God of Destruction

Chapter 4406: Festival heritage

Chapter 4412: Legacy

Suppression, when he heard the words of the Hou Tu Zu Wu and Di Jiang Zu Wu, the Lord of Nether thought of suppression at the first time. It was the suppression of the Wu Clan by the Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao Zu. Yuan’s opportunity, if it weren’t for the witch clan’s chance of having mastered a part of Pangu’s inherited'Nine Revolutions Profound Art’, and able to cultivate to the quasi-sage realm, I am afraid that the witch clan had already been calculated to be genocide. Perhaps the Wu Clan was in its calculations from the moment Heaven's Path appeared.

When I thought of this, the Lord of Nether shuddered involuntarily, without shock in his heart. If what he thought was true, there must be great cause and effect in the Wu Clan, otherwise he would not be suppressed by the way of heaven, perhaps not only Just like the Wu clan, the dragon, phoenix, and qilin clan also have such great cause and effect, great luck, great good fortune, so they have also suffered from the calculations of the heavens, were knocked out of the world, and lost all the good fortune. The luck of good fortune may be the power of humanity and the origin of humanity.

Humane luck, humane destiny, perhaps this is the calculation of Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao, this is the root of Heavenly Dao’s calculation of the Wu clan. When the Wu Clan has fallen, perhaps Humanity really can't get up again, and can no longer resist the suppression of Heaven, and Humanity will be completely suppressed by Heaven!

The more I think about it, the more the Lord of the Nether feels that he has found the root of everything and the greatest secret of the heavens. It’s just how the heavens suppress the humanity. The heavens dare not destroy the humanity, nor can they swallow all the humane luck and humanity Weakness will only break the balance of the three ways of heaven, earth and man, and will only cut off the potential of the world, and let the world never grow stronger?

I can’t figure it out. The Lord of Nether can’t figure out all of this. If it is to refine the entire prehistoric world, the Lord of Nether does not believe that Dao Ancestor Hongjun has this power, nor does he believe that Heavenly Dao will give Dao Zu Hongjun such an opportunity. What kind of secrets are hidden, what choice should I make, and how to face this crazy and sinister way of heaven? Perhaps all this is hidden in the great secret of Pangu opening up the sky. Is Pangu's great **** opening up the sky to prove the Dao?

In an instant, the Lord of Nether began to doubt the reason why the Great God Pangu opened the world, proving the Dao? It’s almost unrealistic. It sounds unrealistic to open up heaven and earth to prove the avenue. The Lord of Nether doesn’t believe that Pangu God will not be aware of the dangers brought by the creation of heaven and earth. He doesn’t believe that Pangu God doesn’t know the consequences of doing so. But Great God Pangu did this, and this had to make the Lord of Nether wonder whether there was a bigger secret behind it!

Conspiracy, is that legend true? Pangu God, the son of the great road, was also calculated and had to open up the world, and the chaos gods and demons are all pawns in the conspiracy, perhaps in the world opened up by the time gods and demons. Everything that has evolved may be real, and it is very likely that time gods and demons have experienced it!

It is a pity that none of this has been mentioned in the inheritance and information left by the time gods and demons. It seems that everything before Pangu opened the sky has been erased. No one knows the truth, even if it is inherited. The origin of the chaotic **** and demon of the time **** and demon can not know the secrets in the once chaotic world, nor can they know everything about the time **** and demon.

"Maybe I can communicate with the Wu Clan, and I can use the'Nine Turns Profound Art' inherited by the Great God Pangu to improve my own practice. Although I also have a part of the inheritance of the Great Pangu God, those inheritances come from the time gods and demons themselves. The deduction of, more or less will have its shortcomings, and if I can use the inheritance of the Pangu Great God, I may be able to go out of my own way, and the Wu Clan may also learn from all the deductions of the time gods and demons, and go out of their own Hun Yuan Da Luo Tao!"

The more you understand the world, the more doubts you have in your heart, and the more pressure you have to endure. This may be the nature of heaven and earth, and also the nature of practice. If you cannot bear such pressure, you will not be qualified to continue. If you continue to practice, you are not qualified to stand on the pinnacle of the world, nor to truly control your own destiny.

Taking a deep breath, the Lord of Nether said with a solemn expression: "You ancestor witches, there is one sentence I don’t know if I should say it or not. If I don’t speak well, please don’t care. Maybe we should talk to each other. After some exchanges, we can find a path that truly belongs to us from each other’s inheritance. We don’t even know what happened to the Great God Pangu. Your inheritance is not complete. There is no way of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but if we can By exchanging the experience of practice with each other, maybe we can create our own way of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and only what suits us is the best!"

When the Nether Lord’s words fell, the expressions of the Houtu witch and the Emperor Jiangzu witch changed. They both moved a little bit. They have almost come to the "Nine Revolutions Profound Art" handed down by the Witch Clan. At the end, if you want to break out of the shackles of the'Nine-turn Profound Art', perhaps it is the best choice to communicate with powerful innate gods and demons like the Lord of the Nether. Each innate **** and demons has its own inheritance and has its own way. Inheritance, if you can find a new direction from the exchanges, you may be able to break the current bottleneck of the Witch clan and allow yourself to find the way of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian that belongs to the Witch clan!

However, for the Houtu ancestor witch and the Emperor Jiangzu witch, they are worried that the basic avenue of the Wu clan, the "Nine Revolutions Profound Art" will be leaked, which will bring danger to the Wu clan. The fundamentals of the Wu Clan, once lost, will have a devastating blow to the entire Wu Clan. They do not believe in the Lord of the Nether, but are afraid of accidents!

Seeing that Hou Tu Zu Wu and Emperor Jiang Zu Wu did not respond to their suggestions in the first time, the Lord of Nether did not care too much. After all, this is not a trivial matter. It is related to the luck and survival of the entire Wu family. If you stand in their position, you must handle it with care, instead of just refusing or agreeing to it!


For a moment, the Lord of the Nether smiled calmly and said: "The Taoist friends inherited the body-building method of the Great God Pangu. It is indeed a very powerful way of cultivation, and my own inheritance is derived from the time gods and demons. Chaos gods and demon, the way of chaos body refining is not inexhaustible to every chaos **** and demon, that is their fundamental survival!"

"Hey!" For a moment, all the Ancestral Witches gasped. They were all shocked by the words of the Lord of the Nether. Even the Houtu Ancestral Witch had been in the Netherworld and looked at Netherworld. The ancestral witch conceived by the lord did not expect that the other party’s inheritance would be a chaotic **** and demon with the same source of inheritance as his own, and it was the most powerful time **** and demon among the three thousand chaos gods and demons, and this also made Hou Tu The Ancestral Witch somewhat understood the series of changes that occurred in the previous incubation, perhaps because the other party's inheritance was strong enough, but the Houtu Ancestral Witch did not understand why the tunnel allowed the inheritance of the time gods and demons to appear!

After taking a deep breath, Houtu Zuwu said in a deep voice, "Family Daoist’s words are serious. How could the tunnel allow Daoists to get the inheritance of the time gods and demons, the head of the three thousand chaotic gods and demons? There are secrets that we don't know? And the Taoists themselves are not practicing on the Dao of Time. What is going on?"

Regarding the doubts and worries of the Houtu Ancestral Witch, the Lord of Nether did not feel that there was anything wrong. This is human nature, but he would have the same thoughts instead. He smiled indifferently and said: "Inheritance is the same thing, but We don’t necessarily have to practice it. The inheritance from innate doesn’t necessarily really suit us. What suits us is the best. I am indeed not practicing the time path, but breaking it down, even the **** of time. The most precious'time clock' left by the devil was also broken down, and it evolved into a companion treasure of madness that belonged to me, so that I have no hidden dangers!"

These remarks are very simple to say, but they are like thunder in the ears of Houtu Zuwu and Emperor Jiang Zuwu. What is the Avenue of Time? That is one of the strongest avenues among the three thousand avenues, and the Lord of the Nether voluntarily gave up, and decomposed it with his own wisdom, and even decomposed the original chaotic treasure "Time Clock". This is really true. It's crazy, but they also have to admit that this kind of treatment is the best, the safest, and the most suitable for them.

After taking a deep breath and trying to calm down, the Houtu Zuwu said in a deep voice, "In this way, fellow Taoists also walked the way of refining the body of the gods and demons. The way of body refining that belongs to the Chaos Gods and Demons alone?"

The Lord of Nether shook his head slightly and said: "No, I am not cultivating the way of the gods and demons. The gods and demons are only part of the chaos, or the physical body, because the gods and demons need chaos. Aura, every chaotic **** and demon is conceived by chaos. They can absorb the aura of chaos by nature. For them, the refining of the **** and demon is only instinct, and we can’t do this. If I am not mistaken, the ancestral witches inherit The'Nine Turns Profound Art' is actually to be practiced with chaotic vitality, but it was changed to the vitality of the wild world. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why you cannot break through your own bottleneck. Your inheritance is not imperfect, but Times have changed, and the original inheritance may not be suitable for the needs of the times!"

For the three thousand chaotic gods and demons, chaos is their home, chaotic vitality poses no threat to them, and refining the body with chaotic vitality is just instinct, and their true path is the power of the laws they master!

"Friends of Daoist want to communicate with us the way of refining the body of the Chaos God and Demon, and want to take the road of physical body certification?" Houtu Ancestral Witch asked with some doubts, for her did not understand why the Lord of the Nether would choose This road, this is not a straight road, at least in the wild world, I am not optimistic about all of this.

The Lord of the Nether nodded and shook his head and said, "That's right, it's not right, the physical body is just a vague way of saying, I want to walk on my own road, like three thousand chaotic gods and demons, walking out of my true self. We are different from the three thousand chaotic gods and demons. They are born with strong physique and can absorb chaotic vitality to refine the body, but we can’t do it. If we want to embark on the road to the golden fairy, the first one is What we are facing is the way of heaven, or to be more precise, the way of heaven. Without a strong enough physical body as a support, no matter how strong the source is, we cannot survive under the way of heaven. Heaven will not allow us to easily gain the way. Going to Hun Yuan Da Luo Jinxian's way will bring new impact to the prehistoric world!"

The Houtu Zuwu nodded thoughtfully and said, "The Daoist is right. Perhaps this is what we have been neglecting. It's just how we can break through our own bottleneck and be able to withstand the flushing of the chaotic vitality. After all, we Without a physique as powerful as three thousand chaos gods and demons, although we can enter the chaos, we cannot absorb and digest the chaos vitality!"

"Haha, this is the misunderstanding of the thoughts of fellow Taoists. You have always believed too much in your inheritance, too much in the'Nine Revolutions Profound Art'. You forgot that you are not the Great God of Pangu. You do not have the same physique as the Great God of Pangu. The earth was imprisoned in the system of the'Nine Turns Profound Art', and it didn't take its own path!"

The Lord of the Nether is right. The Twelve Ancestral Witches have indeed been constrained in the system of the'Nine Transformation Profound Art', and have not walked out of their own way, and this is where they are inferior to the Lord of the Nether, at least Nether The Lord has now taken a crucial step and has walked out of his own path. Although this path is not smooth, he has his own true intentions!

"I think I understand what Daoists mean. Daoists have given up the time path that is the easiest way to improve their realm and strength, the supreme authority of the Netherworld, and the authority of the tunnel, in order to walk out of their own path, the path of cause and effect. Although it is good, it is not suitable for Daoists, so Daoists have cut off all their shackles and let themselves be free. Although they are connected with the Netherworld and the tunnels, they will not become the shackles of their own practice. This is us. It’s not as good as a place for fellow Daoists!” When he said this, the Houtu Zuwu couldn’t help but sighed slightly. If he hadn’t evolved the six reincarnations by himself and condensed the primordial spirit with great merits, he would not be able to figure it out, and when he understood, Only then did he discover how far he is from the Lord of the Nether in the path of cultivation.

No matter how big the heart is, the heavens and the earth will be bigger. The realm and power of the Lord of the Nether may not be as good as their ancestor witches, but when it comes to potential and development, the Lord of the Nether has already surpassed all their ancestor witches, at least The other party has found their own direction of cultivation, but their ancestors have not done it!

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