God of Destruction

Chapter 4402: Strong interference

Chapter 4408 Strong Intervention

The reaction of attracting the saints exceeded Hongjun Daozu’s expectations and greatly affected Hongjun Daozu’s plan, but now it cannot force the Western Second Saints to be too tight. For Hongjun Daozu, he is very worried that the situation will be really out of control. , If even the Western two sages have to give up the respect of the heavenly saints, the impact on the heavens will be too great, it will greatly affect the majesty of the heavens, and it will also damage the reputation of the Hongjun Dao ancestors, and will give the tunnels and give the nether world a strong The opportunity to make the entire prehistoric world completely out of control.

If you want to rely on the power of all the saints to balance this life-and-death battle to stabilize the prevalence, it is obviously impossible. Among all the saints, only the Nuwa Empress had to participate in the battle because of her own cause and effect. The Tuzu witch was a giant of the witch clan fighting, but it is a pity that the goddess of the goddess Nuwa did not take the Hou Tu ancestor witch, and even fell to the wind after the impact of the Hou Tu ancestor witch. This situation will affect the entire world. Said that it was a great influence, and it also made many giants in the wild begin to wonder if the saints of the heavenly path are really so high that they can overlook the lives of the world?

Yes, this time the Houtu Ancestral Witch’s attack and the defeat of the Nuwa Empress shakes the reputation of the Heavenly Dao Sage, and the great tycoons begin to doubt everything before and the power of the saint, although the Houtu Ancestral Witch has the blessing of the world origin. , Has the power of world authority, but this is not the reason for the saint of heaven to fail. Such a failure is a devastating injury to the saint of heaven. If you can’t save everything, I’m afraid this result will gradually be lost over time. What the prehistoric creatures knew would greatly impact the reputation of the Heavenly Dao Sage and make Heavenly Dao Sage no longer an invincible power.

It’s not that Hongjun Daozu never thought of directly taking action, directly suppressing the Houtu Ancestral Witch, and completely suppressing it in the Nether World, in the Six Paths of Reincarnation, but when Hongjun Daozu had such an idea, he deeply Feeling the counterattack from the Netherworld, feeling the authentic anger, the Houtu Ancestral Witch under the blessing of the power of the world, has already had an essential gap with the previous ones, the power of the world is added, anyone who wants to threaten the Houtu Ancestral Witch All creatures can feel the anger from the world.

"Damn ants, it's you who broke my big business, so that the Houtu ancestor witch escaped from the calculations and left the situation in a daze. Is there really no other way I can think of? I really want to go this last road. "" Hongjun Daozu was angry in his heart, hating the Lord of Nether, the **** who caused the current situation with this hand.

Yes, in the eyes of Daozu Hongjun, the Lord of the Nether is a bastard, a big bastard. It is his appearance that has ruined all his good deeds and made his plans fall to nothing, but he wants to fight back, and he has some intentions. Weakness, after all, I am the ancestor of Dao. If you come to clean up the Lord of the Nether at this time, not only will you not get good results, but will also ruin everyone’s lives, but if you don’t resist, you will still end up with a failure. .

Is the Lord of the Nether the one that escaped, or is it a variable in the world, or an odd number? It’s also not clear to Dao Ancestor Hongjun. All the auras of the Lord of Nether are covered in the endless mist. He has the origin of the innate Chaos God and Demon left by the Time God and Demon, even if he is Hong Daozu Jun can't count everything about the Lord of the Netherworld, nor can he understand his origin. For Daozu Hongjun, there is only one thing that can be known. The Lord of the Netherworld is an innate **** and demon, who was bred from the tunnel and the nether world. God and demon, no matter how many things are impossible to find out, everything is obscured by the origin of the innate chaotic **** and demon!

Unfortunately, Daozu Hongjun has no time to think about this issue for the time being. With the full explosion of the Houtu Ancestor Witch, the crazy collision between the heavens and the tunnels, the crazy impact of the heavens and the nether world, the entire prehistoric world is trembling. The creatures on the mountain were all affected, and even the wild land was damaged. Such a situation was unacceptable to Daozu Hongjun. It was impossible for him to watch the wild land damaged like this.

If it is the power of the Wu clan that confronts the heavens and the heavens, it will damage the entire prehistoric world. Such a situation is what Hongjun Daozu and the heavens are willing to see. This will greatly damage the Wu clan’s luck and eliminate Pangu. The breath of the great god, but this is not the case now, the monster race is involved, and the Nuwa empress is also drawn into the war. If it is causal and karma, the greatest is not the shaman, but the monster and the Nuwa empress, It is they who should bear the greatest causal karma, and the karma that the Wu clan has to bear is very small, because they are passively participating and the blame is not on them!

If Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao are both defeated by the Lich family, rather than the Demon Race out of the game early, if this situation continues, even if the Demon Race can successfully escape from the Netherworld, even if the Nuwa Empress can use the Celestial Origin to suppress The Tuzu witch and the Netherworld will not be worth the loss in the end. They will all be burdened with endless karma, and will be abandoned by the heaven and the earth. Even if Nvwa Niangliang is the venerable saint, once abandoned by the heaven and the earth, she will also be knocked down to the heaven. The saint's status, and the demon race is naturally dead and dead, will be kicked out directly, and will directly end in failure in this Lich's calamity!

As for the Lord of the Nether who is now shrouded in the Netherworld and is frantically devouring the Qi machine of the Yin-Yang Dao, Dao Ancestor Hongjun did not care too much. The Lord of the Nether may have great opportunities and great fortune, but it is not aimed at right now. In his time, how do you control the overall situation of heaven and earth not to collapse, so that the tribulation of heaven and earth can return to the original trajectory!

"Stop it, do you want to break the entire prehistoric world? Do you want countless creatures to suffer annihilation because of your selfishness?" As this voice fell, a powerful force fell from the void, Directly resolve the confrontation between the heavens and the underworld, and directly resolve the power of the Nuwa Empress and the Houtu ancestor witch!

Yes, Hongjun Daozu appeared. In such a dangerous situation, he had to take action to prevent the continuation of this life-and-death duel, and had to interfere with the development of this catastrophe. It was just that once he shot, he would be backlashed by the world. After all, this is the calamity of the heaven and the earth, directly intervening in the calamity, even if the Dao Ancestor Hongjun who fits in the right way will also face the backlash of the Dao, if the entire prehistoric world is in the grasp of the heaven and earth, everything is not a big deal, but Now that tunnels are born, tunnels are capable of confronting Tiandao. Under this circumstance, Hongjun Taoist ancestor who fits into Tiandao will naturally suffer a great backlash.


"Haha! As expected, Hongjun Daozu finally couldn't bear to intervene in the Lich to measure the calamity. What he wanted was the loss of the Lich family. As long as this situation got a little out of control, he I can’t bear to stop and interfere in the Great Tribulation, but this time I will not back down, nor will the Witch Clan back down!” For a moment, the Houtu Ancestor Witch’s heart was sneered again and again, and it was entirely in her. As expected!

Under the strong interference of Daozu Hongjun, the monster race trapped in the Netherworld finally breathed a sigh of relief. You must know that under the full strangulation of the Houtu ancestor witch and the witch race, the monster emperor Jun couldn’t help Burning one's own origin again, and even summoning a stronger star origin, to fight with the Netherworld with all its strength, no matter how great the price is paid!

Under the interference of Daozu Hongjun, the origin of the Avenue of Stars was instantly exiled back to the original starry sky, and the demon emperor Jun, who presided over the overall situation, was supposed to bear the backlash of the Avenue of Stars and the origin of the Majestic Heaven and Earth, but all this was Daozu Hongjun was wiped out, and he did such a crazy behavior. Demon Emperor Jun was not backlashed by the heavens and the earth. It can be seen how much selfishness of Daozu Hongjun is!

All the methods of Daozu Hongjun are not felt for the predecessors. All they can feel is that Daozu Hongjun saved the world and saved them from the disaster of destruction. But for those truly strong, those For the powerhouse standing at the top of the prehistoric world, he can know Hongjun Daozu's bias towards the monster race.

"Haha! The teacher still couldn't bear to stop all of this. The Yaozu was really amazing. It was so amazing that the Yaozu was able to get the help of the teacher during the life and death crisis, and let them get rid of the life and death crisis in an instant. It is really a big face, if you replace it with yes Is it possible for us in the West?" Facing such an ending, Zhunti saint’s eyes showed endless anger! Being a saint is not as good as a monster race, which makes Zhun mention how the saint can accept it.

"Junior brother, there is no need to mess up the state of mind because of this. Isn't this as we expected, the demon clan has Nuwa, a saint, if you really suffer from this great battle, you think Nuwa can bear it? That causal karma, once Nuwa fell into the position of a saint of heaven, how much impact did it have on heaven and how great was the impact on the entire prehistoric land?" When he said this, he took the saint’s voice and showed a hint of faintness on his face. Sneered, and then said in a deep voice: "The teacher has taken action, but can such a partial move convince the Wu clan? Can the Hou Tu Zu Wu retreat? As the lord of the six reincarnations, the Hou Tu Zu Wu will not be that way. It's easy to give up, she is no longer the ancestral witch from the beginning!"

Yes, today’s Houtu Ancestral Witch is indeed not the original ancestral witch, now Houtu Ancestral Witch will not shrink back, nor can it retreat, because she represents not only the Witch Clan, not just herself, but also authenticity. There is the Netherworld, the blessing of the world's authority, and the help of the source of the tunnel. If the Houtu ancestor witch does not want to be evil against the tunnel again, the Netherworld will fight forever!

The Houtu ancestor witch's expression condensed, and he said in a deep voice: "Tao ancestor's words are too much, all this is not caused by our witch clan, but the demon clan is caused by your brother and child Wa, the demon clan must invade the Netherworld. The world, seizing the power of the Netherworld, and ultimately failed, is even more crazy enough to attract the origin of the stars. If you want to cause the sun and stars to fall into the Netherworld, it is Nu Wa, regardless of the rules of the world, forcibly participating in the calamity, and too selfish. The origin of the heavens caused the collision between the heaven and the earth. It was their evil deeds that caused the natural and man-made disasters. They have to bear this causal responsibility, and they must pay for it. They cannot be erased because of the Dao Ancestor's words. For all guilt, I want an explanation, the Wu Clan needs an explanation, the heaven and earth sentient beings need an explanation, the Netherworld needs an explanation, and the tunnel needs an explanation!"

"My sister said it well, we the Wu Clan want a statement, and you can’t decide everything by your Dao ancestor alone. The Majestic Heaven and Earth are not dictatorial for you and the heavens. We need a statement. The creatures of the world need a statement. The monster race needs to be severely punished. Wa must be severely punished, and you can't get away with it just because she is your disciple, ignoring the rules of heaven and earth!" All the ancestors and witches also immediately responded, and attacked Hongjun Dao ancestor together, using the identity of Empress Nuwa.

If Hongjun Daozu really had to do this forcibly, the cause and effect would be great, and the entire prehistoric world would be even more chaotic. No one would believe in the rules of heaven and earth anymore, and would not believe in the way of heaven, because the Daozu Hongjun who fits the way himself will In breaking the rules, they all ignore the existence of the rules. Even Hongjun Daozu is unwilling to accept the constraints of the rules. How can it be accepted by the other creatures in Honghuang!

For the sake of selfishness, the monster race does not care about the life and death of all beings in the prehistoric world, disregarding the rules of the prehistoric world, causing the sun and stars to fall. Such a big crime can be erased in one word. What rules are there in this prehistoric world, and what credibility does God have? Words!

The resistance of the Houtu ancestor witch and the witch clan caused endless anger in Hongjun Daozu's heart. They were challenging their own bottom line, but Hongjun Daozu had to give an explanation, and had to make an explanation, otherwise the so-called so-called Tiangui has become a joke, a big joke, and the dignity of heaven will be completely trampled underfoot, and the entire predatory world will be out of control!

"Yeah! Are you doubting the fairness of the Dao of Heaven?" A deep voice fell. With this sound, the Wu Clan felt a great pressure, and the Ancestral Sorcerer Hou Tu felt a great pressure. This came from the Dao of Heaven. From Hongjun Daozu!

When the Houtu ancestor witch and the Wu clan rebelled against Hongjun Dao ancestor, when he doubted Hongjun Dao ancestor, the Lord of the Nether could not continue to swallow the Yin Yang Dao Qi in the nether world, and had to help the Hou Tu ancestor witch, the authentic authority, The power of authority in the nether world is increasing. As the master of the nether world, he is awakening the original power of the entire nether world, because only by doing so can the pressure on the witch race and the pressure on the Houtu ancestor witch can be relieved. , So that they can not be subdued by Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu, and can restore the general trend, let everything return to their own control, so that this confrontation will not be one-sided, will not be controlled by Hongjun Daozu, and let the world of Netherworld Damage to the tunnels, damage to the luck of the Witch tribe, and great pressure on the Witch tribe.

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