God of Destruction

Chapter 4412: Festival Road Number Yin Yang

Chapter 4418: Dao No. Yin and Yang

In the eyes of all the pairs, the Lord of the Nether is irrelevant, but just as he was born, he deliberately wanted to compete with the heavens for the origin of the prehistoric humanity. This is self-defeating. Even with the help of the locals, the Lord of the Nether has no chance of success. The power of humanity is not that he can be encroached on by a descendant innate **** and demon, and even the saints dare not take it easily. What's more, the Lord of the Nether is a lone innate **** and demon. The most important thing is that the Lord of the Nether is not a saint, but just a statue. Da Luo Jinxian.

To seize the origin of humanity, this is not the plan of the Lord of the Nether. Although the humanity is good, the Lord of the Nether has never had such ambitions. Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian doesn't care about the luck of heaven and earth. Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian belongs to himself and is not affected by external forces. Influence, even if the Lord of the Nether really wants to cultivate power, he will only evolve creatures from his own inner world after his inner world is perfected, so that he will be the most trusted power, and will not train his subordinates from the wild land!

"I am the starry sky! Unfortunately, this is not what I want, no matter how good the Avenue of Stars is, it is not my center of gravity, slash!" Facing the nether world's backfeeding, the Lord of Nether was still not moved by it and calmly gave up. Cut out another point of insight into the stars, continue the previous actions, continue to perfect the nether sky, every point of perfection makes the Lord of the Nether feel the backfeeding from the world, and all this did not make the Lord of the Nether move. , But to continue his own everything, all the external reactions are not in his consideration, the Lord of the Nether is now devoting himself to his practice, to his own big plan, no matter what The temptation in front of me is astonishing, it is not enough to touch the heart of the Lord of the Nether, not enough to make the Lord of the Nether give up his advantages, and not enough to let the Lord of the Nether choose this avenue of stars with few possibilities.

stable! The choice of the Lord of the Nether is too stable, and this is not a good thing for all the saints who are eager to see the Lord of the Nether fail. The Lord of the Nether is innate to their opponents. If it is not for the lack of the Lord of the Nether, he was born. The time is too short to talk about the sage of the knot to ridicule the Lord of the Nether, but now the Lord of the Nether has to take everything.

"It's the power of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array. This ant really has mastered the'Zhou Tianxing Star Fighting Array'. Although there are still certain shortcomings, but now he really has to lay out the ghostly starry sky. Mastering the Netherworld Starry Sky, but his choice is a bit crazy. At this time, he was making a joke about his own life. With his great Luo Jinxian's power, he wanted to perfect the Avenue of Stars in the Netherworld. This is really ridiculous. !" Soon the demon emperor Jun felt the changes in the nether world, and felt the origin fluctuations of the stars from the nether starry sky.

For the demon emperor Jun, who is in charge of the power of the prehistoric world and stars, he can naturally feel the changes in the avenue of stars and the threat from the nether world. This is not only his own problem, but also the problem of the prehistoric heaven and the growth of the nether world. , The first person to feel threatened was the heaven, and the demon emperor Jun, as the ruler of the heaven, felt the warning from the heaven for the first time. The changes between himself and the heaven made the pressure on the demon emperor Jun even greater.

The monster clan was originally suppressed by the witch clan and threatened by the witch clan, and the threat of the witch clan has not yet receded. Now the heavens and the power of Zhou Tian and the stars they possess are also affected. This is something that the Demon Emperor Jun cannot Accepted, he wanted to stop it, but when he thought of being trapped in the Nether World before and being suppressed by the Nether World, the anger in Demon Emperor Jun's heart could not help but cool down. Impulse couldn't solve the problem, and it was not. Problems that can be solved by yourself!

"Heavenly Dao, now it’s to see the reaction of Tian Dao and Hongjun Daozu. If the Netherworld is allowed to grow like this, the first person to be affected is not just the monster race, but Tian Dao, Hongjun Daozu. They are the least expecting to see it. The strength of the tunnels and the underworld will threaten their status! Now the enemy of the monster clan is the witch clan, not the **** ant. As long as the witch clan is destroyed, it is not easy to clean up this little ant!" , Demon Emperor Jun's mood relaxed a lot!

Yes, as Demon Emperor Jun said, Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu noticed the changes in the Netherworld at this moment. When the Lord of Nether perfected the Netherworld with his own star origin, the aura of the tunnel is rapidly growing, and the perfection of the Netherworld has given The blessing of the origin of the underground stars, and the enhancement of the origin of the Netherworld, the tunnel will be more difficult to suppress!

Heaven wants to take action, wants to stop, but all this does not come from outside the Nether World, but from the Nether World, from the Lord of the Nether, the Lord of the World, the existence of the power of the world, so Heaven Even if you have the intention to prevent everything from happening, you can’t do it unless it can destroy the tunnel first, making it unable to shelter the Lord of the Nether, and this harmony is impossible. Although the origin of the heaven is stronger than the tunnel, Unable to complete the full suppression of the tunnel.

When the saints, monsters, and heaven were attracted by the changes in the Netherworld, the mood of the Houtu ancestor among the six reincarnations was relaxed. With the action of the Lord of the Nether, everyone's eyes are now attracted to the Nether. In the world, the Houtu Ancestral Witch did not stay in the Nether World anymore, but took this opportunity to quickly leave the Nether World and quietly return to the Witch Clan. Since then, the 12 Ancestral Witches have completed their convergence. The power of the clan is gathering frantically.

At this time, the entire Wu tribe was madly gathering at Buzhou Mountain, and the entire prehistoric was shocked by the Wu tribe’s crazy actions, but many people gave up their attention to the Wu tribe after being shocked, especially the saints. For them, although the witch clan is strong and dangerous, compared with the nether world, the witch clan is still not worth mentioning. So so far, the lord of the nether has attracted the attention of the predecessors, of course, except for the monster clan. The Witch Clan is the most dangerous.

The perception of the avenue of stars is constantly being cut out, and is constantly being integrated into the nether starry sky. When the Lord of Nether cuts out the last trace of insight, he suddenly feels that the origin of the nether starry sky has undergone a qualitative change. Yes, this is suddenly The changes that have appeared are changes that the Lord of the Nether has never felt before. The starry sky of the prehistoric sky has the power of strong to yang, but now the stars of the Nether starry sky exudes the power of yin to soft. This is an authentic power. The rules of the tunnels, the tunnels have mastered a road rule, with this rule, the power of tunnels becomes more powerful.

"The power of the tunnel, it seems that the tunnel is to control the original rules of the Netherworld Starry Sky. It must use its own rules to completely integrate the Netherworld Starry Sky and the Netherworld. It's just that the original'Zhou Tianxing Star Array' is still useful. , Will this affect the future of the Netherworld? The original change of the power of the stars will inevitably change the entire world. Is it true that you want to nurture creatures and accelerate the transformation of the Netherworld?" When thinking about this, the Lord of the Nether A solemn look appeared in his eyes.


Tunnel is so anxious to take over the Nether Starry Sky, is this defending himself? It’s no wonder that the Lord of Nether had such thoughts, but he had to think so. At this time, he directly took over the starry sky of Nether and changed the origin of the starry sky. It can be said that the master of Nether is completely cleared of the stars. Anyone will be involuntary. Thoughts of doubt arise.

"Forget it, no matter whether the tunnel is intentional or unintentional, I can treat it with a normal heart. No matter what the calculation is, it will be exposed in the end, and I have never thought of keeping it in the Netherworld. Occupy, I am just a passer-by for the prehistoric world. What I pursue is the Tao of Hunyuan Daluo!" He gently shook his head, and the Lord of the Nether let go of his dissatisfaction with the tunnel, letting go of this sudden change, and did not go. Careful!

Because the Lord of the Nether gave up, it was easier for the tunnel to master the nether sky. The tunnel's essence continuously poured into the nether starry sky, lighting up the stars, and the yin to soft origins scattered from the nether starry sky to the netherworld. With the power of the stars in the world, the nature of the entire Netherworld has also changed, and the perfection of the stars has accelerated the evolution of the world!

"I have done everything that should be done. The next step depends on the performance of the Wu Clan. Whether it is Heavenly Dao, Hongjun Daozu, and the gazes of the Primordial All Saints are all attracted by the Nether World. The Tunnel takes over the Nether Starry Sky and makes the entire Netherworld. The world has undergone stronger changes, and the source of the Netherworld accelerates and strengthens. If Heavenly Dao can still endure and ignore it, this is too fake! I don’t know when Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestor will take action and what changes will it bring? "

Since the tunnel took over the Nether Starry Sky, the Lord of the Nether no longer wastes his energy, ignores the changes in the Nether World, but quietly digests the Nether World’s feedback, feels the evolution of the Nether World, and turns everything into his own heritage. Strengthen one's own world perception and one's origin. When the starry sky of the Nether World changes, the yin and yang origin aura that was still in the Nether World will be rejected by the world itself, so that the Lord of the Nether can easily absorb it.

After absorbing this yin and yang origin in the Netherworld, a sense of sentiment rushed to my heart. After a while, the Lord of the Nether sighed softly: "Can't continue without a Taoist name, keep using the name of the Lord of the Nether. , It will only make myself more and more involved in the Netherworld, and ultimately affect myself. When the entire prehistoric creatures have forgotten their Dao name and only remember the name of the Lord of the Nether, I will be cut off. The connection with the Nether World will still be trapped in the Nether World!"

Dao names are very important to practitioners. They were attacked by the enemy before they were born, and a series of changes have taken place, making the situation uncontrollable. Under this circumstance, the Lord of the Nether has no intention to care about Dao names, but Now it is different. The warning of the soul makes the Lord of the Nether have to pay attention to it, and now is his best opportunity.

It’s not that the Lord of the Nether has never thought about whether there are authentic calculations behind all this, whether the tunnel is driving everything, but the Lord of the Nether does not care. When the soul warns, it proves that he is in danger, and he must make a choice. At this time, maybe at this time I can help the Wu Clan again, and add a little more power to the Wu Clan.

After digesting the last trace of yin and yang origin, the origin of the heavens, the origin of the nether world are all evolving in the body of the master of the netherworld, the avenue of yin and yang is shown to the master of the nether bit by bit, although the origin of the heavens is not much , But it is still of great help to the Netherworld, allowing the Lord of the Nether to see the essence of the heavens and the evolution of the world of Yin and Yang.

"I am yin and yang, palm the yin-yang avenue, town!" With a deep cry from the lord of the netherworld, the aura of the yin-yang avenue radiated from his **** and demon true, and the aura of the yin-yang avenue diffused in the nether world. The original imprint of Yin Yang Dao also fell through the void to the Lord of the Netherworld. Yes, this is the recognition of the Dao, and the Lord of the Nether was recognized by the Dao!

"What a yin and yang, what a great scheming, what a great calculation, who would have thought that as the lord of the nether world, the innate gods and demons who are in charge of the world of the netherworld should have cultivated the yin and yang avenue, and can get the avenue at the moment of establishing the dao name This is not something that can be done arbitrarily, he has already gone far, far on Yin Yang Avenue!"

For all the saints, the Lord of the Nether drew the Dao’s approval, which had a great impact on them, because with the Dao’s recognition, the Lord of the Nether had already walked in the forefront on the path of the Yin-Yang Dao, and other people in the wilderness If you want to practice Yin-Yang Dao again, you will confront the Lord of the Nether, and you will fight the Lord of the Nether. Under the condition of taking the initiative, even a saint will have difficulty defeating the Lord of the Nether on the Dao of Yin-Yang. This is the Dao. The horror of recognition!

All the saints only saw the benefits of this point, while the Dao Dao and Hongjun Daozu saw more, the Dao's name is Yin and Yang, and it was recognized by the Dao. This is not a general recognition, but a recognition of identity. The Dao recognized the Netherworld The Lord got everything about the Time God and Demon, and recognized the identity of the Nether Lord, Chaos God and Demon, and only when the Chaos God and Demon were in charge of the Dao rules, the light of the Dao would fall.

"Hunyuan Avenue, such a master of the Netherworld. It seems that he is determined to follow the path of Chaos Gods and Demons. If he walks along Hunyuan Avenue, he wants to disrupt the prehistoric order. He deserves to die, he must die, otherwise the entire prehistoric world will Out of control!" At this moment, Hongjun Daozu once again had a murderous intent on the Lord of the Nether. The existence of the Lord of the Nether was a provocation to the prehistoric order!

It's just that this time is different from before. Hongjun Daozu converged the killing intent to himself deeply, did not spread it, and was not known by all the saints. It was just that this killing intent changed, and the world changed. It is even more cruel and terrifying. Any creature involved in the calamity has the possibility of death and death. This is the overbearing of the calamity!

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