God of Destruction

Chapter 4396: Festival world confrontation

Chapter 4402: World Confrontation

No movement is worse than silence. This is the idea of ​​attracting saints, and it is the best choice for them in the West. This time the drastic changes in the world have made the hearts of the attracting saints no longer have illusions. Everything is focused on their own safety and self-interest. , He has forgotten all the responsibilities of the Heavenly Dao, and the introduction of the saint is not willing to be calculated by the Heavenly Dao, and ended up in a dead end.

"Senior brother’s idea is good, but whether we can do it is another matter. After all, we have always been controlled by the way of heaven. The saint of heaven is a restraint to us, and the restraint on us is better than that of Sanqing and women. Wa is even heavier!" At this point, the sage Zhunti couldn't help but sighed slightly. Regarding his own situation, his treatment of Tian Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestors, if there is no resentment in his heart, it is false. Sanqing has a treasure. , Nuwa also has a treasure, but what do you and your brother have?

The leading saint sighed and said: "No matter what the way of heaven is, and no matter how much pressure we face, we must stick to our beliefs, we must resist all pressure, and we must not participate in this battle. This is We test the way of heaven, and the opportunity to test the entire prehistoric heaven. It is also a challenge to ourselves. Now it is a catastrophe of heaven and earth. This is our dependence!"

Yes, the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth is their support. In the Great Tribulation, the secret is hidden, and the cause and effect of the Great Tribulation is all over the prehistoric world. In this case, even if it is a bit excessive, it will not suffer. Heavenly Dao is too oppressive. After all, the two of them are also members of Heavenly Dao. If they both fall into the position of saints, it will also be a huge impact for Heavenly Dao, and it will even hurt Heavenly Dao itself! Of course, all of this is just a guess from the saint’s own heart. It takes time to confirm whether this is the case!

The great catastrophe of this time, the ghostly change of this time, has had too much impact on the two sages of the West. It has shaken their belief in the way of heaven and the relationship between them and Hongjun Daozu. It can be said that this Under the war, the Western Two Sages intensified their desire to leave the Xuanmen, and they didn't want to be controlled by others anymore, and they wanted to fly solo! And they deeply understand that now is not the time, their own strength is not strong enough to fight the profound door, they have to endure, but how long they need to endure, for the western two sages, there is no bottom in their hearts, and they don’t know. How much time will it take?

Time, at this moment, the two sages of the West could not help but feel the desire to speed up time, but this is not in their grasp. The Avenue of Time is beyond their reach. They need patience, calmness, and need to watch this battle coldly. From this battle, find the strength you need and find a new direction.

Although the war was on the verge, all the saints did not move at all, as if they did not know the changes in the Netherworld. Such a situation made the heart of the Houtu Ancestral Witch, who had been cautiously guarding, heavy in the heart. She thought of a possibility. One situation that is most likely to happen is that Heavenly Dao will take action, and Heavenly Dao will personally take action to interfere with the changes in the Netherworld! Only this kind of explanation can make sense why the saints did not make a move. As saints of heaven, their responsibility is to maintain the balance of heaven!

"Come on junior, let me see how much you have mastered the origin of the world, Zhou Tianxing fights in a big battle, attracts the power of Zhou Tianxingchen, and opens it to me!" With a roar, the demon emperor Jun broke out. With a powerful breath, a powerful source of power radiated from his body. This is the power of the Golden Crow, the power of the stars, and the power of the sun!

As the demon emperor, Emperor Jun must take on his own responsibilities, personally preside over the Zhoutian star battle array, summon the power of the sun with his own golden crow source, and use the sun's strong and yang source to fight against the source of the nether world. Only when the power of the sun has the opportunity to open the defenses of the Netherworld, can it attract the power of Zhou Tian and the stars, and connect the many powerful monsters in the Netherworld who are suppressed by the power of the world with their own stars. Really exert the power of the'Stars of Zhou Dynasty'!

"What an emperor, what a formidable vision, what a keen sense of touch, he can see the essence of the Netherworld in just such a short time, and open the barriers of the world with the sun's strong and yang origin, and attract Zhou Tian The power of the stars uses the origin of the heavens to fight against the Netherworld. The power of the world is a powerful method against the power of the world!" As the Houtu ancestor witch who has always been outside, he knows the power of the monster clan very well. For her, she understood Di Jun's mind and his calculations in an instant, even the Houtu ancestor witch had to admit Demon Emperor Jun's keen sense.

When the origin of the sun fell from the void, and seeing the demon emperor Jun sacrificing his origin at the expense of opening the defenses of the Netherworld, the eyes of all the saints showed a trace of shock. This power exceeded their imagination. If this is really complete It was the power of Demon Emperor Jun. Perhaps everyone had underestimated Demon Emperor Jun and his power before.

"The power of the world, this is the power of the source of the heavens. It seems that the demon emperor Jun wants to use the power of the world to fight against the power of the world. The heavens were born earlier than the world of the netherworld, and the source of the heavens should be stronger than the nether world, so the demon emperor Jun is confident to defeat the Lord of Nether, but is everything really going to be what he wants? Does the power of this'Zhou Tian Star Dou Great Array' really come from the heavens?" Feeling the rich star power in the void, too old Jun was secretly thinking in his heart, he did not dare to say these words, nor could he say them, but once they were said, the impact was too great, so big that he, the saint, could not bear the consequences.

At this time, only the old gentleman was sceptical of the power of the ‘Zhou Tian’s Star Dou Great Array’, or the power of the sun that opened the Netherworld’s defenses? No, all the saints have doubts in their hearts, but they all understand that doubts cannot be spoken, otherwise they will be burdened with endless causes and effects, and they will be hated by the heavens. After all, this is not an ordinary duel!


"Sure enough, the demon race really has a killer. The'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array' can actually appear in the Nether World, and it can even attract the power of the stars in the Nether World. It seems that Heaven is still making a move, indirectly strengthening the demon. The power of the clan has strengthened the power of the stars. We must use the power of the monster clan to weaken the origin of the nether world, and suppress me, the lord of the nether world!" When the power of Zhou Tian and the stars fell into the nether world from the void, the power of the nether world The Lord couldn't help but sighed secretly in his heart. The thing he worried the most had happened. Heavenly Dao intervened in this battle, and Heavenly Dao didn't want to see the fiasco of the Demon Race!

Facing the arrogant Demon Emperor Jun, the Lord of the Nether snorted disdainfully: "Okay, if you want to see the power of the Nether World, I will fulfill you. The Nether World is not only the power of the world, but I want to use the power of the world. Against the power of the world, you think too much. The celestial realm you control is not complete and imperfect. Part of the source of the celestial realm has been lost, while the nether world is complete, the nether appears in the world, and the stars return. Array' out!"

With a deep drink from the Lord of the Nether, the stars that were originally scattered in the sky of the Nether World exude a gloomy light. This is the stars laid by the previous life of the Lord of the Nether to perfect the Nether World. When these stars emit a gloomy light In the light, most of the power of stars scattered from the heavens was swallowed by them. The power of stars falling from the heavens not only did not impact the origin of the nether world, but was absorbed by the nether world, expanding the stars in the nether world!

"Damn it, how is this possible, the unremarkable stars in the Netherworld can swallow the power of the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation, and the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation' has also appeared in the Nether World, can it be said that there is also a'Zhou Tian The inheritance of the Star Dou Great Array? But it doesn’t make sense, those stars are born after tomorrow!” At this moment, Demon Emperor Jun’s state of mind is in a state of confusion, and everything in front of him has caused too much impact on him, the biggest trump card of the Demon Race,’ The secret of Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array was actually mastered by the Lord of Nether.

Not only was the demon emperor Jun's heart upset, the entire monster clan powerhouse trapped in the nether world was upset. They couldn't accept what they saw in front of them, and they couldn't accept that a junior junior had mastered Zhou. The secret of the'Sky Star Dou Great Array' can be deployed by one person, and the'Zhou Tian Star Dou Great Array' can be deployed in the Nether World!

At this time, the Houtu Ancestral Witch, who was in the Netherworld, was also dumbfounded when she saw the image in front of her. As the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, she didn't know the stars scattered over the Netherworld before. There will be such a power that can lay down the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation', and her heart can't help but become happy. If this battle is over, maybe she can get the secret of the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation' from the hands of the Lord of Nether. Can help the witches understand the enemy's power!

"How can this happen? Is what we saw is true? The Netherworld can also set up the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Array'. The acquired stars also have such power. The secret of the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Array', but the Monster Race The ultimate power, even if we sages don’t know it, but an epigenetic innate **** and demon knows, can it be said that the tunnel has the same power as the heaven, and the perfection of the tunnel allows the Netherworld to condense the power of the perfect stars?" With all this outbreak, there was a trace of doubt in the eyes of Saint Zhunti, a trace of longing for the tunnel and the realm of Netherworld.

The leading saint shook his head and said: "I don't know, at this time no one knows what is going on in the tunnel, what is going on in the Netherworld, maybe only the person involved, only Teachers Tiandao and Hongjun knows, but this happens. It means that the Monster Race's killer mirror is going to fail, and those Wu Races are extremely happy. Looking at them, everyone is eager to see the Yao Race's failure!"

"Yeah, it is difficult to understand all of this. Perhaps only after the catastrophe is over, we can understand everything when the secret is clear. Now, even if we have more doubts, we can only endure this series of changes. It makes my heart feel uneasy. When such an abnormal change occurs, the confrontation of the world is inevitable. The confrontation between the heaven and the nether world is the confrontation between the heaven and the earth!" Zhunti sighed again when he said this, obviously. Seeing the opportunity, but unable to grasp it, this is really unbearable!

When the stars of the Netherworld under the guidance of the Lord of the Nether formed the'Zhoutian Star Dou Great Formation', the star power that cut off the void was condensing the origin of the Netherworld. The origin of the Netherworld was the main source, devouring the heavens. The origin of the stars comes to perfect the avenue of stars in its own world, to expand the avenue of stars in the nether world, and when such a situation occurs, it immediately provokes the collision of the two world origins. The power of the heavens and the power of the nether world are relying on the "Zhou Tian Xing Dou" The existence of the'big array' confronted each other, and wiped out each other's origin, the heavens were trembling, and the nether world was trembling.

The origins of the two worlds are colliding, everyone of the monster race is bearing the impact from the world's origin, and the Lord of Nether is also bearing the impact of the world! However, the Lord of the Nether is in his own territory, and most of the impact of the world is borne by the Netherworld itself, and he only bears a small part, but for the monster race, they will bear most of the impact. Impact, because they are in the Netherworld, this is the consequence they must bear.

When the origins of the two worlds collided with the help of the power of the "Zhou Tian Star Fighting Array", countless rules were trembling under the collision of the world, and many laws were knocked out, so that the creatures of the entire prehistoric world could clearly feel the power of the laws. , To feel the existence of the law, for many people, this is a great opportunity, an opportunity to enlighten the Dao, this may be the opportunity contained in the great catastrophe, but how many people in the entire prehistoric world can seize this opportunity It's hard to say, after all, this is a calamity of heaven and earth. Although opportunities exist, there are also major crises. In this opportunity, there is also a murderous opportunity and that terrible disaster. If you don’t have a strong enough state of mind, or a strong will, if you risk this opportunity, you will only be assimilated by the qi, trapped in the tribulation, and if you accidentally turn into a chess piece, you will be in desperation. in!

"Crisis and opportunity coexist, this is the calamity of heaven and earth, this is the test of life and death, surpassing is a life, if not surpassing, there is only a dead end!" Many people are sighing, but there is no real daring to act. How many people, because they are all afraid of the rich calamity between the heaven and the earth, are afraid that they will be corroded by the calamity and become pawns in the universe.

The collision between the heavens and the source of the Netherworld is intensifying the development of the great calamity, and also intensifying the aura of the calamity. The heaven and the earth are enveloped by the rich calamity, and all the creatures can feel the pressure from the soul. This is given by the origin of the heavens and the netherworld, and it is also something that everyone cannot avoid!

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