God of Destruction

Chapter 4399: Clash

Chapter 4405: Clash of Heaven and Earth

"Hehe, there is another force to participate in this battle. It can instantly stabilize the demon race's fortune, and there is a hint of heavenly aura. It seems that the demon saint Nuwa Empress finally can't bear to enter the stage. Interfering in this battle of life and death, is this the result Tiandao wants? Is this the result Hongjun Daozu wants?" Feeling the change of luck, the Lord of Nether sneered again and again, and a saint joined, right The pressure of the Netherworld has a great impact, but the same appearance of a saint will also break the deadlock and speed up the development of the world, because the saint represents the luck of heaven and earth!

The Lord of Nether is not afraid of such a situation. It is the best choice for the saint to enter the game, so that all the troubles in his body can be eliminated with this time of heaven and earth. If the saint does not enter the game, even This calamity of heaven and earth has passed, and he is still in big trouble, and now everything is entering a better state.

"Come on, I'm afraid you won't come. Everything is easy to say. Even if the tunnel fails in this battle, it won't be too much trouble. It will not affect my future practice, let alone affect the tunnel and tunnels. The growth of the Netherworld and the joining of saints can be regarded as indirect evidence of the injustice of the heavens, a heaven without fairness, what qualifications do they have to govern the rules of heaven and earth, and what qualifications are there to be recognized by all living beings in the predominant world? All the saints’ hearts will no longer be peaceful, nor will they be so obedient to the way of heaven, they will inevitably be vigilant and guarded!"

At this time, the Nether Lord’s heart was sneered again and again, this situation appeared, unexpectedly and unexpectedly, naturally it was the saint’s shot that was expected, and it was a bit early for the Nuwa Empress to take the shot. The Yaozu has not reached the end of a thousand catastrophes, nor has it reached the time of life and death crisis, at this time there is an early shot.

It’s a bit early for the Lord of the Nether, but it’s different for the Nuwa Empress, because the Lord of the Nether can ignore the loss of the monster clan and the fall of the powerful monster. It will not have any effect on himself, but it will affect the female The Empress Wa is different. If the Yaozu loses too much, it will weaken the luck of Empress Nuwa once again. This is not the result that Empress Nuwa would like to see.

"Huh! What about the saints, the power of wanting to force the Netherworld with the honor of saints is not enough, open it to me, the six reincarnations will rise, and the law of reincarnation will come!" Facing the shot of the Nuwa Empress, the Houtu ancestor witch is also Unreservedly attacked with all strength, the six reincarnations opened, and the power of the law of reincarnation rose to the sky to meet the power of the saint's heaven.

The law of reincarnation represents the nether world and the tunnel, while the power of the saint’s heavenly way represents the attitude of the heavenly way. When these two forces collide, the confrontation between heavenly way and tunnel begins again, and this time More fierce than before, the tunnels will not retreat, and the heavens will not retreat. The collision between the heavens and the tunnels is even more crazier, and the forces caught in the middle are greatly impacted by the collision between the heavens and the tunnels, and are swept by the terrible aftermath. .

"Damn it, it's Hou Tu. She actually jumped out and took the initiative to confront the Nuwa Empress, starting the collision between the tunnel and the heaven. This lunatic wants to completely leave us in the world of the underworld, and wants to take advantage of the collision between the heaven and the tunnel. Come to strangle us!" When this situation happened, the demon emperor Jun's expression became extremely solemn, and things were much more dangerous and terrifying than he had imagined before. The Wu Clan was not without calculations. The calculation is more terrifying than I thought!

"It seems that the Wu Clan really can't bear to fight with us. Before, we all underestimated the determination of the Wu Clan, and we also overestimated the pressure of the Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu on the Wu Clan. There is no fear in this group of lunatics. For them, there is nothing but endless madness. They are going to leave us all at all costs!" The demon master Kunpeng's expression is also extremely solemn, when the situation develops to this moment, his heart is deep. There is also endless fear and anxiety everywhere, and they are also worried about their own life and death. If this situation is allowed to develop, it will not be long before these monster clan giants are in danger of death!

The Demon Emperor Jun nodded and sighed: "Yes, the lunatics of the Wu Clan have made it clear that they want to take the opportunity to kill us and not give us any chance. Now we really have no way to retreat, even if it is Nuwa. The Niangniang shot, still hasn't changed our current situation, and even made our situation more dangerous. If we continue, everyone will have a dead end!"

Donghuang Taiyi said solemnly: "Actually, it seems to me that we were in a desperate situation. No matter how bad our situation is now, it doesn't matter that the Nuwa Empress made her move, which caused another collision between heaven and earth. I believe that it won’t be long before Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao will also take action. As long as we persist to this moment, everything will change. We still have opportunities and opportunities to get out of trouble. Although the cost will be a bit higher, compared to our own lives, This price is nothing!"

No one wants to face death. When the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array' was cut with a full blow, it would be too big a blow to the monster race trapped in the Netherworld, even if the Nuwa Empress made the move, their hearts There are still endless fears, and even many monster clan giants are complaining about Demon Emperor Jun, thinking that all this is caused by Demon Emperor Jun, who brought himself into such a desperate situation, if it were not for Demon Emperor Jun to be too crazy, If you are too greedy, none of this will happen.

Resentment belongs to resentment, but at this time, no monster clan giants stood up to oppose them. They all understood that at this time, the only way to survive is to be united. Only by working together can there be a ray of life. If they are in internal strife, all the monster clan trapped in the nether world are all There is only a dead end, they can't even wait for the way of heaven, and the moment Hongjun Daozu interferes, they will die!


"Demon King, tell me how we should deal with it. Now the lives of all our monster races are in your hands. Whatever you tell us to do, we will fully cooperate. Although the previous actions have failed, we are still willing to follow you. Keep fighting!" A demon clan giant was expressing his attitude to Demon Emperor Jun, and the harsh environment forced them to do so.

"We have no choice now, only desperately. We have no choice but to fight desperately to create a **** road. The power of the'Zhou Tian Star Fighting Array' is not enough to support our escape. Then we will go crazy again and ignite. The power of the origin, at the cost of our own origin, forcibly summons the stars to come. Since the witches do not give us a chance to survive, we don’t need to worry about so much, and sacrifice ourselves to fight them to the end. Even if we die, we must drag them. perish together!"

When the demon emperor Jun’s words fell, all the monster clan tycoons gasped involuntarily, and were shocked by the crazy thought of the demon emperor Jun, forcibly summoning the stars to come, which would cause much cause and effect. , How much karma, they all know in their hearts, once the stars come, it will be a great disaster for the entire prehistoric world. All of their monster races will have to bear huge karma, but if they don’t do this, they There is only a dead end.

"Okay, let's give up our lives. At the cost of the flag of the'Zhou Tian Star Fighting Array', we will burn our origin and forcibly summon the power of the stars. I don't believe that the **** of the witch race have the ability to stop us, even if they do their best. How many stars can be prevented from falling!" The demon master Kunpeng directly agreed to this crazy decision without hesitation. Of course, this matter is crazy for him, but he does not necessarily have to bear too much cause and effect. After all, this Everything was proposed by the demon emperor Jun, and even if the summoning stars fall, the most powerful of the stars in the week is the sun star. If the sun star falls in the nether world, naturally any obstacle will be broken, the fire of the sun Can sweep the entire Netherworld!

In almost despair, the Yaozu really had no choice but to fight to the death. Although all of them were caused by themselves, when they made the fight to the death, the luck of the whole monster race was fluctuating wildly. The world is also undergoing amazing changes. The atmosphere of the Great Tribulation has become more terrifying. The entire prehistoric world seems to be shrouded in the Great Tribulation, and will fall into crisis. Almost all living creatures instinctively feel the aura of destruction and feel Threat of death!

"Asshole, what do those **** Lich races really want to do, do they really have to worry about it? To make the final battle, do you want to pull the entire prehistoric world to be buried for their madness?" Feeling the shock of the world, There is endless anger in the eyes of the sage Zhunti in the West. Such a result is not what he wants to see, and it is also unbearable to the West. Once the Lich family is left alone in time, the entire prehistoric world will usher in terrible The disaster, the West does not have much luck and origin, if it is subjected to such an impact, it will be a devastating disaster for the West!

The leading saint sighed and said: "Nuwa has already taken action. It seems that she can't bear it anymore. Today's changes in heaven and earth have completely led this heaven and earth calamity to the unknown. The monster race is desperate, and the witch race is desperate. Although Nuwa is a saint, the Houtu ancestor witch who is the lord of the six reincarnations is not weak. Their confrontation has completely stimulated the collision between the tunnel and the heaven. Unless Teacher Hongjun takes action, otherwise no one can stop this from happening. , Even if we try our best, there is nothing we can do. Since we can't do it, we will wait honestly. We are anxious, Sanqing is more anxious, and Yaozu is even more anxious. Someone can't help but take action!"

Yes, there will always be people who can’t bear it. Before they miscalculated and took the initiative to participate in the calamity. What benefits were not gained in vain added a causal karma to themselves. At this time, even if the situation is fierce, they must be calm. Nor can we make the same mistake again, we can't make wedding dresses for others, and can't give others a scapegoat. This gangster cannot be carried on its own, and the West cannot carry it. Once it is carried, there is no chance of turning over again. This causal karma cannot be resisted by oneself and the West!

Will the wild world be destroyed? No, the leading saint doesn’t think such a situation will happen. Heaven will not allow it, and the tunnel will not allow it. Hongjun Taoist ancestors will also not allow it. Since it will not be destroyed, what is it for me, the West is inherently inadequate, even if It doesn't matter if you suffer some more losses, as long as you can calm down, everything is possible!

Is it possible to realize all of the thoughts of the saints? Is he really out of the robbery? No, when he and Zhunti Saints stepped into the Netherworld, they, the Western Two Saints, were already in trouble. Like the current Nuwa Empress, they could not break free from the shackles of the prehistoric world. More precisely It is the Dao of Heaven and the restraint of Dao Ancestor Hongjun. Under the influence of the Dao of Heaven, no matter how hard they struggle, it is useless. Eventually, they will definitely step into this tribulation of heaven and earth, and their bodies have been breathed by the tribulation. Contaminated, if they want to get out, they have to face the pressure on them from Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu!

The confrontation of the world, the collision of the nether world and the heaven, although it is an impact and damage to the two worlds, it is also an opportunity. The origin of the heaven is from the rigid to the sun, and the origin of the nether world is from the yin to the soft. Power should have the advantage. After all, the heavens were born earlier, and the nether world appeared too late, and it was acquired and perfected. Generally speaking, it was weaker than the heavens. It is a pity that the origin of the heavens has been drawn a lot. Under such circumstances, the two worlds Collision forms a rivalry, and no one can beat the other for a while, and won't win. This increases the collision of the two worlds and also intensifies the integration of the two worlds!

Yes, it is fusion. When the force of the most rigid to yang collides with the force of the most feminine to soft, there will inevitably be a tendency of yin and yang, which is the mutual erosion of the origins of the two worlds, and this harmony is the result that God wants. It was the result Hongjun Daozu wanted. They wanted to use this opportunity to devour the source of the Netherworld little by little, and suppress the power of the tunnel little by little.

Of course, this is also an opportunity for the two worlds, because the integration of the world's origins will bring them huge opportunities, allowing them to see the power of the intersection of yin and yang, to feel the power of the avenue of yin and yang, and to let them experience the world firsthand The process of change, this is a great opportunity for any practitioner, but the previous question is that they can survive this big collision, can withstand this terrible storm, and if they can't resist, there is only a dead end. .

Opportunity and danger coexist, and chance is bound to be accompanied by danger. This is felt by the lord of the Netherworld, the Houtu Ancestral Witch, the lord of the six reincarnations, and the demon queen who presides over the overall situation in the heavens also feels it. , Only the Demon Emperor Jun, who was trapped in the Nether World, missed this great opportunity. All they felt was the pressure brought by the rich danger, and all the opportunities were left behind!

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