God of Destruction

Chapter 4403: Interrogation

Chapter 4409 Questioning

"We need to explain and need a result. If the way of heaven is unfair, I will take it by myself. No creature can provoke the dignity of the authentic without being punished. No creature can break into my ghost world without being punished. The tunnel can't restrain the Netherworld!" The voice of the Nether Lord resounded through the world, the origin of the Netherworld burst out instantly, the mighty power of the tunnel burst instantly, and the entire Netherworld world was enveloped by the tunnel!

When the Lord of Netherworld stood up, the ancestor witch Houtu breathed a sigh of relief, and the ancestor witches of the Witch clan breathed a sigh of relief. The arrival of the tunnels and the explosion of the origin of the Netherworld directly removed most of the pressure on them. The power of Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao can no longer cause harm to them. The appearance of the Lord bears most of the impact for them. This is the responsibility that the Lord of the World must fulfill. As the Lord of the World, naturally the first Time has to bear the external impact!

"Presumptuous, a big Luo Jinxian in your mere delusion also wanted to ask the Heavenly Dao for an explanation. Are you worthy? Do you have the qualifications?" Facing the provocation of the Lord of the Nether, Hongjun Daozu became angry. This is a serious impact on the dignity of the Heavenly Dao. Let a little big Luo Jinxian question him, what is the reputation of Heavenly Dao, and what does Heavenly Dao use to subdue the entire prehistoric world.

"Yes, I am really just a little big Luo Jinxian, but I am still the lord of the Netherworld. As the lord of one world, do I have this qualification? If I don't have this qualification, does the tunnel have this qualification, this It’s impossible for the primordial world to be covered by the way of heaven. You Hongjun Dao ancestor will cover the sky with one hand. Even if we break the primordial world, we will not retreat or retreat!” At this time, the eyes of the Lord of Nether flashed with endless madness, just as he said. In that way, this battle cannot retreat by oneself, what he represents is the world of the Netherworld, it is authentic, and as the lord of the world, you should assume your own responsibilities.

If all the creatures in the prehistoric world are dissatisfied with the Dao of Heaven and the Dao Ancestor Hongjun, they will think that the Dao of Heaven and Dao Ancestor Hongjun are eccentric, leading to this world-destroying battle, which is absolutely terrifying to the Dao of Heaven and Dao Hongjun. Strikes, this will shake their foundation in the wilderness. Once the foundation is shaken, the entire wilderness will usher in terrible disasters. Chaos will be staged in the wilderness. No one will care about the laws of the world anymore. The serious consequences will be borne by Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao!

"Hongjun Daozu, we need an explanation. Every time the monster race is in crisis, you will show up to help. If you think that the position of the protagonist of this world should be chosen by you and the way of heaven, then this calamity still exists. Does it make sense, or that you have always wanted to use the sword to kill people, and want to use the power of the monster clan to destroy my witch clan, in that case, what can we say? If you don’t give us a satisfactory reply today, my witch clan I would rather fight to death than compromise. I believe that if our Wu clan is willing to pull you to death, we also have this strength. If the prehistoric world is shattered by your interference, even if you fit in with the heavens, you will have to pay a heavy price!" The leader of the ancestor, the Zu Wu Dijiang stood up to challenge Hongjun Dao Zu, using all the power of the Witch Clan to threaten Hongjun Dao Zu, although this move was very crazy, but these words fell into a passive state. in.

Before, everyone understood Hongjun Daozu’s thoughts and understood that Hongjun Daozu was using the hands of the monster clan to deal with the witch clan, but all of this was not placed on the bright side. The witch clan took care of it and did not dare to face it directly. Daozu Hongjun did not dare to make a suspicious voice, but now it is different. The Houtu Ancestral Sorcerer evolved into six reincarnations and became the lord of the six reincarnations. It was helped by the nether world and the tunnels. This is the opportunity for the witch race. If this time they It would be foolish not to seize this opportunity well!

Facing the Wu Clan’s counterattack, Hongjun Daozu glanced at them, and then ignored them. All the forces caused by the collision of the two worlds between the waves were calmed, and between this wave, those trapped in the Nether World The demon clan among them also disappeared, Hongjun Daozu didn't care about the threats of the Witch Clan and the Nether Lord, and directly broke their situation!

Without the trace of the monster clan, many of the witch clan’s witch clan are angry, and the Lord of the Nether is also angry. He can understand Daozu Hongjun’s intention. This is to warn them and remind them that even with the help of the Netherworld, It's just that there is a real help, and it is still a long way to fight against the heavens, and the heavens are not something that these creatures who are not even saints can fight!

Everything was settled in an instant, Hongjun Daozu's figure disappeared without a trace. If it weren't for the prehistoric world and it hadn't stabilized, if it wasn't for the violent atmosphere of the Netherworld, everyone would think it was just an illusion, but the Lord of the Nether and the Houtu The ancestor witches understood how shocking the impact behind all this was, and understood how dangerous their situation was in this battle. In order to be able to limit Dao Ancestor Hongjun, in order to limit the power of the Tao of Heaven, they did not hesitate to tear their skin, but the result still failed.

Daozu Hongjun didn’t take their threat seriously. Perhaps in Daozu Hongjun’s eyes, they were just larger ants. Without the protection of the Netherworld and the tunnels, they could be wiped out by waving their hands. The confrontation between Hongjun Daozu brought a huge impact to the Houtu Ancestral Witch and the Lord of Netherworld.

The original plan was very successful and everything was developing according to the plan, but with the emergence of Dao Zu Hongjun, the so-called plan was completely shattered. In the face of absolute power, any calculations that could not withstand a single blow were directly wiped out by Dao Zu Hongjun!

"This is the power of heaven, this is the attitude of the teacher. It seems that the situation is more dangerous than we thought. There are more secrets hidden in this tribulation of heaven and earth. Otherwise, the teacher will not be so aggressive and will not endure this ant. The provocation, and what secrets are hidden behind this, what is the teacher calculating, is it really just to restrict the tunnels and restrict the nether world?" At this time, the heart of the sage was thinking, this time the impact has a great impact on him The influence of, but even though there are too many doubts in my heart now, they can't be said in the mouth, otherwise they will inevitably be known by Hongjun Daozu.

The leading sage and Zhunti sage looked at each other, and they saw a hint of worry and a hint of helplessness in each other’s eyes, but one thing they could be sure of was that Hongjun Daozu was jealous of the tunnels and the Netherworld. Otherwise, the Lord of the Nether and the Houtu Ancestral Witch and the ancestral witches of the Witch Clan would not be easily let go.

Is it all over? No, it's not over, just because of Hongjun Daozu's intervention, this confrontation came to an end, and it also made many predecessors reflect on this. The changes in the scale of heaven and earth are so amazing that they are vaguely disturbed. , Under the shame of the skin, whether the monster race or the witch race will no longer be patient.

auzw.com" Friends of Houtu, we should have a good talk, and the ancestral witches of the Wu clan, we should sit down and discuss countermeasures. This time it is not an accident. If we want to survive, we must discuss a satisfactory countermeasure!" Although the Lord of Nether is not willing to waste his time and energy, this shocking change has forced him to make a decision to be more productive.

The ancestral witch Houtu nodded and said: "Yes, we should really talk about it. Only when we work together can we have a ray of life. If we can't work together, we will only be broken by the demon clan and the heaven. In the end, my body will die, the six reincarnations will not be able to protect me, and the Nether World will not be able to protect fellow Taoists. We need to cooperate!"

This sentence is right. When Hongjun Daozu intervened in this battle, she deeply felt that the status of the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation could not protect her safety. If Hongjun Daozu was willing to pay a certain amount The price is to be able to erase one's own existence. Without the help of Dao Dao, he is an ant in front of Dao Ancestor Hongjun.

Because of Daozu Hongjun’s intervention in this battle, all Hongjun Daozu was inspired by the horror of the Dao of Heaven, and he also felt the selfishness of the Dao of Heaven. All the strong and powerful, Hongjun Daozu could interfere with the Wu tribe. , Does this mean that as long as Tiandao and Hongjun Taozu are willing, they can intervene in their own development at any time.

After calming the turbulence of the Netherworld, after inviting a group of ancestor witches into the Netherworld, the entire Netherworld was restored to calm, the entire prehistoric world returned to calm, and the atmosphere of the underground once again diffused, covering the Netherworld again and disappearing into the prehistoric world. In the eyes of the strong, it was placed under the wild world, as if it had never appeared before!

"Houtu ancestor witch is very puzzled why I invited the ancestral witches of the Wu clan to come to the Netherworld?" After everyone sat down, the Lord of the Nether spoke, and his face had already lost the fighting will of the sky before. It's just dignified.

The Houtu ancestor witch smiled calmly and said: "There are indeed some doubts, but I believe that Fellow Daoist must have his own reasons for doing this. At this critical moment, Fellow Daoist did not help the Netherworld to remove the erosion of the heavenly origin, but wanted to have with me. There must be important things for the Wu Clan to discuss matters, and things that can be valued by fellow Taoists, the Lord of the World, must be very important!"

The Lord of Nether took a deep breath, and said with a deep expression, "Houtu Ancestral Witch, Emperor Jiangzu Witch, if I say that you give up the prehistoric sky and give up fighting for the protagonist of the world with the monster race, will you agree? , Will you give up everything about the Wu Clan?"

Di Jiang Zu Wu's expression condensed, and he said in a deep voice, "What? Fellow Daoist, what do you mean? Do you want my Wu Clan to retreat without a fight? Although Heavenly Dao is very powerful, Hongjun Dao Ancestor is very powerful, but My witch clan never fears any enemy, even if we die, we will not retreat without a fight. There are only ancestral witches who died in battle, and no ancestral witches who flinched!"

When seeing the reaction of Emperor Jiang Zuwu, the Lord of Nether sighed involuntarily, this reaction was in his own expectations, but the more so, the heavier the Lord of Nether, he wanted to break the situation. You need to pay a greater price.

Without waiting for the Lord of Nether to speak, the Ancestral Witch Houtu said: "Brother, don’t worry, I believe that the Lord of Nether must have his own ideas. We should listen to it. After all, the Lord of Nether has gained the world’s Authority, with genuine assistance, has a different view of this world-wide calamity from ours."

The Lord of Nether sighed once again, shook his head and said: "I do have different opinions, but judging from the reaction of Emperor Jiang Zuwu, even if I say it, there will be no results, and you will not agree. You all have the courage and conviction to fight to the death. I said that it won't be good for you, so it's better not to say it!"

As soon as the words of the Lord of the Nether fell, the ancestor witches were a little dumbfounded, and they couldn't believe their ears. The Lord of the Nether could say such words, which made their hearts more curious about the thoughts of the Lord of the Nether. I want to know what the Lord of Nether wants to do and what he is calculating. Perhaps the request made by the Lord of Nether is a bit excessive and a little unacceptable, but this does not mean that they really have to give up, and it does not mean that they don't understand all of this.

In an instant, a group of ancestor witches cast their gazes on Houtu ancestor witches, signalling Houtu ancestor witches to open up to resolve this embarrassing situation. After all, Houtu ancestor witches are also giants in the nether world, and it is easier to talk to the lord of the netherworld. Ask.

The ancestor Wu Hou Tu smiled lightly and said: "Fallen Dao, although I don’t know what you are thinking, and I don’t understand the meaning of your words, I believe you must know something we don’t know. The previous changes in the Netherworld. It's all caused by your birth. I believe you must have known some secrets that we don't know when you blended with the tunnel. Just like the secrets of the six reincarnations, now we are grasshoppers on a rope, only we are united Only through concerted efforts can we gain a chance in this calamity of heaven and earth. Please also ask fellow daoists to tell us what you think in your heart. If fellow daoists have good reasons, we are willing to listen to them!"

The Lord of the Nether sighed and said: "Actually, my idea is very simple. I want to try the bottom line of Heavenly Dao and the bottom line of Hongjun Daozu. You must know that we have always been in a passive state. Being led by the heavens, I want to try the ideas of the heavens and the Hongjun Daozu, and see if they can really let the monster race grow, let the monster race get the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth, and get the status of humanity! Of course, this will inevitably be dangerous, but if we can test out the reality, it will be of great benefit to us, and it will also be related to the development and growth of the Netherworld and the tunnel!"

Just to test the way of heaven and the Daozu of Hongjun, the witches must pay such a high price. This makes Emperor Jiangzu witches and other ancestral witches somewhat incomprehensible and unacceptable, but Houtu ancestor witches have What I felt, my eyes shone with light, as if some understood the calculations of the Lord of the Nether, and understood the Lord's intentions!

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