God of Destruction

Chapter 4400: Festival of Yin and Yang Avenue Qi

Chapter 4406: Yin Yang Dao Qi Machine

"The Qi of Yin-Yang Avenue, this is my chance!" When he felt the origin of Yin and Yang generated by the collision of the two worlds, the Lord of Nether revealed endless joy. The collision of the worlds can create such a chance. It is too precious for the Lord of the Nether, if you don't seize this opportunity, you will be too sorry for yourself, and too sorry for the loss of the Netherworld and the tunnel.

With a thought in his heart, the Lord of the Nether could not deal with the enemies who strangled the monster race, but devoted his mind to the perception of the aura of the Yin-Yang Dao, using his own Yin-Yang Dao origin to devour the Yin-Yang Dao that is eroding the Nether World. Qi machine in order to strengthen one's own origin, strengthen one's foundation, solidify one's avenue, and make one's own practice further.

This is not a general power of the world, but the power of the world where the origins of the two worlds merge, and it is the power of the worlds origin of the yin and yang attributes. This is simply a great opportunity for the Lord of the Nether, this moment of the Nether The Lord was wondering if what he was encountering was an illusory scene, but soon he became firm in his belief that all of this is real, and his companion treasure, the Yin and Yang Bell, is madly absorbing the origin of the Yin and Yang Dao. , Is rapidly growing its foundation, and its own world origin is also rapidly absorbing the Yin-Yang Dao Qi machine, and is gestating at an accelerated speed.

So crazy to absorb the Yin-Yang Dao Qi in the Nether World, will this have a great cause and effect with the Nether World, bringing huge hidden dangers to one's own practice? No, no, under such a situation, what the Lord of the Nether does not only does not bring hidden dangers to his own practice, but can also be recognized by the Nether World and the tunnels. It is good to know the Nether World, No matter how authentic, they are just born, and their foundation is not as solid as imagined. Although there is a little chance for them to have such a surprise, they are more hidden dangers, so that such a share is out of their control. The Yin-Yang Dao Qi machine is hidden in itself, which will cause huge troubles to the tunnel and the Netherworld. Now this Yin-Yang Dao Qi machine is swallowed by the Lord of the Nether, and Qiaqia relieves them of the hidden dangers. It's a good thing for them!

"What a pure Yin-Yang Dao origin, so pure world origin, the fusion of the heaven origin and the nether world origin is the world origin that is the most suitable for me, and it is also the most suitable origin for me to evolve the world. , The loss will never come. There is only one opportunity like this. If you miss it, there will be no more. Although the **** of the Yaozu are hateful and damn, they are nothing compared to their own great opportunities. Let them go for the time being. After digesting this opportunity, even if the monsters have escaped the catastrophe before them, there will be a moment of liquidation in the future!" Soon, the Lord of Nether made a choice, gave up strangling the monsters, and devoted himself to Through the absorption and digestion of the Qi machine of Yin Yang Dao, speed up the cultivation and transformation of Yin Yang Dao!

In the eyes of the Lord of Nether, as long as he can completely absorb and digest the Yin-Yang Dao Qi in the Nether World, my own foundation can not only be consolidated, my World Dao will be recondensed, and he can be baptized by the source of Yin-Yang Dao. Perfectly condensed into a small world with endless potential, and truly belongs to your own small world!

As for whether there is a conspiracy behind all this, whether there is calculation, this is not in the consideration of the Lord of the Nether, no matter whether there is calculation behind it, you don’t need to care, it should come after all, and I cannot give up this because of a little worry. The opportunity that was in front of him was simply to lose this Yin-Yang Dao Qi, and the opportunity to transform and evolve.

"Hahaha! That **** ant finally can't hold on. As the Lord of the world, he must face the impact from the heavens. Now he can no longer be distracted to deal with us. All we have to face are the **** Witches. Bastard, everyone works harder, breaks the calculations of the Witch tribe, opens the passage between the two realms, and retreats all over!" As he felt the change of the Lord of the Nether, the Demon Emperor Jun's heart was overjoyed, in his opinion now It was the time to counterattack that the changes in the Netherworld completely restrained the Lord of the Nether, making it impossible to distract him. If you don’t seize the opportunity to get out of trouble at this time, once the Netherworld eliminates the crisis of the Netherworld, wait for them. There is only a dead end for the Yaozu, so Yaohuangdi Jun immediately inspires and makes the final fight!

"Okay, that's great. You guys don't wait any longer. The loss now is nothing. As long as we get out of trouble, there will be a day of recovery in the future. This is not the time to hesitate! "As a demon master, Kunpeng also felt the changes in the world of the Netherworld, and felt that the power of the world was being constrained. Everything was just as the demon emperor Jun said. There is no opportunity to lose, and the loss will never come. If you don’t act quickly at this time, I’m afraid I really missed a great opportunity to escape!

In an instant, all the strong monsters trapped in the Netherworld became excited. If they had some worries and hesitations in their hearts before, but now they have no hesitation at all, hope has appeared, if it’s not good. To be sure is too sorry for their previous sacrifices. At this time, no demon race will have reservations. They are not afraid of sacrifices. No matter how big the price is, it is not a big deal. As long as they save their lives, everything is possible.

Compared with the excitement of the monster race, the eyes of the ancestor witches of the wizard race showed a trace of irritation. They also felt the changes in the nether world. They all understood what happened in the nether world, and understood that the Lord of the Nether had already Unable to distract him, they have been completely restrained. This makes their hearts extremely angry, hating Heaven and Dao Ancestor Hongjun, because it is their intervention that will cause this to happen, and it will be difficult for the Witch Clan to take the opportunity to eliminate Damn **** of Yaozu!

The Houtu Ancestral Witch couldn’t help but sighed secretly at this moment. The opportunity was right in front of his eyes, but this happened. The Lord of the Nether who had taken a big shot at the beginning, the Lord of the Nether who had already suppressed the monster clan, suddenly She was constrained by all her energy, she could no longer help the Witch Clan, and could no longer suppress the Monster Clan, but she understood that this was not the problem of the Lord of the Nether, but the calculation of the Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu, the queen of the six reincarnations. The Tuzu Witch can clearly feel the pure and terrifying Yin Yang Dao Qi in the source of the Nether World, and can also feel that the Lord of the Nether is madly eliminating this Qi!

auzw.com"This is the calculation of the way of heaven. Everything from the way of heaven to justice is false. The so-called fairness is only its own assumption. The witches have never been fair. The witches have always been Heaven’s suppression, Heaven’s Dao does not allow the Witch Clan to be powerful, so any Witch Clan has the opportunity to destroy the Monster Clan again and again. They will be bound by and interfered by the Heaven’s Dao, but no matter what the outcome will be, I’m a witch. The clan won't back down anymore, and I won't back down anymore!"

When the Houtu ancestor witch after waking up, her mood has been cleansed, her mind has been fulfilled, and she will no longer be affected by the outside world. After making a decision, she will not change anymore. Even if the way of heaven makes her move, she cannot stop her. Can't let the Wu Clan stop, even the Heavenly Dao can't stop the Wu Clan's killing, can't stop the Wu Clan's cleaning of the Monster Clan.

"Kill, strangle all the monster races in the Netherworld with all your strength. As long as you kill them, it will be victory. Don't bother with the passage of the two realms!" After making a crazy decision, the Houtu ancestor witch shouted to other ancestor witches So, they are asking other Ancestral Witches to join forces to strangle the powerful enemies of the Monster Race in the Netherworld. Although the Lord of the Netherworld has been smashed, the origin of the Netherworld is still suppressing the power of the Monster Race. The Wu family has not yet completely failed. still have a chance!

As long as these powerhouses of the Demon Race are eliminated in the Netherworld, you can cut off the luck of the Demon Race, and you can achieve the final victory. Other things can be put down temporarily, as long as these powerhouses of the Demon Race can be eliminated. In the future, there will naturally be a chance to liquidate the origin of the heavens, liquidate all the giants of the monster race, and completely kill them in this world!

It is impossible for the Wu clan to retreat. From the moment they stand up, they have no retreat. Since they are already enemies of life and death, there is no need to cover up so much, and there is no need to have too much care. Even if there is a way of heaven behind the enemy and the secret support of Daozu Hongjun, this is not the reason for the Wu clan to retreat. For the Wu clan, there is no power to make them retreat, even death is not enough. Let them be afraid!

When the Nether Lord’s body and mind were devouring and digesting the Qi machine of the Yin Yang Dao, the Nether Lord did one more important thing before making this move, that is, letting go of the Nether World to Hou Tu Ancestor. The authority of the witch allows Houtu Zuwu, the master of the six realms of reincarnation, to master the nether world and mobilize an authentic power.

Yes, for the Lord of the Nether, even if he can’t kill the monster race at this time, it won’t make it easy for them, but also give them the biggest blow, and the best move to do this is nothing. It is to let go of the restrictions on the Netherworld, so that the Houtu ancestor witch can control the power of the Netherworld, can master the power of the tunnel, and only in this way can it face the calculations of the heavens, and can protect the origin of the Netherworld and tunnels. Heaven erodes and swallows.

When the Lord of the Netherworld completely entered the engulfing of the Yin-Yang Dao Qi machine, when his body and mind were completely condensed in himself, the Houtu Ancestral Witch felt the power from the tunnel, felt the origin from the Netherworld, and With the blessing of the authority and power of the Netherworld, she deeply understands that this is the help that the Lord of the Nether gives to herself and the support to the witch race.

Is the two-way passage important? It is important to say it is important, and it is not important to say it is not important! If the monster race trapped in the Netherworld can be wiped out when the passage between the two realms is opened, the passage between the two realms is not worth mentioning. If it fails to do so, it will inevitably be escaped by these trapped monster races. As far as the Tuzu witch is concerned, he is unwilling to let the witch tribe be too behind, nor is it willing to waste time and energy to cut through the agglomeration of the two realms. Since it is an enemy of life and death, it is natural to solve the problem fundamentally, that is, to strangle the demon. Clan, these enemies trapped in the Netherworld, only strangling them all is the best choice!

The Houtu ancestor witch with world authority and power is not weaker than any saint in terms of power and law. The moment the power is added, the Houtu ancestor witch locks on Nuwa Empress, the demon saint, This saint who has been helping the monster race, this is the power of the world's authority, even a heavenly saint, as long as he is the lord of the world, he can lock the opponent.

Power. At this moment, the Houtu Ancestor Witch felt the great power, and also understood how much opportunity he had missed before. It was a huge loss for him to step a wrong step, although a large part of this was due to the calculations of Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao. , But I still made a big mistake. I didn’t see through the nature of the world, nor did I firm up my beliefs. If my will is firm enough and not affected by any external forces, I will naturally not be calculated by the Dao of Heaven and Hongjun. , Will not miss this opportunity.

After the power was added, the Houtu ancestor witch only knew the power of the Netherworld, only then understood the power of the tunnel, and also deeply understood the horror of the heavenly way. Even the tunnel that was born last had such a powerful force. How powerful, and the way of heaven has swallowed part of the origin of humanity, one can imagine the way of heaven is powerful and terrible.

Did the Houtu ancestor witch have no greedy thoughts about the authority of the Netherworld, and the authority of the tunnel, did he not want to take this opportunity to grab this opportunity from the Lord of the Nether? She thought about it, but such a thought flashed in her heart, and she was abandoned. It didn't work. She didn't have this ability and couldn't do all of this. The Netherworld would not give her this opportunity. The tunnel will not recognize itself. If you miss it, you will miss it. Unless the Lord of the Nether releases everything on his own, it is impossible for anyone to seize the authority of the Nether World and the power of the tunnel in the Nether World.

At this time, the Houtu ancestor witch understood how stupid the predecessors were and how terrible the calculations of the Dao ancestor Hongjun and Dao ancestors were. Regarding the situation of the tunnels and the nether world, the ancestor witch Houtu did not think that Dao ancestor Hongjun and the ancestor of heaven I don’t know, but Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu did not stop the greed of those prehistoric forces, allowing them to die step by step. If there is no big secret and no big calculations behind this, the Houtu ancestor witch would not believe it, but understand Gui understands, but really want to find out what the calculations of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu are, this is still not what Houtu Zuwu can do. Even if he has mastered the power of the tunnel, the Houtu Zuwu is still vulnerable to the Dao of Heaven and Daozu Hongjun!

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