stars of Zhou Dynasty", but also the element of the Nuwa Empress. The Demon Emperor Jun believes that if the Demon Race is really in danger, the Nuwa Empress will not Will stand idly by, and will not watch them, the elite of the monster race die in the nether world, even the Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu will not be willing to see such a result.

I have to say that in the silence, the demon emperor Jun actually pinned his life and the death of the demon clan on outsiders. Although his ideas are very reasonable and workable, they are confident in himself. Insufficiency, a misstep to the demon clan, when a demon king like himself has no absolute faith, can the demon clan be able to last?

"Okay, very good. Asura has left, and the decisive battle is just beginning. This time, let’s see what methods the ignorant **** of the Demon Race have, and see what power they use to fight against the Netherworld and one world. They will inevitably pay a heavy price and inform everyone to prepare for a decisive battle. As long as the monster clan loses and suffers great damage, it is when our witch clan strikes and we strangle the monster clan!" See this In the circumstances, Ancestral Witch Dijiang's eyes flashed with joy, and in that joy was also full of endless killing intent, killing intent to the monster race!

The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come. Such a great opportunity to destroy the monster race, if they don’t grasp it well, they should really be sorry for themselves, and also sorry for the master of the ghost who created this opportunity for the witch race. As long as the monster race can be destroyed, the witch race will Will become the protagonist of heaven and earth, and will master the power of humanity among the three realms of heaven, earth and man. Even if the origin of humanity is partly swallowed by heaven, it is enough for the witch tribe to expand its own race, and even enable them to ancestral witches. See the hope of a humane saint.

The witch race was happy, but it was extremely solemn to all the saints. The situation they were most worried about happened. The power of the lich race began to lose balance. Once the power of the witch race was hit by the Lord of Nether, the loss was heavy. , The balance of the prehistoric world will be broken. With the mind of the ancestral witches of the Wu clan, they will never let go of this opportunity. They will definitely take the opportunity to strangle the demon clan, completely erase the power of the demon clan, and let the entire prehistoric world fall into the witch clan Under control, let the Wu Clan become the protagonist of heaven and earth!

"Brother, the Demon Race is dangerous. This is very detrimental to us. Once the Demon Race falls, the entire prehistoric world will fall into the hands of the Wu Clan, and the Wu Clan will inevitably become the protagonist of the world. Then we will not have the opportunity to repay the world. Because of cause and effect, we will inevitably suffer a backlash from heaven and earth, and we must prevent this from happening!" At this time, Saint Zhunti, who was deeply affected by the catastrophe, couldn't help but become nervous, and wanted to stop all of this and prevent the demise of the Yaozu.

The leading sage sighed and said, "Stop, what shall we use to stop it? Is the power of the sage still the power of the heavens? If we take action, it will only trigger a duel between the heavens and the real. Is the cause and effect that you and I can afford? And now we are so anxious that it should not be us, but the way of heaven. If the balance between heaven and earth is really broken, if the Wu clan really becomes the protagonist of heaven and earth, the most nervous is Tian Dao, teacher Hongjun, and if the way of heaven is controlled, the cause and effect in us will also be A lot of it will be eliminated, and we can wait and see the changes. No matter how bad the situation is, it will not be a big deal for us, at best it will be a little more causal!"

As soon as the words to introduce the saints fell, Zhun said that the saints' expressions were condensed. This was something he didn't expect, but although the words made sense, they really had to do so. They really ignored this upheaval. They are saints. , Carrying on the cause and effect of the heavens will inevitably be pressured by the heavens, and will inevitably endure the backlash of the heavens. You must know that as the saints of the heavens, they have the responsibility to stabilize the world and protect the balance of the heavens and the earth. If they let go, they will inevitably be punished by the heavens. , Who made them just the registered disciples of Teacher Hongjun, and Sanqing and Niang Niang Niang are disciples who entered the room. Naturally, they will have to be punished by the two Western Saints to bear the wrath of Heaven, not to mention that they made the wrong choice before. They don't carry this scapegoat and whoever will carry it, this is their fault!

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