God of Destruction

Chapter 4398: Section counterattack

Chapter 4404 Counterattack

Demon Emperor Jun has two top-quality innate spirit treasures, "Hetu" and "Luoshu", and they are complete sets. There is absolutely no problem with self-preservation. Even if it is suppressed by the tunnel and the Netherworld, you can also use the source of the heavens to force a breakthrough. Paying some price, let alone Donghuang Taiyi, with the innate treasure of Chaos Clock in his hand, there is no problem with offensive and defensive integration, and other monster races have no such ability, even the demon master Kunpeng has no confidence. They can retreat from the Netherworld. If they want to get out of trouble, they must rely on the power of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array, and this requires unity and concerted efforts!

"War, life and death are in this struggle, no one can back down, don't ruin everyone's life because of the selfishness of some people!" At this time, the demon master Kunpeng stood up and expressed his position in the face of life and death crisis, the demon master Kunpeng Had to compromise, had to put away that little thought in his heart, after all, he didn't want to die, and he didn't want to be suppressed by the Nether World.

After the demon master Kunpeng expressed his stance, other powerful demon races naturally cannot fall behind. They are not fools, and fools cannot stand here. They all understand how dangerous their situation is. Even if it is for their own lives, they will I had to fully cooperate with Demon Emperor Jun and cooperate with the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array' to make the final fight!

Demon Emperor Jun nodded and said: "Okay, everyone can understand it. There is only one chance. We either don’t do it, and we must pierce the void of the two worlds, so that we can break free from the ghost world in the shortest time. The **** of, can directly travel through the space and return to the heavens, and will not give those witch **** any chance to attack us!"

I have to say that the demon emperor Jun’s mind is really strong, and he did all the calculations before he did it. In order to avoid a decisive battle with the witches outside the Netherworld, and to prevent being attacked by the witches, he came up with such a method, directly With the help of the power of the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array', directly using the origin of the heavens, they brought the giants of the monster race back to the heavens!

The idea is good, and the plan may be realized, but what the final result will be and whether it can be successful depends on the demon clan’s efforts, the collision of the origins of the two worlds, and the ancestral witch clubs of the witch clan. What reaction? If there is an accident at a critical moment, their plans for these monster races will only fail, and they will pay a heavy price.

When the monster clan burst out with full force, the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array' they control also burst out with incomparable strength. In order to be able to break a blood path from this crisis, to be able to retreat from the whole body, there is no one. The monster tribe magnates dare to have reservations. They are desperately trying their best to explode their strongest power. They are taking in the power of Zhou Tianxing to open up the passage with the heavens, allowing them to use the mighty power of the heavens directly from the nether world. Return to heaven!

With the full blow of the monster clan, even if the Lord of Nether was prepared before, he still received a strong impact, he involuntarily let out a muffled grunt, his eyes flashed with endless killing intent, muttering to himself: "What a monster Clan, a decisive heart, able to make such a crazy decision in such a short time, and see through the reality of the Netherworld!"

For the monster race, if they fight the war of attrition with the nether world, even if they win the final victory, there is only a dead end, because they have never only had the enemy of the master of the nether world. There are also the witch family hidden outside the nether world. The Ancestral Witch is looking at them, as long as there is a little chance, the Witch Clan will rush up frantically, giving a fatal blow to the Monster Clan, and the current choice is the best decision, and it is also the most suitable decision for the Monster Clan, because of the heavens. It is impossible to destroy the Demon Race, and Heavenly Dao will not let the powerhouses of the Demon Race fall into the Nether World, so their full burst will definitely be able to get the assistance of Heaven and Dao!

"Hehe, I really underestimated the monster race, but this is the Netherworld. It's not a place where you want to come or leave. You have to pay a price if you come, and you have to leave something when you come. There is no race. No force can come and go freely from the Netherworld. The Great Way of Causality is here, and the judgment of cause and effect will be cut for me!” With the Lord of the Nether scream, the Life and Death Book and Judge's Pen once again exploded with a powerful aura. The power of's condensed once again, directly slashing to the condensing spatial channel in the void, the power of causality is interfering with the plan of the monster race, preventing the condensing of the void channel!

When seeing this attack from the Lord of Nether, the Wu Clan, who had been watching coldly and wanted to take advantage of the fisherman’s profit, was instantly shocked. The Ancestor Wu Di Jiang even said in a deep voice: "Damn it was given by the **** of the Monster Clan. After calculating, they don't want to go shopping with the Lord of the Nether at all. They want to retreat from the Nether World with the help of the origin of the heavens, and quickly move to prevent the condensation of the void passage!"

At this time, the Wu Clan can no longer continue to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, thinking that he can take advantage of the fisherman’s profit, and can kill people with the knife. If they don’t make a move, this great opportunity will slip out of their eyes. The Monster Clan is not a fool. Seeing through their calculations, they didn’t want to give them the chance to attack the ancestral witches. Once the monster clan’s plan was successful, the witch clan completely lost their immediate opportunity and the opportunity to severely damage the monster clan, so they had to do their best pay!

auzw.com One after another powerful attacks rushed towards the void, trying their best to prevent the opening of the two-world passages, especially the Ancestral Witch Dijiang, the Ancestral Witch who mastered the Avenue of Space, He can deeply feel the power from the heavens and the power of the heavens. This time, the Void channel that the monster race wants to open with the help of the power of the Zhoutian Star Dou Array is not only their own power, but also the heavens. The origin of, with the help of Heavenly Dao, to be more precise, Heavenly Dao took the initiative to help them get out of trouble, get rid of the mortal crisis before them, so that these **** monster races can get out of trouble!

"The way of heaven is not fair. I have been intervening in the great calamity of the Lich. I have always wanted to make the two groups of Lich defeat both losers. Therefore, I have repeatedly intervened in the battle between the two clans and helped the monsters in strength. , So that they can have the strength to fight with the Wu Clan and lose both. What a Hongjun Dao Ancestor and a Heavenly Dao, this is not to give the Wu Clan any vitality!" As the lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the Houtu Ancestral Witch once felt it again. When she saw the mad counterattack of many ancestor witches of the Witch Clan, she finally understood everything and understood the mistakes she had made before. The two groups of Lich are immortal, and the ancestors of Heaven and Hongjun also Not a good person, who has always pushed the Witch Clan into desperation step by step.

Counterattack, the Houtu ancestor witch will fight back. The Houtu ancestor witch who wants to understand everything finally regrets and understands how ridiculously wrong he was before. If he could see through these things earlier and be able to figure out everything, he would not be the same. And again, missed opportunities again and again, so that the situation has developed to such an uncontrollable situation, giving this group of **** monster races a chance to get out of trouble!

Since I evolved the six reincarnations, he has been connected to the tunnels and the nether world, and it is already connected with the air transport. If the tunnels and the nether world’s air transport are damaged, you will be affected by it as the master of the six reincarnations. Even death and soul will die, because this is the dispute of the Great Dao, and there is no room for mercy. It is a pity that I was persuaded by Dao Zu Hongjun before, and I didn’t stand on the side of the tunnel or the Netherworld for the first time. I have damaged my own luck and lost the recognition of the tunnel and the nether world for nothing. I have to say that I have done a great stupid thing before!

After waking up and seeing everything clearly, the Houtu ancestor witch has endless regrets in his heart. Although the witch clan is important, he should not sacrifice his own interests for the survival of the witch clan and hate the tunnel and the nether world. If there is no help from the nether world and the authentic luck, can the Wu Clan really survive this catastrophe? Will Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao really give the Wu Clan a chance? Will the Wu Clan win the final victory?

This is impossible. For Heavenly Dao, Hongjun Dao ancestor, or even all saints, they all yearn to see the two families of Lich come to an end, and lose both at the very end, instead of seeing any one win, so Dao Ancestor Hongjun has been interfering in this tribulation of heaven and earth, has been balancing the power of the two groups of Lich, and has been suppressing the development of the Wu family!

"It's time to make the final choice. I can't keep being deceived like this, nor can I keep deceiving myself like this. The vitality of the Wu Clan is in my own hands, instead of relying on compromise with others instead of waiting for others' kindness. As far as ethnic civilization is concerned, only oneself can be relied upon. Come on, let this storm come more violently!" After all the thoughts were made, the Houtu Ancestral Witch showed endless killing intent at this moment, and there was also endless killing. The war spirit, the craziest aura of the Wu Clan is condensing, she wants to let go, fight with the monsters, cut the passage between the two realms with the tunnels, and the Netherworld, and keep these monsters in the Netherworld. In the middle, even if you face the confrontation with heaven, you will not hesitate!

When the belief in Houtu Zuwu’s heart changed, when she single-mindedly decided to stand with the Netherworld and the tunnel, the whole tunnel and the whole Netherworld cheered, and the Lord of Nether naturally felt this change and did. No matter what happens to the Houtu Ancestral Witch, who is the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, she occupies a part of the power of the nether world and a part of the nether world's air luck. When she makes a choice, this part of the air luck is the real one. Integrating with the Netherworld, the power of the Netherworld is truly perfect, and the biggest hidden danger of the Netherworld is finally eliminated. This Netherworld is the most powerful.

Yes, the Houtu Ancestral Witch has always been the biggest hidden danger in the Netherworld, because she has never been in harmony with the tunnel and the Netherworld. She has always had selfishness, and she is incompatible with the Netherworld, but she has mastered the six reincarnations. The origin of, mastering the power of six reincarnations, she is not standing with the nether world, she is dividing the power of the nether world, and is damaging the power of the nether world, now all this is finally over, and she finally wakes up.

"Okay, very good. The Houtu Ancestral Witch finally recognized the reality, and has not been silent forever. If she continues to do this, I am afraid that the rules of the Netherworld will not help but do it without me. Click to release her power. After all, no world would like to see that their origin is always divided, and the origin has always been separated from the world!" After feeling the changes of the Houtu ancestor witch, the Lord of Nether finally breathed a sigh of relief. , This battle finally took a turn for the better, and the pressure on my body was finally a little smaller. Without the help of the ancestors of the earth, the collision between the heavens and the nether world, all the pressure caused by it will be heavy on my body, I need myself To resist, you need to resolve it yourself, and this burden is too heavy for the Lord of Nether!

"No, it's the **** of the Wu clan who did it. They are stopping us!" When seeing the power of the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array' being destroyed by the Wu Clan, the eyes of Demon Emperor Jun showed a faint surprise. , In his opinion, the Wu Clan’s shot was a bit early. This situation shouldn’t happen. Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu shouldn’t give them such a chance. However, all this happened. Said that there was a huge impact, which made his mind faintly uneasy.

Such a shocking change is not only the Demon Emperor Jun’s uneasy heart, but the entire Demon Race people trapped in the Nether World are disturbed, and even the Demon Races in the Heaven Realm are also disturbed. You must know that the Heaven Realm is also at this time. A drastic change occurred because the Houtu ancestor witch awakened in time, and because of the addition of the Houtu ancestor witch, the power of the nether world was increasing, and the pressure on the heavens was increasing, and there was no demon emperor Jun in the heavens to suppress, only relying on the demon queen Preside over the overall situation, this has a great impact on all the monster races, so that they can not face all this calmly, they are in fear and anxiety.

The instability of the celestial demon race also affects the development of the origin of the celestial realm. Only a stable world can output strong power and exert the strongest power, but today's celestial realm cannot do this. Below, the situation of the Yaozu is conceivable. The luck of the whole Yaozu is turbulent. If it weren't for the help of Daozu Hongjun and the way of heaven, if it wasn't for the existence of the saint of the Yaozu and Empress Nuwa, I'm afraid the whole monster race will explode now!

When the demonic spirit was in turmoil, although there were many considerations and embarrassments in her heart, Nuwa Niangniang, a saint of the demonic race, had to stabilize the situation of the demons and had to stabilize the demons' luck. In this turmoil, the luck of the family is showing signs of collapse, in order to prevent the demon clan from going to destruction and death, indirectly destroying the luck of Empress Nuwa!

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