God of Destruction

Chapter 4404: Festival Witch World

Chapter 4410 Witch World

Looking at the Houtu Ancestral Witch with the gleam of wisdom in his eyes, the Lord of the Nether nodded gently and said: "Yes, I just want to see if Heaven will allow the monster family to dominate. What will the prehistoric world look like? How will all the saints react to see if the Demon Emperor Jun can really get the Supreme Humane status!"

The supreme humanity position, this is not a simple heaven and earth position, but the most powerful position of humanity. It is also the strongest power in the human world among the three realms of heaven, earth and man. If this power is obtained by the monster race, it will What kind of impact will it bring to the prehistoric world!

The Houtu ancestor witch took a deep breath and said, "You are crazy, you are so crazy, you have such a crazy idea, but this idea does work, if my Wu clan really has to retreat from the wild world, everything Hand it over to the monster clan, all this is really possible, but fellow Taoist has ever thought about where my witch clan should go, is it possible that my witch clan should enter the Netherworld?

The Lord of the Nether shook his head gently and said, "No, although the Nether World is perfect, the Nether World is not suitable for the Witch Clan. If the Nether World is allowed to enter the Nether World, it will only completely restrict the development of the Witch Clan, and will only let Heaven. Let Hongjun Daozu happy, as an ancestor witch, Dao friends should know what is happening in the Netherworld today!"

The Houtu Zuwu sighed: "Since fellow Daoist is also in the current situation, how should I arrange for my Wu Clan? This will not be just a momentary thought of fellow Daoist. I believe that fellow Daoist will not be so reckless. I have spoken, I must have figured out a way to resolve it, and I also invite fellow daoists to speak freely. I will wait to listen carefully. If it works, my Wu Clan will not give up everything in the prehistoric world!"

When the words of the ancestral witch Houtu fell, the expressions of the other ancestor witches suddenly changed. Di Jiang Zuwu said in a deep voice: "Sister Houtu, are you crazy? Do you know what you are talking about? Give up the wild world, then It is tantamount to giving up the protection of God the Father!"

A faint bitter smile appeared on the face of the ancestral witch Houtu, and he shook his head slightly and said, "Brothers, I know what I am talking about and understand the consequences of doing so, but we have no choice. Heaven and earth are no longer the prehistoric world we were familiar with. Ever since Hongjun Dao ancestor fits in with our body, our Wu clan has been suppressed by the heavens, again and again. Originally this time, I wanted to use the power of the ghost world and the underground Initiating trouble, breaking the shackles that bound us to the witch race, but I failed, even with the help of the Lord of the Nether, I still failed, so I had to plan for the worst. I couldn’t just watch the whole witch race go. destroy!"

As soon as the words of the ancestral witch Houtu fell, the look of the ancestral witch of Emperor Jiang changed again and again. As the most powerful ancestral witch of the witch clan, as the patriarch of the witch clan, he naturally knew that the ancestral witch Houtu said everything To be honest, it is still very difficult to make him accept all of this. The original concept is not so easy to change, and for the Wu clan to retreat actively, this in itself is a weakening of their own luck! But if you don’t do this, the witches really have no future, and there is only a dead end for the entire witches, because the witches have no soul, do not respect the heavens, and are hostile to all the saints of the heavens. Under this circumstance, the situation of the witches is It is conceivable!

"That being said, but after doing so, how can we be worthy of the fellow robes who fell in the war and fought for the Wu Clan!" He understood in my heart, but the Emperor Jiang Zu Wu was still unwilling to accept this result.

Regarding the disputes within the Wu clan, the Lord of the Nether does not care and is unwilling to participate. This is their internal matter and has nothing to do with him. If he joins rashly, if the situation is good, it will be beneficial to the Wu clan in the end. It is easy to say that if there is a problem, the Lord of the Nether will be in great trouble. These ancestral witches are not so easy to get along with!

At this time, the Houtu Ancestral Witch understood that if he could not persuade the other Ancestral Witches, he would not be able to discuss the previous topic with the Lord of the Nether, because a witch clan that did not reach a consensus would make the Lord of the Nether worry, and the other party would not be willing to bear it. The serious consequences!

"Compared with the destruction of the entire Wu clan, how about retreating for the time being, or giving up the wild world, even the Father God can understand our sufferings. If we are all fallen into the calculations of the heavens, we will talk about protecting the wild world, The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will not come. There is not always such an opportunity. Before, I was able to establish the witchcraft because of the help of the Lord of the Nether, from the protection of the tunnel and the guardianship of the Netherworld, now in the heaven In the battle with tunnels, tunnels are obviously at a disadvantage. Once another war breaks out, I may not have the power to help the witches, and Tiandao may directly intervene!" When he said this, the voice of the ancestor Houtu witches, eyes Looking at the other Ancestral Witches calmly, waiting for their choice.

Time went by little by little, and the other ancestral witches were calculating their gains and losses, thinking about whether it was right or wrong to do so. Is this really alive for the Wu Clan? It really allows the Wu Clan to avoid this madness. Will the heaven and the earth measure the calamity? Heaven will allow the Wu clan to do so, and will Hongjun Daozu allow the Wu clan to escape like this? All this must be considered carefully!

After a long time, Emperor Jiang Zuwu glanced at the other ancestor witches, exchanged gazes, and then sighed: "Well! At this point, we can only compromise. Compared to the survival of the entire ethnic civilization, a little bit His face is nothing!"


When he heard the words of Emperor Jiang Zu Wu, Hou Tu Zu Wu finally breathed a sigh of relief. She was really worried that she could not persuade Emperor Jiang Zu Wu and her elder brothers. After all, in the concept of Wu Clan, God The earth is not as big as the Father God, everything is important to the Father God, now with the words of Emperor Jiang Zu Wu, Hou Tu Zu Wu need not worry, so she turned her eyes to the Lord of Nether, waiting Following the reply from the Nether Lord, the Wu Clan reached a consensus, and now it is time for the Nether Lord to say everything!

I saw that the Lord of the Nether sighed lightly, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes. Yes, for the Lord of the Nether, the Emperor Jiang Zuwu and the others could choose to retreat. This is really unacceptable. It is not at all. It's like the way the Wu clan handles things, but all of this happened in front of my own eyes, and I couldn't help but believe it.

"Dear ancestors, in fact, for you, the most suitable world for you is to open up a world by yourself. If I didn’t guess, Pangu has left you with a heritage and a treasure that suppresses your own race civilization. The hope of the clan, for the Wu clan, the prehistoric world has never been your hope. If there is no heaven, perhaps the predominant world is best for you, but with the heaven, you are not suitable for survival in the predominant world, and the heaven cannot accommodate you. !"

When the words of the Nether Lord fell, the Houtu Ancestral Witch and the other Ancestral Witches were shocked, and there was a look of horror in their eyes. They did not expect that the Nether Lord would understand the Witch Clan so well, Knowing that the Witch Clan has a treasure left by the Father God, it’s incredible. Even Sanqing doesn’t know this, or even Hongjun Daozu. Why would the Lord of the Nether know? Could it be that the Lord of the Nether and the Witch’s There is also contact with God the Father?

Although there are all these doubts in my heart, it is not the time to ask questions. After all, this is the secret of the Lord of the Nether. The other party does not want to say, and they are not good to ask questions. They can only let them go for the time being. The most important thing is for them. How to open up one side of the world, one side belongs to the witches world, can accommodate all the witches to survive!

The Houtu Zuwu sighed softly: "We can understand and understand that this is indeed a good way, but this way is good, but we can't. We don't have enough power to open up a world. After all, we There is no power of a saint. To open up a world to accommodate the survival of the Wu people must not be the Little Thousand World. The Little Thousand World cannot carry the luck of the Wu people or the survival of all the Wu people. Only the Middle Thousand World can accommodate the Wu people. , And let the Wu Clan have room for development!"

Yes, it’s not other problems before the Wu Clan, but the lack of their own strength. They don’t have the power of a saint, and they can’t open up a world, even though the Wu Clan has a large array of twelve capitals. Able to summon Pangu's true body, but opening up the heaven and the earth does not mean opening the heaven and earth, but also needs to stabilize the heaven and earth, and this Qiaqia is something that the Witch Clan cannot do.

The Netherworld shook his head and smiled: "Haha! The Houtu Ancestor Witch was wrong. The Witch Clan has such power, but you didn’t realize it. You were negligent. It is not as difficult as you thought to stabilize the world, and The biggest mistake of a fellow Taoist is to forget his identity. You are the ancestral witch who controls the laws of the earth and the master of the six reincarnations. You have not only the power of the ancestral witch, the power of the six reincarnations, and the netherworld. The power of the world and the power of the tunnels, if using the power of the Netherworld and the tunnels, it is not difficult to use the Netherworld as the mainstay to open up a middle-thousand world that belongs to the witch race!"

In an instant, Hou Tu Zu Wu clearly realized that this was indeed his own mistake. He had been confining his own ideas, had not had time to change their ideas, had forgotten his identity, and had forgotten his own power. The big formation summons Pangu's true body for the Lord, opens up the world, and cooperates with the power of the tunnel and the Netherworld. It is not difficult to open a world belonging to the witch race outside the Netherworld. It is not difficult to stabilize the world, even if it is dangerous. There are also tunnels and the Netherworld to help, and it can also resolve all crises, and enable the Wu Clan to jump directly out of this heaven and earth calamity, and be invincible!

When a racial civilization has its own mid-thousand world, it really has to be invincible. At that time, the Wu Clan can watch the disputes of the wild world with cold eyes, and see how the Monster Clan faces this heaven and earth calamity. Does the robbery end directly, or transfer the luck originally added to the Witch Clan to other civilizations, so that the heaven and the earth will be changed!

"Thank you for your guidance. We understand that this is indeed a great way to the future. With a world that belongs to the Wu Clan itself, it is connected to the Nether World, and is attached to the Nether World. The land of defeat, and the master of the wizard way among the six reincarnations can also be established. At that time, the foundation of the wizard clan will be completely completed, and there will be no hidden dangers!" At this time, the face of the Houtu ancestor witch is full of endless She saw the hope of the prosperous Wu Clan. When she jumped out of the circle of the prehistoric world, she only discovered the vastness of the world and realized how shallow her vision was.

The Lord of Nether nodded and smiled: "It is good that the Houtu Ancestral Witch can understand, but the Middle Thousand World is just the beginning. The Witches want to have endless potential, and they want to have the potential for sustainable development. It is only Middle Thousand World. No, the reason why I proposed the treasure left by Pangu God before is to tell you that the role of this treasure is not to suppress your Wu family's luck, but to support the world after opening up the world, and to carry the world. Only in this way can you truly be invincible, and the world opened up in this way is the most complete, with unlimited potential, and is most suitable for you!"

Supporting the sky pillar, this is indeed something that Houtu Ancestral Witch had never thought of before. In her heart, she only thought about how to use the origins of the tunnel and the nether world to stabilize the world. She never thought about leaving the Pangu God to the Witch Clan. The treasure is integrated into the world to open up the world, as the pillar supporting the sky, as the source of the world, but the Lord of the Nether is right, if you really do this, the Wu Clan really must be invincible, and the whole world is also the most suitable The witches, other races, and other creatures can't compete with the witches for the world, because at that time, the origin of the whole world will focus on the witches.

Yes, the Houtu ancestor witch once again thought of the secrets behind all this, and thought of the origin of the integration into the world, that is the origin of all the witches, the heart of the Pangu god, once the heart of Pangu merged into the new world Among them, who can compete with the Witch for the sovereignty of the world? Heaven is not allowed, the tunnel is not allowed, and no creatures are allowed. At that time, the whole world will be the home of the Witch tribe, and the Witch tribe may directly give birth to a real one. The saint is not dependent on the way of heaven, the authentic saint, and the witch tribe with the saint is the most powerful witch tribe, and can truly be fearless.

At this time, it was not only the Houtu ancestor witch who figured out everything, but the Emperor Jiangzu witches all figured out all of this. The most important thing is that if they really succeed in doing all of this, the newly opened world of Wuzu will have Endless potential, sustainable development, it can develop from the middle-thousand world to the great-thousand world, it can provide more fortune to the witches, and let the witches have more saints. A middle-thousand world can only carry one saint's status. The Great Thousand World is different, not to mention that there is also a sorcerer's Taoist status among the six reincarnations, which can also give the witches huge support!

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