God of Destruction

Chapter 4401: Controversy

Chapter 4407: The Great Controversy

"What a heaven, what a Hongjun Dao ancestor, they regard the entire prehistoric creature like an ant, perhaps in their eyes, the entire prehistoric world is just a chess piece in their hands, and they can abandon it at any time. They calculate this way, for the entire prehistoric world. A huge blow, for those careerists, and for those greedy, is also a catastrophe. Is this the nature of the catastrophe? With the help of the power of catastrophe, we can eliminate all the forces that are ready to move in the prehistoric world. Or even to calculate her own disciple?" Hou Tu Zuwu sighed in her heart, she has more vigilance and worry about Hongjun Dao Zu and Tian Dao, and also has great worries about the future of Wu Clan, but now she has no choice. , Can only continue to fight!

The saints regard the heaven and the earth as ants, while Hongjun Daozu regards all creatures as ants, and everything under the heavenly path is ants. This is the true nature of heaven and earth. Although the saints master the power of heaven and earth, they are still in the eyes of Hongjun Daozu They are also ants, if it weren't for Hongjun Daozu who needed them to maintain the balance of the prehistoric world, perhaps the saints didn't even have the need to exist. It's a pity that today's prehistoric world has exceeded Hongjun Daozu's grasp, making everything weird and embarking on an unknown road, and it is the Lord of Nether who caused all this, who was born authentic.

There is no retreat for the Great Dao dispute. When the Tiandao and the tunnel are in conflict, the two sides have no retreat. The Houtu Zuwu now deeply understands this. His previous decisions were wrong, and he always thought he gave up a little. Wars can be avoided at once, and the Witchs can be preserved, but now she understands that this is impossible. The Witchs can only fight for themselves if they want to survive in the prehistoric world, and this process naturally requires war and death.

"A world of the last born in the Netherworld still has the Lord of the World, but why didn’t the heaven that appeared first have the Lord of the World? Could it be said that the authority of the heaven has disappeared, or is it because the demon race is hiding, or perhaps it was taken by Hongjun Daozu? Go?" The more you fight with the origin of the heavens, the more puzzled the Houtu ancestor witch is, because she has the power of the Netherworld world, and she doesn't feel that someone in the heavens has the power of the world, and someone can control the origin of the world. power.

Unfortunately, the Houtu Ancestral Witch did not have so much time to think about all of this. After the start of the war, the pressure she had to bear was too amazing, and the responsibility she had to bear was too great. Only then did she understand the pressure on the previous Lord of the Nether. How amazing it is, and I understand how much energy and price the Lord of Nether has paid for the Nether World.

Only by truly participating in the war of the world can we truly understand the power of the world and know the power and secrets hidden behind the world. It can be said that the blessing of world power this time has a profound impact on the ancestral witch of the Houtu. She saw the other side of the world and let her understand how wrong and stupid her previous thoughts were!

The more you understand, the easier it will be to master the authority of the world. The Nv Wa empress who is on the opposite side of the Nether World will have to bear the stronger impact. Before the Nv Wa Empress could vaguely suppress the power backlash of the Nether World, but As the Houtu ancestor witch mastered the power and power of the Netherworld, the situation of Empress Nuwa became extremely dangerous. This is a world war that will not shrink. The backlash suffered by both parties during the war is equal. Whoever falls first Even the saints are no exception. In front of the origin of the world, under the confrontation of the great road, the saints will also face a huge threat.

"What happened in the Netherworld, why would there be such a change in a short time, and the power of the Netherworld will continue to increase. Could it be said that the power of the heavens can't suppress the impact of the tunnels, and it will cause such a result? Or will there be external forces to join in to increase the power of the Netherworld?" Empress Nuwa was faintly disturbed, after all, this time she took the initiative to enter the game. If she fails, not only will she be backlashed by the origin of the world, she will be seriously injured, but she The name of the saint will also be lost due to this battle, which will have a great influence on his future practice.

At this time, Empress Nuwa had a faint remorse in her heart. She had long known that such a shock would occur, and she would fall into such a situation, and she should not be involved in this catastrophe because of a sudden shock. In the middle, let yourself bear such a big cause and effect, bear such a big pressure, so that you are in a dilemma.

Under this situation, Empress Nuwa thought of Daozu Hongjun. The battle has been going on for so long. There is no reason why Daozu Hongjun would not be aware of it. But why she is in such a difficult situation without receiving any support? This is not only It's just the problem of the monster race itself, but it is related to the balance of the entire prehistoric world. You shouldn't bear such a heavy pressure by yourself!

Yes, all of this shouldn’t be borne by the Nuwa Empress herself. All the Heavenly Dao saints in Honghuang should stand up and share some of the pressure, but the other Heavenly Dao saints have shrunk back and are unwilling to participate in this battle. This day’s great trouble and cause and effect, and in their opinion, this is the responsibility of the monster race itself, and they should not be carried by these saints!

When the situation worsened bit by bit, when her own pressure was rapidly increasing, Empress Nuwa was very dissatisfied with other heavenly saints, and also dissatisfied with Hongjun Daozu. If she hadn't been deeply involved in this disaster, she would have been unable to. Withdrawing away, she had already withdrawn and left, no longer paying attention to this Lich's calamity, and not caring about the life and death battle between the Lich races, so that all the pressure returned to Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu. He retreated from this calamity!

When Nuwa Empress remorse, the expressions of Sanqing and Western Two Saints became more and more solemn, and their eyes gradually became more jealous and fearful. They did not expect that the situation would develop so quickly. The witch clan who cares will have such power, and the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the Houtu Ancestral Witch, will have such amazing combat power.

"Brother, this damned situation is really out of control. Daozu Hongjun did nothing. Let this situation continue to deteriorate, we must be prepared, otherwise the situation of Empress Nuwa is very likely to appear in ours. On the body, we are very likely to follow in her footsteps!" At this time, the sage Zhunti was so annoyed and dissatisfied with Daozu Hongjun!


"Oh, why don’t I know this, not only do we know it, even the Sanqing is also clear, but now it’s too late even if we have the intention to change everything, we can’t do it, we must know that this is true The world counts the calamity of the world, the witch race and the monster race are the real targets of the decisive battle. There is no retreat between them. There is only a fight to the end. We can't accompany them to death. For them, we are still calm and condensed. Let go, first absorb the power of the original source and strengthen your own power. Only strong power is the best support for all. The catastrophe is a crisis and an opportunity!" When he said this, the leading saint sighed involuntarily. There was a hint of anxiety in his eyes, and a hint of vigilance!

Yes, the calamity of heaven and earth measurement is a crisis and opportunity. The introduction of the saint did not see all of this before, but now it is different. The really calm and enticed saint has seen everything and everything behind this heaven and earth measurement robbery, so he I don't want to attack again, and I don't want to fight for the way of heaven. Even if I want to fight, I will fight for myself and the West. What are you afraid of when the situation is out of control? No, for the West, it was originally the poorest place in the prehistoric world. You don't need to care about the destruction of the calamity at all. Even if there is cause and effect, karma, and superiors, it has nothing to do with yourself.

Under Heaven, there is Hongjun Daozu, and Hongjun Daozu has Sanqing and Nuwa disciples, but they are just named disciples. Even if there is cause and effect, they should not be borne by named disciples like them, but It must be borne by the disciple who enters the room, not to mention that Empress Nuwa can't bear to make a move now, and the next one is naturally Sanqing!

"Chaos, the chaos the world is, the better, the crazier the situation is, the better, only when everything is out of control, everything goes to the unknown, and the entire prehistoric world is turned upside down. Only when you have a junior and a brother, and the West can you have a chance!" Induce the true thoughts in the saint's heart at this time. Although this thought is extremely selfish, it is the only way to break the game.

How difficult the situation in the West is, and the pressure on the body, it is clear in the heart of the sage who is attracted. Under such a situation, if you want to break the situation, you can only choose a crazy path, and the best way is the whole The prehistoric world is in chaos, and all the forces between heaven and earth are reshuffled, so that the West has a chance, and it has a chance for itself. As for how great the loss of the prehistoric world is, this is not in the consideration of attracting the saints, people are not for themselves, and the heavens are destroyed! For the sake of one's own benefit and for the sake of one's own future, the only way to attract saints can be cruel, and this is the only way to reverse the trend!

Before he knew it, the enticed saint also abandoned the original thoughts in his heart, and gradually walked on the opposite side of the way of heaven, but he is still hiding now, and he dare not act rashly, after all, everything has not yet reached the showdown. Time, when everything is not over, I have time to wait, and time to observe.

For the introduction of the saints, now the Nuwa Empress has entered the arena, and the Wu Clan has also entered, the two protagonists of the two worlds of the Primordial World have entered the game, and the confrontation between the heavens and the underground is also open, and the battle between the nether world and the heaven has also broken out. Under this circumstance, there is no need to rush to show up, and there is no need to care about the loss of the wild world and the pressure of heaven.

"Brother, I'm afraid that the teacher won't let us get what we want, and will force us to join the war!" Zhunti also understands his brother's thoughts. Although this is an excellent solution, he still feels uneasy because of them. There is not enough strength to resist Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao. When facing absolute power, they can only obey!

Then the saint sneered and said: "Haha, I know, but it doesn't matter. At that moment, we don't need to be patient anymore. We are not appendages of others, nor are we puppets of heaven. It's a big deal to give up this cultivation. This saint's status!"

"What, brother, you are crazy, how much price we have paid for the saint's status, how can we say to give up and give up?" When he heard the words of the introduction of the saint, Zhunti's heart was extremely heavy, and he did not believe it. The words are from the brothers!

"Crazy, no, I am not crazy, we have no choice! Although the honor of the saint is very important to us, it does not mean that we have to sacrifice everything for this honor. At that moment, we can Giving up, saints are both honorable and restrained. Perhaps letting go is the best for us. Letting go of the pressure will disappear!"

Putting it down, it’s easier said than done, whoever can really do it, who can really ignore this saint’s status, if these words are heard by other powerful people, they will never believe it, because they all know that the West II What a price the saint paid for gaining the position of a saint, how much karma has been endured, and who would believe if he wants to give up now!

However, the saint Zhunti believes it, because he can clearly feel the firm belief in his brother. If he really gets that moment, he will really give up the respect of the saint and give up this body of cause and effect! In order to be sanctified, they owe great cause and effect to the Dao of Heaven. Under normal circumstances, they cannot escape, but the Dao of Heaven and Hongjun Daozu have to oppress them forcibly. Perhaps this is an opportunity, a chance to break free from the **** of this body. , It’s just that whether such an opportunity can appear or whether it will come, I can’t guarantee or know about the introduction of the saint.

However, for your own safety and self-interest, you must prepare for the worst and prepare for the worst. Once everything has happened, you will not be caught off guard, and you will not be caught in a state of unrest. His life is ruined. For the introduction of the saint, he believes that the thoughts in his heart will inevitably be sensed by Heaven. Perhaps this is his own opportunity, which is the opportunity to prevent all this from erupting in himself.

If it is really necessary to let the enticed saints and Zhun Tisheng give up everything about themselves and give up the sage of the heavenly way, it will also be a huge impact for the heavenly way, and it will also be a huge blow for the Hongjun Taoist ancestor. It is not a last resort, no matter it is the heavenly way. Fortunately, it is Hongjun Daozu. I don’t want to see such a situation happen. I don’t want to see that the two sages of the West are forced to give up everything. If that happens, it becomes a heaven for the sage of heaven. The big joke is also a huge impact for all the prehistoric creatures, and the sage no longer has that crazy temptation power!

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