God of Destruction

Chapter 4405: Festival Hun Yuan Da Luo Jin Xian

Chapter 4411: Hun Yuan Da Luo Jin Xian

"Friends of Daoists, I can’t wait. If there is no guidance from fellow Daoists, I’m afraid we can’t think of such a way to resolve the crisis of our own and ethnic civilization with such a clever means. The clan has written it down!" As the clan leader of the witch clan, Emperor Jiang Zuwu stood up and bowed to the Lord of the Netherworld, with endless joy in his eyes!

The Lord of Netherworld shook his head lightly and said: "Di Jiangzu's witch talk is serious. This is what I should do. After all, helping the witch clan is to help myself. When I was born, I was destined to be hostile by the heavens and by the demon clan. Being hostile, being enemies of the saints, and even being on the opposite side of the careerists in the entire prehistoric world, they will not give up the temptation of the benefits of the Netherworld!"

Having said that, the Lord of Nether did help the Wu Clan, and also helped the Hou Tu Zu witch. This favor of the Wu Clan is impossible to ignore, and this cause and effect must exist. In any case, the Wu Clan and the Hou Tu Zu The witch must repay.

At this time, the ancestral witches of the Wu clan were a little bit ready to move. When they received such a big news from the Lord of the Nether, they couldn't bear it. After all, for them to achieve this goal earlier, it would be able to make the Wu clan one step earlier. Get out of this calamity of heaven and earth, and deal a heavy blow to Dao Dao and Dao Ancestor Hongjun, causing drastic changes in this prehistoric world!

Seeing the look of the ancestral witches of the Witch Clan, the Lord of Nether sighed involuntarily, and then said: "Dear ancestors, I know that everyone is eager to avoid the Witch Clan world, but what I want to say It is that everyone should not be too eager to act. This is not a trivial matter. It is related to the survival of the entire witch clan. There can be no carelessness or difference. If you want to do it at this time, I think that the hope of success is not Great, even with the help of the Netherworld and the tunnels, it is very likely to fail. After all, you have to face not only the creation of the world, but also the saints, the heavens and the Hongjun Dao ancestors, and even the monster race. Do you think that with the current situation of the Wu Clan, you can succeed in one blow?"

difficult! It's hard! Very difficult! Even if it is the Emperor Jiang Zu Wu who is confident, even if the Hou Tu Zu Wu is confident, he does not have such confidence, dare to say such things, after all, opening up the world of the Witch clan can happen in any situation, if you do not fully prepare If you act rashly, the chances of failure will be astonishing, and no matter how external forces interfere, failure is even more inevitable!

"Thank you fellow daoists for reminding us, otherwise we really had to make a big mistake. There is only one chance like this. Once we fail, the Wu clan will face the disaster of extinction, and there will be no possibility of turning over again!" The look of the witch is extremely heavy. Fortunately, this time the Lord of the Nether reminded them that otherwise they would really commit an unforgivable mistake, which would bring the witches into a state of immortality, and what caused all this was their greed. , Is their urgent impulse.

After waking up, whether it is the Emperor Jiang Zu Wu, Hou Tu Zu Wu, and other Ancestral Witches are pondering, what is the reason for this, whether the aura of heaven and earth is affecting them, or external forces are affecting them, Want to lead oneself to lead the Wu Clan into the unforgettable place, so that the Wu Clan is completely destroyed, and there is no more vitality?

With such a change, it is forbidden that the ancestors and witches were not cautious. After all, this is related to everyone’s survival. No matter how cautious and careful, you can’t think that, especially in this world of calamity, especially when Hongjun Dao ancestor also descended before. In the Netherworld, all these have to be treated with caution, and they have to think twice!

"Dear friends, now Hongjun Dao Ancestor and Heavenly Dao are staring at the Nether World, staring at your Wu Clan. This is not the time to open up the Wu Clan world. In my opinion, it is better for you to think about it. Who will assume the status of the witch human Taoist master among the six reincarnations? This is an opportunity to enhance the strength of your witch clan, as well as a chance to enhance the aura of the witch clan! If an ancestor witch accepts this level, he must be able to take advantage of the world of Netherworld Power, with the help of the power of the tunnels, and the next move to open up the world, then there is more assurance. You can also think deeply about who will accept the witch world and accept the position of the Lord of the World!" When he said this, the Lord of the Nether paused, and there was a hint of hesitation in his eyes!

Seeing this fleeting hesitant look in the eyes of the Lord of Netherworld, the Ancestral Witch of Houtu couldn't help but sighed in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "You can just say what fellow Taoists have, without so much consideration. Space is already an ally, and cooperation will benefit both. Even if there is something wrong, it is not a big deal, and we can all understand it!"

When the Houtu ancestor witch said this, if the Lord of the Nether still had reservations, it would be a bit wrong, and it would affect the relationship between the two parties. After all, any decision has a great impact on both of them. There are many possibilities!

I saw that the Lord of the Nether sighed and said, "Never mind! The Daoists are talking about this. No matter how much I care about, it will be a bit wrong. I know that the hearts of all Daoists are eager to break through their own bottleneck. I hope that I can attain the saint’s avenue, and it is a great opportunity to open up the witch world, but in my opinion, it is better for you not to use the merits of opening the world to prove the saint status. This will definitely affect you. In the future, you should be able to break through the numerous obstacles with your own strength, and prove the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal status, independent of the heaven and the earth!"

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, this is not easy to succeed, and in the entire prehistoric world, many ancestor witches have not heard of who can do it, but there are six sages of heaven, and Hongjun Daozu is even more in one fell swoop. Dao, when they heard these words, their first impression was whether the Lord of Nether intentionally prevented them from proving the Dao, and didn't want anyone from the Wu Clan to prove the Dao!

auzw.com However, this idea was quickly forgotten by them. If the Lord of the Nether really had such a sinister intention, there is no need to tell them about such a great opportunity as the Wu Clan. The Nether Lord did not speak, and even if they wanted to break through the sky, they would not even think of opening up the world of the witch clan to break free from the world and let the witch clan remain invincible.

After taking a deep breath, the Houtu Zuwu asked with a solemn expression: "Why is this fellow Taoist? Could it be said that there are hidden dangers in proving the Tao with the merits of opening up the world, but if this is the case, the sages of heaven have what's going on?"

Faced with the temptation of a saint, even the Houtu ancestor witch can hardly resist, but she deeply understands that the Lord of the Nether will never be plotting against the witch clan by doing this. There must be a secret that she does not know, and this secret must be very amazing!

The Lord of Nether sighed softly: "Oh! Originally, there were some words that shouldn't be spoken out of oneself, but since fellow Taoists asked so, then I will briefly explain. I know only the details, so I can't give you a complete picture. , The satisfactory answer, I hope you can understand, so as not to have any contradictions between us and affect our relationship!"

The ancestor witches quickly said: "The Daoists are serious. You can tell us so many things. This is already very difficult. We can also understand the difficulties of the Daoists. After all, we are in a wild world with many restrictions. We can all understand this, and we can also understand the difficulties of Daoists. Daoists can just say what they can say!"

Seeing that these ancestral witches could understand his own difficulties, the Lord of Nether could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. He worried that the ancestral witches had a tendon, and he had to break the casserole and ask the bottom of the question and let himself face the wild world. The pressure puts oneself into a dilemma. At that time, one's own situation will be very dangerous, and even all the preparations made before will be turned into nothingness. Such a big price is not the Lord of Nether can bear. It was also the result he didn't want to see!

"Do you think that Pangu God opened the heavens for success or failure? Did Pangu God open the heavens for proving the Dao or for the heavens to open up the prehistoric world? Can the inheritance left by the Pangu God for you to prove the Dao? Hongjun Daozu's sanctification Is the Tao right or wrong? How should we, the gods and demons, choose, whether to take the road of sanctification or the way of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!"

The road to sanctification, this is a successful example, all saints are the best example, but Hunyuan Dajinxian Tao has no examples for them to refer to. The most important thing is that Hunyuan Daluojinxian walked the oldest path. , Is the way of the gods and demons, and the way of the gods and demons is deeply suppressed by the prehistoric world, more accurately, it is suppressed by the heavenly way, which does not allow anyone to walk this way!

Contemplation, for an instant, these ancestral witches were contemplating the question of the Lord of Nether. This series of questions pointed directly to the foundation of their practice, but also to their Taoism, so that the ancestral witches need to think carefully. This is not only I’m thinking about how to answer the questions, and even more about my own way forward, what path I should choose, the path of practice cannot be helped by others, and I can only decide by myself. If I choose a wrong path, I will inevitably fail. end! No one is willing to accept failure, and this ancestral witch is no exception, and they don't want to see that they end up in a dead end!

After a long time, the Houtu ancestor witch first woke up from contemplation, and said: "In my opinion, the Father God opened the heavens to be successful. As for whether the Father God is to prove the Tao or open up a prehistoric world, I can’t figure out, after all, There is no such message left in the inheritance of God the Father. As for the nine-turn mystery function inherited by God the Father cannot prove the Dao, it is naturally possible. As the Taoist friends said, we should go to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. The way, because the Wu Clan has no primordial spirit, this innately limits our ability to become holy. Even if we barely become holy by merit, we will only be the weakest saint like the Nuwa Empress!"

The Lord of Nether laughed and said: "Hahaha! Fellow Daoists, don’t you figure it out? Hunyuan Daluo’s way of the Golden Immortal is the most suitable for your witch clan, although the Houtu ancestor witch you use the opportunity of evolving the six reincarnations to condense A soul, but is the soul of your fundamental avenue? No, your fundamental avenue has never been the way of the primordial spirit, but the way of refining the body of the witch clan. It is the nine-turn profound art inherited by the great **** Pangu, since Your witch people have been walking this way. Why do you have to do it when you see the opportunity to become holy? What good will it do for you? Is it just to prove the way and become holy!"

Proving the way to sanctification is just a way of self-protection, and now when the witches see another way, and it is very suitable for them, they will naturally not continue to choose the method of meritorious sanctification, even if this road of sermons is very It's easy, and they won't do it. For these ancestral witches, they have their own persistence and beliefs.

It sounds like everything is so perfect, everything is hopeful, but will things really go so smoothly? No, both the Lord of the Nether and the ancestral witches understand that even if this plan looks so beautiful, there must be many obstacles to action. The most important point is their own heritage. The twelve ancestral witches do not think they The inheritance obtained is complete, because what they have obtained is only part of the inheritance of Pangu Great God, and part of it is in the hands of Sanqing. They only rely on the inheritance of the'Nine Transcendent Profound Art' in their hands. No one has the confidence to prove it. Dao Hun Yuan.

Yes, even the Houtu ancestor witch does not hold much hope for the'Nine Revolving Profound Art' he has mastered. Even if he has a soul, there is no possibility of success. The more you understand, Houtu The more ancestral witches understand that the inheritance of the witch clan is flawed, perhaps this is the lack of the Dao, the imperfect "Nine Turns Profound Art" may not allow them to prove Dao Hunyuan, if the Pangu inheritance is perfect, Sanqing Perhaps he would not approve of Hongjun Daozu, and would not put his luck in the hands of Heaven.

When thinking of this, Houtu Ancestral Witch once again calmed down, took a deep breath and sighed: "In fact, for us Witch Clan, it is not just the issue of the soul that really affects us, but also the inheritance. The problem of the "Nine Revolutions Profound Art" we have is not perfect, at least without the part of Proving Dao Hunyuan. Maybe this is not just our twelve ancestor witches, but also Sanqing, maybe it’s just that We will worship the teacher Hongjun, and our Wu clan has also thought of perfecting our own inheritance from Hongjun Daozu. It is a pity that Hongjun Daozu did not have the inheritance that our Wu clan wants in the three preachings. This has eliminated our opportunity! "

At this time, Emperor Jiang Zu Wu couldn't help but sighed and said: "Yes, it is precisely because of the imperfect inheritance of my Wu clan that we have not been able to find a way to break the situation. Daoists have good ideas, but There are still great difficulties for us. Maybe we still need to embark on the road of meritorious proving. After all, only in this way can we avoid the obstacles of our own imperfect inheritance, so that we can truly have the power to fight against the heavens. Really control your own destiny!"

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