God of Destruction

Chapter 4397: Cut fruit position

Chapter 4403

"It's a pity that Hou Tu Zu Wu still didn't make a move. She still didn't choose to be with the Nether World. Maybe she was thinking of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao Ancestor in her heart. It’s just that she has forgotten her identity. Although she is an ancestral witch, she is still the lord of the six realms, closely linked with the Netherworld. Doing so will only make the Netherworld repel her bit by bit, and eventually get rejected. Outside of the Netherworld, you can only live in the six reincarnations!" After fighting for a few rounds, seeing that the Houtu Ancestral Witch still did not make a move and did not stand with the Netherworld, the Lord of the Nether could not help but sigh. With a sigh of relief, there was a slight loss of the Houtu Ancestral Witch. The influence of the Witch Clan on her was so great that it made her make the wrong choice over and over again, which is incompatible with the Netherworld!

A Netherworld that has endured the Netherworld Qi Luck and authentic Qi Luck, but at a critical moment, again and again, again and again give up his existence in the Nether World, this naturally does not get the recognition of the world, and what caused all this is precisely The identity of the ancestral witch of Houtu, perhaps this identity bound the ancestral witch of Houtu, so that she has been unable to get rid of the influence of the ancestral witch on herself.

After shook his head gently, the Lord of Nether sighed in his heart: "Maybe this is part of my reason, because my appearance broke the original trajectory and allowed the Houtu ancestors to condense the witchcraft and let the six reincarnations. With the position of the Witch Clan, the relationship between the Houtu Ancestral Witch and the Witch Clan has become even greater, so that she has been repeatedly and repeatedly affected by the Witch Clan’s luck!"

After careful consideration, the Lord of the Nether felt that what caused all of this was his own reason. His own appearance broke the trajectory of the world and also changed part of the fate of the Witch Clan and the Houtu ancestor witch, and this change was not complete. All are good things, at least for the Houtu Ancestral Witch. Being separated from the Netherworld again and again is very detrimental to her future practice. Perhaps this is the restraint of race luck, and this is the persistence in the Houtu Ancestral Witch's heart.

Without the help of the Houtu ancestor witch, and without the power of the six reincarnations, it is impossible for the Lord of the Nether to fight against the heavens for a long time, and it is impossible to fight against the Monster Race's'Zhou Tianxing Star Fighting Array'. The Zhoutian Star Fighting Array is not perfect, and the origin is very weak. Over time, even if there is the origin blessing of the tunnel and the nether world, it will damage the origin of the stars and cause irreparable damage to these stars.

To change, I need to change. If it is just a duel between himself and the monster race, the Lord of the Nether has the confidence to defeat the opponent, but with the origin of the heavens, and even with the blessing of the power of heaven behind this, the Lord of the Nether will have to Changing the plan, no matter how strong an individual is, he cannot fight against the heavens or against the heavens. Whether it is the nether world or the tunnels, there is no deep accumulation of heavens and heavens. The long-term confrontation will ultimately suffer only from yourself.

"The accumulation of cause and effect is almost complete. Even with the help of heaven, the monster race has formed a great cause and effect with the Netherworld and the tunnel this time. This cause and effect can implement my next plan. Life and death are thinner. Out, the source blessing, the rules come, I judge the monster race as the lord of the nether, and I judge the lord of the animal road as the lord of the nether!" If there is a cause, there is an effect, since the monster has made a big move, and the tunnel, and the nether The world has formed great cause and effect. At this time, if you don’t cut off the influence of the Monster Race on the Beast Dao, you will be a fool. As long as the relationship between the Beast Dao and the Monster Clan is cut off, the Monster Clan will not be able to compete for the master of the Beast Dao. Taken back by the Netherworld, taken back by the tunnel!

As the voice fell, the life and death thin and the judge's pen burst out with a powerful light, which fell in the nether world, and then the six reincarnations were oscillating, and the fruit status of the master of the animal Tao was cut off. This is the power of the world's origin. , This is an authentic rule, even the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the Houtu Ancestor Witch, could not stop it, and in this accident, the Houtu Ancestor Witch felt the anger from the nether world, felt the authentic anger, demon The ignorance of the clan completely angered the tunnel and the nether world, so the status of the master of the animal path, who should have belonged to the monster clan, was cut off. Shocked, such a result was extremely shocking to the Houtu Ancestral Witch. Each of the six reincarnations has its own Taoist, but now the Lord of the Nether uses the power of the world's origin, and the power of the tunnel has already cut off the two. Respect the Taoist's fruit status, such an impact is too great for the Houtu Ancestral Witch.

"This is the anger of the world, this is the authentic anger. Once angered, they will suffer a huge backlash. Even the lord of the six reincarnations cannot prevent all of this from happening. If the Wu Clan is also related to the Nether World and the authentic After the great cause and effect is formed, will the fruit position of the master of the witchcraft be cut off?” At this time, the Houtu ancestor witch was worried. After all, she knew exactly what the witch clan was. With a fever of mind, he may make crazy actions at any time to form cause and effect with the nether world and tunnels, thus ruining the luck of the Wu Clan and ruining the Taoist status of the six reincarnations!

When the Houtu ancestor witch was worried, Sanqing, the Western Second Sage, and the Nuwa Empress were all shocked. They were not fools. They all understood that the Lord of Nether's action definitely dealt a heavy blow to the monster race. In the six reincarnations The Taoist fruit position of Taoism is definitely not as simple as it seems, especially for Empress Nuwa, at the moment when the fruition position of the animal Taoist disappeared, she felt that a small part of her own air luck was stripped off, which could affect the air luck of her saint. , It can be seen that the Taoist status in the six reincarnations is not trivial!

All saints value their own luck, which is the foundation of their practice, and the Nuwa Empress, who has been stripped of part of his luck, naturally hates the Lord of the Nether, but now she is still afraid of heaven and earth. He didn't dare to take the threat easily, and was unwilling to forge great cause and effect with the Netherworld and the tunnels under unknown circumstances. The power of causal rules is too terrible. As a saint, Nuwa Empress can naturally see that the two masters of the Nethers used the means to remove the middle path of the six paths of reincarnation. It is the power of causality, if not the ancestor of the river. The monsters and the Netherworld have formed great cause and effect, and it is impossible to have such a situation. Only when the cause and effect exist, the other party has the opportunity to use the power of the cause and effect to cut off the corresponding fruit position and luck!

auzw.comOf course, Nuwa Empress also hated the Demon Emperor Jun. If it weren’t for the Demon Emperor Jun to be too greedy, it would not cause the current situation, nor would it be because of the six reincarnations. The accident affects one's luck and damages one's own interests!

Isn't the demon emperor Jun sad, or resentful? He also resented the Lord of the Nether. As the Demon Emperor, when the Six Paths of Reincarnation changed, and when the beast Dao Master’s fruit position was cut off, he was affected more than Nu Wa Empress, and even in the Nether World. These monster races in the same also felt the weakening of their own luck, and it was the loss of the Taoist fruition that caused all this!

"Damn ant, how dare he provoke my monster clan's bottom line again and again, dare to cut my monster clan's luck, if this **** can't be a profound lesson, if he doesn't hurt him, our monster clan still Is there any face to stand in the wild world!" Under the damage of his own luck, the first person who couldn't bear it was the demon master Kunpeng, because among the entire demon race, he was in the worst situation, and now because of the Lord of Netherworld It is unacceptable for Kunpeng to take action to damage his own luck, and it is a permanent loss. He wants to retaliate, he must retaliate at all costs, and this needs the help of others!

"The demon master is right, we must kill this **** ant, otherwise we will have no face to stand in the wild, the dignity of the demon race will be completely broken to the ground, and no one will fear my demon race anymore!" The powerful monsters of the demon clan with impaired luck opened their mouths to support the demon master Kunpeng, using the general trend to oppress the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi.

"Assholes, they are all a group of assholes. At this time, they still don’t recognize the situation and want to retaliate. What do we take to retaliate against each other? This is in the Netherworld, in the other side’s territory, and what we have to face Not only is the enemy of Nether Lord, we also have to face the sneak attack by the Witch Clan, how can these **** not know how to advance and retreat!" At this time, the demon Emperor Jun's heart was not even annoyed, but the fire couldn't vent. These words can’t be said, otherwise the whole demon clan’s hearts will be chaotic, and if they want to gather together, they will have to pay ten times, a hundred times the price, so in the face of this situation, he can only bear it. This bad breath can only bear the impact in silence.

I saw that the Demon Emperor Jun sighed and said: "The idea is very good, but our main thing now is not to kill this ant, but how to get out of the nether world without being tricked by the **** of the Wu clan. At this time, fighting with that ant will hurt both sides, do we still have a way to survive? Life is important, or face is important?"

When the demon emperor Jun put his life and face together, these yelling demon races lowered their heads one by one. Although the face was very important and he was angry with the lost luck, but compared with his own life, none of these Important, there is only one life, no strong monster is willing to risk his life to avenge, put his life and death under the spear of the enemy!

After seeing the reactions of the demon races, Demon Emperor Jun breathed a sigh of relief, and then continued: "Now we are suffering from the impact of the two great worlds. Although there is a'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array', we can still Self-protection, but how much of our origin can be consumed, if our origin is exhausted, what will we use to face the witch’s sneak attack, don’t say that the witch will let us go, and don’t say that there are saints behind us, and there are gods To support, to pin one's life and death on outsiders, this in itself is irresponsible to oneself, and is risking one's own life!"

"Give up, don't think about revenge, and don't think about benefits. There is only one way before us, and that is survival. How to save our lives in this dangerous situation is the most important thing. We can put down everything else for the time being. Now we need to unite, break the deadlock and rush out of the nether world. There is not much time left for us!" At this time, Donghuang Taiyi's eyes flashed with a crazy look, he and the demon Emperor Jun is different. If anyone dares to stand up at this time, Donghuang Taiyi will never leave them any face. ]

After Eastern Emperor Tai opened his mouth, all the strong monsters understood what they should do. The hearts of the people that had been turbulent because of the demon master Kunpeng stabilized again, but this stability was pinned on the threat of foreign enemies, once it was gone. Threats from foreign enemies, these monster clan giants will inevitably have that greed in their hearts, and will even hate Donghuang Taiyi. After all, in their hearts they feel that their retreat is because of the oppression of Donghuang Taiyi, which makes them uncomfortable. Not give up.

Yes, these shameless people have all found a ridiculous reason for themselves, and they have eliminated all the responsibility. All the faults belong to the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and the Demon Emperor Jun. They are a little wrong. Nothing. The reason why I have fallen into this situation is that the demon emperor Jun improperly commanded and did not really see through the situation, so that everyone fell into such an embarrassing situation and into such a terrible danger. Therefore, all responsibility lies with the demon. Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi.

This is the human heart, this is the true thoughts of the strong monsters under greed. What unity does not exist for them. There is only interest between them. The existence of the monsters allows them to have a background and benefits, so they are willing Following the demon emperor Jun and Donghuangtai, when all the benefits have disappeared, and when everyone is in danger, the hearts of these monster clan powerhouses will naturally also shake, and all of them will have the idea of ​​betrayal, if not now They also need the power of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array to protect themselves, and the powerful power of Demon Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, these **** have long since escaped.

"Fight, let us burn our origins, burst out the most powerful force, use the most powerful force of the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Da Array' to tear through all obstacles, and get out of this **** nether world, I emphasize again Once, everyone must do their best. There is only one chance. Once we fail, we will no longer be able to support the next breakthrough in a short period of time. If you don’t want to die, don’t have reservations, or the consequences will be unimaginable!" At that time, the demon emperor Jun once again reminded these demon clan giants, warning them not to be cautious, do not have any reservations, otherwise there is only a dead end, no one can save them, and the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi are different. , They all have the strength to escape!

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