God of Destruction

Chapter 4407: Nodal Point

Chapter four thousand four hundred and thirteen

"There is something to do, and the power that is easy to get is never the best. The best power is always the most difficult and the most suitable for you. Although the inheritance of the innate gods and demons is good, the inheritance is ultimately the inheritance. It may not be suitable for you. If the inheritance of the innate gods and demons can allow you to cultivate to the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, the prehistoric world will not be under the control of the heavens, will not be suppressed by the holy places, and Sanqing Shangqi will give up We should do the same for our own inheritance and practice!"

The words of the Lord of Nether sounded very reasonable, and based on the three orthodox Pangu queens of Sanqing, it was more able to convince the twelve ancestral witches of the Wu clan to make them feel that their inheritance is their own bondage, Pangu. Although the Great God’s'Nine Turns Profound Art' is good, it has no future to practice blindly according to it, because they are not Pangu, they can't be as powerful as Pangu Great God, and there is no such incomparable Chaos God and Demon. real body.

What is the most suitable road for you? The twelve ancestor witches are all thinking about this problem, they are all thinking about the continuous cultivation of their own practice in the past! Yes, after careful thinking, I found out that no matter how old they are, the ancestor witches or the witches of the younger generations, they have never changed their own practice. They have been practicing according to the method of "Nine Transformation Profound Art", the only change. It was to replace the chaotic vitality with the vitality of the primordial heaven and earth. When their cultivation reached the bottleneck, not only did they get stuck in the ancestral witches, but also the great witches. No matter how talented the great witches were, no one broke through their limits and condensed them real body!

After a long time, the ancestral witch Houtu stared at the Lord of the Netherworld and asked: "According to the Taoist friends, what should we do, how can we find a way to practice that suits us, and how can we find ourselves if there is no primordial spirit. Avenue?"

Yuanshen, this is a big problem. It is precisely because there is no Yuanshen that it has imprisoned the talents of the Wu Clan, and it is also because there is no Yuanshen that the Wu Clan has the strongest body and can walk on the road of physical cultivation. Going further, it can be said that this can be regarded as a gain and a loss, but this situation has caused a huge hidden danger to the Wu Clan, preventing them from deducing the secret!

"Follow your heart, follow your own thoughts, and recast your true body. In fact, I have never understood what the ancestor witches are thinking, and what they think about their own practice. If I were you, it would definitely not be. Now it looks like this, although I don’t know how many of the Chaos Demon God’s origins you have inherited from the Great God Pangu, there is one thing that I have been unable to figure out. You are now practicing the physical avenue, but why have you never transformed your blood, although you They are all Empress Pangu, but you are different. You each have mastered a kind of origin avenue. Like three thousand chaotic gods and demons, you can fully condense your own gods and demons, instead of blindly practicing'Nine-turn Profound Gong', although the Nine Turns Profound Art is good, it belongs to the Great God Pangu, not your ancestor witch. What is suitable for the Great God Pangu is not necessarily suitable for your ancestor witch. In my opinion, the most important thing for you is the original body. Refining the true body with the power of one's own laws and mastering one's own original rules are unique!"

When the words of the Lord of the Nether fell, the hearts of the Twelve Ancestor Witches were greatly shocked. Only then did they understand how far apart they are from the Lord of the Nether, at least in terms of their concepts, that is qualitative. The difference is that their twelve ancestor witches all have mastered a kind of origin avenue, but they have never thought of using the origin avenue to refine their real bodies, condense their own gods and demons, or even condense their original essence and blood, just like Netherworld As the Lord said, Pangu essence and blood are good, but it originated from the Pangu god. If they have been bound by Pangu essence and blood, they will never get out of the original shackles, and will always stop in the realm of quasi-sage. .

The way of the Great God Pangu is his own way. The Twelve Ancestor Witches should have their own way. Only by taking this step can they really find their own way of practice. Their previous practice was only superficial, not deep at all. To the root of itself.

Even the Lord of the Nether can see through the question, as the first saint of the primordial world, would Hongjun Daozu who fit in with his body fail to see it? To Hongjun Daozu, the saint who has mastered the jade disc of good fortune and the Three Thousand Dao, would he not be clear about the direction the Wu clan should take? However, he did not tell the Wu Clan, which is enough to show that Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu never regarded the Wu Clan as their own people, and never wanted the Wu Clan to grow. For Tian Dao and Hongjun Daozu, there are only dead ancestors. Wu is the best!

For the Houtu Ancestral Witch, it is the one who has the deepest feelings among the Twelve Ancestral Witches. With just such words, she has heard a lot of things. Maybe everyone is wrong. The Lord of Nether is not here. Losing himself in the process of gestation, perhaps he really lived out the second life, and that is how he was able to recast the true body of the gods and demon in his own gestation, abandon the great heritage of time, the gods and the devil, and truly stepped out Once this idea of ​​his own path appeared, it would have been too shocking for the Houtu Ancestral Witch. If this news spreads, it would have a huge impact on all sentient beings in the prehistoric world.

Suddenly, the Ancestral Witch Houtu wanted to ask, but she didn't wait for her to speak, and a resistance instantly enveloped her, making the words in her heart unable to speak. Imprisonment, this secret cannot be said in words, it is the restriction of the rules of heaven and earth, and the restriction of the avenues. Such a sudden change has brought a greater impact to the Houtu ancestor witch!

"Why? What is the earth-shattering secret hidden in this, so that the rules of the avenue are preventing you, and you are not allowed to ask yourself. If this secret is passed on, what impact will it bring to the prehistoric world?" Contemplation, this sudden upheaval made her have to contemplate, after all, all this is too horrible and involves the rules of the road.

auzw.com took a deep breath and tried to calm down my mood without being affected by the previous ones. When my mood calmed down, the Houtu Zuwu said, "Thank you for your guidance. , It’s just that today’s general environment will not give us such an opportunity. The catastrophe has already occurred. If we give up our original strength at this time, if we cannot wait for our own breakthrough, we will be strangled by the monster race and fall here. In the midst of the calamity, the entire Wu Clan will be completely destroyed!"

Yes, the Houtu ancestor witch is right, even if he sees the way forward, the current situation is uncontrollable, and the witch clan cannot let go. There are countless slaughters in the great calamity. At this time, if the power of the witch clan is damaged, the monster clan I will never let it go. I will strike with all my strength to strangle the Witch Clan. It can be said that as long as the Twelve Ancestor Witches dare to give up their original power, what is waiting for them will be destruction, and their every move will be noted by the Taoist Temple of Heaven and by the Taoist Temple of Hongjun. Note, they have no secrets!

"Yes, it is true. This is exactly why I want to communicate with the ancestor witches. Now in the midst of the tribulation of heaven and earth, any crisis may occur, and anything may happen, for my own safety. For the safety of racial civilization, no matter how careful you are, it’s worth it. Since we can’t give up our original strength, we can exchange experiences with each other and make preparations in advance, as long as you first jump out of the world and measure the calamity and kill you. The disaster will naturally disappear!"

Compared with the twelve ancestor witches, the Lord of the Nether sees farther. Although the witches are in the calamity of the world, as long as the witch world is successfully developed, as long as the witch world appears, all the witches leave the prehistoric world, then It’s hard to influence the Witch tribe by the time and amount of calamity. Even the heavens can’t help the Witch tribe. After all, the world of the Witch tribe at that time was closely connected with the Netherworld. It was sheltered by the tunnel, and the tunnel was not destroyed. Any force wanted to destroy the witch. The clan world must first cross an authentic barrier.

Time is limited. Although the Twelve Ancestral Witches still have many doubts in their hearts, they understand that there is not much time left for themselves, and that time for the Wu Clan is running out. The Lord of the Nether is entangled in endlessly, so he is really killing himself and wasting his precious time. The most important thing for the Wu Clan is not to understand everything, but to seek self-protection first, open up the Wu Clan world, and transfer the witch. Clan sentient beings, so that the Wu Clan can be invincible!

Regarding this exchange, the Houtu ancestor witch or other ancestor witches have no reservations. Although the'Nine Turns Profound Art' is very powerful and is the foundation of their cultivation, they fully explain to the Lord of Nether, and Nether The Lord also did not reserve the cultivation of the gods and demons, and fully stated his own experience. In comparison, the experience of the Twelve Ancestor Witches is good, but it is slightly inferior to the experience of the Lord of the Nether. After all, none of them thought that there was the inheritance of Pangu Great God’s Nine Transformation Profound Art in the Lord of Netherworld. Although this inheritance was not perfect, this inheritance was repaired by the Lord of Netherworld using the method of time gods and demons. The physical body is no worse than their real ancestor witch, or even worse.

"What an unpredictable Nether Lord, he actually has the inheritance of Father Pangu in his body. He himself said that he inherited the power of the time **** and demon, but he is no better than our ancestors on the Nine Revolutions Profound Art. How weak is the witch, if it weren’t for his inheritance of the Nine Revolutions Profound Art, maybe he would surpass us, he could directly break through his own limitations, be able to prove the Dao physically, and condense the true body of the chaos **** and demon!" Below, this is what Houtu Ancestral Witch feels about the Lord of the Nether. To her, the Lord of the Nether is really incredible. Just being born with such a small amount of time, she has such an amazing practice, even if Counting the first life before, the background of the Lord of the Nether also exceeded their imagination.

The twelve ancestor witches have gained huge gains from the Lord of the Nether, allowing them to see another piece of heaven and earth, and they also truly understand the method of condensing the true body of the Chaos God and Demon, but the Lord of the Nether has more areas in comparison. With the complete'Nine Turns Profound Art', the Lord of Nether Really saw the possibility of condensing the true body of the Chaos God and Demon like three thousand Chaos God and Demon, and there is no hidden danger, you must know this method of cultivation, Except for the real three thousand chaotic gods and demons, no one knows at all, and now the Lord of the Nether has obtained this inheritance, has perfected this inheritance, and made himself take another crucial step in the way of physical evidence. , So that his accumulation has strengthened a bit, but this is still a little short of breaking through the bottleneck!

Although time is a bit tight, the Lord of Nether does not want to break through too early, but to completely perfect himself so that he has no hidden dangers and no defects. He wants to break through his own bottleneck with the momentum of consummation and enter the realm of quasi-sage. Only in this way can one have the possibility of attacking Hunyuan Dao and be qualified to fight against the saint.

Both parties have gained a lot. It was originally supposed to retreat to practice and grow themselves quickly, but they can’t do it because they both have foreign enemies and are threatened by great threats. It is easy to say that they are in the Nether World, protected by the Nether World and the tunnels, but other ancestral witches have no such possibility. They need to be distracted to take care of their tribe, and they cannot devote themselves to the practice. Affect their own safety.

"Lord of Netherworld, I don't know who among us is most suitable to hold the position of the master of witchcraft among the six reincarnations?" Suddenly, Emperor Jiang Zuwu asked the lord of Netherworld. The question should have been The twelve ancestor witches discussed it by themselves, or they asked the Houtu ancestor witch, who was the lord of the six reincarnations, but the Emperor Jiang ancestor witch made such an unusual choice at this time. Instead, he asked the Lord of the Nether, which made Nether The lord could not help being startled, a little hard to understand!

After a start, the Lord of Nether smiled bitterly: "The Emperor Jiang Zu Wu asked the wrong person. The Six Paths of Reincarnation is not in my grasp. The Hou Tu Zu Wu is the real Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. This question should be It is most suitable for her to answer. After all, she knows the six reincarnations and the twelve ancestral witches best. Only she can make the best choice!

When he heard the words of the Lord of Netherworld, Emperor Jiang Zuwu shook his head and said: "No, in my opinion, the Taoist friend is the most suitable, not the sister of Hou Tu. You Dao is the authority and the bystanders are clear. Reincarnation doesn’t know much about us, and we don’t know much about the Twelve Witch Clan, but fellow Taoists are outside and can see things we can’t see, so you are the right person. Friends, don’t refuse, but can give us a little bit of guidance so that we can be prepared!"

Without waiting for the Lord of Netherworld to continue to refuse, the starting point of Houtu Zuwu was to nod his head and said with a deep sense of satisfaction: "Yes, in this matter, the most suitable person to help us give guidance is fellow daoists, and only fellow daoists can give us the best. 'S advice!"

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